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The goal of these lecture notes, written for students majoring in Social Communication and Public Relations, is to present travel as a cultural form of behavior and tourism as a system of social communication. In my opinion, the subject of Tourism and Public Relations has the following task: to present the understanding of touristic phenomena and of society establishing itself and its relationships in the context of social and cultural sciences, and certain possible forms of their use in PR work. One has to imagine the situations of travel, of encountering the Alien or the Other, and then construct these for the tourism industry, i. e. establishing touristic travel services, composing destinations, constructing attractions, and public relations work. My lecture notes are aimed primarily towards future communications professionals who will develop heritage building and musealization, and based on these, establish touristic destinations and interpretations. Mediating between the tourist and the alien (this can be in the sense of cultural behavior, location, and individuals, equally), their task is to create and sustain the framework of the interpretation, to direct the processes of the production of meaning. My notes have an experimental character since they are not descriptions of actual practices, techniques, or applied methods, and they are not a collection of examples of PR tools used in the field of tourism. They are based on the assumption that the general knowledge of PR tools gained in the “Introduction to PR” lecture must be paired with the knowledge of the field it is applied in – tourism as a cultural practice. As a consequence, these lecture notes address the problems of tourism, the tourist, traveling and encounters, and specifically, those of destination, attraction, and interpretation. They also present examples, but in an attempt to establish a foundation, they concentrate more on discussing theoretical problems.
The marketing treats consumer behavior as part of the sphere of economy. In this course, directed to communication and PR students, I start from a different premise. I present production and consumption, as well as consumer behavior as part of human communication, a culturally defined human activity, which has passed through historically different stages. I work with the results of modern social science, sociology, especially social economy, but also anthropology, which describes and compares the economic behaviour of different people and cultures. In order to present the making of consumer behavior, I also synthesize some results of social history.
The text presents the results of a multifaceted interdisciplinary study carried out in 2014-2015 by the research team of doctoral students and members of the Department of Media and Public Communications at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. The study focuses on current changes in media business models, journalistic skills and competencies, media and journalism education patterns, genre forms, media style and language, PR techniques and media related political practices. The authors pay attention the influence of world and European media standards on economic, professional and political transformations in convergent media environment in Bulgaria, but also examine the specific features of local media markets, journalism, PR and political practice.
The book collection “Media Between Mission and Business” consists of 41 papers of participants from Bulgaria, who attended the scientific conference on the same topic, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Prof. Stephan Bobchev, 10 years since the beginning of Media and Journalism’s degree program and 5 years since the foundation of Media and Public Communications department in the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference, held on October 28, 2013 in the UNWE was organized by the department of Media and Public Communications. The academic forum brought together lecturers, scientists, experts, PhD students, bachelor and master degree students from the fields of media, history and theory of journalism, advertising, public relations, economics, business communication, etc. The participants came from UNWE, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", The Bulgarian Academy of Science, Southwest University "Neofit Rilski "and presented their research topics in four conference sections. The first one was dedicated to Stefan Bobchev’ works in the context of the Bulgarian journalism from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The second section discussed the issues of media’s social responsibility, the professional and ethical aspects of the profession, the problems of media rhetoric, the development of online media, etc. The third part of the book collection presents topics from the field of public communication and is dedicated to event management, corporate social responsibility, intercultural communication in the business environment, institutional communication, etc. The fourth part, "Media and Business", collects the participant’s reports, who presented the mapping of the Bulgarian media market, the new opportunities for cultural industries financing, the relations between the media, the business and the society. The book collection is addressed to scientists, experts, lectures and students in the fields of communication, media, public relations, history and economics.
In general, the focus of the monograph “Binational Discourse Analysis. Foundations and Case Studies of the German-Polish Competitive Media Discourse” is the question of how the Polish-German political reality between 2006 and 2017 is medially re(constructed). For this reason, practices, methods and means, with the help of which German and Polish media players generate the discursive image of bilateral relations, are targeted and highlighted in this thesis. The concept of competitive media discourse corresponds both in its theoretical foundation and empirical methods to this research-oriented starting position. The competitive discourse shall be considered a competitor to the concrete discourse, “competition” being understood as various types, forms and manifestations of competition in the media between discourse and competitive discourse. In order to look at the question of how from different angles, the monograph comprises three parts, in which the focus is placed on the following aspects: - Localisation of the competitive discourse within the field of discourse;- Operationalisation of the competitive discourse by means of discursive description parameters such as action, power, text and knowledge; - Visualisation of the competitive discourse. In the theoretical part, the text and discourse linguistic foundations of the competitive discourse are thus determined, and its analysis programme is formulated in the binational context. For the practical implementation and confirmation of the correctness of theoretical assumptions, analysis model of the competitive media discourse based on discourse linguistics (AMEG) is designed, the application of which is verified on the basis of four representative case studies, namely the conflict over displaced people, over Erika Steinbach, over refugees and, in general, over mutual relations. Using the interdisciplinarily-based concept of the binational competitive media discourse, the aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to discourse linguistics characterised by text linguistics and to the multimodal text linguistics. In addition, a bridge to multimodal discourse analysis is to be built. The research results can also be useful for university didactics purposes.
The book collection “Media Environment, Public and Strategic Communication” presents the reports of 62 participants in the international conference on the same topic, organized by the Department of Media and Public Communications in the University of National and World Economy. The conference held on October 20- 21, 2017 was located in Sofia, Bulgaria. The academic forum brought together lectures, scientists, experts, PhD students, bachelor and master students from the fields of media science, history and theory of journalism, media, advertising, public relations, economics, business communication, and etc. The participants came from UNWE, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", The Bulgarian Academy of Science, Southwest University "Neofit Rilski ", University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, American University in Blagoevgrad, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland, University of Bucharest, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, etc. The reports of the participants from Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, are structured in several thematic priorities: contemporary aspects of media education, history of media and journalism, public communication, media and politics, cross cultural communication, business and the formation of media markets, international relations, world economy and media, social media. The book collection is addressed to scientists, experts, lectures and students in the field of communication, media, public relations, history, and economics.
The interactive model of the genre awareness proposed in the monograph includes two crossing research perspectives. The first one is the interactive perspective, which takes into account the approaches of language awareness and the communicative or discursive competences well established in linguistics. The second perspective is the communicological one, which allows for description of the views and opinions of journalists on the genres. The study assumes that journalistic texts are the source of elements allowing for mapping skills related to the selection of the genre by its sender. It should be emphasized that my analyses concern a study of authors’ self-awareness, reconstructed from their own utterances. The attempts of theoretical conceptualization have been combined with wide-ranging studies of journalistic texts. The proposed analysis of the genre awareness does not concern the competence level of the whole professional group. It is a study relating to a certain part of a journalistic community.The media linguistic instruments selected for the studies introduce a broader communicative context into the analyses. I would like to include the category of genre awareness in the conceptual framework of genology. It is understood not only as knowledge incorporating the knowledge of the genre pattern and its determinants, but also as the ability to discursively implement them. Therefore, the genre competence has been recognized as an abstract structure that can be explored through specific implementations and communicative practices. At the same time, competence indicates intention, subjectivity and self-awareness. The genre recognized in relation to competence is understood not only as a standard, but also as material allowing for building social interactions. The considerations of genre awareness have adopted several perspectives which elucidate and complement one another. These are the following perspectives: normative, communicative-discursive, strategic, interpretive, and individual.The research material in the work includes utterances of journalists in the form of interviews, the author’s workshop texts, texts commenting on own journalistic writings. At the same time the purpose is to emphasize that a special type of journalists has been selected – professionals, masters of journalism.This monograph consists of seven chapters. The first three chapters constitute its theoretical basis. The first chapter outlines the communicative situation in interactive terms. It has been determined by the comparison of two theories: the theatrical metaphor of Erving Goffman and the discursive perspective of the genre from the scenographic point of view of Dominique Maingueneau. Referring to the concepts of Goffman and Maingueneau, the stage framework of communication has been adopted for the purpose of deliberations. Chapter Two describes a model of genre awareness. It is presented in the light of linguistic awareness, communication competence, pragmatic competence, textual competence and discursive competence. The individual competences are merely a context to describe the ability to construct utterances in the genre. They form a background, because in the concepts presented locations common with the findings of genology have been sought – the genre has been described in relation to such categories as the norm, communication, text and discourse. Chapter Three is a description of the journalist category in the context of its professional identity and an attempt to define it. It is emphasized that modern journalism is a conglomerate of various professions. At this point the work refers to research results and the studies of media scholars, but at the same time it refers to the understanding of the profession by the journalists themselves. Also, a closer view on ethics, professionalism and workshop competences in journalism have been studied. The work focuses primarily on the subjective – author’s perspective.The following chapters, from chapter four to chapter six, are an analysis of journalistic statements in the area of creating an interview, a causerie and reportage. The genre awareness has been considered as the art of creating texts. Art is understood here as the ability that requires knowledge, qualification and talent. In the case of media texts, it is the ability of choosing the right language means, selection of the theme, the appropriate composition of utterance and the selection of the medium itself. All this covers the choice of the suitable genre. The author’s workshop approach to individual genres has been included in the triad of interview, the art of interaction, causerie – the art of form, and reportage – the art of fact. The final, seventh chapter of the study presents journalists’ utterances in the context of the research on metatexts. The analyses have been conducted on two levels: intratextual and intertextual. The analysis of the genre awareness has been completed with the description of the meta-genre category . It includes such implementations as a causerie about the causerie, an interview about the interview or a reportage about the reportage. Concurrently, these have been considered as genre-related metamorphoses. Another research trail to describe such exceptional forms is the definition of a genre-based picture of the world modelled on the linguistic picture of the world.The presented studies have been illustrated as the art of media. The analysis of journalistic texts has showed, above all, the high genre competences of their creators. It has also allowed to depict rules of the genre from the perspective of journalists themselves who have revealed the secrets of their skills and the inner details of their work. Thus, the proposed perspective of the description can be treated, in imitation of the formulated poetics, as formulated genology, i.e. not described by genologists, but by journalists themselves. The book may provide researchers with tools to describe and interpret the competence in terms of genre, while at the same time it may serve as a teaching tool, since it can be used by choosing a genre or a favourite journalist.It should be noted that studies of the modern journalism stigmatized by crisis are a very difficult issue. A small sample of this social group analysed in the study helps to restore faith in high and professional journalism, even if it forms just a minor part of the whole genre. At the same time, the adopted communicological and scenographic perspective for the discursive practices presents the media in which the participation pact is a picture of creation of a communicative community, although in many cases this community is apparent. The behind-the-scenes stories about the creation of texts show how fluid are today’s media categories of the stage, the scene and the audience. The picture of those journalistic textual practices reflects the contemporary media and culture. I hold a belief that genological studies, which take into account the achievements of literature, media and cultural sciences, present a picture of contemporary media texts. The present monograph also indicates that the medialinguistics instruments allow the researcher to analyse a media text, extend beyond that text, and allow for a deeper reflection on the contemporary culture.
Communication is the exchange of messages between the recipient and the recipient of messages. It is successful if the interlocutors understood the message equally. The word of communication literally means to do something general or common. Communication is the basis for communication. It becomes the cause and consequence of all interactions among people and thus forms the basis of human survival. If communication is not clear enough or the information is vague and the views of individuals are different, conflict can occur. Conflicts are an indispensable part of human functioning, and successful management becomes more and more important to them. Conflict management is a process and activity aimed at preventing the dysfunctional and destructive consequences of conflicts and directing the energy of conflict situations in order to understand the real problems that confront us and to identify the rational solutions for their overcoming, and this is only possible through communication. In this book, we have investigated the relevant bibliographic sources dealing with various aspects of communication. In terms of the conceptual definition of communication, we have identified the genesis of its development through the time and importance of communication in contemporary civilization. As the conflict and its resolution are the focus of this work, we paid particular attention to the etiology and the process of conflict management. We have surfaced and presented some of the successful conflict resolution models. This book can help researchers dealing with specific phenomena of communication processes, as they have shown the relevant theoretical settings of the art of communication.
The purpose of this textbook is to present the students of journalism and social communication with the foundations of the modern theory of mass communication. The work is intended also for students who pursue other fields of study, which offer specialisation in journalism and communication (communicological specialisation), e.g. the students of political science, Polish philology, sociology or economics. The book may also be of interest to journalists, people employed in the sector of Public Relations, advertising, and promotion, as well as departments of various public institutions. It will certainly be of interest to specialists in the field of media studies, mainly the theoreticians of mass communication.The relatively complex subject of the theory of mass communication is explored by the author in two dimensions – he examines it from three perspectives:• the scholarly and historical perspective;• the scholarly and the current perspective;• the scholarly and personal perspective.Another purpose of the textbook is to introduce scholarly and didactic order and to categorise the problems of the theory of mass communication so that it may constitute a didactic basis for people who hold classes or lectures in this subject at Polish universities or in other institutions of higher education.The textbook consists of 10 chapters:• Chapter 1: The transdisciplinary nature of the science of the media and communication is an introduction to the whole array of the problems of the theory of mass communication. It discusses the essence and the structure of the discipline, which examines and describes the processes of communication and the role of the media in the said processes.• Chapter 2: The historical development of communication and the media furnishes historical data about the development of the media and (mass) communication during the course of a few centuries, with special reference to the last few decades, when a gradual “densification” of the phenomena and processes which led to the emergence of a media society occurred. The media-related and technological advancements were an important factor in the social development in all periods of history, but their particular intensification occurred after the Second World War.• Chapter 3: Communication – mass communication – the media defines the basic concepts, explains the relevant terms (mass communication, the media and their functions), describes the models of mass communication and constitutes an attempt at representing in a general manner the essence of the processes of communication with an indication of the differences between mass (mediated) and interpersonal (non-mediated) communication.• Chapter 4: Base theories – discusses 10 theories which are crucial for the theory of mass communication. Their presentation is preceded by an explanation of the concept theory (in the context of mass communication) and an indication of the criteria of the classification of theories.• Chapter 5: The middle range theories discusses the theories – ones which are popular in thescience of the media and communication – which are constrained in terms of area and semantics and which are empirically verifiable at the same time. The creator of the paradigm was Robert K. Merton, who reduced the gap between the world of great (general) social theories and the world of microscopic (particular) observation of communication-related phenomena. Each of the theories is briefly discussed in a certain logical order: the history, the theoretical premises, the research methods, empirics. There is also an indication of the similarities to other cognate theories and the relations between them.• Chapter 6: The forms of public communication. The actors and the processes introduces order to the area of mass communication due to the forms which occur in it, forms such as journalism, Public Relations and advertising.• Chapter 7: The structures and the contexts of the media analyses the subdisciplines and the constituent disciplines of the science of the media and communication which are particularly important from the point of view of the theory and practice: the media-related policy, the sociology of the media, the economics of the media, the media-related pedagogy and the media law. The chapter focuses on the explanation of the essence of each of the subdisciplines and their structures.• Chapter 8: The content of the media explains the basic problems associated with the fourth question of Lasswell’s formula (“what is said”). The content (the substance) determines the potential conditions of the social and cultural impact of mass media in a shorter and in a longer period of time. This content holds the foundations of manipulation and demagogy.• Chapter 9: The use and the reception of the media is devoted to the social and the individual reception of the media. It analyses above all the nature and the features of the recipients of the modern media (recipients as a “mass”, recipients as a target group, recipients as a commodity, recipients as a victim, recipients as an active, thinking user).• Chapter 10: The results of the impact of the media, which in a sense constitutes a conclusion of the whole work, explains the processes of the impact of the media upon the individual and the society. Each chapter is followed by test questions, which enable verification of the extent of the knowledge which was acquired in a given field. The textbook provides basic knowledge. In order to gain in-depth and extensive knowledge, one must consult the supplementary works which are listed at the end of each chapter. A complete listing is provided in the bibliography, which also contains additional items.
A comparative Datalyrics study about television reporting on migration in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Poland in 2015 and 2018 indicates that organizational practices - not reporters‘ opinions – impact the quality of news decisively. This article summarizes the study and features responses of some of the editors and reporters that created the news under the study.
The publication portrays the process of the shaping of modern concepts defining history as an academic discipline. The author moves beyond the issues of the formation of historical studies by presenting the changes in the social and world-view fabric which accompanied this process and conditioned it.
The volume has been divided into two parts. The first, theoretical part concerns the issues connected with the worldwide models of media systems, as well as the role of the public media, the methods of defining their mission, and the aims and tools of media politics. Further inquiry concerns the media landscape of Spain, in addition to the main legal determinants which regulate the media in the country. Moreover, the author conducts a review of the most important legislation included in the autonomous constitutions that concerns the possibility of establishing means of mass communication by autonomous communities. The second part constitutes an attempt at systematizing the strategies undertaken by autonomous governments to encourage growth of local public broadcasters with a regional reach. The author distinguishes four different attitudes towards the role of the public media as well as towards defining the public mission and the level of engagement in the process of broadcaster management by the political powers in the region, delineated on the basis of legal and institutional analysis of media legislation. It is possible, therefore, to distinguish four vectors of regional government activities which correspond to the various types of public media present in the autonomous regions of Spain: a basic type with the function of regional media, a mixed type with the inclusion of the private sector, a transitional type aimed at reforming the model of public radio and television management, and an advanced type, in which the regulations and institutions involved allow for a larger media autonomy.
The text presents the main conclusions based on the study of the political messages in the Turkish series broadcasted on Bulgarian television and on Netflix. The main political messages in the series, showed on Bulgarian television, are the responsibility for decisions, connect with the life of a woman and a child. Among the important political topics are: migration, education abroad and returning home, conflicts between rich and poor.
This volume “Quality Journalism and a New Communication Environment” collects the reports of the International Scientific Conference held on October 29 and 30, 2020 in Sofia under the same title and organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The conference took place in a difficult time of pandemic and critical point of our media ecosystem and was conducted through the video conferencing platform Microsoft Teams. Namely in crisis situations such as the current pandemic situation, which put the participants of the conference behind the cameras and microphones of computers, and not in a common conference room, we can see a return of confidence in traditional media that do not fabricate news, check facts, without speculation on people's fears. Despite the unusual way of holding the conference managed to achieve its goals: to meet journalists with many years of experience, researchers, scientists and teachers from Bulgaria, Europe and the world and to highlight the main issues related to quality media and the challenges to journalism in the new communication environment.
These conference proceedings contain papers presented at the Sixth BrnoConference on Linguistics Studies in English entitled Communication acrossGenres and Discourses. The conference was organised by the Departmentof English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education of MasarykUniversity and was held on 11-12 September 2014.
The book is a collection of discussions addressing key research problems in contemporary communication from an interdisciplinary perspective: semiotics, communicology, linguistics, poetics, word and image art, cognitive science and social psychology. This publication is the result of the author's studying the issues in question from 2017–2023.
The political changes after 1989 in Bulgaria and the country’s difficult economic transition, temporarily led to a decline in patriotic feelings among the Bulgarian people. With few exceptions, such as Bulgaria's triumphant performance at the 1994 World Cup, which led to unprecedented national pride, the idea of belonging and unity began to dissolve in the harsh and uncertain conditions of the transition from socialism to a market economy. This led to a deterioration of relations in Bulgarian society, a sharp revision of values, a decrease in tolerance, and the entering into everyday life of the so-called language of hatred. Political parties were created which, under the guise of patriotism, openly promoted more radical sentiments toward various types of minorities. An increase in domestic crime at the time proved to be a fertile ground for such rhetoric. The fact that from the beginning of the new millennium until now, some Bulgarians have been invariably supporting nationalist parties, shows that these political formations are an expression of permanently present sentiments in the Bulgarian society. The current text will focus on nationalist manifestations towards the second-largest ethnic minority in the country – the Roma. For this purpose, specific events will be examined and analysed, and an attempt will be made to provide answers to several questions such as: What is the role of the Bulgarian minorities in these nationalist attitudes? Is it possible to build an identity based on the rejection of the other, and what are the manifestations of this rejection? How do such manifestations of intolerance and confrontation reflect on the identity of the minority itself? Who benefits from this rhetoric, and what are its consequences for the Bulgarian society?
The article proposes to refine the periodisation of Russian and Russian-speaking immigration in Bulgaria. It examines the necessary context, describing changes in motivations and identity projects of these groups from (relatively) 2013 to 2023. The text outlines the specific tool - the blog, reinvented in a modern context – the text highlights the differences between it within the visual platform Instagram and its classical visual version. Thus, some of the main features of Russian-speaking users’ own online representations are brought to the fore through the implicit and (counterintuitively) explicit discourses of Russian-speaking users. They focus the analysis on their identifications and the specifics of adaptation and its dynamics, maintaining a sense of community but also accumulating social capital that directly reflects their plans and strategies for the present and future.