Rolul Curţii Constituţionale şi al Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în configurarea dreptului românesc după intrarea în vigoare a noilor coduri
The role of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the Configuration of the new Romanian Law After the Entry into Force of the New Codes
Contributor(s): ”Acad.Andrei Radulescu” Institutul de Cercetări Juridice (Editor)
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Philosophy of Law, EU-Legislation, Sociology of Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
- Page Count: 200
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian
Evoluția reglementărilor referitoare la competența instanțelor judecătorești în materie procesual civilă, prin raportare la jurisprudența Curții Constituționale și Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
Evoluția reglementărilor referitoare la competența instanțelor judecătorești în materie procesual civilă, prin raportare la jurisprudența Curții Constituționale și
Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
(Evolution of the Regulations Regarding the Jurisdiction of the Courts in Civil Procedural Matters, by Reference to the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice)
- Author(s):Nicolae-Horia Ţiţ
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Civil Law, Source Material
- Page Range:17-25
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:court; material jurisdiction; optional jurisdiction; relocation of civil cases;
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses how the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice influenced the regulation of certain legislative solutions regarding the jurisdiction of the courts. Specifically, the legislative changes regarding the material competence for the resolution of the cases in the first instance and in the appeal operated by Law no. 310/2018 as a result of Decision no. 369/2017 of the Constitutional Court; the modifications operated regarding the optional competence, by the same normative act, following the Decision no. 7/2016 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (appeal in the interest of the law) and Decision no. 290/2018 of the Constitutional Court, as well as on the reasons and the competence to solve the relocation of civil cases, related to the Decisions no. 558/2014 and 169/2016 of the Constitutional Court.
Jurisprudența Curții Constituționale – sprijin real pentru noua viziune a legiuitorului în materia administrării probelor în procesul civil
Jurisprudența Curții Constituționale – sprijin real pentru noua viziune a legiuitorului în materia administrării probelor în procesul civil
(Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court - Real Support for the New Vision of the Legislator on the Administration of Evidence in Civil Proceedings)
- Author(s):Nora Daghie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Source Material
- Page Range:26-33
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:plea of unconstitutionality; production of evidence; termination; right to fair trial; free access to justice;
- Summary/Abstract:The right to a fair trial and settlement of cases within a reasonable time is a rule taken over by the Romanian constituent from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms the ultimate purpose of which is to assure the quality of justice delivery, and effectively secure the fundamental right of free access to justice for the persons seeking justice. In civil proceedings, the judge draws conclusions and renders a judgment on the basis of the evidence produced in the case – da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius. The judge’s intimate belief as to the truthfulness of the facts presented relies on a correct and complete evidence production exercise, as well as on the value of the evidence thus produced. In the civil proceedings heard by the Romanian courts of law, evidence is usually produced in the written stage of such proceedings. The New Civil Procedure Code contains general provisions about the production of evidence which were not available in this form under the previous legislation. The law-maker rendered the exercise of a right conditional upon the effective exercise thereof within a certain period of time with a view to putting in place an indispensable climate of order, and thus preventing any abuses and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the other parties, but without prejudice to the realization of the free access to justice
Impactul jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în materia societăților comerciale
Impactul jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în materia societăților comerciale
(Impact of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the Matter on Companies)
- Author(s):Dragos Daghie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, Law on Economics, Commercial Law
- Page Range:34-38
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:case-law; companies; changes; impact;
- Summary/Abstract:Law no. 31/1990 celebrates this year 30 years of existence and applicability, being, along with other special regulations, one of the longest-lived normative acts, at least those adopted after 1989. Of course, given the time of its entry into force, the Companies Law has undergone changes, some necessary due to the need to update it and capture the realities of society (such as the amendment to Law No. 441/2006) but also other barbaric intrusions, unnecessary, not that they were a required and justified by any change in trade conditions (such as the amendments made by the Civil Code 2011 and the Implementing Law). Of course, Law no. 31/1990 also underwent interpretations or modifications depending on the jurisprudential decisions taken by the courts or by the court of constitutional contentious, some necessary and explainable, others useless and incomprehensible. Without having in the perspective of the present analysis the exhaustion of all the cases in which the jurisprudence had an impact on the Companies Law, I intend to present some of the situations in which the decisions of the courts have repercussions on the commercial life
Perspective practice privind clauzele arbitrale unilaterale
Perspective practice privind clauzele arbitrale unilaterale
(Practical Perspectives on Unilateral Arbitration Clauses)
- Author(s):Cristina Ioana Florescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law
- Page Range:39-49
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:arbitration; arbitral option clause; unilateral/asymmetric option clause; jurisprudence;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the most commonly encountered unilateral option clause, namely that clause which provides for arbitration as an implicit dispute settlement mechanism, but which gives only one party the right to bring the dispute before the national courts. Such clauses are a common feature in many international contracts and transactions, especially in constructions and those involving financial institutions. The paper aims is to present first the purpose of the alternative dispute resolution clauses and the factors that the parties take into account when selecting such a dispute resolution mechanism. It then considers the validity and unilateral applicability of the option clause in certain key jurisdictions, analyses the reasons for their different attitudes, and examines whether the unilateral option clauses are still appropriate to their purpose, role and functionality. Thus, the arguments used by the courts rejecting the validity of these clauses are briefly analysed and it is concluded that none constitute an adequate basis for invalidation.
Efectele Deciziei nr.1/2020 pronunţată de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie, completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materia insolvenţei
Efectele Deciziei nr.1/2020 pronunţată de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie, completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materia insolvenţei
(The Effects of the Decision no.1/2020 Pronounced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Panel for Resolving some Legal Issues in the Matter of Insolvency)
- Author(s):Candit-Valentin Vernea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Source Material, Commercial Law
- Page Range:50-55
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:insolvency; seizure insurance; public interest; private interest;
- Summary/Abstract:By this paper, the author analyzes a recent issue regarding insolvency procedures, by which, prima facie, the relation between public and private interests is reconfigured. The first part concerns the manner of development and the nature of the regulations relating bankruptcy proceedings, namely insolvency proceedings. The author indicates the role and responsibilities of the syllable judge, both from a historical perspective and in the current regulation. In the second part, the author analyses the nature of the institution of seizure insurance in criminal matters and its effects in insolvency proceedings, concluding in the same manner as in Decision no.1/2020.
Admisibilitatea căii de atac a recursului în lumina jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
Admisibilitatea căii de atac a recursului în lumina jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a
Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
(Admissibility of the Appeal in the Light Law of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice Jurisprudence)
- Author(s):Andrei-Radu Dincă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Civil Law
- Page Range:56-61
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:the right to defend oneself; admissibility of appeal; value criterion; decision reasons; incomplete civil procedural rules;
- Summary/Abstract:The right to defend oneself, a fundamental principle of applying civil procedural law, has always been an essential concern of both the Constitutional Court of Romania and the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The new civil procedural legislation, of modern conception, surprising solutions of the established doctrine and jurisprudence, but also providing new solutions, raised certain problems of application or constitutionality. In this paper, the author analyzes the main decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, with effect on the admissibility of the appeal, as a manifestation of the system of guarantees provided by the principle of the fundamental right to defend oneself, in terms of their effects and the reasons of these decisions.
Rolul Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justitie a României în unificarea practicii judiciare în materie civilă după intrarea în vigoare a noilor coduri
Rolul Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justitie a României în unificarea practicii judiciare în materie civilă după intrarea în vigoare a noilor coduri
(The Role of the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice in Unifying the Judicial Practice in Civil Matters after the Entry into Force of the New Codes)
- Author(s):Laura Magdalena Trocan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:62-69
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:The High Court of Cassation and Justice; judicial practice; appeal in the interest of the law; releasing some questions of law; preliminary rulings; the Code of Civil Procedure;
- Summary/Abstract:According to art. 126, para. 3 of the Romanian Constitution and art. 18, para. 2 of Law no. 304 of 2004 regarding the judicial organization, republished, with the subsequent amendments and completions, The High Court of Cassation and Justice is the supreme court in the hierarchy of the Romanian courts, which has the competence to ensure the uniform interpretation and application of the law by the other courts. The unification of the judicial practice has a major impact on the credibility of the justice act, the non-unitary solutions and the differently solving of the same legal problems, being able to affect the prestige and efficiency of the courts. In view of these considerations, this article aims are to analyze, in relation to the provisions of the normative acts incidental to the matter and to the content of the Activity Reports of the High Court of Cassation and Justice for the period 2012-2018, the constitutional role of the High Court of Cassation and Justice regarding the unitary interpretation and application of the law - materialized through by the decisions in the interest of the law and of the preliminary decisions for the releasing of some questions of law.
Despăgubirile civile pentru prejudiciile materiale şi morale decurgând dintr-o cauză penală. Stabilirea taxei judiciare de timbru conform O.U.G. nr. 80/2013
Despăgubirile civile pentru prejudiciile materiale şi morale decurgând dintr-o cauză penală. Stabilirea taxei judiciare de timbru conform O.U.G. nr. 80/2013
(Civil Damages for Material and Moral Damages Arising from a Criminal Case. Establishing the Judicial Court Fees According to the O.U.G. no. 80/2013)
- Author(s):Adrian-Milutin Truichici, Luiza Neagu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Civil Law, Source Material
- Page Range:70-74
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:stamp duty; criminal liability; damages arising from a criminal case; criminal offending;
- Summary/Abstract:The improvement of the norms of civil law has been a continuous concern in the recent period, the achievement of this major scientific step being accelerated by the profound transformations of the Romanian society, in the context of assimilating the contemporary European values and of the permanent evolution of the consecrated ideological concepts. Thus, the work of harmonizing the national legislation, together with the recent reform of the law systems inspired by the Napoleonic French Civil Code, as well as the dynamics of social relations have forced the rethinking of some of the general principles of civil law and demands the protection of new socio-moral, cultural values, economic and technical-scientific. With the exception of the new codes, new concepts appeared, new legal regulations were imposed, which made the interpretation of the law ununitary. Thus, with the legislative changes shown, the need for the intervention of the Constitutional Court has been more current than ever, helping to clarify and settle certain issues of law. The present work, approached from the point of view of civil, but also criminal, legal provisions, aims to show to what extent it has changed, shaped or configured the Romanian law Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 387 of May 27, 2015, regarding the provisions of art. 29 paragraph (1) lit. i) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 80/2013 regarding stamp court fees.
Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, un legiuitor subtil ? Decizia nr. 7/2019
Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, un legiuitor subtil ? Decizia nr. 7/2019
(The High Court of Cassation and Justice, a Subtle Legislator? Decision no. 7/2019)
- Author(s):Vlad-Victor Ochea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Civil Law, Source Material
- Page Range:75-77
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:decision no.7/11.02.2019; preliminary judgement; High Court of Cassation and Justice; Law on the transfer in lieu of payment; rebus sic standibus;
- Summary/Abstract:This study aims to demonstrate that the High Court of Cassation and Justice was not a legislator when it has issued the decision no. 7/11.02.2019, in the sense that it did not add extra requirements to art. 8 par. (5) of the Law no. 77/2016 when it ruled that the courts, upon ruling on claims regarding the termination of obligations arising out of loan agreements, have to analyse the fullfilment of the rebus sic standibus.
Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie – Rolul Completului pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie civilă în unificarea practicii judiciare
Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie – Rolul Completului pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie civilă în unificarea practicii judiciare
(High Court of Cassation and Justice - the Role of the Panel for Resolving Legal Issues in Civil Matters in the Unification of Judicial Practice)
- Author(s):Cristina Elena Popa Tache
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:78-82
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:practical judicial unification; questions of law; rule of law;
- Summary/Abstract:The rule of law and the stability of the judicial practice depend on the regulation of the whole normative set, on the avoidance of parallelisms or of the additional conjunctural regulations that we have witnessed in the last years. Given that, in most cases, the conditions of admissibility are not met at the same time for the issuance of a preliminary ruling by the Compliance for the disclosure of questions of law, in civil matters, it is necessary to consolidate an additional complementary mechanism, the Pre-decision mechanism establishes a real judicial dialogue between the supreme court, the other courts and the SCM, aimed at preventing the occurrence of divergent interpretations. Indeed, the non-unitary judicial practice has as main source the existence of an overly dense set of normative acts that is constantly changing, but, on this background and based on the dialogue function of the mechanism established by the Completion for solving some legal issues, the role of the SCM in the process of unifying the judicial practice should be strengthened
Despre statul de drept și cultura juridică
Despre statul de drept și cultura juridică
(About the Rule of Law and the Legal Culture)
- Author(s):Ion Craiovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:85-90
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:culture; legal culture; rule of law; legal values;
- Summary/Abstract:Law is generated, structured and directed in indissoluble relation to the constellation of values of the historical time in which it is elaborated, he himself accedes - under certain conditions - to the status of value. This osmosis forms the legal culture, an integral par t of the culture, by excellence spiritual universe, but also of the material values, on the basis of which, man asserts and realizes his human essence as a species. The rule of law is part of the development of history as a superior form of politico-social organization, validated as such by the historical experience, knowing a number of vulnerable aspects. We try in this communication to highlight the value impact of the legal culture on the rule of law through several significant issues, such as freedom, justice or rationality. In this context, some current coordinates of the rule of law are revealed in the vision of international organizations.
Este jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție creatoare de drept ?
Este jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție creatoare de drept ?
(It is the Jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice a Creator of Law?)
- Author(s):Mihai Bădescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Civil Law
- Page Range:91-100
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:jurisprudence; source of law; Supreme Court; appeal in the interest of the law; unraveling of legal issues;
- Summary/Abstract:In the legal systems that establish it as a formal source of law, the case law includes the practical experience of the judicial bodies that apply the right to concrete cases. In these legal systems, the judge can make decisions with general value, decisions that can become creative sources of law. Prior to the law as a source of law, jurisprudence did not have the same role in the legal systems, this role being different from one historical era to another, from one system to another. In contemporary law, the jurisprudence has its particularities, in relation to the legal system in which it is founded: in Roman-German law, the jurisprudence is the result of the interpretation and application of the law, carried out by the judicial body, according to the will of the legislator who adopted the legal norm; in Anglo-Saxon law, the precedent is the authority that a judicial decision can have in cases analogous to the one in which it was pronounced; In this system, the judge is not a mere interpreter of the law; he is the creator of law (judge made law). In Romanian law, which does not belong to the Anglo-Saxon system, but to the family of Romanian-German law, the jurisprudence has a special status. We consider two situations that underline the importance of the precedent in this legal system: the decisions of the Constitutional Court (which are general-binding and have power only for the future) and the decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (in the case of the appeal in the interest of the law and in the situation where The High Court is called upon to give a preliminary ruling on the issue of legal issues). From the point of view of the present study, it is precisely these decisions of the Supreme Court, according to the two procedures regulated in civil procedural law and criminal procedural law. From this perspective, seeking to answer the question that gives the title of this study, we admit that, in Romanian law, the case law can be considered a secondary source of the law. The reserve attitude towards recognizing the source of the right of jurisprudence is based on the principle of separation of powers in the state: the adoption of laws is the responsibility of the legislator, their application, the responsibility of the judicial bodies. To recognize the courts the right of direct normative elaboration, would mean to force the door of legislative creation, disturbing the balance of powers (N. Popa).
Principiului securității juridice în jurisprudența Curții Constituționale
Principiului securității juridice în jurisprudența Curții Constituționale
(The Principle of Legal Certainty in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court)
- Author(s):Emilian Ciongaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:101-107
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:legal norm; legal security; jurisprudence; constitutionality; rule of law;
- Summary/Abstract:Legal norms should not be created in order to create illusory hopes or to cause confusion and ambiguity, they must have a normative role and purpose because, the lack of these characteristics can diminish the purpose and role of the rules required by society and can induce a series of illusory interpretations of the actual effect that is actually pursued by the provisions of the provisions of the legal norms. principle of legal certainty is characterized by the fact that the law must ensure the protection of legal subjects against a possible danger that may come even from the legal norms, against a possible legal insecurity that the rule of law can create or that it may create. Also the essential feature of the principle of legal certainty is that the existing legal norms must be predictable, known and understood and that the corresponding legal solutions remain relatively stable and unequivocal.
Modern și postmodern în gândirea juridică contemporană. De la „legile practice” la „acțiunea comunicativă”
Modern și postmodern în gândirea juridică contemporană.
De la „legile practice” la „acțiunea comunicativă”
(Modern and Postmodern in Contemporary Legal Thinking.
From “practical laws” to “communicative action”)
- Author(s):Viorel Miulescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:108-112
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:natural law; positive law; modernism; postmodernism; communicative action;
- Summary/Abstract:The modern era of empirical and culture history, including the one of legal doctrines, became the object of theoretical interest in the XXth century and the beggining of the XXIst century especially due to what we call today postmodernism. As an aesthetic and philosophical indicator, it appears as a cultural pylon that can be defined as prominent differences compared to modernism and compared to classical european rationality. Kant came to establish mankind at the center of our world, stating that rationality dictates the laws of nature. The optimistic conclusions of kantian anthropocentrism have only been surpassed as of the last decades, through the efforts of postmodern thinking. Jürgen Habermas suggests bringing back the modern idea of human autodetermination, but framed in a theory of communicative action.
Dreptul canonic în cadrul sistemului general de drept
Dreptul canonic în cadrul sistemului general de drept
(Canon Law within the General System of Law)
- Author(s):Cosmin Santi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Canon Law / Church Law
- Page Range:113-123
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:system of law; canon law; civil law; divine law; human right; state; Church;
- Summary/Abstract:The system of law represents the entirety of legal norms, juridical institutions and branches of law adopted and ensured by the state with a view to regulating social relations, well defined in time and in space, without being universally valid and leveled. The law divides into laic or secular law and sacred or religious law. The canon law designates a system of law different from the state or secular law. The science of the canon law is part of the group of juridico-theological sciences, as it has jurisdiction in relation to both legal and theological matters. The canon law has a fundamental practical relevance with regard to the mission of the Church around the world and the inter-orthodox relations, on the one hand, and the relation of the Church and the secular power, on the other hand. The canon law represents a system of law complementary to the state system. The relations existing between the two systems of law are complex and alternative throughout time. The civil and the canon laws have supported each other for a long time toward defending the institutions of family, marriage, toward defending the persons and protecting human dignity. This is the reason why the relations existing between the two are convergent, complementary and interactive. These two systems of law are leaning on each other for mutual support in order to help people, as social beings, since the common principle underlying them both is human nature, endowed with intelligence and free will.
Interpretarea și aplicarea normei juridice în dreptul românesc actual, la confluența dintre Curtea Constituțională și Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție
Interpretarea și aplicarea normei juridice în dreptul românesc actual, la confluența dintre Curtea Constituțională și Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție
(Interpretation and Application of the Legal Norm in the Current Romanian Law, at the Confluence Between the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice)
- Author(s):Iosif Friedmann-Nicolescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:124-126
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:interpretation and application of the legal norm; Constitutional Court; High Court of Cassation and Justice; The Legislative Council; Configuring Romanian Law;
- Summary/Abstract:The interpretation and application of the legal norm, compared to the Decisions made by the Constitutional Court and the practice of the High Court of Cassation and Justice determines the emergence of a new Law, adapted to the new codes. The belonging of the Romanian State to international organizations or as part of international treaties and pacts, determines major changes in the current Romanian Law regarding the application of the legal norm.
Scurte considerații despre rolul Curții Constituționale și al Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în uniformizarea dreptului sau despre toleranță și moderație în sprijinul securității societale
Scurte considerații despre rolul Curții Constituționale și al Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în uniformizarea dreptului sau despre toleranță și moderație în sprijinul securității societale
(Brief Considerations on the Role of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Standardizing the Law or on Tolerance and Moderation in Support of Social Security)
- Author(s):Valentin-Stelian Bădescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:127-138
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Romania; Constitution; Constitutional Court; High Court of Cassation and Justice; new codes;
- Summary/Abstract:Each Constitution, as a fundamental law of a state, has as a specific regulatory object the organization of the public powers and the determination of the relations between them, by establishing the state bodies, by establishing both their composition and the procedures of appointment and by determining the competences of the public authorities and of the relationships between them. The supremacy of the Constitution would remain a mere theoretical question if there were no adequate safeguards. Undoubtedly, constitutional justice and its particular form, the control of constitutionality of laws, represent the main guarantee of the supremacy of the Constitution, as otherwise expressly stipulated in the fundamental Law of Romania. Thus, the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice have an important role in the optimization of the legal order and in the configuration of the Romanian law after the entry into force of the new codes.
Rolul și importanța jurisprudenței în interpretarea și aplicarea dreptului pozitiv
Rolul și importanța jurisprudenței în interpretarea și aplicarea dreptului pozitiv
(The Role and Importance of Jurisprudence in the Interpretation and Application of Positive Law)
- Author(s):Andrei Constantin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:139-142
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:jurisprudence; judicial precedent; formal source of law; Romanian legal reality;
- Summary/Abstract:The Romanian jurisprudence, unlike the Anglo - Saxon one, is not attributed to him as a formal source of law. The question arises, to what extent this would be justified, considering that the current legal realities show multiple anomalies, both regarding the different interpretation and application of the legal texts and the existence of a non-unitary practice, that the Romanian courts pronounce different solutions to the cases, absolutely identical ?!...
Conceptul de „securitate națională” – sublimul exercițiu al valorilor democratice ale statului de drept
Conceptul de „securitate națională” – sublimul exercițiu al valorilor democratice ale statului de drept
(The Concept of "National Security" – the Sublime Exercise of the Democratic Values of the Rule of Law)
- Author(s):Viorel Gheorghe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:143-152
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:legal system; national security; law; norm; state;
- Summary/Abstract:I think that, as the national judicial system enters a new stage, we are inclined to set benchmarks of the enforcing the law, generated by obvious requirements of social realities. In this respect, the more complex variety of risks, threats and vulnerabilities against the states, in general, and against the Romanian state in particular, generates more and more debates at the level of the legal theoreticians and practitioners, regarding the role and importance of the judicial norms having criminal and procedural character, considering the sensitive balance between security and law, as main pillars, without which the notion of state would be against the democratic life itself. The ongoing need for protection, directly proportional to the state function of social regulation, impose, both externally and internally, a „mediation”, thus the society is often provoked to debate and criticize them, generating the interventions of legal courts of the highest level, through decisions and legal solutions, having the role of harmonizing and guiding or resolving conflicts of a constitutional nature. At the national level, based on the activity of the criminal law and the criminal procedure, the roles of the Constitutional Court and the Highest Court of Casation and Justice have generated vivid legal disputes, having social consequences. Apart from these cases - sometimes of maximum visibility - one must take into consideration that these decisions and solutions are only a small part of a much broader process, whose overview must be noted from the assessment of the whole forms of solving the cases, including the „solving of some law issues” related to the philosophy and importance of the state of national security
Structuralismul, teoria sistemelor și adevărul – tripticul cunoașterii și metodologiei juridice
Structuralismul, teoria sistemelor și adevărul – tripticul cunoașterii și metodologiei juridice
(Structuralism, Systems Theory and Truth - the Triptych of Legal Knowledge and Methodology)
- Author(s):Cristian Neacsiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:153-159
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:strucuralism; law as a system; supersystem; organizational arrangement; legal reality; law methodology;
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the fact that the dominant feature of life and implicitly of the social reality, is represented by the development within them, of some micro-realities with their own autonomy but interdependent, it results as a result: the existence of structuralism as an ordering element of the latter, as parts what are born, exist and act within the social reality as a system. In this way we realize that everything based on this social reality, at least from a conceptual point of view, reveals the nature of a supra-systemic element which thus appropriates this structuralist idea and allows the organizational action of structuralism. As a corollary to the fact that it is the most specialized superstructure of social reality and even more so to the fact that it is the most important such superstructure that reflects its action right on this reality, we become aware that law as a field of understanding, explanation, ordering and understanding of the social reality, must not be foreign to the idea of structuralism, in terms of its way of structuring like an articulated and specialized system.
Apărarea și garantarea drepturilor și libertăților fundamentale ale cetățenilor cu implicații morale în drept
Apărarea și garantarea drepturilor și libertăților fundamentale ale cetățenilor cu implicații morale în drept
(Defending and Guaranteeing the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of Citizens with Moral Implications in Law)
- Author(s):Corina-Ramona Ionita
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:160-166
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:rights and fundamental; freedoms of citizens; morality; religion;
- Summary/Abstract:Fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens is not only a reality, they are not a new morality nor a secular religion, have multiple branches and theoretical implications, especially practical. Human rights are respected to the extent that they are known and are known only to the extent that known. Their knowledge regarding rights and fundamental freedoms is a key area of activity of state authorities.
Contribuția Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție la interpretarea și aplicarea dreptului Uniunii Europene în România prin recursuri în interesul legii
Contribuția Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție la interpretarea și aplicarea dreptului Uniunii Europene în România prin recursuri în interesul legii
(The Contribution of the High Court of Cassation and Justice to the Interpretation and Application of European Union law in Romania Through Appeals in the Interest of Law)
- Author(s):Daniel - Mihail Şandru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Civil Law, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:169-175
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:case law; High Court of Cassation and Justice; direct application of the directive; car registration tax; unfair terms; criminal judicial cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Supreme Court of Romania has at its disposal a procedure whereby it can give a decision to unify the domestic case-law, namely the appeal in the interest of the law. The study examines all appeals in the interest of the law, from 2003 to the present. Typologies of the application of European Union law are taken into account, highlighting decisions in which the interpretation of the legal rules in the new codes in civil and criminal matters was taken into account. Appeals in the interest of the law followed the general social interest, the problems that were considered in unifying the case-law being in the field of criminal law, especially the European arrest warrant, then successive forms of the car registration tax and unfair terms
Prioritatea dreptului Uniunii Europene și consecințele sale asupra configurării dreptului românesc de către Curtea Constituțională
Prioritatea dreptului Uniunii Europene și consecințele sale asupra configurării dreptului românesc de către Curtea Constituțională
(The Priority of European Union Law and its Consequences on the Configuration of Romanian Law by the Constitutional Court)
- Author(s):Maria-Cristina Solacolu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:176-180
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Primacy of EU law; Constitution; Legal order; Monism;
- Summary/Abstract:The primacy of European Union law over national law was enunciated, as a principle, by the Court of Justice, which stated that the founding treaties of the European Communities had created a new legal order, integrated with the national order of the Member States, awarding precedence to community law/European Union law over national law whenever the two are in conflict. Although this principle is accepted, by national courts, when the conflict arises between EU law and ordinary, or even organic, national laws, the primacy of European Union law over the Member States’ constitutions has been repeatedly challenged by the constitutional courts in several Member States. The Romanian Constitution was modified in 2003, in preparation for Romania's accession to the European Union, which required integrating the acquis communautaire and modifying conflicting national laws. Consequently, up until the present time there have not been any conflicts between EU dispositions and constitutional ones. However, future changes in national or Union legislation might give way to such a conflict, in which case the Constitutional Court would have to decide whether it recognises the primacy of EU law over the Romanian Constitution. The article shall present the concept of primacy, the various perspectives on it as seen in the ca se of law of the Court of Justice and that of the Member States’ courts, and the relevant Romanian legislation.
Aspecte privind Curtea Supremă de Justiție a Statelor Unite ale Americii și Agenția pentru protecția mediului
Aspecte privind Curtea Supremă de Justiție a Statelor Unite ale Americii și Agenția pentru protecția mediului
(Issues Concerning the Supreme Court of the United States of America and the Environmental Protection Agency)
- Author(s):Cristina-Monica Kassai
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Environmental and Energy policy, Geopolitics
- Page Range:181-185
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Common law; the American law; The Supreme Court of the United States; historical decisions; environmental policy;
- Summary/Abstract:The common law experienced the greatest evolution with the Revolution of 1877 when the idea of an independent national American law appeared. The American law system is part of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, a judicial system, where the basic source of law is the norm formulated by judges and expressed in judicial precedents. The Supreme Court of the United States by some historical decisions has created precedents in shaping today's environmental policies. Thus, in the judgment Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, the Supreme Court wrote the „Climate History”. It is a decision that has sparked some of the most significant action taken by the US government to deal with climate change.
Restituirea și recuperarea bunurilor culturale mobile în legislația românească și dreptul Uniunii Europene. Aspecte jurisprudențiale
Restituirea și recuperarea bunurilor culturale mobile în legislația românească și dreptul Uniunii Europene. Aspecte jurisprudențiale
(Restitution and Recovery of Movable Cultural Property in Romanian Legislation and European Union law. Jurisprudential Aspects)
- Author(s):Sorin Ivan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, EU-Legislation, Comparative Law
- Page Range:186-192
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:movable cultural goods; national cultural heritage; restitution; recovery; domestic law; European Union Law; jurisprudence;
- Summary/Abstract:In the field of legal protection of movable cultural heritage, there are two important sections concerning, on the one hand, the restitution by the Romanian state of movable cultural goods that have illegally left the territory of a EU Member State, on the other hand, the recovery of movable cultural goods that have illegally left the territory of Romania. The legal regime of the protection of these goods in domestic law is harmonized with the legal regulations in the European Union within the broad framework of the legislative integration at the Union level. The seat of the matter in the Romanian legislation is represented by Law no. 182 of 25 October 2000 on the protection of the mobile national cultural heritage. By Law no. 123/2017, it was amended in order to transpose into national law Directive 2014/60/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (Recast). The EU legislation and the national legislation of the Member States create a system for the protection of cultural heritage objects, in this case, and cultural heritage, in general, at European Union level, governed by the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, as laid down in the Treaty on European Union.
Revirimentul constituțional
Revirimentul constituțional
(Constitutional Revival)
- Author(s):Alexandrina Serban, Camelia Spastici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:195-198
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Constitution; constitutionalism; constitutional identity; constitutional revival; jurisprudence; justice; judicial interpretation; decision; rule of law; fundamental rights;
- Summary/Abstract:The reviriment finds its motivation in the evolution of social relations in a state governed by the rule of law, but also in the evolution of legal thinking and practice, the jurisprudence of the ECHR being, in this sense, a real source of inspiration, a source of reviriment. In the context of judicial dialogue and constitutional jurisprudential convergence at European level, the reversal is necessary for the modernization of the legal ensemble of a Member State, being an instrument of the constitutional courts in the trend of alignment on the common path of modern constitutionalism.
Contribuții ale jurisprudenței constituționale la edificarea statului de drept. Aspecte contemporane
Contribuții ale jurisprudenței constituționale la edificarea statului de drept. Aspecte contemporane
(Contributions of Constitutional Jurisprudence to the Construction of the Rule of Law. Contemporary Aspects)
- Author(s):Marius Andreescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:199-206
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Constitutionality control of laws; Rule of law; Legislative function of Parliament; Contributions of the constitutional jurisprudence;
- Summary/Abstract:For the Romanian legal system, the jurisprudence does not have the quality of formal source of law. However, a legal reality, viewed from a historical perspective, has demonstrated the essential role of judicial practice in interpreting and applying the law, in constructing argumentative practices, in clarifying the will of the legislator and in discovering the less obvious meanings of legal norms and, not lastly, in the unification of legal thought and practice. Therefore, the case law, together with the doctrine, are an important component of the Romanian legal system. Based on these considerations, in this study we intend to highlight some aspects of constitutional jurisprudence. We emphasize its contribution to the emergence and development of the control of the constitutionality of laws, as well as to the interpretation of constitutional provisions and some normative acts regarding the character of the rule of law. Constitutionality control of laws is an important guarantee of compliance with the constitutional requirements of the rule of law. Jurisprudential interpretation of the constitutional names regarding the legislative function of the Parliament represents an important contribution of the Constitutional Court to the construction of the rule of law We uphold the role of jurisprudence not only in the correct interpretation and application of constitutional norms, but also in their construction, in discovering the normative meanings that are often involved only in the formal expression of the rule of law. Thus, constitutional jurisprudence is not limited to the interpretation of the rules of the Fundamental Law in conformity with the classical methods, but it also has an important contribution to the clarification and construction of some principles of law, to the constitutionalization of the whole legal system and of the judicial practice from all the courts.
Considerații privind unele efecte generate de divergențele jurisprudențiale apărute între Curtea Constituțională și Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție din perspectiva comunicării dreptului.
Considerații privind unele efecte generate de divergențele jurisprudențiale apărute între Curtea Constituțională și Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție din perspectiva comunicării dreptului.
(Considerations Regarding some Effects Generated by the Jurisprudential Divergences Between the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice from the Perspective of the Communication of Law)
- Author(s):Claudiu Ramon Butculescu, Cosmin Crețu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Penal Policy
- Page Range:207-211
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:jurisprudence; legal communication; civil law; penal law; legal theory;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper tries to briefly address some of the legal effects deriving from communication of law generated by the jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania and the Constitutional Court of Romania. During the recent years, certain legal interpretation divergencies were notices between the jurisprudence of the Courts. In both civil and penal matters brought before these Courts, their jurisprudence comprised sometimes contradicting solutions in similar cases. In addition to the introductory aspects that will be presented in this paper, regarding the communication of law and the role of jurisprudence as a possible source of law, we will also describe some concrete situations dealing with the divergence of opinion from judicial practice of the above mentioned Courts
Festina Lente sau cum poate uzurpa legiuitorul delegat și excepțional atribuțiile de esență ale unui Parlament
Festina Lente sau cum poate uzurpa legiuitorul delegat și excepțional atribuțiile de esență ale unui Parlament
(Festina Lente or How the Delegated and Exceptional Legislator Can Usurp the Essential Attributions of a Parliament)
- Author(s):Dragos-Alin Calin, Irina Alexe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Administrative Law
- Page Range:212-230
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:principle of separation of powers in the state government; principle of checks and balances; legislative delegation; Rule of law; principle of sincere cooperation; emergency ordinances;
- Summary/Abstract:The Romanian Constitution, republished, contains rules which concern principle of separation of powers in the state government and principle of checks and balances, as we ll as rules that allow the Government, under certain conditions, to use the exceptional legislative delegation to adopt emergency ordinances, in extraordinary situations, whose regulation cannot be deferred, in areas reserved to the law, including in areas subject to organic laws.We analyze the issues regarding the way of legislating, by the Government, outlined as a rule in Romania in recent years, which has produced a shift of the constitutional role of the Parliament as unique legislative authority to the Government, which has in fact become a real legislator in almost all areas, as well as aspects concerning the subsequent role of the Parliament, which most often approves, with or without modifications or completions, and sometimes rejects, after considerable time intervals, the normative acts issued by the Government, in the absence of deadlines stipulated in the Romanian Constitution for the end of the parliamentary procedure. The analysis carried out briefly refers to the national constitutional framework regarding the legislative delegation in Romania, but especially the technical issues relevant to the new role assumed by the Government and the lack of any undoubted attitude of the Parliament for limiting the atypical situation in a democratic state, characterized by predictability and clarity of legislation. Also, the competences in this matter are analyzed, as well as the practice of the national institutions that can offer remedies when there are indications that the Government violates or exceeds the constitutional limits: the Constitutional Court, the Ombudsman, and the courts. In this context, the opinions of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) are also considered, and the conclusions show the importance of respecting the principle of sincere cooperation in full mutual respect between the state authorities/institutions, in order to ensure the balance between the powers in the state government.
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale şi al Înaltei Curţi de Casație și Justiție în definirea conceptului de funcţionar public
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale şi al Înaltei Curţi de Casație și Justiție în definirea conceptului de funcţionar public
(The Role of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Defining the Concept of Civil Servant)
- Author(s):Ion Ristea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law
- Page Range:231-237
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Constitution; High Court of Cassation and Justice; civil servant; unitary judicial practice;
- Summary/Abstract:The author has aimed and succeeded to present the notion of civil servant, the role of the Constitutional Court and of the Supreme Court in defining this concept. In this meaning, we have used the method of the historical interpretation by searching the meaning of the notion of civil servant in the old legislation, the Criminal Code of 1864, 1936, 1969, 2004 and the actual Criminal Code of 2009. Also, have been presented significant decisions of the Constitutional Court and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice referring to the notion of civil servant or in connection to it, emphasizing the role of these institutions in performing the attributions stated by the Constitution and the organic laws governing the civil activity.
Unele considerente privind corelația dintre jurisdicția europeană și jurisdicția constituțională națională
Unele considerente privind corelația dintre jurisdicția europeană și jurisdicția constituțională națională
(Some Considerations Regarding the Relationship Between European Jurisdiction and National Constitutional Jurisdiction)
- Author(s):Cristian Popa, Romeo-Ioan Gârz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, EU-Legislation, Comparative Law
- Page Range:238-243
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:European law; constitutionality; the rule of law;
- Summary/Abstract:Through the effects produced at international level, the European law is highlighted both by its autonomy and uniformity, but especially by the obligation applied non-discretionarily to all the Member States of the European Union, as a result of the establishment of an efficient system of judicial protection. The instruments created by the European institutions for the unitary implementation of the norms at national level have, over time, been widely applied, managing to cope effectively with the situations in which the principles of European law have encountered difficulties of application by the state jurisdictions. However, within the process of implementing European norms, a series of dysfunctions in relation to the national regulations have arisen, situations for whose resolutions have effectively competed both the pre-eminence of the European values, established in the treaties, and the exercise of the sovereign prerogatives of national law. At the same time, the states have created a set of constitutional mechanisms designed to facilitate the connection of European norms with the democratic and internal societal needs. In this respect, by linking national constitutional requirements to European jurisprudence, a fair and unitary relationship at European level of complementarity between objectives and means pursued and protection of human rights is created.
Deciziile de îndrumare ale Inaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție, între obligativitate și arbitrar
Deciziile de îndrumare ale Inaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție, între obligativitate și arbitrar
(Guidance Decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, between Coercivness and Arbitrary)
- Author(s):Mihaela Aghenitei, Luiza-Tatiana Pricop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:244-247
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:High Court of Cassation and Justice; non-unitary practice; compulsory decision making; unitary application; interpretation;
- Summary/Abstract:The unifying role of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Romania is realized - among other things - by solving the appeal in the interest of the law. Conceived as a procedural me ans meant to contribute to the unified interpretation and application of the law throughout the country, it strengthens the position of leader of the judicial order of the supreme court. The new procedural codes - civil and, respectively, criminal - substantially improve the regulations in this area, but in a limited and non-uniform way, as will result from the issues under debate. The lack of unity of the judicial practice is not an exclusive issue of justice in Romania, but the current dimension of this phenomenon constitutes a serious concern, a fact which is also noted in the documents of the European Commission and in judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Non-unitary and contradictory practice generates legal insecurity and deepens distrust of justice.
Deciziile Curții Constituționale, legitimitate prin discriminare
Deciziile Curții Constituționale, legitimitate prin discriminare
(Decisions of the Constitutional Court, Legitimacy Through Discrimination)
- Author(s):Mihaela Aghenitei, Jafar Samdani
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:248-253
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:CCR Decisions; effects; legality; absolute nullity; discrimination;
- Summary/Abstract:Constitutional Court Decision no. 26/2019 expressly stating that the courts had the possibility of removing the probationary procedures performed by the intelligence services as the Court ruled on the involvement of Romanian Intelligence Service in the act of justice and in the sanctions incident in these cases, it does nothing more than point out that where the absolute nullity intervened during the resolution of the cases, the subsequent regulation is necessary in order to remove the consequences of this nullity. According to the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania, to which we referred, it turns out that the effects of the decisions of the Court occur, in pending cases and regarding acts drawn up based on the texts of law declared as unconstitutional, before the publication in the Official Monitor of the decisions of the Constitutional Court. Therefore, it is not justified to limit the application of such decisions only in the ordinary appeals or during the resolution of the cases, thus creating a discrimination between the previous cases and the cases after the appearance in the Official Monitor, the relevant ministry being able to take measures in this meaning through a legislative proposal.
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale în configurarea domeniul public naţional, judeţean şi local după intrarea în vigoare a noului cod civil
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale în configurarea domeniul public naţional, judeţean şi local după intrarea în vigoare a noului cod civil
(The role of the Constitutional Court in Configuring the National, County and Local Public Domain after the Entry into Force of the New Civil Code)
- Author(s):Dumitru Dinu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law
- Page Range:254-261
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:public property; public domain; private domain; county domain; public property characteristics; interdomain transfer; New Romanian Civil Code; Romanian Administrative Code from 2019;
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the theoretical and practical legal problems of defining public property, public domain and private domain, intra-domain transfer in Romanian legislation through the Romanian Civil Code of 1864, the Romanian Constitution of 1923, the Romanian Constitution of 1938, the Constitution of the Romanian People's Republic of 1948, the Constitution of the Romanian People's Republic from 1952, the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Romania from 1965, the Constitution of Romania from 1991, as well as the developments that occurred in the mentioned fields with the adoption of Law no. 287/2009, The New Romanian Civil Code. The article also deals with the correlations of public property, public domain and private domain, intra-domain transfer through the prism of the New Romanian Civil Code, the Romanian Administrative Code of 2019 and the role of the Constitutional Court in configuring the national, county and local public domain
Statul de drept și constrângerea administrativă
Statul de drept și constrângerea administrativă
(The Rule of Law and Administrative Coercion)
- Author(s):Iulian Nedelcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Administrative Law
- Page Range:262-268
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:concept of rule of law; administrative constraint; administrative liability; Constitutional Court; Romanian Constitution;
- Summary/Abstract:The overthrow and overthrow of totalitarian, communist regimes that lasted for several generations and introduced radical changes in all structures of society - economic, political, ideological, cultural - and in life, the reorganization of these societies on a democratic basis has particularly updated the concept of the state. That should guide the evolution of the former socialist countries in accordance with the authentic social values of the developed democratic states. In this context and in the Romanian legal doctrine, various definitions have been proposed which, in one form or another, attempt to highlight the conceptual core of the rule of law. Thus, in Romania, immediately after the 1989 revolution the opinion was formulated that the rule of law is „a politico-legal concept that defines a fo rm of the democratic regime of govern ment from the perspective of the relations between state and law, between power and law by ensuring the rule of law and of the fundamental rights and freedoms of man in the exercise of power”. Another author notes the organization of the rule of law on the basis of the principle of the separation of powers of the state, in the application of which the justice acquires a real independence and strengthening by its legislation the promotion of the rights and freedoms inherent in the human nature, ensures the strict observance of its regulations by the whole of the state organs throughout their activity.
Consilierul de achiziții publice
Consilierul de achiziții publice
(Public Procurement Advisor)
- Author(s):Lidia Seceleanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Public Administration
- Page Range:269-273
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Civil service; civil servant; public procurement advisor; attributions; legal status; particularities;
- Summary/Abstract:The present study aims to analyze the legal regime of a newly established public office through the Administrative Code of Romania and, implicitly, the legal status of its holder. The genesis of this new function is in the legislative changes in the field of public procurement, based on the new Public Procurement Strategy adopted by the Government in 2015 and the laws adopted on the basis of it in 2016, respectively Laws no. 98, 99, 100 and 101 of 2016. The adoption of both the new normative acts and the relevant Strategy was determined by the need to harmonize the national legislation of Romania, as well as other Member States, with the new directives adopted in the subject of public procurement, national and European normative acts that we will specify in the content of the study. The concern of the bodies of the European Union to change the regulations regarding public procurement is legitimized by their significance, unanimously recognized, as the most important way to spend public money, regardless of whether we refer to public funds internal or from the European Union. What we believe was aimed at creating this function was to professionalize, in the body of civil servants, a civil servant who has the competence and experience to carry out activities in the field of public procurement. We share this option and consider it beneficial for the implementation of the new relevant legislation and for reducing and eliminating, over time, the problems faced by public authorities and institutions over time.
Obligativitatea aplicării deciziilor Curții Constituționale de către instanțele de judecată
Obligativitatea aplicării deciziilor Curții Constituționale de către instanțele de judecată
(Obligation to Apply the Decisions of the Constitutional Court by the Courts)
- Author(s):Bogdan Buneci
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:274-278
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Constitutional Court; unconstitutionality; decision; immediate enforcement; fair trial;
- Summary/Abstract:The immediate enforcement of procedural norms in expressly included in national legislation and is also a general principle of law in the European Union, which provides that these norms apply to all pending criminal procedures upon the norms’ entry into force. As regards the immediate enforcement of Constitutional Court decisions, we note that this principle was consecrated by this Court’s case law in several decisions that established, in accordance with the provisions of art. 15 para. (2) of the Romanian Constitution, that courts of law shall directly enforce art. 21 para. (3), art. 124 and art. 126 para. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, which refer to the immediate enforcement of the provisions included in decisions of the Constitutional Court. In fact, the provisions of the law on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court expressly provide that the decisions finding the unconstitutionality of a law or ordinance or of a provision included in a law or ordinance in force, are mandatory.
Configurarea dreptului român prin intermediul deciziilor pronunțate de Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție
Configurarea dreptului român prin intermediul deciziilor
pronunțate de Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție
(The Configuration of Romanian law Through the Decisions Pronounced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice)
- Author(s):Mariana Stan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:279-281
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:interpreting; distying of law issues; prior decision; nullity of contracts;
- Summary/Abstract:The Article analyzes the problems occured from the entry into force of the new codes, different interpretations of courts on similar matters of law, conditions to be fulfilled, the importance of the decisions made by prior rulings on matters of law.
Fundamentarea științifica, legitimitatea și apariția controlului constituționalității legilor
Fundamentarea științifica, legitimitatea și apariția controlului constituționalității legilor
(Scientific Substantiation, Legitimacy and Emergence of Control of the Constitutionality of Laws)
- Author(s):Irina Loredana Stanculescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:282-288
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:constitution; law; constitutionality; separation of powers; supremacy of the constitution;
- Summary/Abstract:Being at the top of the hierarchy of normative acts in any of the legal systems of the states, the constitution lays the legal bases of the state, establishes the way of organizing the society in the state and the legal modalities /instruments for protecting citizens, ensuring their rights and freedoms. The assertion of the supremacy of the constitution implies the existence of mechanisms to control the conformity of laws with the constitution; therefore, it is strictly necessary to ensure the control of the constitutionality of the laws, of the subordinate legal rules. Without the existence of a sanction of violation of constitutional rules by one of the constituted powers, the principle distinction between constitution and laws gives way to a confusion of fact. As such, it is necessary to regulate a control, which aims to overturn unconstitutional legal rules. The legal doctrine includes a multitude of arguments in favor of the existence of this constitutionality control, as well as against it. On the one hand, it is admitted that the lack of control of the constitutionality of the laws leaves room for legal instability and confusions in fact. On the other hand, in an opinion unfavorable to this type of control, it is considered that the hierarchy of norms cannot be admitted because it implies the idea of hierarchy of organs,which contravenes the principle of separation of powers in the state, the control of laws is not admitted, the law being the expression of the will generals who are sovereign. In summary, we can say that the necessity of exercising constitutional control is due to the existence of the principle of separation of powers in the state, the principle of legality and the principle of supremacy of the constitution.
Necesitatea, forme și etape posibile ale adoptării unui Cod al mediului în România
Necesitatea, forme și etape posibile ale adoptării unui Cod al mediului în România
(The Need, Forms and Possible Stages of Adopting an Environmental Code in Romania)
- Author(s):Mircea M. Dutu-Buzura
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Environmental and Energy policy
- Page Range:289-295
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:environmental code; environmental law; climate law; codification”; constant law; legislative compilation; non-regression; the right to a sane environment;
- Summary/Abstract:Despite the evident need for rationalization and systematization of the existing legislation, of the propositions and assumptions of jurisprudence, and even the pertinent official concerns, the codification of environmental law leaves, in Romania, much to be desired. After the failure of such a project, started and proposed by the first framework-law in this field after 1989 (law no. 137/1995 regarding environmental protection) which had to be completed by 18 special laws in a cohesive corpus and some official declarations invoking the necessity of such an effort, the issue has remained a concern exclusively for the specialists in the field. In this context, starting from the state of the Romanian environmental legislation, the particularities, the situation and the development perspectives of environmental law, under a European and global impulse, this paper argues in favor of the need to rationalize and systematize, by codification, the legal regulations on this field, also revealing possible forms of doing it (by showing the pros and cons of each of them). A special place is occupied by the analysis and identification of the necessary innovations and developments, in this perspective, of the existing legal framework and the foreshadowing of a consistent theme plan for a future code of the environment. Moreover, from the point of view of judicial technique, come into view the necessary and possible steps of the process to elaborate the preliminary draft of such a complex regulation.
Accesul la jurisprudenţa de contencios administrativ
Accesul la jurisprudenţa de contencios administrativ
(Access to the Jurisprudence of Administrative Contentious)
- Author(s):Gabriel Manu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Source Material, Administrative Law
- Page Range:296-302
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:administrative law; jurisprudence; court ruling; source of law; full and free publication; administrative act; legal information; information of public interest; predictive justice;
- Summary/Abstract:Judicial practice, particularly in higher courts, is an increasingly important argument for the sentencing of legal disputes, which is also part of a phenomenon that is al so manifested in other systems of law, which is the strengthening of its status of an effective source of law in general, and administrative law, in particular. If, at the Supreme Court level, for reasons primarily concerning its role in the unification of practice, access to jurisprudence is to a decisive extent, the lower courts offer such public service only in a limited and selective manner. The absence of explicit regulation of judgments as information in the public interest and of a regime of access to them, or of the general obligation of courts to make them public, at their own motion or at request, in full, together with the conflicting positions expressed over time by the Superior Council of Magistracy, led to an ununified application of Law no. 544/2004 on free access to public interest information. The projects of online publication of judgments in public-private partnerships are not such as to rigorously satisfy the requirements of the principle of without charge and free access to judgments, and the practice of selecting and publishing „relevant” court rulings creates distrust, in terms of without charge and free access objectives, given the lack of criteria to establish such character. A future law solution is either the explicit regulation of the judgement as part of the category of public interest information, with the establishment of the related regime, or the establishment, by the law of the organization and functioning of the national judicial system, of the obligation to publish the given rulings, in full.
Consideraţii privind repararea pagubelor produse prin acte administrative
Consideraţii privind repararea pagubelor produse prin acte administrative
(Considerations Regarding the Repair of Damages Caused by Administrative Acts)
- Author(s):Adrian-Remus Ghiculescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Source Material, Administrative Law
- Page Range:303-309
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:civil liability; administrative-patrimonial liability; solidarity patrimonial liability; administrative act; compensation;
- Summary/Abstract:The article briefly examines the problem of repairing the damages caused to the persons injured by administrative acts, by the unjustified refusal to solve a request or by the failure to solve it in time. In applying the dispositions of art. 52 paragraph (1) of the Romanian Constitution, the public authorities and institutions are responsible for patrimonial damages, for material or moral damages caused by administrative acts, in typical or assimilated form. This administrative-patrimonial liability is doubled by the joint and several patrimonial liability of the dignitary, civil servant or contract staff for the material or moral damages caused by administrative acts. The legal provisions confer a passive procedural quality to the person who contributed to the elaboration, issuance, adoption or conclusion of an administrative act only if it is called in court together with the public authority and only in the case where the request for a court has the object, besides the cancel of the act administrative or obliging the public authority to solve a request, and the payment of damages for the repair of the damages by the typical administrative act or assimilated. The right of the person injured by an administrative act to repair damages, material or moral, constitutes an essential guarantee for the observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Romanian Constitution.
Corelarea dezvoltării drepturilor omului cu știința și tehnologia
Corelarea dezvoltării drepturilor omului cu știința și tehnologia
(Correlating the Development of Human Rights with Science and Technology)
- Author(s):Igor Serotila
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:310-316
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:human rights; international law; development; science; technology;
- Summary/Abstract:The rapid evolution of science and technology has conditioned the rethinking of traditional human rights. Scientific and technological progress creates opportunities and challenges for normative systems in building and strengthening fundamental human rights. The analysis of the relationship between human rights, science and technology seems to be extremely complex, due to the novelty of this subject. Research in this domain differs in terms of multitude, while a well-defined doctrinal vision is not yet outlined. It is necessary to substantiate the binary legal relation between law, science and technology, identify core elements and right balance between them, also identify new forms of violations caused by the use of new technologies, as well as to correlate human rights development at a level corresponding to a contemporary knowledge society. This paper addresses some aspects of the interaction between human rights and the progress of science and technology, as well as argues the need to adjust the development of fundamental rights, by clarifying doctrinal issues and incorporating solutions provided by jurisprudence.
O perspectivă teoretică și jurisprudențială asupra lucrătorului, ca titular al drepturilor omului
O perspectivă teoretică și jurisprudențială asupra lucrătorului, ca titular al drepturilor omului
(A Theoretical and Jurisprudential Perspective on the Worker, as a Holder of Human Rights)
- Author(s):Raluca Dimitriu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:319-325
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:labor law; human rights; jurisprudence; Constitutional Court; worker;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper addresses the controversial issue of interference between labor and human rights, bringing into question the possibility of protecting the worker not only as a contracting party, but as a person. From a structural point of view, the analysis is carried out on two levels: theoretically, by presenting doctrinal differences in the matter, and jurisprudentially, by referring to solutions of the ECHR, the Constitutional Court and labor courts in the matter. Somehow, we could say that the two approaches - the labor law and the human rights protection - meet in the jurisprudence in the middle of the road, no longer being differentiated by the purely collectivist character of the first and the purely individualizing of the second. The worker-citizen, as holder of the fundamental human rights, can claim, on this foundation, even specific rights, otherwise, to the labor relations. The problem remains open, but the reality is that human rights have enriched the figure of the employee-individual, by feeding the legal order by the rights and freedoms of the human person
Rolul deciziilor pronunțate de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie pentru dezlegarea unor probleme de drept în interpretarea unor dispoziții ale Codului muncii
Rolul deciziilor pronunțate de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie pentru dezlegarea unor probleme de drept în interpretarea unor dispoziții ale Codului muncii
(The Role of Decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Resolving Legal Issues in the Interpretation of Provisions of the Labor Code)
- Author(s):Dan Ţop, Ana Maria Alexandra Iancu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:326-330
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:decision; prior decision; court practice;
- Summary/Abstract:The previous judgments given by the High Court of Cassation and Justice for the unraveling of some questions of law, without creating by themselves new legal norms , obligingly impose a certain interpretation of the legal provision for the courts. The interest in ensuring a unitary practice of the courts through this institution is not without criticism. Even if, in relation to our system of law (of the continental type) it was refused to recognize the Romanian jurisprudence the role of source of law, it should be noted that in particular cases the identification of the need for normation of certain social relations was notified by the courts, and subsequently the law took over as such the legal institutions as they were configured during the court practice. In this context, some texts of the Labor Code - Law no. 53/2003, they were given a jurisprudential interpretation, meant to ensure a unitary practice.
Decizii ale ÎCCJ privind noul cod de procedură civilă cu influență asupra Codului muncii
Decizii ale ÎCCJ privind noul cod de procedură civilă cu influență asupra Codului muncii
(High Court of Cassation and Justice Decisions on the New Civil Procedure Code with influence on the Labor Code)
- Author(s):Anca-Verginica Aldescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Source Material, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:331-337
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:New Civil Procedure Code; Labor Code; the Decision of the HCCJ no. 2/2016; the Decision of the HCCJ no. 13/2016; the Decision of the HCCJ no. 37/2016;
- Summary/Abstract:In principle, the law is defined by the normative acts that regulate it. In the configuration of the law, the role of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, but also of the Constitutional Court are specified through the legal texts. They are called upon to rule where either the provisions of the supreme law of the country are violated, or the texts of the law are liable to different interpretations, thus giving rise to different solutions of the courts applying the law. That is why the role of the two courts, one judicial and the other constitutional, is particularly important in terms of the consequences it determines. What is established by a decision of the High Court or of the Constitutional Court can be contradicted only by another decision issued by the same court, or without effect by modifying the law. Starting with 2009 - the entry into force of the New Penal Code and continuing with the entry into force of the other codes: penal procedure, civil and civil procedure, on the one hand, the legal language used in the old codes was wanted, and on the one hand putting the law in line with the innovations and changes undergone over time. But the new codes were far from perfect, some of them even needed to be republished, and the High Court and the Constitutional Court were insistently called upon to cover all the shortcomings and illegality found, so me decisions having even interdisciplinary impact, such as the Procedural Code. in conjunction with the Labor Code.
Ocrotirea interesului superior al copilului prin stabilirea competenței în jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
Ocrotirea interesului superior al copilului prin stabilirea competenței în jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
(Protection of the Superior Interests of the Child by Establishing the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Cassation and Justice)
- Author(s):Cristiana Mihaela Crăciunescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:338-344
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:best interest of the child; jurisprudence; parents; the court’s competence; mediation;
- Summary/Abstract:The respect for the best interests of the child in any matter concerning children, regardless of the identity of the decision maker, is a pillar designed and recognized in the Romanian law. In this context, the meaning of the collocation depends on the plaint upon which the court is summoned to decide. In any case though, the child must always be prioritized in what concerns the measures taken in order to protect him or her from a personal and material point of view. One of the guarantees regarding carrying out the best interests of the child is establishing the competence of the courts of justice which are apprised to solve such plaint s. To this effect, the High Court of Cassation and Justice decided upon the general competence and the territorial jurisdiction of the court – through decisions pronounced both by the Civil Chamber and during appeals on points of law – in the cases when the courts are solving plaints regarding the establishment of a set of measures concerning the situation of the children and their parents. The content of the 114th Article from the Code of Civil Procedure in relation to the general rule regarding the competence is defined through the jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in order to fulfill the purpose of protection, for which it has been regulated. Also, interpreting the legal dispositions concerning the family law cases that can be solved through mediation carried out by the supreme court is useful for the unification of the judicial practice of all the courts of justice in the country.
Contribuția Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție la stabilirea obligațiilor de întreținere datorate de părinți copiilor care nu locuiesc împreună cu aceștia
Contribuția Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție la stabilirea obligațiilor de întreținere datorate de părinți copiilor care nu locuiesc împreună cu aceștia
(The Contribution of the High Court of Cassation and Justice to the Establishment of Support Obligations Due by Parents to Children Who do not Live with Them)
- Author(s):Mihaela-Gabriela Berindei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:345-349
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:the support obligation; minor children; Civil code; solidary;
- Summary/Abstract:The father and mother are obliged, to provide support for their minor child, as provided by article 499 para. (1) of the Civil Code, contributing to the payment of support, in proportion to the means at their disposal, but also according to the needs of the minor. The support obligation of the parents towards their minor children is solidary, in the way that each parent can be kept separate for the entire obligation, and its execution by one of the parents can release the other parent from the payment of the debt towards the children.The minor has the possibility to request support from either of his parents, and the parent who has fulfilled the obligation over his legal part of the contribution, has the right to go against the other parent to request the restitution of the part he paid over the owed part. However, the minor's right to support has a complex character, which includes, besides to the parents' obligation to ensure the necessary material means of subsistence, their duty to take care of the child's harmonious development, health, physical, mental and intellectual development, of his education, learning and professional training, according to their own beliefs, but also to the characteristics and needs of the child.
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale în configurarea dreptului de proprietate comună după intrarea în vigoare a Noului Cod civil
Rolul Curţii Constituţionale în configurarea dreptului de proprietate comună după intrarea în vigoare a Noului Cod civil
(The role of the Constitutional Court in the Configuration of the Common Property Right after the Entry into Force of the New Civil Code)
- Author(s):Dumitru Dobrev
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:350-354
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:joint property; common spaces; common use; owners’ association;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the development of the institution of forced co-ownership in terms of disposal acts that co-owners may exert, since the adoption of the new Civil Code untill present, including the Constitutional Court jurisprudence perspective. Mismatches in the correlation of certain legal texts of legislation governing this area are highlighted, before changes of the New Civil Code by Law nr. 60/2012 and after this change. Finally, regarding the practical importance of forced co-ownership administration, an analysis of comparative law is made and it is showed why it would be preferable regulations of other legislation who treats the forced co-ownership in a more rigorous and also classicist manner.
Repere jurisprudențiale privind dreptul de preempțiune la cumpărarea terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan, reglementat de Legea nr. 17/2014
Repere jurisprudențiale privind dreptul de preempțiune la cumpărarea terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan, reglementat de Legea nr. 17/2014
(Jurisprudential Landmarks Regarding the Right of Pre-emption or the Sale and Purchase of the Agricultural Lands Located Outside the City Limits, Regulated by Law no. 17/2014)
- Author(s):Mirela-Carmen Dobrilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Civil Law, Source Material
- Page Range:355-364
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Law no. 17/2014; New Romanian Civil Code; the right of pre-emption; sale and purchase contract; agricultural land from outside the city limits;
- Summary/Abstract:The New Romanian Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009) regulates in articles 1730-1739 the general procedure regarding the exercise of the pre-emption right in the case of the sale contract, following the a priori or a posteriori method. Law no. 17/2014 (in force from April 11, 2014) regulates, through a special procedure, the obligation to respect the right of pre-emption for the sale and purchase of the agricultural lands loca ted outside the city limits, which belongs to the co-owners, lessees, neighbours owners and the Romanian State, through the State Domains Agency. Considering that understanding the right of preemption in its present form is not an easy task, This article aims to present in a logical manner the decisions of the Constitutional Court and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, relevant for the pre-emption procedure and for the process of implementing the Law no. 17/2014
Observații cu privire la Decizia Curții Constituționale nr.118/2018 în contextul trinomului constituționaliotate-legislație-jurisdicție
Observații cu privire la Decizia Curții Constituționale nr.118/2018 în contextul trinomului constituționaliotate-legislație-jurisdicție
(Observations on the Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 118/2018 in the Context of the Trinom Constitutionality-Legislation-Jurisdiction)
- Author(s):Nelu Dorinel Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Criminal Law, Source Material
- Page Range:367-371
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Right to learn; Constitutional Court; Constitutionality; Set up a high school; Legislator/lawmaker; Case law/jurisprudence; Executive authority;
- Summary/Abstract:A judicial authority found the crime against the background of initiation of actions for the establishment and functioning in accordance with the law of T.R.C. II R.F. High School from T.M. On 2017 the Law was passed establishing the T.R.C II R.F. High School from T.M. for legalisation. By decision no. 118/19.03.2018, Constitutional Court sustained the objection of unconstitutionality, noting that the above-mentioned Law was unconstituional. Neither the measures initiated at public institutions within the executive authorities nor cases pending before the courts failed to legitimize the set up of above-mentioned High School, the fundamental right to learn of interested people being not respected.
Aspecte teoretice și practice privind principiul legalității incriminării după intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal
Aspecte teoretice și practice privind principiul legalității incriminării după intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal
(Theoretical and Practical Aspects Regarding the Principle of Legality of Incrimination After the Entry into Force of the New Criminal Code)
- Author(s):Maria Oprea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:372-377
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:incrimination legality principle; lex scripta; lex certain; quarantine; home self-isolation;
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to provide an analysis for the infraction of „dampening the disease control”, regulated by Article 352 Criminal Code, from the perspective of complying with the exigencies of the incrimination legality principle related to lex scripta and lex certa. In this respect, the provisions of the above-mentioned framework incrimination are examined mentioning the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the provisions of the completing guideline. Therewith, de lege ferenda proposals are issued with reference to the definition of some concepts such as „quarantine”, „home self-isolation” or obligations incumbent to the recipients of the criminal law for preventing or controlling the infectious diseases
Unele considerente privind principiul proporționălității în cadrul statului de drept
Unele considerente privind principiul proporționălității în cadrul statului de drept
(Some Considerations on the Principle of Proportionality in the Rule of Law)
- Author(s):Cristian Popa, Antonia-Luciana Paun
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:378-384
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:the principle of proportionality; democracy; the rule of law;
- Summary/Abstract:The principle of proportionality is an exception from the rigidity of the principles of law and fundamental rights as a result of the effects obtained, respectively a coherent legislative system, focused on the decisions of the constitutional court related to the prerogatives established by the Constitution in the matter of timely and effective regulation of the fundamental principles and rights within the rule of law. Viewed as a constitutional standard, the principle constitutes an instrument of the constitutional judge, through which he can reconceptualize the existing constitutional texts by adding new valences in line with the dynamics of the democratic state. Proportionality is therefore not only an interpretative method of the legislative norm, but also a general principle of law, through which the existing conflicts between competing constitutional values are optimized, which require a certain limitation so that each one can reach its optimal purpose in conditions of normative balance. Therefore, the reception of the principle within the rule of law must aim at creating and sustaining a balance be tween fundamental rights and freedoms, on the one hand, and competing constitutional principles, on the other. Otherwise, an alteration of the purpose of proportionality can be generated within the constitutional analysis at the legislative level, with negative effects on the democratic balance of the state powers.
Rolul jurisprudenţei Curţii Constituţionale şi a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în garantarea respectării principiilor şi standardelor în procesul de legiferare
Rolul jurisprudenţei Curţii Constituţionale şi a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în garantarea respectării principiilor şi standardelor în procesul de legiferare
(The Role of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Guaranteeing the Observance of Principles and Standards in the Legislative Process)
- Author(s):Victor Alistar, Veres Crina-Bianca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:385-390
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:principles of lawmaking; jurisprudence; Constitutional Court of Romania; High Court of Cassation and Justice; legislative technique; accessibility;
- Summary/Abstract:Respecting the standards regarding the lawmaking process is essential in ensuring the effectiveness of the principle „Nemo censetur ignorem legem”. When the legislator does not respect the basic principles in lawmaking, this can lead to a non-unitary practice and even a lack of conformity of the legislation with the Fundamental Law. The negligence of the drafting of the criminal codes has caused many confusions, the solution of which has been found in the vast jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Romania and the jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Limitele subisdiarității infracțiunii de spălare a banilor în raport cu infracțiunea premisă
Limitele subisdiarității infracțiunii de spălare a banilor în raport cu infracțiunea premisă
(Limits of the Subsidiarity of the Crime of Money Laundering in Relation to the Premise crime)
- Author(s):Mihai Toader
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:391-395
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:money laundering; subsidiarity; premised crime; limits; autonomy;
- Summary/Abstract:The present study aims, starting from the presentation of the constituent elements of the single crime of money laundering, as identified by national jurisprudence, to identify an objective criterion for delimiting the crime of money laundering in relation to the predicate offense, from the perspective of content autonomy. constitutive of the two facts provided by the criminal law, drawing a limit of the subsidiarity report, as fixed in the judicial practice and in the specialized literature, without having the claim of completeness. Although there is no unanimously accepted point of view in the literature or in the specialized doctrine, we consider that the crime of money laundering acquires autonomous corpus, insofar as the active conduct that is confined to its material element (respectively the change or transfer, the concealment or the concealment), acquisition, possession or use) is preceded or accompanied by the use of fraudulent maneuvers.
Rolul Deciziilor Curții Constituționale a României și ale Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în consolidarea Codului penal și a Codului de procedură penală
Rolul Deciziilor Curții Constituționale a României și ale Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în consolidarea Codului penal și a Codului de procedură penală
(The role of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in consolidating the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure)
- Author(s):Vasile Băiculescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:396-401
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Constitutional Court; High Court of Cassation and Justice; Mandatory rulings;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is based on the idea that the rulings of the Constitutional Court are governed by the principle of the supremacy of the Constitution, a principle which is an indisputable result of art. 1 para. (5) and art. 16, para (2) of the Constitution. As a result of said principle and the fact that the Constitution is at the very top of the piramid of sources of law, fundamental law exhibits an indisputable hegemony over all the formal sources of law, setting both principles and basic directions.
Aspecte controversate în legătură cu infracțiunea de abandon de familie
Aspecte controversate în legătură cu infracțiunea de abandon de familie
(Controversial Issues Related to the Crime of Family Abandonment)
- Author(s):Matei-Shilbaya Mihaela
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:402-404
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:legal burden; family abandonment; civil law; bad faith; legal obligation of his company;
- Summary/Abstract:The author considers necessary to emphasise the correct legal classification of family abandonment, incriminated by the provisions: art. 378 of criminal law. And at the same time, the problems of care are raised by the criminal practice to be discussed. The controversy upon this issue requires analysis, equal interest, legal regulation in civil and criminal matters, which intertwine and necessarily shall be conditioned, in assessing if the the felony of family abandonment occurred in one of the three hypothesis incriminated by the quoted article.
Analiză critică a dispozițiilor privind mecanismul hotărârilor prealabile
Analiză critică a dispozițiilor privind mecanismul hotărârilor prealabile
(Critical Analysis of the Provisions on the Mechanism of Preliminary Rulings)
- Author(s):Lorena-Mihaela Zidaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:405-410
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:preliminary ruling; unitary case law; High Court of Cassation and Justice; appeal in the interest of the law; the principle of legal certainty;
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction in the Romanian Criminal Procedure Code of February 2014 of the mechanism of preliminary judgments aimed at unifying the judicial practice and creating predictable jurisprudence by solving in a mandatory manner a legal problem on which the solution of the case depends. The high number of requests from the national courts which were addressed to the Supreme Court have de monstrated its undeniable utility, the procedure being meant to contribute to the safeguard of the principle of legal certainty. Therefore, the procedure’s importance in itself determines the need for issues such as the exclusion of possible claim holders, the composition of the trial court, the delimitation of the scope of recognized specialists who can be consulted, the judgment without summoning the parties and the existence of contradictory preliminary decisions and unconstitutional decisions to be examined from a critical perspective in order to analyse if they have deficiencies and if so, if they can be removed.
Rolul Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în vederea pronunțării unei hotărâri prealabile pentru dezlegarea unei chestiuni de drept
Rolul Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în vederea pronunțării unei hotărâri prealabile pentru dezlegarea unei chestiuni de drept
(The Role of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Rendering a Preliminary Ruling to Resolve a Question of Law)
- Author(s):Cornelia Vladu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Criminal Law, Source Material
- Page Range:411-418
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:High Court of Cassation and Justice; unraveling an issue of law; preliminary conclusion; prior decision; admissibility request; unitary practice;
- Summary/Abstract:In fulfilling the constitutional role of ensuring the unitary interpretation and application of the law, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has a new mechanism, namely that of issuing a preliminary ruling for the disclosure of some questions of law, together with the other mechanism available to the supreme court and namely the appeal in the interest of the law. Unlike an appeal on points of law, pursuing the same goal, namely the unification of jurisprudence, preliminary rulings do not intervene after the final resolution of cases but before resolving them, so they can not affect the criminal judgments already delivered. That we face a mechanism that does not value an appeal but is a procedural incident which solves a question of law has arisen in an ongoing process and depends on the merits unraveling.
Influenta deciziilor Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție și a deciziilor Curții Constituționale a României asupra caii extraordinare de atac a revizuirii
Influenta deciziilor Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție și a deciziilor Curții Constituționale a României asupra caii extraordinare de atac a revizuirii
(The Influence of the Decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania on the Extraordinary Appeal of the Review)
- Author(s):Versavia Brutaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:419-425
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Extraordinary Appeal of the Review; judicial error; a new criminal procedural report;
- Summary/Abstract:In the criminal trial, the judgment is one of the most important procedural activities because during the trial the conflict of criminal law deduced from the judgment is resolved. It establishes the existence of a criminal offense, the guilt of the perpetrator and the application of sanctions. By exercising the remedies, a new criminal procedural report is not born, but the initial one is extended, in a new phase of the criminal trial. Likewise, by exercising the remedies, it is not determined the promotion of a new criminal action, this constituting a way of exercising the initial criminal action, by moving to another procedural phase. The extraordinary remedy of the review may be exercised against the definitive judgement, having the character of a retraction appeal which allows the criminal court to revert to its own judgment and, at the same time, the character of a factual remedy, by which are established and eliminated the judicial errors in solving the criminal cases. The review is formulated against a judgment that has acquired res judicata, based on facts or circumstances that were not known by the court in resolving the case, discovered after the trial and which prove that the judgement is based on a judicial error.
Infracțiunea de mărturie mincinoasă, prevăzută de art.273 Cod penal, în jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție și a Curții Constituționale
Infracțiunea de mărturie mincinoasă, prevăzută de art.273 Cod penal, în jurisprudența Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție și a Curții Constituționale
(The Crime of Perjury, provided by art.273 of the Criminal Code, in the Jurisprudence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court)
- Author(s):Andreea Vernea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:426-432
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:false testimony; the case-law of the Constitutional Court; the unification of judicial practice; the case-law of the Supreme Court;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, the author carries out a brief analysis of the case-law of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and of the Constitutional Court of Romania on the offence of false testimony. In the first part of the paper, some terminological clarifications are made, in the second part the relevant judgments given by the Supreme Court are identified, and in the third part the decisions of the Constitutional court are analysed, with regard to the offence of false testimony. In the latter part, acting as a conclusion, the author's considerations regarding the way in which the case-law previously under consideration influenced the interpretation and application of the incriminating texts are met.
Plângerea împotriva soluțiilor de neurmărire sau netrimitere în judecată, prevăzută de art.340 Cod procedură penală, în jurisprudența Curții Constituționale
Plângerea împotriva soluțiilor de neurmărire sau netrimitere în judecată, prevăzută de art.340 Cod procedură penală, în jurisprudența Curții Constituționale
(The Complaint Against the Solutions of Not to Indict or Non-prosecution, Provided by art. 340 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court)
- Author(s):Sorin - Alexandru Vernea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Criminal Law, Source Material
- Page Range:433-439
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:complaint against the acts of the prosecutor; preliminary chamber; unconstitutionality; legislative vagueness;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, the author carries out a brief case-law analysis of the Constitutional Court of Romania, which is relevant for the configuration of the complaint against non-prosecution and non-indictment solutions. The article is structured in four parts. The first concerns a brief history and a list of legislative changes to the reference provisions. The second and third parts examine the case-law of the Constitutional Court of Romania with regard to Articles 340 and 341 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and the last part, acts as a conclusion, which brings together the author's considerations relating to the analysis undertaken.
Rolul Curții Constituționale în reglementarea expertizei în procesul penal
Rolul Curții Constituționale în reglementarea expertizei în procesul penal
(The Role of the Constitutional Court in Regulating the Expertise in the Criminal Trial)
- Author(s):Adrian Şandru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Criminal Law, Source Material
- Page Range:440-445
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:expert report; scientific evidence; fair trial; constitutionality; jurisprudence;
- Summary/Abstract:The judge, when determining the factual framework of a criminal trial, is often required to adress to some technical issues to find out whether a particular fact meets the constituent elements of a crime. The technical support offered to the prosecutor or the judge in the criminal process should be provided by persons who have the status of expert and who prepare expert reports, which are means of evidence in the criminal process. The legislation that norms the conditions for disposition of an expert report has changed in recent years, being challenged on several occasions for constitutional flaws. The Constitutional Court of Romania through its decisions had a major role on the current configuration of the criminal procedural rules that regulate the expertise in the criminal process. In this context, it can be argued that the case law of the Constitutional Court has influenced the criminal procedural legislation in the field of scientific evidence, having particularly important consequences in the criminal cases on the role of the Romanian courts.
Introducerea părții responsabile civilmente în procesul penal - răspundere civilă delictuală sau contractuală?
Introducerea părții responsabile civilmente în procesul penal - răspundere civilă delictuală sau contractuală?
(Introduction of the Civilly Liable Party in the Criminal Proceedings - Tortious or Contractual Civil Liability?)
- Author(s):Ion Flămînzeanu, Florin Octavian Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:446-448
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:civil party; civilly responsible party; compensation; introduction; intervention;
- Summary/Abstract:The Criminal Procedure Code in force no longer provides as the final moment of the civil part constituting the moment before reading the referral document, specifying that such a constitution can be made until the beginning of the judicial investigation - art. 20 paragraph (1) C. pr. pen.and art. 353 para. (3) C. pr. pen. The civilly responsible party can be introduced, according to art 21, alin. (1), C.p.p. as modified through CCR Decision up until the end of the criminal persecution by the person in right according to the civil law, in order to be able to formulate requests and to raise exceptions in the preliminary chamber. So, the civil party, as the person in right by the civil law, can ask to be introduced the civilly responsible party by the end of the criminal prosecution. On the other hand, the injured person can constitue as a civil party, as art. 20, alin. (1) C.p.p. statues, up until the beginning of the judicial research. Therefore, in the situation that the civil party is not constituted up until the beginning of the preliminary chamber and she does not ask to be introduced the civilly responsible party is there an infringement of the right of the prosecuted? Nor the ones of the civilly responsible party? Are there any remedies?
Controverse cu privire la constituirea de parte civilă în procesul penal având ca obiect uciderea din culpă ca urmare a unui eveniment rutier
Controverse cu privire la constituirea de parte civilă în procesul penal având ca obiect uciderea din culpă ca urmare a unui eveniment rutier
(Controversies Regarding the Constitution of a Civil Party in the Criminal Trial having as Object the Culpable Homicide as a Result of a Road Event)
- Author(s):Denisa Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:449-452
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:injury; civil part; criminal civil liability; constitution; renunciation;
- Summary/Abstract:As a rule, as we will show, the person injured by an unlawful act that may represent a criminal offense criminally has the following options, as an expression of the principle of availability that governs the civil matter: he has the freedom to choose to stay in passivity or to act in order to recover the damage, according to the principle of Latin origin nemo invitus agere cogitur; when it intends to recover the damage suffered, it has the possibility to try to recover it, either amicably before any judicial procedure or during it, or to try to repair the damage by calling on the coercive force of the state; when it chooses to take legal action, it has the option to join the civil action to the criminal one or to make claims before the civil jurisdiction. In this way, both the civil party and the responsible civil party have their rights covered... what happens to the defendant? In the event that the action in the claims is used in the criminal case, the civil action becomes an institution of criminal procedure.
Jurisprudența Curții Constituționale și a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în materia legalității administrării probelor în procesul penal
Jurisprudența Curții Constituționale și a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție în materia legalității administrării probelor în procesul penal
(Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice on the Legality of the Administration of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings)
- Author(s):Nadia Zlate
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:453-461
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:absolute nullity; relative nullity; witness hearing; right of defense; technical supervisión;
- Summary/Abstract:The Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice have a very important role in crystallizing the jurisprudence of national courts. Following the decisions of the Constitutional Court admitting exceptions of unconstitutionality, the legal practice of the courts had to change in certain procedural aspects, even if the legislator did not intervene to amend legal texts declared unconstitutional, such as the legal impossibility of before the beginning of the criminal investigation, the criminal investigation bodies may also order the performance of fiscal controls, in order to comply with the constitutional provisions of art. 16, 21 and 24, at the hearing of the minor aged between 14 and 18 it is mandatory to summon his parents or, as the case may be, the guardian, curator or person in whose care or supervision the minor is temporarily, as well as the general social assistance directorate and protection of the child from the locality where the hearing takes place, the absolute nullity of the evidence obtained as a result of the technical support offered by the Romanian Intelligence Service for the execution of the technical supervision mandates. The High Court of Cassation and Justice influenced the jurisprudence of national courts on the legality of evidence even if it was by non-binding decisions, for example regarding the legality of technical-scientific findings, defining urgency in relation to the need for fair prosecution guidance in carrying out the activity of criminal prosecution, as regards the sanction applicable if the criminal prosecution bodies did not proceed to record the hearing of the suspect, the possibility of hearing the judge, as a witness in a trial whose object is to commit an offense in connection with the deliberation process, regarding the way in which together with the other members of the panel they decided on the solution etc.
Sesizarea instanței cu acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției
Sesizarea instanței cu acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției
(Notification of the Court with a Plea Agreement)
- Author(s):Ioana Stoenac-Cîrstea, Ciprian Stoenac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:462-468
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:plea bargaining; guilty agreement; the defendant; procedure; judicial process;
- Summary/Abstract:The article briefly examines the main aspects related to the referral of the court in the procedure of a plea bargaining, uncluttering the unregulated issues with which the courts may face. With the conclusion of a plea bargaining agreement, the defendant forgoes the right to be tried in a joint judicial process and deprives himself of a series of rights. Regarding these issues, the defendant will have to weigh vigorously if necessary to initiate such a procedure, and will proceed as described only if it has certain benefits and will fully understand the consequences of a such procedure.
Considerații privind aprecierea probelor în procesul penal
Considerații privind aprecierea probelor în procesul penal
(Considerations Regarding the Assessment of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings)
- Author(s):Georgeta Cretu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:469-471
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:evidence administration; assessment of evidence; new code of criminal procedure; problems; judicial practice;
- Summary/Abstract:In the present communication, we intend to analyze in part the clarification of some issues related to the assessment of evidence in criminal proceedings, without cl aiming to deepen them, a situation that would have required examination in a broader context and in a space that should have exceeded the content of a scientific communication.
Legalitatea și constituționalitatea în domeniul investigării criminalistice a infracțiunilor
Legalitatea și constituționalitatea în domeniul investigării criminalistice a infracțiunilor
(Legality and Constitutionality in the Field of Forensic Investigation of Crimes)
- Author(s):Delia Magherescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:472-479
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:activity of forensic investigation; constitutionality; forensic science; legality; forensic methods and tactics;
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of forensic science is that of discovering crimes and identifying perpetrators, in such a manner to reach solving penal cases under principles of legality, fairness and constitutionality. At the same time, achieving the scope of forensic science is based on investigating crimes, as well as solving them legally and substantially, also based on conclusive, useful and genuine evidence. Administering them will conclude in finding truth in penal cases, which will be reflected upon judicial decisions and finally upon achieving the scope of penal proceedings. Forensic investigation of crimes means the basis of penal investigation, carried out during the investigation phase. The current paper focuses on the means, methods and tactics provided by the forensic science, as a science of technological progress, of discovering and investigating offenses in order to gather scientific evidence, as well as to identifying perpetrators. The main principles of forensic science are provided to judicial bodies in purpose to re-establish the legal order in a fair manner, legally, under the constitutional principles which will be taken into account. The methodology used in researching the current paper is featured by a qualitative approach which will provide the most relevant conclusions, achieved in the end of the doctrinal study.
Rolul jurisprudenței Curţii Constituţionale şi a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în configurarea și în clarificarea unor prevederi ale legislației românești actuale în materia executării pedepselor penale privative de libertate
Rolul jurisprudenței Curţii Constituţionale şi a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în configurarea și în clarificarea unor prevederi ale legislației românești actuale în materia executării pedepselor penale privative de libertate
(The Role of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the Configuration and Clarification of Some Provisions of the Current Romanian Legislation Regarding the Execution of Criminal Custodial Sente)
- Author(s):Radu Vlad Pojan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:480-487
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:prisoners; rights; obligations; requests; appeals;
- Summary/Abstract:The solutions given by the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice have shaped the application and the interpretation of the law, including the jurisprudence, in the matter of the execution of the prison sentence. In order to identify these effects, several decisions of these two court sand legal doctrine were analyzed. The results show that, in the execution phase of the sentence, in case of solving the appeals provided by Law no. 254/2013, for the convicted person, the presence before the court and the legal assistance are not obligatory, the activities in the execution phase are not subject to the procedural rules specific to the trial phase, it is not compulsory for the justice act to be free of charge and conditional release is not a right, but only a vocation. The court in whose district the place of detention is located, at the date of the request of the convicted person, must resolve that request, the executing court or the court in whose district the place of detention is located, solve the request of the convicted person for granting the compensatory days, and the incomes resulting from the work of the detainees, during detention, can be with held for the execution of fiscal debts established by the court decisions.
Contribuția jurisprudenței Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție privind aplicarea recursului compensatoriu
Contribuția jurisprudenței Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție
privind aplicarea recursului compensatoriu
(Contribution of the High Court of Cassation and Justice Jurisprudence on the
Application of the Compensatory Appeal)
- Author(s):Vasilica-Cristinel Ionescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, General Reference Works, Criminal Law, Source Material
- Page Range:488-491
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Decision no.8/2019; High Court of Cassation and Justice; compensatory appeal; appeal in the interest of the law;
- Summary/Abstract:The application of the compensatory mechanism in good conduct times, conceived as a general measure of relieving the detention institutions, as expected, has create d certain problems regarding the legal interpretation of some situations. One of these situations was the one regarding the competence of solving the application by which a person deprived of liberty requested the granting of the compensatory days for the rest of the sentence resulting from a previous conviction and which was found in the sentence in which the execution was. The legal problem was solved by the High Court of Cassation and Justice by Decision no.8 of March 11 th , 2019, a decision that we discuss in the article
Impactul jurisprudenței CEDO asupra legislației execuțional-penale
Impactul jurisprudenței CEDO asupra legislației execuțional-penale
(The impact of the ECHR Jurisprudence on the Executive-Criminal Legislation)
- Author(s):Aura Preda
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:492-495
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:ECHR decisions; court jurisprudence; criminal execution legislation; detention conditions;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is a continuation of the one published last year on the effects of ECHR decisions on criminal enforcement legislation. This time the premises from which we started were the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the Activity Report of the National Administration of Penitentiaries for 2019.
Normele de procedură penală la intersecția jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului
Normele de procedură penală la intersecția jurisprudenței Curții Constituționale și a Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului
(Norms of Criminal Procedure at the Intersection between the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights)
- Author(s):Alina-Mirabela Gentimir
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:496-504
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:pretrial chamber; judge of pretrial chamber; decision; remedy; appeal;
- Summary/Abstract:Current paper underlines the difficulty to establish a unitary approach, necessary for interpretation or for enforcement of legal concepts recently introduced in Romanian legislation by national or European jurisdictions. Between all new concepts specific for criminal trial, the concept of pretrial chamber represents a legal novelty challenged both from the perspective of its opportunity and its availability
Rolul Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în situaţiile tranzitorii în succesiunea legilor penale
Rolul Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie în situaţiile tranzitorii în succesiunea legilor penale
(The Role of the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Transitional Situations in the Succession of Criminal Laws)
- Author(s):Ion Ifrim, Matei-Shilbaya Mihaela
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:505-512
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:High Court of Cassation and Justice; new criminal code; resolution of criminal law issues; previous criminal code;
- Summary/Abstract:As is well known, in the practice of our supreme court, as in the case of other courts, some issues have arisen regarding the transitional situations in the succession of criminal laws. Thus, in this paper, the authors analyze in detail the transitional situations; transitional provisions; interpretive laws; the principle of extra activity of the criminal law; mitior lex; lex tertia; difficulties in determining the more favorable law in relation not only to the main punishments, but also to the complementary punishments that accompany the main punishments; the optional application of the more favorable law after the decision remains final; the application of the more favorable criminal law after the final judgment of the case; temporary laws (actual temporary laws and exceptional laws); safety measures; prescription.
Dreptul penal între asumarea răspunderii pentru proiectul de lege și excepția de neconstituționalitate
Dreptul penal între asumarea răspunderii pentru proiectul de lege și excepția de neconstituționalitate
(The Criminal Law Between Assuming Responsibility for the Law Project and the Exception of Unconstitutionality)
- Author(s):Tiberiu Viorel POPESCU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law
- Page Range:513-518
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Law; Criminal Law; Criminal Procedural Law; Constitutional Law;
- Summary/Abstract:Law 286/2009 on the New Penal Code and Law 135/2010 on the New Penal Procedure Code were adopted by assuming the Government's responsibility for the draft law. The appearance of the normative acts has produced numerous changes in the legislative plan, which have not been avoided by some inadvertents, omissions or terminological errors in the field of the pursuit and sanctioning of the different types of crimes. The remedy for the deficiencies found in the active legislative fund is made through an appeal in the interest of the law by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which gives a general „interpretation” to a matter solved differently by the courts, or by solving an exception of unconstitutionality. to the Constitutional Court, legally notified, when considering the enactment of a normative act in accordance with the fundamental law. In the latter case, the Constitutional Court had an important role in shaping the law after the entry into force of the two mentioned codes.
Precursori ai criminalității informatice
Precursori ai criminalității informatice
(Precursors of Cybercrime)
- Author(s):Mihai-Adrian Dinu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:519-522
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:cybercrime; precursors; malicious software; prevention;
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of the present paper is to identify the main components that have led to the emergence of cybercrime, as well as to conduct a brief analysis on how elements of a technical and technological nature interact with the human factor and thus create the premises for committing crimes.