On the Royal Elections in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Between 16th and 18th Century. The Meaning of Choice – Between Rights and Obligations Cover Image
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Wokół wolnych elekcji w państwie polsko-litewskim XVI-XVIII wieku. O znaczeniu idei wyboru – między prawami a obowiązkami
On the Royal Elections in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Between 16th and 18th Century. The Meaning of Choice – Between Rights and Obligations

Contributor(s): Mariusz Markiewicz (Editor), Dariusz Rolnik (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Military history, Political history, Social history, Modern Age, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Free election; Rights; Obligations; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Summary/Abstract: The following studies collected in this volume are devoted to the subject matter of the royal elections in the political and legal tradition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthbetween the 16th and the 18th century. The volume has been divided into three parts,comprised of thirty-five essays total. The first part, titled “On the Idea, Symbols and Practiceof Choice,” approaches the royal elections from the perspective of the study of political doctrine.The article by Teresa Chynczewska-Hennel presents examples of Old Polish political life which reflect the standpoint that the royal elections benefitted the Commonwealth in selecting the best candidates to the throne of Poland. Andrzej Stroynowski, in turn, focuses on both the benefits and the drawbacks of royal elections. Mariusz Markiewicz offers insight into the ways in which Polish royal elections were perceived in 17th century-Europe. Finally, an article by Jolanta A. Daszyńska constitutes a conclusion of sorts, as it touches upon the topic of the first presidential election in the United States of America understood as a reflection of the practical realization of the republican ideals of that young nation’s society.The second part of the volume, dedicated specifically to the particular elections of the rulers of the Commonwealth, is divided into six parts and ordered chronologically according to the individual rulers referenced in the articles. As a result, this part of the volume constitutes a synthetic overview of the evolution of the idea of the royal election in Polish political tradition between the 16th and the 18th century. This part of the volume begins with articles on the development of early modern political theory and praxis related to the elections in the times of the last of the Jagiellonian dynasty. Maciej Serwański, Tomasz Kempa, Jerzy Urwanowicz, and Dorota Gregorowicz write about the political praxis during the first royal elections, while Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik as well as Dariusz Dolański and Filip Wolański devote their articles to the conceptions of the royal elections in their initial stages (with regard to Zebrzydowski’s Rebellion and 18th century historical compendia respectively). In the parts devoted to elections during the reign of Sigismund III Vasa’s two sons as well as the reign of John III Sobieski, the authors discuss the issues of the relationship with the political elites (Anna Filipczak-Kocur, Maciej Franz), as well as the military (Przemysław Gawron, Zbigniew Hundert). In turn, Paweł Duda, MonikaKonrádová, and Aleksandra Ziober touch upon the diplomatic relationships with the Vaticanand the Holy Roman Empire, while Artur Goszczyński and Robert Kołodziej focuson the organization of the election. Eight of the articles in this part of the volume discussthe crucial Saxon period in the history of Poland. Mariusz Sawicki and Andriej Macuk discuss the attitude of the Commonwealth elites to the election of the Saxon kings. The diplomatic issues connected with European politics are elaborated upon by Aleksandra Skrzypietz (the correspondence of the Prince of Conti), Zbigniew Anusik (Swedish politics), and Urszula Kosińska (Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém’s candidacy to the throne of Poland).Moreover, this part of the volume focuses also on the important issue of the candidacy andelection of Stanisław Leszczyński to the throne of Poland, which is touched upon in differentcontexts in articles by Michał Zwierzykowski, Tomasz Ciesielski, and Małgorzata Durbas.Moreover, two articles are devoted to the era of Stanisław August Poniatowski: Arkadiusz M.Stasiak writes about the election of the king in the context of the God-given power of the king, on the basis of the election of 1764, while Henryk Kocój discusses the issue of electinga Saxon ruler during the time of the Great Sejm, in the context of the account of the Saxonianrepresentative to Poland, August Franz Essen.The last part of the volume is devoted to the election of civil servants in the Commonwealth.Andrzej Rachuba and Maria Czeppe discuss the influence of clergy on the decisions made at regional councils. Witold Filipczak presents the issue of the election of landed magistrates in the times of the Permanent Council, while Katarzyna Bucholc-Srogosz touches upon the election of the speakers of the Permanent Council. Tadeusz Srogosz discusses the issues with electing representatives and civil servants by the royalist faction at the regional council in Żytomierz in 1790. This part of the volume concludes with an article by Dariusz Nawrot, “Between the Commonwealth Tradition and the Rules of Centralized Power. The Election of Civil Servants in Lithuania in 1812.” The volume ends with an extensive bibliography and index.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-906-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-903-0
  • Page Count: 746
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Russian, Polish
Wykaz skrótów, Indeks osobowy, Summary

Wykaz skrótów, Indeks osobowy, Summary
(List of abbreviations, Person index, Summary)

„Majestat naszych królów uznajemy za taki, jaki Imperium Rzymskie czciło w swoich cesarzach”

„Majestat naszych królów uznajemy za taki, jaki Imperium Rzymskie czciło w swoich cesarzach”
(“We consider the majesty of our kings to be the one which Roman Empire worshipped in its emperors”)

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(Advantages and disadvantages of royal elections in the light of sejm speeches of the Stanisław Augustus Poniatowski’s epoch)

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Problem kandydatów do tronu Rzeczypospolitej w kontekście podziałów w elicie politycznej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w trzech pierwszych bezkrólewiach po śmierci Zygmunta Augusta
(The problem of candidates to the throne of the Commonwealth in the context of discords in the political elite of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the first three interregna following the death of Sigismund Augustus)

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(The dilemmas of papal diplomacy. A political position of the Holy See and the activity of the nuncio Annibale Di Capua toward the election of 1587)

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(The first interregnum and free elections in the 18th-century historical compendia)

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Bracia Zbarascy wobec następstwa tronu w Polsce
(The Zbaraski brothers in view of succession to the throne in Poland)

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(The army of the crown during the interregnum after the death of Sigismund III Vasa)

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Taksa warszawska z 11 października 1632 roku. Przyczynek do spraw organizacji elekcji Władysława IV
(The Warsaw tax of 11th October 1632. A contribution to the organization of the election of Władysław IV)

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(Apostolic nunciature in Warsaw and Vienna in view of the election of Władysław IV – a contribution to the study on the fourth interregnum)

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Wolna elekcja w czasach wojny. O okolicznościach elekcji króla Polski w 1648 roku
(Free election in the time of war. On circumstances of electing the king of Poland in 1648)

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Elekcje królów polskich w drugiej połowie XVII wieku oczyma dyplomatów cesarskich
(The elections of Polish kings in the second half of the 17th century through the eyes of Caesarean diplomats)

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Wojsko koronne a elekcja 1674 roku

Wojsko koronne a elekcja 1674 roku
(The army of the crown and the election of 1674)

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  • Price: 4.50 €
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Dziennik wizyt posła cesarskiego Krzysztofa Leopolda Schaffgotscha jako przyczynek do wyjaśnienia przebiegu elekcji 1674 roku
(The visitor’s log of the Caesarean legate Krzysztof Leopold Schaffgotsch as a contribution to explaining the course of the election of 1674)

  • Price: 4.50 €
„jestem zdecydowany nie robić niczego pochopnie…” – elekcja 1697 roku w korespondencji księcia Conti

„jestem zdecydowany nie robić niczego pochopnie…” – elekcja 1697 roku w korespondencji księcia Conti
("I am determined not to do anything too hastily…"- the election of 1697 in the correspondence of Prince of Conti)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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Partia francuska na Litwie w latach 1696–1697 w świetle dokumentów i rachunków dyplomatów Ludwika XIV. Przyczynek do dziejów elekcji Augusta II
(The French party in Lithuania in the years 1696-1697 in the light of documents and bills of the diplomats of Louis XIV. A contribution to the history of the election of Augustus II)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Elekcja Stanisława Leszczyńskiego w roku 1704 – wynik przypadku czy efekt działań politycznych?

Elekcja Stanisława Leszczyńskiego w roku 1704 – wynik przypadku czy efekt działań politycznych?
(The election of Stanisław Leszczyński in 1704 – a coincidence or an effect of political action?)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Szwecja wobec rozdwojonej elekcji w Rzeczypospolitej w 1733 roku

Szwecja wobec rozdwojonej elekcji w Rzeczypospolitej w 1733 roku
(Sweden in view of the split election in the Commonwealth in 1733)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Kandydatura Emanuela Portugalskiego (Don Manuela de Bragança) do tronu polskiego w latach 1729–1733

Kandydatura Emanuela Portugalskiego (Don Manuela de Bragança) do tronu polskiego w latach 1729–1733
(Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém’s candidacy to the throne of Poland in the years 1729-1733)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Ważność drugiej elekcji Stanisława Leszczyńskiego w świetle trzeciego traktatu wiedeńskiego

Ważność drugiej elekcji Stanisława Leszczyńskiego w świetle trzeciego traktatu wiedeńskiego
(The validity of the second election of Stanisław Leszczyński in the light of the third Treaty of Vienna)

  • Price: 4.50 €
„Gorący” koniec lata i początek jesieni 1733 roku. Początki rosyjskiej interwencji zbrojnej w Rzeczypospolitej

„Gorący” koniec lata i początek jesieni 1733 roku. Początki rosyjskiej interwencji zbrojnej w Rzeczypospolitej
(A ‘hot’ end of the summer and the beginning of autumn in 1733. The beginnings of Russian armed intervention in the Commonwealth)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Соймікі прыхільнікаў Аўгуста ІІІ у Вялікім княстве Літоўскім у 1733–1774 гадах

Соймікі прыхільнікаў Аўгуста ІІІ у Вялікім княстве Літоўскім у 1733–1774 гадах
(Соймікі прыхільнікаў Аўгуста ІІІ у Вялікім княстве Літоўскім у 1733–1774 гадах)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Wybór króla a charyzmat władzy monarszej na przykładzie elekcji z roku 1764

Wybór króla a charyzmat władzy monarszej na przykładzie elekcji z roku 1764
(Royal election in the context of the charism of royal power on the example of the election of 1764)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Obrady Sejmu Wielkiego w relacjach rezydenta saskiego Franciszka Essena. Wokół elekcji elektora saskiego

Obrady Sejmu Wielkiego w relacjach rezydenta saskiego Franciszka Essena. Wokół elekcji elektora saskiego
(The proceedings of the Great Sejm in the accounts of Frantz Essen, a Saxonian representative to Poland. On the elections of a Saxonian elector)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Uczestnictwo duchownych w sejmikach w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w latach 1569–1764

Uczestnictwo duchownych w sejmikach w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w latach 1569–1764
(The participation of the clergy in regional councils in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the years 1569-1764)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Elektorzy w sukienkach. Wpływ duchowieństwa i kobiet na wyniki sejmików pod koniec panowania Augusta III. Rekonesans

Elektorzy w sukienkach. Wpływ duchowieństwa i kobiet na wyniki sejmików pod koniec panowania Augusta III. Rekonesans
(Electors in dresses. The influence of the clergy and women upon the effects of regional councils at the end of Augustus III’s reign. A reconnaissance)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Elekcje ziemskich urzędników sądowych w czasach Rady Nieustającej

Elekcje ziemskich urzędników sądowych w czasach Rady Nieustającej
(The elections of landed magistrates in the times of the Permanent Council)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Elekcje marszałków Rady Nieustającej

Elekcje marszałków Rady Nieustającej
(The elections of the speakers of the Permanent Council)

  • Price: 4.50 €
„Plantowanie” wyborów posłów, komisarzy i urzędników przez stronnictwo regalistyczne na sejmiku województwa kijowskiego w Żytomierzu w 1790 roku

„Plantowanie” wyborów posłów, komisarzy i urzędników przez stronnictwo regalistyczne na sejmiku województwa kijowskiego w Żytomierzu w 1790 roku
(The ‘grading’ of the elections of deputies, commisioners and civil servants by the royalist faction at the regional council of Kiev voivodeship in Żytomierz in 1790)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Między tradycją Rzeczypospolitej a zasadami scentralizowanego państwa. Obiór urzędników na Litwie w 1812 roku

Między tradycją Rzeczypospolitej a zasadami scentralizowanego państwa. Obiór urzędników na Litwie w 1812 roku
(Between the Commonwealth tradition and the rules of centralized power. The election of civil servants in Lithuania in 1812)

  • Price: 4.50 €


  • Price: 4.50 €
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