Praca – więź – integracja. Wyzwania w życiu jednostki i społeczeństwa. Monografia poświęcona pamięci prof. zw. dr. hab. Władysława Jachera. T. 1: Praca, przedsiębiorczość, gospodarka oparta na wiedzy
Praca – więź – integracja. Wyzwania w życiu jednostki i społeczeństwa. Monografia poświęcona pamięci prof. zw. dr. hab. Władysława Jachera. T. 1: Praca, przedsiębiorczość, gospodarka oparta na wiedzy
Contributor(s): Bożena Pactwa (Editor), Urszula Swadźba (Editor), Monika Żak (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-352-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-351-9
- Page Count: 392
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish
Prof. zw. dr hab. Władysław Jacher — życiorys naukowy i zawodowy. Garść wspomnień pracowników Instytutu Socjologii UŚ
Prof. zw. dr hab. Władysław Jacher — życiorys naukowy i zawodowy. Garść wspomnień pracowników Instytutu Socjologii UŚ
(Prof. zw. dr hab. Władysław Jacher — życiorys naukowy i zawodowy. Garść wspomnień pracowników Instytutu Socjologii UŚ)
- Author(s):Adam Bartoszek, Leszek Gruszczyński, Sławomira Kamińska-Berezowska, Bożena Pactwa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:16-24
- No. of Pages:9
- Price: 4.50 €
Władysława Jachera koncepcja pracy ludzkiej
Władysława Jachera koncepcja pracy ludzkiej
(Władysław Jacher and His Concept of Human Labor)
- Author(s):Janusz Mariański
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:27-50
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:human work; market; culture; ethics; morality
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes Władysław Jacher’s views and reflections on human labor, a sociologistat the University of Silesia in Katowice. The axiological‑normativedimensionof human labor plays an important role in his research. He began his scientific work byanalyzing St. Thomas Aquinas’ texts, deriving important components on human laborfrom them. Based on his research, human labor has been defined as: “conscious humaneffort undertaken in order to bring about goods, which one needs for life and personalgrowth hidden within and in the surrounding nature.”An axiological‑normativeconcept of man lies at the basis of Władysław Jacher’sdiscussion on human labor. Man, among all the creatures on earth, is a unique being,and apart of corporeality is also endowed with reason and free will. As a person, manlives simultaneously and inseparably in both the spiritual and bodily dimensions, andmust be regarded as a unique value in himself, deserving respect. A man cannot betreated as an object of possession or thing that can be freely manipulated.Work is not only the production of something, but it is an activity with someoneand for someone. Hence, sometimes a company is compared to a family. Managementand workers interact in a selfless way so as to reduce the burden of work and improvesocial relationships. The concepts of homo faber and homo economicus require yet to becomplemented with the notion of homo cooperativus. Work from the personal perspectiveis a duty and obligation of man, not only because the Creator wanted it to be so,but also to maintain and develop one’s humanity and to fulfill moral obligations, firsttowards one’s family, and then neighbors. In his discussion on human labor and itsaxiological‑normativedimension, Władysław Jacher’s stance is very close to that of theSocial Doctrine of the Catholic Church, namely its social aspects pertaining to humanlabor in its individual and social dimensions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kontrideologia pracy jako czynnik dezintegracji społecznej
Kontrideologia pracy jako czynnik dezintegracji społecznej
(Counter‑Ideology of Labour as a Factor of Social Disintegration)
- Author(s):Danuta Walczak-Duraj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:51-68
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:labour ideology; counter‑ideology of labour; labour’s ethic; crisis; social disorganization
- Summary/Abstract:The leading subject of considerations concerns the basic mechanisms, processes andphenomena that generating process of the emergence of counter‑ideologyof labour. Particularattention was paid to two types of counter‑ideologyof labour, namely: extortedinstrumentalization of attitudes towards labour and extorted autotelism of these attitudes.The emergence of counter‑ideology of labour leads not only to fragmentalization,individualization, dispersion and inconsistency of labour’s ethos in Poland, but also todisperse, diversify and weaken the potential of social capital and social disintegrationat multiple levels of the social structure. Reasonable, therefore, the question becomes,what can be further consequences of the dual relationship to work, to a large extent thesituation of forced labour and the whole social context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kapitał relacyjny jako nowa forma więzi społecznej w zarządzaniu firmą
Kapitał relacyjny jako nowa forma więzi społecznej w zarządzaniu firmą
(Relational Capital as a New Form of Social Bond in Corporate Management)
- Author(s):Lesław H. Haber
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:69-84
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:social bond; procedural bond; interpersonal bond; formal structures; informal structures; relational capital; relational capital structure; integration
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this paper concentrates on the relationships that occur between thesociological concept of social bond and the new category of relational capital, developedin the management science. When analysing the origin and mechanisms of such relationships,the author refers to the pioneer of the Silesian School of Sociology, WładysławJacher, who authored the conception and specific research proposals associated with theshaping of integration and social bonds among the residents of the Upper Silesia. The authorof the paper stressed the analogy found in the defining parameters and applicationproperties which occur between the social bond, especially its varieties: procedural andinterpersonal bonds, and the relational capital conception. That analysis was conductedin reference to the corporate management system applied in a small and medium‑sizedcompany sector. The whole paper is dedicated to those considerations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Etos pracy w Polsce. Ewolucja zjawiska
Etos pracy w Polsce. Ewolucja zjawiska
(The ethos of work in Poland. The evolution of the phenomenon)
- Author(s):Urszula Swadźba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:85-98
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:ethos of work; Polish society; evolution of the phenomenon
- Summary/Abstract:This article applies to the transformation of the ethos of work in Poland during thepostwar period. The work ethos and the theory of Ronald Inglehart, which will be usedin further analysis, are defined. The article begins with the words of Władysław Jacherindicating the axiological dimension of human labor. The analysis was conducted basedon the research of sociologists depicting Polish work ethos. It starts from the end of the50s, and has been brought to modern times, where the author used her own researchin a large extend. In conclusion, the model of transformation of the work ethos of thePolish society is presented. Additionally, the emergence of a new, communicative workethos, as a symptom of changes in the value system of the young generation, is alsoindicated.
- Price: 4.50 €
Etos pracy versus etos konsumpcji we współczesnym społeczeństwie
Etos pracy versus etos konsumpcji we współczesnym społeczeństwie
(Ethos of work versus the ethos of consumption in modern‑day society)
- Author(s):Felicjan Bylok
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:99-111
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:consumption; ethos of work; ethos of consumption; consumerism
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the issues of the transformation in the relations betweenwork and consumption. The main aim of the said paper is to describe the changes inthe relations between the ethos of work and the ethos of consumption in contemporarysociety. The author in question focuses on the answer to the question relating to inwhat area does the ethos of works become replaced by the ethos of consumption in thesystem of social values and what impact this has on human behaviour in contemporarysociety. The realization of the accepted aim was possible thanks to the application of themethod of critical analysis of the sources of national and foreign literature with refer‑ence to consumption. In this paper, an outline of the historical changes in the approachto work and consumption has been presented. The changes in the forms of work andtheir consequences with relation to consumption have been described. Apart from thisfact, the transformation of the perception of work in terms of values has been presented.As a result of the research carried out, the consequences of the impact of the ethos ofconsumption on human behaviour in the sphere of work and consumption has beenindicated.
- Price: 4.50 €
Strażnicy pamięci Górnicy KWK „Wujek”. Reminiscencje w 33. rocznicę wydania raportu z badań pt. Socjologiczne aspekty wprowadzenia czterobrygadowego systemu pracy pod kierunkiem Władysława Jachera
Strażnicy pamięci Górnicy KWK „Wujek”. Reminiscencje w 33. rocznicę wydania raportu z badań pt. Socjologiczne aspekty wprowadzenia czterobrygadowego systemu pracy pod kierunkiem Władysława Jachera
(Coalminers from KWK Wujek. Reminescenses in 33 Anniversary of Survey Called Sociological Aspects of Implementing Four Brigade Shift Work by the Władysław Jacher’s Team)
- Author(s):Piotr Wróblewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:113-123
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:work organization system; four brigade system; sociological report; science autonomy; legitimization; propaganda
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on issue of the sociological report prepared by Władysław Jach‑er’s research team. The report concerned implementation of the new work organizationsystem in industry in Poland in the seventies. The author concentrates on three level ofanalysis. Firstly, he takes into consideration the opinion of research head of team on thisproject. Secondly, he presents the assessment of coalminers, who worked in Katowicemines at the end of the seventies, of continuous working day — so called four brigadesystem. Thirdly, he includes the area of social pressures put on the science autonomyin totalitarian systems and liberal democracy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaczenie pracy emocjonalnej w wypowiedziach liderek Ogólnopolskiego Związku Zawodowego Pielęgniarek i Położnych
Znaczenie pracy emocjonalnej w wypowiedziach liderek Ogólnopolskiego Związku Zawodowego Pielęgniarek i Położnych
(The significance of emotional work in statements of the All‑Polish Union of Nurses and Midwives)
- Author(s):Sławomira Kamińska-Berezowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:125-142
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:emotional work; nurses; female trade union leaders; trade unions; employees’ problems; trade union activity
- Summary/Abstract:Human labour can be analysed in terms of fulfilling human material needs or anactivity aiming at social integration and communication. Social significance of work isclosely related to its ethical aspect expressed among others through compliance withworkers’ rights protected by trade unions. The purpose of the presented analyses is topresent the perception of employees’ and trade union problems by the female leaders ofthe All‑PolishUnion of Nurses and Midwives. The discussed considerations are based onqualitative research and focus on the problems of emotions related to trade union activity,negotiating and solving employees’ problems. Due to in‑depthinterviews conductedwith the female trade union leaders in this sector it was possible to identify indicateways of dealing with the encountered employees’ problems and indicate characteristicemotions accompanying negotiations. Thus they illustrate the significance of maintainingcontrol, ‘putting on a brave face’ and treating the trade union activity as the emotionalwork. All the analyses contribute to the discussion of issues connected with labour relationsand interpersonal workplace relationships.
- Price: 4.50 €
Integracja a konflikt społeczny. Socjologiczny aspekt relacji
Integracja a konflikt społeczny. Socjologiczny aspekt relacji
(Integration and Social Conflict. Sociological relation aspect)
- Author(s):Anna Śliz, Marek S. Szczepański
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:145-158
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:cultural diversity; assimilation; integration; segregation; ethnic conflict
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the specificity of co‑existenceof ethnic conflict in assimilation,integration and segregation process. More important process of modern world isthe increase in the number of migrations and the contemporary nomadism. There isa number of reasons why migrations occur, the primary ones including the enormousvariation in the level of civilization development that can be observed in various parts ofthe world. A tangible result of contemporary migrations is ethnic and cultural diversityof many social spaces. In this spaces assimilation, integration and segregation processestake place which most often result in harmonious coexistence of people from differentcultural systems, but sometimes lead to real or symbolic conflicts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Integracja funkcjonalna grup interesów a kultura pracy i innowacyjność instytucji publicznych w warunkach polskiej transformacji
Integracja funkcjonalna grup interesów a kultura pracy i innowacyjność instytucji publicznych w warunkach polskiej transformacji
(Functional integration of interest groups by innovations and work culture of the public institutions in conditions of polish transformation)
- Author(s):Adam Bartoszek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:159-182
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Public institutions; interest groups and flexians; organizational games; political chase of annuity; extraformal structures; disfunctional innovations
- Summary/Abstract:The article is analysing sources and restrictions of the functional integration processesin public instutitions. Author discussing about forms and the influence on organizationalorder of the internal and outside interest groups through classic and moderntheories of integration and the dysfunction in profesional ethics, innovations and formalizationof the quality they collective actions in managing of the public goods. Analysisof the network of influences lobbies, agents of corporate businesses (flexianie, politicalnomads, public officers) by theory of the bureaucratization, the social games and organizationalstrategies, disproportion of sets of the social values, and author’s modelof the dimensions of organizational order. He shows haw extraformal organizationalprocesses strengthening the dysfunctional postcomunistic clientelism and political chaseof annuity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Integracja jednostek samorządu w procesie rozwoju funkcji metropolitalnych na przykładzie województwa śląskiego
Integracja jednostek samorządu w procesie rozwoju funkcji metropolitalnych na przykładzie województwa śląskiego
(Integration of local government in the development of metropolitan functions The case of the Silesian province)
- Author(s):Joanna Wróblewska‑Jachna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:183-197
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:integration; competition; cooperation; metropolisation
- Summary/Abstract:The process of metropolitizing areas in Poland involves the formation of functionalsystems which can respond to the needs of large‑scalecommunities. Local and regionalstructures taking part in global competition must adapt themselves in institutional termsto the demands of the strongest players in the global economy in order to positionthemselves optimally within global (economic, political and social) cooperation networks.Reinforcement of this position in external systems requires the management of domesticcompetition, resulting in competitive cooperation. This article presents the resultsof research carried out in 2012 in selected cities in the Silesian voivodeship. The aimof the research was to analyze the competition and cooperation processes taking placebetween cities which were bringing about a grass‑roots‑upmetropolitisation of the UpperSilesian agglomeration.
- Price: 4.50 €
Złożoność procesów migracyjnych a problem integracji społecznej. Refleksja na temat sytuacji w Polsce
Złożoność procesów migracyjnych a problem integracji społecznej. Refleksja na temat sytuacji w Polsce
(The complexity of migration processes and the problem of social integration. Comments on the current situation in Poland)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Szymańska‑Zybertowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:199-209
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:social integration; migration; policy migration; transnationality
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to show that in the context of the complexity anddynamics of contemporary migration processes the social integration concept is becomingmore and more obvious. First issue is that the concept of social inclusion, so far inPolish sociological discourse, did not live up to develop a comprehensive theory thatwould be appropriate for the current contemporary political and cultural trends. Thisproblem was scratched on the optics of important phenomenon of the transnationalism.A look through the prism of some transnational trends provides the unique perspectiveon the problem of integration policies towards migrants that are avoided in traditionalmigration theory. The third issue is taken in this study there are the dilemmas of integrationon the context of the situation of migration processes in Poland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Alienacja medialna człowieka jako przykład dezintegracji więzi społecznych
Alienacja medialna człowieka jako przykład dezintegracji więzi społecznych
(Media alienation of human as example of disintegration of social bonds)
- Author(s):Patryk KACZMAREK
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:211-222
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:media; ethics; responsibility; media education
- Summary/Abstract:In this analysis I shall portray how development of technology affect the manner inwhich people communicate. Violent changes in this sphere do not harmonize with thelevel of adaptation of human to the situation. I shall decribe some difficulties arisingfrom human inablity of adaptation in the presence of latest media technologies. Oneof them is attempt of compensation of emotional defects through comming into roleof mass. Assuming that media strongly determine social life I shall analyse modernmedia through prism of their responsibility. One should conclude that latest media areprogram irresponsibility by reason on their structure and interests. One of thepossibilities of teaching society more concious use of irresposible media is media education,which uses in didactic process latest media, in the same time allowing for morereflective use of the tool.
- Price: 4.50 €
Więzi relacyjne w cyberkulturze
Więzi relacyjne w cyberkulturze
(The relational bonds in the cyberculture)
- Author(s):Slawomir Partycki, Ewa Sikora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:225-235
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cyberculture; Network relationship; social networks
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary culture has many new features that on dramatically other way acton communities. The paradigm of network society allows us to see in a culture hernew character by showing her as relational networks. This new phenomenon is calledcyberculture and is made possible by the creation of more and wider networks betweencultural entities — creators and consumers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Społeczno‑moralne uwarunkowania zarządzania wiedzą w organizacji
Społeczno‑moralne uwarunkowania zarządzania wiedzą w organizacji
(Socio‑moral conditions of knowledge management in organizations)
- Author(s):Arkadiusz Jabłoński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:237-248
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:knowledge; management; university; organization; capital
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to analyze the most dangerous tendency desire to maximizethe potential of knowledge in the organization. Therefore I put the thesis that thedanger flowing from the modern programs of knowledge management in organizationsis to deprive the knowledge of her moral right to be responsible for the truth. Instead,it is proposed to treat knowledge as a capital or resource organization. In the secondapproach, knowledge is becoming a product of a particular person, subject to furtherprocessing and use. If knowledge is primarily a resource and capital all moral limits ofreason during the creation, processing and use shall be considered as anachronistic andanti‑development.One of the extreme effects of knowledge management as a capital,undermining the tradition of its creation, it may be the destruction of civilization conditionsfor the development of knowledge as an effect of the approximation to the truth,which is a kind of “death of knowledge”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Społeczno‑ekonomiczne uwarunkowania postaw przedsiębiorczych mieszkańców wsi w Polsce
Społeczno‑ekonomiczne uwarunkowania postaw przedsiębiorczych mieszkańców wsi w Polsce
(Socioeconomic determinants of entrepreneurial attitudes of the inhabitants of rural areas in Poland)
- Author(s):Jan Sikora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:249-273
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:rural areas; multifunctional development; non‑agricultural entrepreneurship; inhabitants of rural areas
- Summary/Abstract:Strategy of multifunctional development of rural areas used in Poland after its accessionto the European Union points to the departure from agricultural activities andreplacing them with various forms of non‑agriculturalentrepreneurship. However, theinhabitants of rural areas should stay in the country and develop non‑agriculturalactivities.The paper presents a brief socio‑economiccharacterization of rural areas in Polandand the idea of the strategy of multifunctional development in these areas. The preconditionfor successful development of rural areas is the involvement of rural society that isexpressed in different forms of entrepreneurial activity. Thus, the paper characterizes theessence and conditions for development of entrepreneurship in the country and presentsstatistical analysis of the forms of entrepreneurship developed by the inhabitants of ruralareas. Apart from the actual status of non‑agriculturalactivities in rural areas, the focuswas on the prospective activity of the inhabitants of rural areas.The paper was written based on the literature, statistical data and results of national‑scaleempirical survey.
- Price: 4.50 €
Więzi społeczne w społeczności wirtualnej — przykład internetowego forum
Więzi społeczne w społeczności wirtualnej — przykład internetowego forum
(The Social Bonds In Virtual Space — Based On Online Forum)
- Author(s):Emilia Zimnica-Kuzioła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:275-288
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:irtual community; social bonds; Internet forum
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present a reflection on specificity of the social bondsinitiated in virtual space.The subject of author’s interest is an Internet forum gathering competitors and viewersof TV quiz show Name that tune (Jaka to melodia). The most active members of theforum meet regularly in a real world, in this way they tighten the interpersonal ties. Inthis virtual community there is no full anonymity (acorporeality, as Mark Smith wouldput it), many participants know each other from the TV screen. Its main characteristicis the equalization of the members’ social status — their education, practised profession,financial position and social background are of no importance here (astigmatic inMark Smith’s terminology). The process of communication is also aspatial, because peopleinvolved in communication can be far away from each other and interactions do notdepend on the place of residence. Another feature is a possibility of synchronous andasynchronous communication.Forum — defined by the author as webtribe, constitutes a group in a sociologicalsense, although it has got a loose structure and low degree of social organization. Itsbinding agent is an awareness of mutual interests, common problems and aspirations(objective, subjective and behavioural bond).
- Price: 4.50 €
Profesjonalizacja nieprofesjonalnych pracowników wiedzy na przykładzie polskojęzycznej Wikipedii
Profesjonalizacja nieprofesjonalnych pracowników wiedzy na przykładzie polskojęzycznej Wikipedii
(Professionalization of unprofessional knowledge workers — the case of Polish Wikipedia)
- Author(s):Sebastian Skolik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:289-300
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:knowledge workers; professionalization; institutionalization
- Summary/Abstract:The problem of professionalization in the voluntary services environment creatingPolish Wikipedia is presented in the article. The definition focusing on the sociallylegitimized authority over the working process, not on the profession was accepted inthis respect. Due to the fact that the knowledge workers are described in the literatureas the experts at work in which the knowledge is the key element, the author presentedthe way in which the individuals obtain the expert status in the subject of regulation ofthe activity in a research project.Based on the several years of participatory observation the author describes theprocesses leading to the acceptance of particular rules of activity, as well as indicatesthe conditioning and the expressions of professionalization at Wikipedia. With referenceto the active users of Wikipedia the author highlights the way in which the careerpathways of the users are created and how they contribute to the obtainment of theexpert status.
- Price: 4.50 €
Więzi — integracja — networking. Socjologiczne wymiary przekształceń regionu przemysłowego w kierunku regionu wiedzy
Więzi — integracja — networking. Socjologiczne wymiary przekształceń regionu przemysłowego w kierunku regionu wiedzy
(Social relationships — integration — networking. Sociological dimensions of the industrial transformation of the region towards the region of knowledge)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Suchacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:301-315
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:social relationship; integration; networking; learning region; human capital; social capital
- Summary/Abstract:Complicated nature of the industrial transformation of the region into a knowledgeregion is one of the most interesting topics of research, observation and inquiry bothfor researchers and practitioners. Contemporary empirical analyzes in a comprehensivemanner attempt to describe these phenomena taking into account the concept of interdisciplinaryroots: human capital and social capital, learning region — as well as thenotion of a strictly sociological origin — social relations, integration and more recentlynetworking. The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of the results of researchin the Silesia voivodeship concerning transformation of the industrial region towardsthe knowledge region. The basic conclusion from these analyzes relates to the changingnature of relationships, the importance of relationships, integration and cooperationbetween regional entrepreneurs, the development of innovation and its determinants.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zmiany w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w administracji publicznej — w kierunku koncepcji zarządzania przez kompetencje
Zmiany w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w administracji publicznej — w kierunku koncepcji zarządzania przez kompetencje
(The Changeovers concerning Management of Human Resources in Public Administration — towards the Concept of the Management of Competencies)
- Author(s):Paweł Przyłęcki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:317-332
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Public Administration; New Public Management; Public Governance; Management of Competencies
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the issue concerning the possibility of introducing new HR toolsin public administration. In the first part of the article the author describes the mainconcepts of management characteristic of Polish administration, that is: the bureaucraticmodel — still dominant in Polish administration and the newly introduced models ofpublic governance: New Public Management and Public Governance.In the second part of the article the author makes an assessment of the activities ofPolish administration based on both governmental and World Bank data. Moreover, heindicates both the main arrangements of the Polish government concerning the introductionof reforms in the management of public administration as well as the activitiesrelated to creating competitiveness models which were already started by particulardepartments.
- Price: 4.50 €
Więź społeczna jako konstytutywny element społecznej odpowiedzialności organizacji w ujęciu personalistycznym
Więź społeczna jako konstytutywny element społecznej odpowiedzialności organizacji w ujęciu personalistycznym
(Social bond as the constitutive element of corporate social responsibility in personalism perspective)
- Author(s):Michał Kapias, Paweł Kocoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:333-342
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:corporate social responsibility; personalism; connexion
- Summary/Abstract:Personalism is the basic philosophic trends, being used in various spheres of sociallife. It is based on the concept of a person and of a society.Integrating character of personal life is visible at work too. In this context it is vital tonotice that a person bears full responsibility for their work. In wider sense, such responsibilityis also visible in the context of a group, community, society. Therefore there appearsthe responsibility of particular organizations. Its range and meaning will be nonethelessmore sensible when it will be based on real, personal bond among people.The bond is the condition for the responsibility in several areas. First of all, onecannot be responsible for a person or community having no bonds with them. Secondly,the real social responsibility of an organization involves dialog with their environment,not a monologue.
- Price: 4.50 €
Więź społeczna a procesy wirtualizacji i usieciowienia
Więź społeczna a procesy wirtualizacji i usieciowienia
(The social tie and the process of virtualization and networking)
- Author(s):Katarzyna J. Frączek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:343-353
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:network society; social ties; virtualization process; networking process
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to characterize social ties constructed between social actorsunder the Internet environment — in cyberspace. In the research it is assumed that asa result of various processes that are taking place in a new environment, social ties arethe subject to a far‑reachingtransformation.The processes of virtualization and networking are of particular importance in thismetamorphosis. These are the two key factors on the basis of which an attempt could bemade to describe and explain the social ties. This work is a theoretical reflection on theimportance of networking and virtual reality on building relationships between people.It is formulated on the basis of an analysis of the available literature. The article is alsoan attempt to identify the chances and threats that are associated with the transfer ofsocial relationships into the digital environment. The conclusions reached in the article donot indicate the explicit breaking or weakening of the social ties. However, there can beobserved a qualitative transformation of ties, which is reflected in the change of attitudesof trust, loyalty and solidarity, that a person manifests towards the category of “we”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Feminizacja zawodu lekarza w Polsce
Feminizacja zawodu lekarza w Polsce
(Feminization of the medical profession in Poland)
- Author(s):Halina Kulik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:355-379
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:medical profession; feminization
- Summary/Abstract:A woman has been connected with health service since the dawn of history. However,it was not until the second part of XIX th century that, with a wave of emancipation,women started to overcome discrimination and obtained access to medical departmentsat uniwersities.Their constant attempts to achieve the right to study medicine and do the job ofa doctor met with general disapproval and reluctance of majority of conserwative society,academic professors and some women.In the modern history, the first woman to obtain the doctor diploma, in 1851, wasAmerican — dr E. Blackvell (1821—1910).In Europe, Switzerland was the first country which, in 1864, enabled woman to domedical studies. It was there that the first Polish woman — dr A. Tomaszewiczówna(1854—1918), obtained, in 1878 the doctor diploma. The tradition of female medicalstudies at Polish universities dates back to lees than one century ago. These times, however,appear to be very distant. Nowadays it is a feminine occupation, 55% of it beingwoman.
- Price: 4.50 €