Wpływ strategii Unii Europejskiej na kształtowanie systemu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i ochrony środowiska/klimatu Polski w XXI wieku
This article aims to present the EU strategy for energy security, environmental and climate protection and its impact on Poland. So far, Poland has not developed a strategy for the country’s energy security longer than 2030. This raises concerns about the stability of the country in the long term. State security should be clearly specified, especially since it is not a permanent concept, but a process conditioned by a number of factors that shape it. It requires many years of efforts from all participants of the energy market, each of the entities that somehow operated or operates in this market. The whole of the study was divided into an introduction, two chapters: the EU strategy of energy security and environmental and climate protection, as well as its impact in these areas in Poland, character and ending rich in the author’s own conclusions.