The social tie and the process of virtualization and networking Cover Image
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Więź społeczna a procesy wirtualizacji i usieciowienia
The social tie and the process of virtualization and networking

Author(s): Katarzyna J. Frączek
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: network society; social ties; virtualization process; networking process
Summary/Abstract: The aim of this article is to characterize social ties constructed between social actorsunder the Internet environment — in cyberspace. In the research it is assumed that asa result of various processes that are taking place in a new environment, social ties arethe subject to a far‑reachingtransformation.The processes of virtualization and networking are of particular importance in thismetamorphosis. These are the two key factors on the basis of which an attempt could bemade to describe and explain the social ties. This work is a theoretical reflection on theimportance of networking and virtual reality on building relationships between people.It is formulated on the basis of an analysis of the available literature. The article is alsoan attempt to identify the chances and threats that are associated with the transfer ofsocial relationships into the digital environment. The conclusions reached in the article donot indicate the explicit breaking or weakening of the social ties. However, there can beobserved a qualitative transformation of ties, which is reflected in the change of attitudesof trust, loyalty and solidarity, that a person manifests towards the category of “we”.

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