Social bond as the constitutive element of corporate social responsibility in personalism perspective Cover Image
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Więź społeczna jako konstytutywny element społecznej odpowiedzialności organizacji w ujęciu personalistycznym
Social bond as the constitutive element of corporate social responsibility in personalism perspective

Author(s): Michał Kapias, Paweł Kocoń
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; personalism; connexion
Summary/Abstract: Personalism is the basic philosophic trends, being used in various spheres of sociallife. It is based on the concept of a person and of a society.Integrating character of personal life is visible at work too. In this context it is vital tonotice that a person bears full responsibility for their work. In wider sense, such responsibilityis also visible in the context of a group, community, society. Therefore there appearsthe responsibility of particular organizations. Its range and meaning will be nonethelessmore sensible when it will be based on real, personal bond among people.The bond is the condition for the responsibility in several areas. First of all, onecannot be responsible for a person or community having no bonds with them. Secondly,the real social responsibility of an organization involves dialog with their environment,not a monologue.

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