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The author presents the history of scientific reflection on the history of the Polish language situated in the context of positivist, structuralist, communicative and cultural-cognitivist paradigm in turn. In the closing remarks he highlights the polymethodology of the Polish language history, proving that the scientific paradigms coexisting on that ground today might remain in a nonantagonistic complementary relation, due to the fact that each of them might dominate a certain fragment of the history of the language as a heterogenous and multiperspective discipline.
Artykuł prezentuje najważniejsze kwestie związane z pisemnym i ustnym komunikowaniem w ramach PR. Omówiono zasady konstruowania tekstów PR-owych według formuły Rudolfa Flescha, znanej pod nazwą Flesch Readability, dla różnych typów wypowiedzi pisemnych, m.in. news release, information release, press release, press statement, information release, background release. Uwzględniając netykietę, przedstawiono główne reguły sztuki epistolograficznej, zwracając uwagę na najczęściej popełniane błędy. Nie lada wyzwaniem dla współczesnych PR-owców pozostaje stosowanie właściwych form językowych w mediach społecznościowych, które pomogą w budowaniu wizerunku przedsiębiorstwa i korzystnie wpływają na jego pozycjonowanie w przestrzeni publicznej. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie odpowiednich form językowych, które usprawniają komunikację i właściwe rozumienie treści adresowanych do wybranych grup targetowych.
Prvi moj zadatak u Institutu za novinarstvo bio je da analiziram sadržaj desetak vodećih jugoslovenskih listova prema projektu jednog apoljnjeg saradnika, metodologa, koji je prethodno bio na nekoj specijalizaciji u Americi. Koliko se sećam, glavno moje "otkriće" bilo je da se svi analizirani listovi uređuju po agitpropovskom šablonu - da veličaju politiku vladajuće partije i kritikuju svakog ko se ne slaže sa tom politikom. Novu fazu u mom istraživačkom radu predstavlja ulazak u istorijske arhive, a to se dogodilo krajem šezdesetih, kada sam prijavio doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom "Počeci političke štampe u Srbiji 1834-1872". Prekopavajući staru arhivsku građu, ustanovio sam da su svi politički listovi onog vremena primali finansijsku pomoć iz državne ili neke druge kase, što znači da su bili u službi propagande. Rezultate istraživanja ubjavljivao sam u svojim knjigama i raznim zbornicima sa naučnih skupova. U poslednjoj deceniji dvadesetog veka Srbija je imala više nedaća nego mnoge evropske države za ceo vek: raspad SFRJ, rat u okruženju, pa rat na sopstvenoj teritoriji, međunarođne sankcije, hiperinfiacija, nezaposlenost, političke svađe i podele. To je i decenija žestokog medijskog rata koji je srpska vlast vodila protiv stranih država i domaće opozicije. [...]
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE STRATEGIES XXI. The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment - Volume 1
The publication is focused on the topic of local media that is often neglected in the field of media studies. The main points of view are the analysis of local audiences and the characteristics of the relationship between local media and local audiences. The international group of nineteen authors maps the specifics of the functioning of local media and, more generally, local communication in different (mainly European) states.
This book, along with an overview of state of knowledge on the role in new media in political communication, delivers an insight into Czech context, focusing on political uses of new media by Czech politicians and Czech citizens during period 2013-2015. The book is situated in the field of political communication, combining approach of political sciences, media studies and sociology. The general question underlying a series of four particular empirical studies conducted in 2013-2015 is how did the Czech politicians and citizens use new media (and social networking sites especially) in political communication, who were the users of these media, how did they use it and what for.
This volume represents a collection of texts presented in the form of scientific interventions during the annual French-speaking colloquium organized for the XXIVth consecutive time by our French Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iași. In 2019, the general theme of this international event was that of irony. Laughter, questioning of seriousness, withdrawal from the gravity and implacability of fate, humor and other literary and linguistic forms of irony are therefore the main subjects of our book.
Volumul Comunicarea interpersonală - implicații în procesul educativ, nepropune o serie de lucrări, aparținând prin excelență, cadrelor didactice universitare,implicate activ în educație, cunoscători ai detaliilor de bază ale comunicăriididactice. Specialiștii au încercat să identifice sursele comunicării educaționale.Drept urmare, ei au adăugat noi teme de studiu: „comunicarea la clasă”,„comunicarea educațională” și „educația comunicării”.
Communication is a psychosocial interaction through which subjects transmit information and expect feedback, fulfill their goals, direct and control their own activity, that of a person or a group. To communicate effectively and expressively with oneself and others (Gh. Dumitriu 1998), means to convince, to be able to develop the thinking, affectivity and personality of others, to inform intelligibly and to understand correctly the meaning of the message, to notice and be aware of reactions, attitudes and behavioral changes in the receptors or audience. Communication, in general, and educational communication, in particular, are related to the phenomenon of social influence and persuasion. The teacher is the one who exerts influence through democratic behaviors that allow him to build a relationship based on mutual respect, self-disclosure and valorization, a context that facilitates the harmonious growth and development of the autonomous and creative personality. Among the sources of power that the teacher exercises in the educational context, we emphasize the importance of manifesting the power of reference that involves creating relationships based on affectivity and emotional support, the power of expertise based on shared competence of the teacher, legitimate power, specific to the teaching role, sources generating greater satisfaction than the one-way use of coercive power. The main component of education, communication, has always been an indispensable support for education. Receptive to the progress of human communication, the school has never ceased to approach and integrate intelligently
Motivation is one of the most important prerequisites for school learning. The channeling efforts towards the construction and endowment of a school, towards the training of teachers are in vain without a solid motivation for students' learning. Self-regulation of learning also includes that of motivation (self-motivation). This requires students to have motivational learning strategies and tools used to maintain or increase their motivation while completing a learning activity. Parents consider a child motivated when he wants to have good results at school, does not expect to be "pushed" from behind and is appreciated by teachers. Among the motivational strategies and tools used at home and at school, the following stand out: increase hope; communication; engaging the imagination; encouraging self-motivation and involving the child in decision making; cultivating effort. At school, the teacher's enthusiasm and motivation are directly restricted to the student's motivation. Cooperative learning implies the hypothesis, according to which, the way in which the activities are involved determines the quality of the interaction between the students, the results of the activities being consequences of the interaction between them. Thus, one of the main elements to be created in the classroom is positive interdependence or cooperation
Communication represents a process of interaction between people, groups, as a relation mediated through word, image, gesture, symbol or sign. Through it, individuals share their knowledge, experiences, interests, attitudes, feelings, opinions, ideas. Viewed as a process, communication consists in transmission and exchange of information (messages) between individuals. Communication means to tell those around you who you are, what you want, why you want a certain thing, and what are the means you will use to achieve your goals. Communication is defined as “a process through which a transmitter sends information to the receiver through a channel, in order to produce certain effects on the receiver.” In the present paper we analyze the most important types of communication: intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, public communication / in organizations and mass communication. The success of communication in organizations depends on its manager, who must be a true manager of his organization's communication system, and this requires a continuous effort on his part in accumulating knowledge and training skills in organizational and interpersonal communication
Considering that, throughout history, no theme has been so impressive and interpreted in such a variety as that of the Inquisition, in this study I will explain some issues regarding the ways of communication of people involved in this phenomenon, both clergy as laity. As sources of research on ways of communication we have the collections of laws and decrees, papal bulls, church canons, council acts, monastic annals, histories of local communities and abbeys, minutes of trials, sentences of inquisitorial trials, biographies of bishops, popes, various panegyric etc.
Like it or not, cultural awareness across nations is becoming a must for all, individuals, managers and employees alike. Understanding cultural differences between countries and organizations seem to become a very difficult process with many concepts that are increasingly relevant today. There are good frameworks and models for national and organization culture by Meyer, Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, Edgar Schein, Denison, Hofstede and others. Anyone today, could try to understand cultural differences even if you do not ever move to another country. More than military, political or economic power, culture has had the greatest impact on the world. The globalization of culture, allows people to communicate more with each other and learn to see and understand other cultures and behaviors. Migration plays an important role in spreading the phenomenon. Although migration, a growing phenomenon, has as a possible effect the loss of cultural identity for newcomers, globalization can also allow the convergence of cultures, not just divergence. Convergence is most easily achieved through art, film, sports and even work in multicultural environments. The integration of the cultures of the countries of the world into the world system leads to the development of modern means of transport, infrastructures, economic and social relations. Culture touches almost every aspect of human life on earth. Cultural implications are critical for succeeding in an international context. Lack of intercultural sensitivity can offend, alienate, and perturb people from different countries. It has a negative effect on any activity. Understanding cultural differences and intercultural communication allows individuals to adapt their skill set to meet the intercultural collaboration needs that global businesses value. Understanding cultural differences teaches us to know when to listen, when to ask for help, and when to speak. Better understanding other cultures improve our ability to communicate with others in many ways that lead to positive outcomes. Research on cross-cultural communication often focuses on understanding how individual differences influence our ability to communicate with others. Since most individuals grow up within a single culture having to interact with others from a different culture or background represent a challenge. We invite you to this
The article interprets the problem of the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies (coping behavior) in adolescents, which are considered the most important forms of adaptation for individuals in stressful situations. Psychological protection is an unconscious psychic mechanism, meant to minimize a person's negative experiences, to regulate their behavior, to increase their adaptability, and to balance the psychic. The practical study proved the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies used by adolescents in difficult situations: constructive psychological defense mechanisms led to the choice of constructive coping strategies and vice versa, destructive defense mechanisms determined destructive coping strategies.
The interest in finding the genesis of psychosocial phenomena is manifested by various specialists to understand the phenomena involved in the behavior and culture of social groups. Permanent individual-society cohabitation, the permanent flow of information, negotiations, conflicts, tensions or processes of accommodation and cooperation between the individual and society form the specific field of interest of social representations. The effects of globalization and the development of media technology are also felt in the evolution of social psychology. Facilitating personal and institutional contacts, linguistic uniformity through communication in English, the tendency to align with professional training and evaluation according to similar criteria have significantly reduced the geographical differences in the present of our existence. In this context, it could happen that the representations of different social objects studied during sixty years are unique. People reconstruct the social object, re-evaluate it and, thus, the object exists only through the meaning offered by individuals.
The presence of new technologies and media in the everyday life of modern man affects not only culture, communication and social relations, but also our cognitive processes, perception and understanding of the world. These changes are significant, but often overlooked - we lose sight of the most important, in an evolutionary sense, although subtle, transformations of ways of thinking. It is worth examining how cybercultural knowledge practices have evolved in relation to earlier forms of collecting, organising and sharing knowledge, and how conceptualisations of the concepts of the knowledge pyramid have changed: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. What is the knowledge of the digital age, ubiquitous sensors and networking? Are we really getting smarter by constantly collecting data from our environment? We look at the evolution of digital memory, artificial intelligence, the algorithmisation of cognition and the wikification of knowledge, as well as the scientific ordering of the chaos of ubiquitous data using big data, cultural analytics and social networks. The book shows the cybercultural transformations of knowledge and its conceptualisation in the interdisciplinary perspective of cultural, communication, knowledge and media studies.
The book Synergistic Application aims at investigating the synergistic application of metaphorical and humorous elements in Polish and English multimodal press ads. The presence of conceptual similarities as regards both construction and understanding of humour and metaphor, seen through the lens of the theory of conceptual integration, is a starting point for discussion. The analysis of advertising material makes it possible to investigate joint workings of the phenomena in question. Furthermore, research participants’ feelings on perceived attractiveness and funniness levels of the ads sampled are examined. The results help to check how the informants understand the mechanisms inducing humour and metaphor in ads, which allows for the identification of both similarities and differences between the two language samples.
Monografię otwiera omówienie ogólnych koncepcji kontroli ujawniania danych (ang. Statistical Disclosure Control, SDC) oraz definicji z tym związanych, a także regulacji prawnych dotyczących ochrony danych wrażliwych stosowanych w różnych krajach, również w Polsce. Zaprezentowano tutaj także najważniejsze typy udostępnianych danych wynikowych oraz rolę metadanych, paradanych, a także danych dodatkowych w SDC. Drugim ważnym poruszanym tematem jest istota i ważność ryzyka ujawnienia informacji wrażliwych oraz ocena jego poziomu. Ukazano tutaj także odmienności występujące w tym zakresie między mikrodanymi a danymi zagregowanymi w postaci tablic częstości i wielkości czy wyników analiz. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono z kolei szczegółowej charakterystyce metod i technik kontroli ujawniania danych wynikowych w przedstawionych powyżej trzech typach. Wskazano ponadto na zagrożenia dla poufności danych, mogące wystąpić w publikowaniu statystyk opisowych, ilustracji i wyników analiz w opracowaniach statystycznych oraz sposoby przeciwdziałania możliwościom odtworzenia danych wrażliwych. W toku dalszych rozważań autorzy scharakteryzowali istotę problemu straty informacji oraz najistotniejsze rodzaje miar oceny owej straty, z pewnymi oryginalnymi propozycjami, a także wpływ straty informacji na jakość estymacji dokonywanej w oparciu o dane poddane SDC. Czytelnik znajdzie w monografii szczegółowe omówienie – wraz ze stosowną egzemplifikacją – narzędzi informatycznych stosowanych w SDC, przede wszystkim programów T–Argus i µ–Argus oraz pakietów środowiska R: sdcTable i sdcMicro. Następnie uwaga została skoncentrowana na organizacji kontroli dostępu do danych i zasadach jej realizacji. W szczególności scharakteryzowano typy udostępnianych mikrodanych, sposobu organizacji funkcjonowania punktów dostępu oraz stosownych zabezpieczeń, przebieg efektywnej kontroli dostępu i zakres odpowiednich uprawnień. Całość wieńczy podsumowanie, w którym wskazano najistotniejsze konkluzje oraz postulaty dotyczące stosowania SDC. Dla wygody czytelnika na końcu opracowania zamieszczono słownik występujących w nim pojęć. Z uwagi na uniwersalność zagadnienia publikacja została opracowana tak, aby mogła służyć metodologom projektującym badania statystyczne oraz odpowiedzialnym za ich jakość i bezpieczeństwo zgromadzonych w ich wyniku informacji. Stąd duży wybór przykładów i praktycznych omówień przedstawianych zagadnień, które pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć przekazywane treści. Monografia ma obszerne angielskie streszczenie.