Innovative Instruments for Community Development in Communication and Education
Innovative Instruments for Community Development in Communication and Education
Contributor(s): Maria MICLE (Editor), Gheorghe Clitan (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Media studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
ISSN: 2498-4884
Published by: Trivent Publishing
Keywords: Communication; Philosophy; Mass-Media; Poiltics; Philosophical Counselling; cultural identity; public learning; library science; electoral campaigns; manipulation; applied philosophy
Summary/Abstract: The multiple facets of this volume belong to five large themes. The first theme, that of persuasion and manipulation, is studied here through electoral campaigns (i.e., mental filters used in voting manipulation, the mechanisms of vote mobilisation, manipulation and storytelling models). The institutionalization of education represents the second theme, approached here through specific interdisciplinary instruments: the intersection of higher education with public learning, the answers of the knowledge society to the issues of contemporary work problems, the institutional relationships used to solve educational problems specific to childhood and adolescence, as well as the role of media competencies in professional development. The third theme is related to the inheritance and transmission of cultural identity, instrumentalized through issues such as: the duty of intergenerational justice with regard to cultural heritage, education and vocational training in library science, the social inclusion role of public and digital libraries. The collective and cultural identity of communities represents the fourth large theme, being approached through a triple perspective: the philosophical background of restoring the political dignity of communities, the communication space as a point of a needle towards the community space, and the communicational issue of the European capital of culture programmes. Lastly, the fifth theme belongs to practical and applied philosophy, specifically philosophical counselling, debating issues such as: the identification of the communicational background for this type of counselling, the secular approach to the problem of evil from a philosophical counselling perspective, the discussion of Platon’s attitude towards suicide and of frank speech in the Epicurean school, the socio-anthropological perspective of immortality, as well as the formal approach of the relationship between real and imaginary.
Series: Philosophy, Communication, Media Sciences
- E-ISBN-13: 978-615-81793-6-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-615-81689-4-6
- Page Count: 360
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: English
Mental Filters Used in Manipulating the Vote Through Electoral Posters Containing Religious Symbols
Mental Filters Used in Manipulating the Vote Through Electoral Posters Containing Religious Symbols
(Mental Filters Used in Manipulating the Vote Through Electoral Posters Containing Religious Symbols)
- Author(s):Gheorghe Clitan, Adela-Oana Barbu-Banes
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Communication studies
- Page Range:1-21
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:mental filter; vote manipulation; electoral posters; religious symbols; critical analysis of the advertisement; critical thinking; neurolinguistic programming;advertising. types of texts. argumentation. audience.;
- Summary/Abstract:This article intends to propose, from the perspective of the critical thinking junction with neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and the psychology of persuasion, a model of mental filters to illustrate how the posters used in election campaigns distort manipulatively or even cancel the initial meaning of the religious symbols used. Furthermore, it intends to show, by means of the critical thinking mental filters model proposed, how the distortion of the initial message from the religious symbols used in the political campaigns intervenes deceptively in the argumentative content of the electoral posters that use such symbols. Finally, this article will illustrate how critical thinking filters intervene, similar to mental patterns or maps, also at the rational level (logical, analytical, and comprehensive), not only at the psychological level of persuasive behaviour (representation systems, mental states, behaviour meta-models, including NLP type).
The Mobilization of the Romanian Diaspora
The Mobilization of the Romanian Diaspora
(An Overview of a Transnational Community Connected during the 2014 Presidential Elections in Romania)
- Author(s):Alina-Elena Romaşcu, Maria MICLE
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Communication studies
- Page Range:23-34
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:diaspora; Romania; transnational communities; social networks; Facebook; presidential elections; migration; media coverage; reconfiguration of media forms.
- Summary/Abstract:Our research offers a methodological framework for analyzing the Romanian diasporic communities connected during the Romanian presidential elections of 2014. Our initial hypothesis is that the formation of digital communities and especially those that occurred through the social network Facebook allowed the creation and configuration of new forms of media coverage. In order to understand the context in which these new forms of media coverage have developed, we will employ a methodological apparatus that involves both quantitative and qualitative tools.
The Logical Structure of Manipulation
The Logical Structure of Manipulation
(The Logical Structure of Manipulation)
- Author(s):Paula Pompilia Tomi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:35-45
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Manipulation; logical fallacies; formal fallacies; informal fallacies; morally neutral
- Summary/Abstract:We are all facing manipulation. Sometimes we manipulate and other times we are manipulated. This phenomenon is strongly linked with logical fallacies. The connection is so strong that it seems that the use of fallacious arguments is enough to lead to an action that is morally blameworthy. I am going to provide some arguments in order to support the idea that logical fallacies are not linked with morality if they are out of a context. To be more specific, they cannot be evaluated from a moral point of view outside a specific context, they are not morally bad or good in themselves.
The Persuasive Potential of Storytelling in Professions of Contemporary Communication
The Persuasive Potential of Storytelling in Professions of Contemporary Communication
(The Persuasive Potential of Storytelling in Professions of Contemporary Communication)
- Author(s):Stefania Bejan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Psychology, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication, Behaviorism
- Page Range:47-62
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:storytelling; strategic persuasion; emotion management; new media; participation
- Summary/Abstract:An interdisciplinary look on the emotional “portrait” that postmodern society has been offering us for the past decades could use the lens of the authors who imperatively announce the mobilization of emotions by appealing to stories, “heart-opening” histories. The narrative skills held by communication professionals become indispensable in an era of “emotions management”, “emotions marketing”, along with their transformation into goods, ready to be evaluated, quantified, dissected... (É. Illonz). The appeal to emotions is more “human” in a hyper-technological era, communication is personalized in an era of standardization, of informational uniformity. It is also more efficient, since the art of “exploiting” emotions (through psychological persuasion) brings benefits for the purpose of obtaining awareness and the participation of social actors. Practiced in politics, media, business, NGOs etc., the appeal to emotions mobilizes people and humanizes organizations. In this context, we aim to highlight the virtues of emotion management through the storytelling technique in two successful samples: Magic HOME and PRIME.
Contributions of Universities to Community Learning and Development
Contributions of Universities to Community Learning and Development
(Contributions of Universities to Community Learning and Development)
- Author(s):Simona Lidia Sava, Laura Malita, Ana Simona Negomireanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Adult Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:63-79
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:University; learning cities; learning communities;community development;
- Summary/Abstract:The third function of the university, the social one, that of a critical and awareness body of the community, leads universities to carry out various actions to fulfill this role. Be it about the local, regional, national, international, or even the virtual community, the way in which universities connect with society, contributing to the development of their learning communities is widely diverse and analyzed in detail. We will analyze the involvement of the university in the community from multiple perspectives, along the three identity axes of the university (educational, research, social), as well as illustrate how this approach can be adopted, using as example the case studied, the West University of Timisoara.
Education Response to the World of Work in the Knowledge Society
Education Response to the World of Work in the Knowledge Society
(Education Response to the World of Work in the Knowledge Society)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Pejatović, Miomir Despotović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:81-101
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Knowledge society; Lifelong learning; Education; Training; World of work; Knowledge-based economy; Learning organisation; Learning cities, Competences
- Summary/Abstract:We have placed our understanding of knowledge society between the conception of seeing it as a real existing society and the conception of the ideal society we strive for. In the context of knowledge society, the responses of education and training to the needs arising from the influence of contemporary characteristics of the world of work have been considered. The analysis shows that, in parallel with the changes in the world of work, there are also changes occurring in education, that is, the creation of education and training inherent in knowledge society occurs through the process of meeting the needs for learning and knowledge.
The Kindergarten-Family Partnership, a Basis for Early Childhood Education
The Kindergarten-Family Partnership, a Basis for Early Childhood Education
(The Kindergarten-Family Partnership, a Basis for Early Childhood Education)
- Author(s):Otilia Sanda Bersan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education
- Page Range:103-112
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Partnership; education; kindergarten; family; preschoolers
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper analyses the relationship between kindergarten and family as a partnership between these two poles of education. An effective early education is achieved by ensuring a healthy family climate, through the parents’ involvement in the kindergarten activities, by ensuring adequate educational conditions etc., all leading to progress, building a foundation for preschoolers’ integration and quality education. The paper analyses the relation between the kindergarten as an educational institution and the support and involvement offered by children’s family’s during the educational process. The main argument of the article is based on Romanian Educational Law and less on recent studies or researches published in international reviews or scientific.The question could be considered from the beginning: What should a good partnership between parents and kindergarten look like? The paper presents the implementation of the partnership in one kindergarten institution from Timisoara, Romania, between children’s parents and preschool teachers, with the purpose of creating a solid early education. Is a specific, local program that presents the perspectives of some of the teachers involved and of the parents of preschoolers.
Anxiety in Adolescence
Anxiety in Adolescence
(Anxiety in Adolescence)
- Author(s):Remus Runcan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, History of Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction, Behaviorism
- Page Range:113-128
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Anxiety;adolescence; psychology and health;
- Summary/Abstract:Anxiety is one of the most complex nervous disorders affecting adolescents. Half of the studies on anxiety concern anxiety in adolescents. The review of articles on anxiety shows that most studies forms of anxiety disorders are social anxiety and generalised anxiety disorders associated, most often with the use of the Internet, in general, and the use of social networking sites and of Facebook, in particular. Anxiety in adolescents was studied mainly by North American and European researchers, but Asian, African and Australian researchers also contributed to this field.
Training and Assessing Media Education Competence in Professional Training Programs for Teachers
Training and Assessing Media Education Competence in Professional Training Programs for Teachers
(Training and Assessing Media Education Competence in Professional Training Programs for Teachers)
- Author(s):Ileana Rotaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Vocational Education, Adult Education, State/Government and Education
- Page Range:129-145
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:media competence; national curriculum (Romania); media literacy; key competence;training programs;
- Summary/Abstract:This study argues the necessity of implementation of media literacy education programs in schools by interpreting media literacy in relation to 'communication' and knowledge and information society, which are included in the key competencies of the European Union. In the Romanian educational system, media literacy competence is not aimed in any educational curriculum. Few efforts have been realized in the past ten years, efforts that were initiated by the civil society experts and they have been not yet adapted to the national curriculum. Based on the literature review and on the content analyses of the national curriculum, previous studies contrived media literacy strands and standards including performance objectives and basic teaching and learning contents. By theoretical systemizing media literacy, this study is expected to promote the understandings of media literacy in schools and promote its implementations in the classrooms. Two models of media education programs are presented and analyzed in the aspects of: objectives, curriculum and state of implementation.
Education in Cultural Heritage as a Duty of Intergenerational Justice
Education in Cultural Heritage as a Duty of Intergenerational Justice
(Education in Cultural Heritage as a Duty of Intergenerational Justice)
- Author(s):Ileana Dascălu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:147-160
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Cultural heritage; education; John Rawls; intergenerational justice; identity; memory, communitarianism.
- Summary/Abstract:How should we educate future generations in order to safeguard and further transmit cultural heritage? If we accept the idea that we have duties of justice towards unborn individuals and that these are not limited to precautionary actions or to transferring sufficient resources, it is necessary to explore the question of transmitting values across generations. Since cultural heritage is deeply linked to values, memory, identity formation and legitimizing discourses, this paper develops an argument centring on education as a channel for the intergenerational transmission of cultural heritage.
Vocational Training and Education in the Library and Information Professions in Switzerland
Vocational Training and Education in the Library and Information Professions in Switzerland
(Vocational Training and Education in the Library and Information Professions in Switzerland)
- Author(s):Regula Feitknecht, Jasmine Lovey
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Library and Information Science, Education and training, Vocational Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:161-172
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Vocational training; Information and documentation professions; Library and information science (LIS); Continuing education; Switzerland; Canton of Fribourg
- Summary/Abstract:In Switzerland, one possible path for vocational training in the information and documentation professions is to do an apprenticeship after compulsory school education, to then earn a higher vocational diploma and finally to obtain a bachelor’s degree. This degree is awarded by two universities of applied sciences, which also offer master’s degree programs. Alternatively, bachelor’s and master’s degrees can be obtained after graduating secondary school and going through purely academic training. Professional associations keep developing continuing education and training and offer programs that prepare librarians to cope with their ever-changing environment.
Digital Libraries
Digital Libraries
(Digital Libraries)
- Author(s):Victoria Frâncu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Library and Information Science, Archiving, Cataloguing, Classification, Library operations and management, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Other
- Page Range:173-184
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Digital libraries; integrative solutions; innovation; inclusiveness policies; open access; institutional repositories; research databases
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to highlight the contribution of the digital collections to an improved image of the libraries and the impact they have on building the community whose members evaluate the quality of services provided. Examples of innovative digital library activities and services shown hereafter talk about changing mentality and increasing responsibility in institutions, which become more visible in the life of the community they serve. Innovation accomplished through integrative or collaborative solutions, aims at getting user target groups involved in library activities and direct participation and digitization help building communities for educational and research purposes.
The Pubic Library
The Pubic Library
(A Factor of Social Inclusion in the Local Community)
- Author(s):Elena Tîrziman, Maria MICLE
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Library and Information Science
- Page Range:185-194
- No. of Pages:10
Participatory Practices in European Capitals of Culture
Participatory Practices in European Capitals of Culture
(Participatory Practices in European Capitals of Culture)
- Author(s):Corina Turșie
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Globalization
- Page Range:195-211
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Participation; audience; consultation; co-decision; co-production; governance; ECoC.
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the growing interest of the European Capital of Culture programme in participation, meant to offer a sustainable legacy of the title, understood as community building, the paper discusses participatory practices applied by Timisoara 2021, starting from a theoretical typology of participation.
The European Capital of Culture Programme and Sustainable Development in a Cross-border Region Case Study
The European Capital of Culture Programme and Sustainable Development in a Cross-border Region Case Study
(The European Capital of Culture Programme and Sustainable Development in a Cross-border Region Case Study)
- Author(s):Ilie Rădoi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Communication studies, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture, Geopolitics, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:213-230
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:sustainable; development; cross-border region; European identity; cultural program; tourism
- Summary/Abstract:For the first time since 1985, the title of ECoC for 2021 had been won by two cities being so close from a geographical point of view. It is a great opportunity for Timișoara and Novi Sad to shape together a region of culture and, meanwhile, to boost cooperation at European and international level. Sustainability is also about a cultural dimension, which has to do with cultural diversity, the cultural vibrancy of a place, cooperation and with preserving and promoting cultural heritage. The purpose of this paper is to identify cultural mechanisms, tools and models that support sustainability in a cross-border region, in the context of ECoC programme. The ultimate goal is to make the local population from Timișoara and Novi Sad surroundings aware of the cultural diversity in Europe and to increase cooperation between the two neighbouring countries.
Normative Gaps between Communities and Collective Identities in Governing Cultural Heritage
Normative Gaps between Communities and Collective Identities in Governing Cultural Heritage
(Normative Gaps between Communities and Collective Identities in Governing Cultural Heritage)
- Author(s):Oana Șerban
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Culture and social structure , Geopolitics
- Page Range:231-242
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:cultural heritage; private property; community; collective identity; state; common ownership; imagined communities; nations; tangible / intangible forms of cultural heritage.
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the conceptual and normative gaps between “communities” and “collective identities” enrolled as shareholders of cultural heritage. I will examine how the absence of the political determinations of communities in governing cultural heritage can be solved by investing a particular perspective on “imagined communities”, regarded as nations represented by specific forms of patrimony, or by restoring older modern theories on social contract and private property, authorized by Hobbes and Locke. In this latter instance, both modern philosophers explain the consecution and implications between community, collective identity and state, arguing that the shift from one to another increases the reasons to accept common ownership on collective properties understood as tangible or intangible forms of cultural heritage.
Participating in the Co-creation of New Narrative regarding European Identity through European Capitals of Culture
Participating in the Co-creation of New Narrative regarding European Identity through European Capitals of Culture
(Participating in the Co-creation of New Narrative regarding European Identity through European Capitals of Culture)
- Author(s):Codruța-Diana Simionescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Geopolitics
- Page Range:243-256
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:European identity; ECoC; maps of meaning; cultural mediation;cross-border region;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, there is an emerging need for a new narrative regarding the European identity, built around the cultural unity and the common values of the European citizens. Since 1985, starting with the City of Culture prize and continuing with the European Capital of Culture programme, culture comes to the fore of European construction. The intrinsic value of culture, less visible, less touchable impacts the local community and society at large. Reflecting on the history and cultural heritage and understanding their importance and meaning in our daily lives is of primary importance. A reflective approach towards our heritage and the development of new maps of meaning are also required. In support of this position, we aim in the present paper to investigate the role of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) title in developing new maps of meaning inside a cross-border region, with emphasis on Timisoara 2021 and Novi Sad 2021.
The Point of a Needle
The Point of a Needle
(The Point of a Needle)
- Author(s):Ferenc András
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies
- Page Range:257-264
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Communication; understanding; identity; mental causation; anomalous monism;causes and reasons of physical abuse of parents in relation with their children;
- Summary/Abstract:In the first part, this paper will explain how identity means indexical first person. I interpret the thesis that personal identity is indivisible like the point of a needle. Secondly, I argue that understanding an agent in itself is when we can make theirs reasons explicit. Consequently, multiple identities can never refer to an agent, only its attributes. My conclusion will be that being in the communication space logically precedes the understanding of the agent's identity - first there is the community and then the individual.
The Communication Background of Philosophical Counseling
The Communication Background of Philosophical Counseling
(The Communication Background of Philosophical Counseling)
- Author(s):Aurel Codoban
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy
- Page Range:265-276
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:philosophical counseling; Paul Watzlawick; Pragmatics of human communication; axioms of pragmatics; analogic; digital; metacommunication;punctuation;
- Summary/Abstract:Paul Watzlawick is considered a theoretician of communication and radical constructivism, with comments in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy. And philosophical counseling appears as a communicative practice, which uses philosophy as the most formalized semantics of human culture. The work of Paul Watzlawick, Pragmatics of human communication… should be considered theoretical prolegomena to any philosophical counseling. Unlike other therapies, philosophical counseling does not produce its content, which belongs to the history of philosophy and human spirituality in general, but, according to the post-modern formula, redistributes it through communication.
Philosophical Counselling as a Secular Approach to the Problem of Evil
Philosophical Counselling as a Secular Approach to the Problem of Evil
(Philosophical Counselling as a Secular Approach to the Problem of Evil)
- Author(s):Florina Haret
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy
- Page Range:277-290
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Philosophical counselling; problem of evil; bibliotherapy; Pierre-Henri Castel; scale of evil; dispositional account; adverbial analysis; philosophy in prisons.
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to outline the way in which bibliotherapy could be used during philosophical counselling sessions in order to address the problem of evil from a secular point of view. It touches upon some of the most important features of philosophical counselling, drawing a brief parallel with psychiatry and psychology, respectively, as well as referring to the therapeutic and pedagogical dimensions of philosophical counselling. The book chosen for bibliotherapy is Pierre-Henri Castel’s “Pervers, a Conceptual Analysis, suivi de Sade à Rome” [Pervers, a Conceptual Analysis, Followed by Sade in Rome].
Plato’s Attitude Towards Suicide In The Dialogue Crito
Plato’s Attitude Towards Suicide In The Dialogue Crito
(Plato’s Attitude Towards Suicide In The Dialogue Crito)
- Author(s):Armand A. Voinov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:291-300
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Plato; Crito; Socrates; suicide; laws; permitted suicide.
- Summary/Abstract:Usually, Plato is not considered a philosopher that comprehensively treated the matter of suicide. This paper aims to show that Plato was concerned with the problem of suicide and that he gave an answer regarding at least one case of permitted suicide. This case is observed in the dialogue Crito which is the main subject of this paper. By trying to prove, through the character Crito, on the one hand, the obedience of Socrates towards the laws of the city-state and, on the other hand, the general importance of respecting the laws of the city-state, Plato let us observe a prefiguration of what may be his attitude towards suicide.
About Immortality
About Immortality
(About Immortality)
- Author(s):Delia Ioana Nadolu, Bogdan Nadolu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:301-312
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:immortality; extreme longevity; healthy life expectancy; sociological research
- Summary/Abstract:From the age of mythology to that of modern science, the idea of immortality has always been a taboo but alluring aspiration. In many popular cultures all over the world there can be found legends about immortal heroes or long-lost times when people enjoyed endless life, but usually as little more than a tantalising hope that perhaps death might be avoided. This paper presents a micro-sociological analysis of desired longevity as expressed by a sample of 137 respondents studied in September 2019, prefaced by a brief anthropological review of the myth of immortality in different cultures.
Frank Speech in the Epicurean Philosophical School
Frank Speech in the Epicurean Philosophical School
(Frank Speech in the Epicurean Philosophical School)
- Author(s):Cristian-Ioan Hîrjoi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:313-326
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:parrhêsia; epicurean school; pedagogy;therapy;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the role of parrhêsía in the Epicurean philosophical school and for this, I used the work of Philodemos from Gadara, Perí Parrhesía. After a presentation of the role of the teacher and his features, I aimed to show why direct talking is an essential practice in the friendship relationship. Later, I pointed out that it is a pedagogical practice based on a stochastic method but also a therapeutic technique in which the characteristics of the guided person must be taken into account.
Real and Imaginary
Real and Imaginary
(Real and Imaginary)
- Author(s):Ionel Nariţa
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Logic
- Page Range:327-339
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Reality; Modality; Imaginary; End of the history.
- Summary/Abstract:At every moment of time, a single context becomes real. Therefore, every moment splits the class of all contexts into two parts, the realized ones until that moment and the contexts that are not yet realized. The first part represents the past at a certain moment. A proposition is necessarily true at a given moment if it is a consequence of the past. From this definition of necessity it follows that the modal values of propositions depend on time, namely, the modal value of a proposition can be different at two given moments. For instance, there are propositions so that they are possibly true at a moment and become impossibly true later.
The Allegory of Quantum Persona
The Allegory of Quantum Persona
(The Allegory of Quantum Persona)
- Author(s):Tea Radović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:341-348
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Diagnostic manuals; diagnostic procedures; critique of diagnoses; mental disorders; quantum physics; superposition; issue of objectivity; eclectic approach; alternative therapeutic methods
- Summary/Abstract:A holistic approach to comprehending the human psyche as a substrate of the interplay between the physical and the spiritual allegorically implies that a certain part of the personality functions at the level of atomic and subatomic particles, which are as such subject to the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. The initial premise of the Quantum Personality, which I intend to assert through this summary, is that certain personality instances also operate on the levels of subatomic and atomic particles. The use-value of the aforementioned postulates is primarily reflected through the critique of diagnostic processes which are based on a subjective validation of mental disorders.