Author(s): Jan Krokus / Language(s): Polish
Publication Year: 0
Roman Ingarden, writing that man exists and lives on the borderline between two different types of existence: animal and spiritual, and on the borderline between two domains: that of physical nature and that of culture, which transcends the physical world, essentially references the classic definition of man: homo est animal rationale. His/her world is both the natural world out of which s/he grows, and the world of culture which s/he creates. It is a consequence of man's own nature, i.e. the fact that s/he constantly transcends the natural world through his/her conscious acts. In this way, s/he creates a world of culture which is not a real, autonomous world, but a purely intentional, heteronomousone. And it is precisely this heteronomous world of man’s purely intentional output that is close to him/her, because s/he understands it as intentional. On the other hand, the real world, the world of nature, like the world of ideal objects, is perceived by man as mysterious. Therefore, man feels better in the intentional world, created by him/herself, than in the real world that s/he encounters as part of his/her physical existence. However, man’s immersion in the intentional world, coinciding with his/her ignoring the real world, leads to the destruction of both, and – at the same time - the destruction of man, which is exemplified by the current ecological crisis. The real world and the purely intentional world should, therefore form – to the fullest possible extent - a harmonious self-complementary whole.