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Tomasz Napierała jest pracownikiem Instytutu Geografii Miast i Turyzmu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Jest absolwentem Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu i Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. W swoich badaniach koncentruje się na problemach geografii turyzmu oraz ekonomiki turystyki. Interesuje się rozwojem regionów turystycznych oraz zarządzaniem przedsiębiorstw turystycznych, przede wszystkim obiektów noclegowych i biur podróży. Jego praca doktorska Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie cen usług hotelowych w Polsce została wyróżniona dyplomem Komitetu Nauk Geograficznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk im. Eugeniusza Romera jako najlepsza praca doktorska z zakresu geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej obroniona w roku 2011. „Badania nad determinantami przestrzennego zróżnicowania cen usług hotelowych w Polsce przeprowadzone zostały (za pomocą) zaawansowanej metodologii. Umiejętność doboru najodpowiedniejszych metod, a także swobodne posługiwanie się nimi świadczą o dojrzałości badawczej Autora. (…) praca autorstwa Tomasza Napierały pobudza do myślenia. A do myślenia pobudza przede wszystkim praca twórcza, innowacyjna, podejmująca wyzwania zarówno metodyczne, teoriopoznawcze, jak i aplikacyjne” (z recenzji prof. dr. hab. Grzegorza Gołembskiego).
International Thematic Monograph – Thematic Proceedings: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era - 2018 is third annual publication of this kind published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia. Presented thematic proceedings is more successful than previous two. Here is why: 22 members of its Editorial Board come from 5 different countries of the Balkans region: 6 from Serbia, 6 from Montenegro, two from Slovenia, 4 from Croatia and 4 from Macedonia; out of more than 80 papers which have been submitted for publication, it has 59 double blind reviewed papers accepted and published in English on more than 800 pages; it gathered 123 authors from 12 different countries: Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Macedonia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Italy who come from 28 different faculties, 34 different universities, 4 colleges, 4 scientific institutes and different enterprises and high schools – listed at the next page; 38% of all listed authors come from abroad; in a review process of a thematic proceedings its contribution gave 127 highly esteemed reviewers; among listed peer reviewers 43% of them are international by country of origin; average grade of all published papers obtained according to all reviews is 77 out of 100.
This book is funded by the Project "Development and Testing of a Model for Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainable Tourism Development in Bulgaria (Following the Example of National Resorts)", funded by the Research Fund, under Contract No. KP-06-H25 / 3 from 13.12.2018 and is intended for both undergraduate and master students studying tourism at various universities, business and geographical faculties in the country, as well as for teachers and experts in tourism, tourist organizations, institutions and entrepreneurs in the field of tourism. tourism. It is also a useful practical guide for local authorities and tourist area management organizations in the country.
The Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the "Economic Science, Education and the Real Economy: Development and Interactions in the Digital Age", held on 11 – 12 May 2020, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary оf the University of Economics-Varna. Against the background of the cultural and economic rise from the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, on May 14, 1920 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Varna decides to open a Higher School of Commerce in the city. This marks the beginning of higher economics education in the country. For the period of its existence the university has trained over 155,000 specialists with successful self-realization in the country and abroad. Today, more than 8,000 Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates from 52 countries study in 27 Bachelor's, 29 Master's and 16 Doctor‟s programs. One hundred years for a Bulgarian university is a remarkable anniversary. Some European universities have a much longer history, but when we give assessments, we must always consider the historical context. From this point of view and within the post-liberation period, 100 years of existence, for a Bulgarian university, is a remarkable achievement. The University of Economics – Varna is one of the oldest universities in Bulgaria and the university is rightly proud of its history. The Jubilee International Scientific Conference is focused on digitalization and all those profound transformations it causes in the economy and society. The theme of the conference has been chosen in the period preceding the outbreak of the global coronary virus pandemic. This is important to note because the current economic situation has changed dramatically. As a result of the state of emergency and the imposed social isolation, the economies all over the world have entered a recession. The business, our social and cultural lives have come to a standstill. The economic crisis that has begun is unprecedented both in its cause and most likely in its scale and scope, and it is currently confronting us with specific economic problems. But we believe in science and medicine, in the human mind and intelligence, and we have no doubt that the epidemic will be brought under control and sooner or later the world will return to normal. Then the fundamental determinants of economic activity shall start to operate, one of which is the ongoing process of digitalization. The present economic situation has confronted us with specific economic problems, but it has also shown in a clear and unequivocal way how important new technologies are in modern life, in particular in the conditions of emergency and social distance. It is in these conditions that all our communication, the opportunity for public institutions to continue with their work, online university and school education, etc. rest on digital technologies today. This conference has also been made possible by modern technology. The crisis, from a certain point of view, has given a new impetus to the digitalization of society. In the context of current events and the explanations given above, the topic of the conference is focused on the long-term development of the economy and society as a whole. The scientific event aroused considerable interest. The conference was attended by 340 scientists, researchers, lecturers, PhD students and students from 23 Bulgarian and 15 foreign universities and research organizations from Germany, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia and Ukraine, as well as representatives of business and various institutions. Plenary reports of the conference have been presented by: Prof. Evgeni Stanimirov PhD - Rector of the University of Economics – Varna, "Quo vadis, education?", Prof. Daniela Bobeva PhD, Institute for Economic Research at BAS, "Costs and Benfits of Euro Adoption in Bulgaria: lessons Learned from the Long Path of Bulgaria to the Euro' Mr. Plamen Rusev PhD, one of the successful alumni of the University of Economics-Varna, Executive Chairman of the Webit Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of Endeavor Bulgaria, addressed the plenary session with a speech on "Bulgaria – a platform for creating global initiatives." The proceedings covers 263 reports, in 4 volumes. The range of problems in the reports is wide, in line with the idea of the scientific forum: to analyze the manifestation of digitalization not only in business and economy, but its social, institutional and legal aspects, as well. A very important part of the conference is the reports that examine the impact of digitalization on education and science.
Green tourism is approached with great interest by the specialists in the field of tourism worldwide. Intelligent tourism has a significant contribution to the social and economic well-being of each country. Romania is a country with a high ecotourism potential, both tapped and untapped, due to the diversity of its land forms and the existence of a significant number of protected natural areas. Romanian traditions differ depending on region or area. The architecture of local tourist attractions (museums, memorial houses, fortresses) makes a significant contribution to Romanian niche tourism. In particular, Salaj County has a wealth of ecotourism resources, which should be properly harnessed. The analysis carried out in the present work contributes to the added value of Salaj County's ecotourism services.
The present work paper emphasizes the direct, linear and significant relationship that exists between job satisfaction and job performance of the employees who are responsible of selling travel packages through Romanian travel agencies. This work paper brings new and innovative elements because such a relationship has been studied a little in the field of travel agencies. This was possible by measuring first the level of job satisfaction and job performance of travel agents in Romanian travel agencies. 342 travel agents and 39 travel agency managers participated in this study. The data used for measuring travel agents' performances were collected from the questionnaires, which were elaborated by the author. The questionnaires were designated to both managers and employees. In order to gather the data used for measuring the job satisfaction a JDI questionnaire was used. Also, a questionnaire for gathering data regarding the present methods used nowadays for measuring the travel agents' job satisfaction, has been used in this study. Based on the results of the field researches, a managerial strategy was elaborated, which could be implemented inside a travel agency in order to increase job satisfaction and job performance of travel agents.
This article presents a current EU project on the methods of interpretation of European cultural heritage in the context of tourism. Around 453 cultural heritage sites are on the UNESCO World Heritage List within Europe [1]. Europe's cultural heritage is very diverse. This is by no means just about museums, castles or theatres; tradition and customs are also part of Europe's cultural heritage. As an essential part of the collective European memory, it is important to preserve this diversity.On the other side, the influence of new information and communication technologies (ICT) is increasing in all areas of society.How could the potentials of new developments within technology be instrumentalized within the interpretation of cultural heritage? To what extent does fintech (finance technology) tools like crowdfunding also play a decisive role in the interpretation of cultural heritage along with make it financially sustainable to align private and public interests? Based on a research project, the authors want to give empirical proposals of the usability of modern devices and technologies in the use of heritage interpretation and tourism marketing.
This volume is a selection of articles presented at the 24th International Conference on Tourism and Rural Space in National and International Context – TARS held online on May 27, 2022.TARS is the new denomination of the 1998-2020 International Conference on Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context: Present and Prospects – RoRuT. The title of the volume series, Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context: Present and Prospects, has changed starting with Volume 48.
Proceedings are the output of the 7th International colloquium on tourism that was focused on the policy as a support of tourism, economic impacts and contributions of tourism, and social-cultural impacts and contributions of tourism. Proceedings also includes further current issues in tourism, e.g. stakeholders in tourism and networking in a destination.
The traditional concept of tourism, based on the definition by the World Tourism Organization, is related primarily to the recording of activities in this area. A systemic approach to tourism allows for the understanding of this phenomenon as a process of meeting needs and demands. An analysis of the demand for tourism brings knowledge of the decisions of tourists. An analysis of the destination product allows for an understanding of the process of meeting needs within tourism. This definition of the concept is based on the determination of the conditions and processes that make up tourism.
Factors of tourist satisfaction were studied by data collected by on-site questionnaire surveys. Satisfaction with travel experiences was measured on a 5-point scale of answers to the question: Was this visit worth your time and effort? Emotional states were measured by both Mehrabian-Russell semantic differential 7-point scales of pleasure-arousal-dominance and information-rate measures. Data was gathered on 26 water-based mountainous and submontane localities of 10 types. 64 interviews were performed in each of the cited localities. Differences were found among the types of locality in case of both all surveyed attributes of an emotional component of feeling and their confirmative tool (One-way ANOVA). Factor analysis of the emotional component of feeling confirmed the original dimensions: pleasure, arousal, dominance. The same method was used to specify four factors of the environmental perception: complexity, regularity, novelty a density. The application of multiple linear regression pointed out the dimensions, ‘pleasure’, ‘common environment’, and ‘regularity’ to be the most important factors of satisfaction.
This volume contains three background studies designed to underpin the General Plan of Development of the city Miercurea Ciuc. The first study aims at presenting the economic analysis of the city by elaborating the current situation analysis. The main objective was to develop an accurate analysis on the local economy, on the existing problems and relations within the local economic system. In addition to the secondary data, a field observation was also carried out regarding the situation of industrial districts and other economic activities. After analysing the situation, a SWOT analysis of the settlement was conducted, followed by the definition of the main strategic directions and the formulation of a strategic vision. Following that, three alternative development scenarios were formulated, among which the most viable one was chosen, partly integrating the other two. The second part of this volume presents the tourist town of Miercurea Ciuc. The study is based on the analysis of the inner areas of the municipality classified into four categories, according to their touristic potential. The main objective is to identify activities and projects proposed in these delineated areas of interest. Therefore, the study presents the objectives and proposed activities for six areas with a high or moderate interest in Miercurea Ciuc, and some local hazards that may affect the balanced urban and touristic development of that area. Part three of this volume is divided into three tests. The first part presents the analysis of demographic processes in Miercurea Ciuc. The demographic analysis presents the causes of population evolution (natural movement and migration), the changes in the population and labour force, and finally the data on housing. The second part of the sociology study presents the demographic projection of the city’s population in the period between 2002 and 2022. Calculations on the population growth were made by the application of the Cohort-Component Method, using a software programme that allows the simulation of arbitrary assumptions about factors that may influence population movements. The third part of this study provides a focus-group type of evaluation designed to present ideas and demands of the urban population regarding tourism. This volume contains three background studies designed to underpin the General Plan of Development of the city Miercurea Ciuc. The first study aims at presenting the economic analysis of the city by elaborating the current situation analysis. The main objective was to develop an accurate analysis on the local economy, on the existing problems and relations within the local economic system. In addition to the secondary data, a field observation was also carried out regarding the situation of industrial districts and other economic activities. After analysing the situation, a SWOT analysis of the settlement was conducted, followed by the definition of the main strategic directions and the formulation of a strategic vision. Following that, three alternative development scenarios were formulated, among which the most viable one was chosen, partly integrating the other two. The second part of this volume presents the tourist town of Miercurea Ciuc. The study is based on the analysis of the inner areas of the municipality classified into four categories, according to their touristic potential. The main objective is to identify activities and projects proposed in these delineated areas of interest. Therefore, the study presents the objectives and proposed activities for six areas with a high or moderate interest in Miercurea Ciuc, and some local hazards that may affect the balanced urban and touristic development of that area. Part three of this volume is divided into three tests. The first part presents the analysis of demographic processes in Miercurea Ciuc. The demographic analysis presents the causes of population evolution (natural movement and migration), the changes in the population and labour force, and finally the data on housing. The second part of the sociology study presents the demographic projection of the city’s population in the period between 2002 and 2022. Calculations on the population growth were made by the application of the Cohort-Component Method, using a software programme that allows the simulation of arbitrary assumptions about factors that may influence population movements. The third part of this study provides a focus-group type of evaluation designed to present ideas and demands of the urban population regarding tourism.
Volunteer tourism, which is also known as travel that makes difference, allows visitors to devote part of their free time, energy, knowledge and skills for the benefit of activities, for these they do not get financial rewards, but gain personal and professional growth, new friendships and life experiences. The added value of voluntary service is also aware of the European Union, which promotes volunteerism at the national and international level. European Voluntary Service (EVS) is one of the activities of the European Union, which gives young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad and participate in cultural, humanitarian or environmental projects in one of the European or other countries in the world. The aim of the paper is to explore the possibilities and the involvement of EVS volunteers on inbound volunteer tourism in Slovakia. Secondary data from databases of accredited organizations and volunteer projects show, that Slovakia does not belong to the countries with the great amount of accredited organizations compared to other European countries. Nevertheless, there is a relatively large number of volunteer projects implemented and the results of initial survey among receiving organizations show that for the foreign volunteers Slovakia is one of the sought for country where they can show their potential and make the world a better place.
A new, dynamically developing trend in the global environment is volunteering and volunteering tourism. Despite the fact that certain features of volunteer tourism in the regions of Slovakia appeared after the Second World War, in domestic literature, the issue that includes the volunteerism was not addressed in an appropriate manner. The article, based on a questionnaire, examines the interest of Slovak inhabitants with volunteering in the organization of events in tourism. The results of the investigation show there is an increase of short-term participation of the Slovak population in voluntary activities in events and a dependence on volunteers in education. An optimal amount of involvement of volunteers in organizing events as a part of a tourism product may contribute to the generation of positive economic and non-economic effects for the region.
The paper is focused on the issue of tourism destination competitiveness. It tracks the application of two mostcited models of destination competitiveness in research practice defined by the various research papers published in journals involved in ProQuest Central and EBSCO databases from 2010. The aim of the paper is to identify the principal factors of destination competitiveness and create an aggregate model in a form of a causal loops diagram (CLD). Moreover, the paper pays attention to a role of destination stakeholders in the competitiveness models. Thus, it enriches the aggregate model with the stakeholder collaboration factor. It examines connections between the factor of stakeholder collaboration and other related competitiveness factors and identifies the leverage points affecting the dynamics of destination competitiveness. In such a way the paper provides a recipe for destination managers enabling them to define tourism policy so to be able to utilize cooperation with stakeholders as a source of competitive advantage, and thus to systematically increase destination competitiveness and improve the competitive position of the destination.
Purpose: - Social media is a popular media platform used by influencers to promote rural destinations. In the present study, the interplay between social media influencer source authenticity, social media user’s attitude, and motivation to visit rural destinations In addition, it examines how the influencer following behavior of SoMe affects the relationships examined previously. Methodology: - Quantitative study was done by collecting data through an online questionnaire. The sample adopted for the study is convenient and judgment sampling. The sample size of the study is110. The data collected was treated using SPSS v23. The analysis performed on the data is descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, correlation, and regression. Findings: - The result shows that SoMe users' attitudes were positively influenced by source authenticity, which in turn was positively correlated with their motivation to visit the rural destinations. In the study, Millennial SoMe users were examined for their use of SoMe influencer marketing to make recommendations for travel destinations. According to self-determination theory, SoMe influencers also moderated the consequences of subsequent behavior.
The expert study is the output of a research project that focused on the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on destination management. The study presents findings on how destination management organizations (DMOs) dealt with the covid-19 pandemic and how the destination management process in the Czech Republic changed in 2020-2021. At the same time, the study introduces the trends that arose as a reaction of the DMO to the crisis. In the introduction of the study, the theoretical background of destination management is provided to understand the context and to clarify the findings.