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Idea opracowania słownika powstała w wyniku doświadczeń autora, który przez ponad 40 lat, jako pracownik naukowy, zajmował się problematyką hydrogeologiczną, często korzystał z bardzo bogatej anglojęzycznej literatury naukowej i technicznej oraz współpracował z licznymi zagranicznymi placówkami badawczymi. W pracach tych poważnym utrudnieniem był brak dobrego, współczesnego słownika angielsko-polskiego i polsko-angielskiego terminologii hydrogeologicznej. Niniejszy słownik stanowi próbę uzupełnienia tego braku. Powinien on ułatwić polskim pracownikom naukowym oraz licznej rzeszy studentów hydrogeologii, górnictwa, ochrony środowiska i nauk pokrewnych korzystanie z anglojęzycznej literatury technicznej i naukowej, bez której ani poważnie traktowane studia, ani postęp naukowy nie wydają się możliwe.W słowniku uwzględniono nie tylko terminologię czysto hydrogeologiczną, ale również wykorzystywane w hydrogeologii terminy z nauk i dziedzin pokrewnych, jak matematyka, fizyka, geologia, ochrona środowiska itp. Ze zrozumiałych względów lista terminów z poszczególnych dziedzin nie jest pełna: przy ich doborze kierowano się doświadczeniem i intuicją autora. Słownik, zarówno w wersji angielsko-polskiej, jak i polsko-angielskiej, ma budowę gniazdową – do każdego hasła głównego włączono najczęściej występujące terminy złożone, zawierające to hasło. W obrębie danego gniazda wyraz hasłowy skracany jest do pierwszej litery. W celu zwiększenia funkcjonalności słownika zamieszczono w nim osobne zestawienia: ważniejszych skrótów i skrótowców stosowanych w pracach angielskich i polskich oraz jednostek miar stosowanych w krajach anglojęzycznych z przeliczeniem na jednostki Międzynarodowego Układu SI. W słowniku zastosowano ortografię brytyjską.
U Kraljevoj Sutjesci, stolnom mjestu bosanskih kraljeva i višestoljetnom staništu franjevaca, priređen je 17. i 18. listopada 2008. godine znanstveni skup “Stoljeća Kraljeve Sutjeske”. Vanjski povod bila je stota obljetnica izgradnje samostanske i župne crkve po projektu arhitekta Josipa Vancaša (1908). Ta se okolnost pokazala pogodnom prilikom za inventuru višestoljetne povijesti katolika i franjevaca sutješkoga kraja, počevši od vremena bosanske samostalnosti, preko višestoljetne vladavine Osmanlija, austro-ugarskog razdoblja – sve do najnovijeg vremena. Franjevci su u Kraljevoj Sutjesci trajno prisutni već sedam stoljeća. Djelovali su kao duhovnici, pisci, propovjednici, kroničari / svjedoci svoga doba, prosvjetitelji, liječnici, politički zastupnici katolika… Mijenjali su se gospodari, nailazili i prolazili osvajači, rušitelji i pljačkaši – samostan je živio svoje uspone i padove, procvate duhovnog i kulturnog rada i sušna vremena pukog preživljavanja, ali je, svemu usprkos, opstao! Osnovan je u prvoj polovici 14. stoljeća, razoren 1524, izgorio 1658, iznova izgrađen 1664, neko vrijeme prisilno napušten koncem 17. stoljeća, obnovljen 1821, dograđen 1833, i konačno sagrađen sadašnji 1892. godine. O njegovoj sedamstoljetnoj povijesti svjedoče kronike i drugi zapisi, knjižnica i arhiv, predmeti i djela primijenjene i likovne umjetnosti i sl. Blok tema o srednjovjekovlju posvećen je vladarskim ispravama izdanim u Sutjesci i na Bobovcu, njihovim jezičnim osobitostima, proglašenju Bosne kraljevstvom, stećcima sačuvanim u sutješkom kraju, slici uskrslog Krista i kralja Stjepana Tomaša, te vezama Bosne i Dubrovnika. U stoljećima osmanske vladavine, Kraljeva Sutjeska više nije imala ono političko značenje kao u vrijeme bosanske državne samostalnosti. Prestala je biti kraljevsko rezidencijalno sjedište, ali je ostala duhovno središte katolika i jedna od najvažnijih pastoralnih i kulturnih destinacija bosanskih franjevaca, a danas mjesto gdje su se ponajbolje sačuvali tragovi njihove višestoljetne prisutnosti. Stoga je niz referata posvećen kulturnom djelovanju bosanskih franjevaca, prije svega pisanoj riječi: ljetopisu sutješkoga samostana, latinskom pjesništvu, spisateljskim djelima nastalim u Sutjesci, ali također i prosvjetnom i školskom radu franjevaca u puku, uvjetima življenja pod osmanskom vlašću, kao i demografskoj slici katolika Sutjeske i okolice. Uz spomenuto, tematizirana su pitanja Bosne kao političke kategorije, karaktera i dometa crkvenog graditeljstva, tradicijskog nakita Hrvata sutješkoga kraja, jezična praksa franjevaca, ratna vremena…
Acest capitol cuprinde articole care vin să valorifice colecţia de carte a Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice USARB.
The excavation of the church cemetery in the north-eastern suburb at Pohansko near Břeclav took place between 2008 and 2012 as part of long-term systematic research into the site which is considered to be on a par with the most important centres of Great Moravia. The field work followed after the unexpected and surprising discovery of an early medieval rotunda which is the second religious structure to be uncovered at Pohansko (Macháček – Balcárková – Čáp et al. 2014). The new research activities in the north-eastern suburb can be divided into three main excavation areas – the Great Moravian rotunda, the church cemetery and the adjoining residential and/or production precinct of the whole settlement area. So far, the greatest attention has been paid to the church which, after the quarter of a century that has passed since the last similar find, augmented the unique and historically valuable group ofthe earliest religious and stone-wall architecture within the territory of the Czech Republic. The discovery has been comprehensively covered by a number of dedicated studies (Čáp – Dresler – Macháček et al. 2010; Macháček 2011; Macháček – Balcárková – Čáp et al. 2014). The excavation of the settlement related to the church has not yet been completed and as such is only marginally mentioned in this monograph. The main focus is aimed at the cemetery where excavation work finished in 2012. The necropolis falls within the category of church cemeteries as defined by Bořivoj Dostál (Dostál 1966, 15–17), and thus belongs to the group of the most valuable funeral heritage monuments from the period of Great Moravia. Its publication signifies the end of the second stage of the most recent archaeological research in the north-eastern suburb at Pohansko.
Over the years there have been presentations of many research-works on the so-called “migration and development nexus” with several schools of thought contributing significantly towards the concept as far as the theoretical framework is concerned. In particular, the New Economic Labour of Migration (NELM) stresses on the impact of financial remittances (an aspect of migration) and how it serves as an insurance for most family members. Significantly, there have been several statistical data from the World Bank which highlight on the role of remittance and how it could be a poverty alleviation tool. Whilst these assumptions and theoretical underpinnings seem to argue in favour of how migration could be a contributor to development and poverty reduction, evidence from the grounds seem to suggest quite a worrying situation. Indeed, we cannot discuss development robustly without shedding light on inequality. Thus, the inequality gap between the rich and poor as well as the monumental regional development gap keep widening as the beneficiary of remittances are normally those within the middle and upper class and the places where these live. With reference to Ghana as a case study, the prime focus of this paper discusses how migrants’ remittance is contributing towards inequality in Ghana. To address this issue, this paper is structured into two main parts. The first part discusses statistical data on remittances to Ghana with a review on the theoretical framework on the consequences of migration. The second part delve into the issue of inequality and the role of remittances, discussing options for a better future, with higher levels of social justice.
Ne jednom smo si postavili pitanje zašto bi mladi ljudi trebali imati odnos prema prošlosti!? Većinu vremena tijekom našeg obrazovanja, nemamo velik interes za povijest. Često ju smatramo dosadnom i nepotrebnom. Međutim, dođe vrijeme kada si počnemo postavljati važna pitanja o kojima odgovore tražimo upravo u osobnim rukopisima i stranicama ispisanima povijesnim podacima koje nam mogu pomoći razumjeti uzroke sukoba, ratova i stalnih kršenja ljudskih prava. Uzroke i načine ljudskog stradanja koje nas vode traženju puteva solidarnosti i pozitivne društvene akcije, pamćenja i sjećanja. Zašto bi mlade prošlost trebala zanimati i kako danas dovodimo u vezu prošla zbivanja i život mladih danas? Vjerojatno se nećete iznenaditi, no mladi ljudi imaju odnos prema prošlosti, oni ga stvaraju i on se u njima stvara svakodnevno. Kroz obiteljske priče, iskustva naših susjeda, nastavne sadržaje, medije... Ključno je pitanje kakav je to odnos. Stvaramo li odnos prihvaćanja svega što čujemo ili ipak u tom odnosu spram prošlih zbivanja ima prostora kritičkom razmišljanju, selekciji sadržaja, korištenju kvalitetnih izvora informacija? Kakvom vidimo ulogu osobnih iskustava, kakvu priču o ratu i miru ona pričaju? Jeste li znali da su mladi najčešće korišteni instrument totalitarnih režima 20. stoljeća? Jeste li znali da mladi uglavnom nemaju pristup objektivnim interpretacijama povijesnih zbivanja utemeljenih na činjenicama? Jeste li znali da su mladi ljudi danas aktivni pronositelji isključivih političkih ideja i govora mržnje? Što mislite zašto je tome tako? Kako mladi mogu postati nositelji pozitivnih promjena, poruka solidarnosti i kulture mira? U pogledu na prošlost važnim ističemo suočavanje s istom, s bolnim posljedicama sukoba i ratova, s mnogobrojnim stradanjima nedužnih – djece, mladih, žena, staraca, muškaraca... Ističemo važnost suočavanja s istom jer se pokazuje da se povijest ponavlja. Važno je učiti iz nje. I sami poznajete izreku – povijest je učiteljica života! Čemu nas ona uči? Razmislite o nekim aspektima vašeg života danas, utjecajima koji su vas formirali – stavovima i iskustvima vaših baka i djedova. Kakvu odgovornost mladi ljudi imaju oko toga? Složit ćete se da je naša odgovornost kao mladih pripadnika/ica društva u kojemu živimo upravo način kako ćemo živjeti i graditi naša društva, na vrijednosnim temeljima ravnopravnog i uvažavajućeg odnosa spram svih ljudskih bića i njihovih prava i sloboda. Uz tu odgovornost, važna je i ona kako ćemo pričati povijesne priče i govoriti o prošlim zbivanjima, kako ćemo prenositi iskustva naših predaka. Naposljetku, važan je i naš stav prema teškim posljedicama ratova i svh oblika društvene isključivosti i političkoga nasilja koji nas i danas u modernim društvima okružuju. Upravo zato odlučili smo se na promišljen i sustavan doprinos dijalogu o prošlosti i kulturi sjećanja na stradanja i otpor nasilju kroz obogaćivanje nastave povijesti i nastavnih materijala. Željeli smo da taj dijalog unese kvalitetnije poznavanje i razumijevanje povijesnih zbivanja kod mladih, ali i da ih potakne na aktivno istraživanje povijesti njihova zavičaja – mjesta stradanja, mjesta sjećanja, mjesta otpora... Ove smo godine istražili zavičaje Osijeka, Zagreba i Opatijsko-liburnijskog kraja. U suradnji sa III. Gimnazijom Osijek, zagrebačkom Gimnazijom Lucijana Vranjanina i opatijskom Gimnazijom Eugen Kumičić kao i Volonterskim centrom Osijek i Muzejom Slavonije, Centrom za mirovne studije i Udrugom antifašističkih boraca i antifašista Opatije i Liburnije, u kasnim ljetnim, jesenskim i ranim zimskim mjesecima učili smo, razgovarali i istraživali ‘Moj zavičaj kroz vrijeme’ - kako smo i nazvali zajednički projekt – u vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata i poraća te naslijeđe antifašizma na ovim prostorima. U tijeku istraživanja, suradnju smo ostvarili i sa nizom drugih vjerskih i manjinskih organizacija, koje su s nama podjelile njihova iskustva ovih teških događaja. Željeli bismo da nam se više srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj pridruži u otkrivanju povijesti krajeva koja su obilježila teška stradanja u Drugom svjetskom ratu i poraća, ali i antifašističkog otpora za vrijeme i poslije rata koji je jednako tako ostavio duboke tragove u kulturi hrvatskoga društva.
The exhibition “From Treviso to Brtnice” presents the fortunes of the Italian noble family of Collalto from the 10th century, when its ancestors became counts of Treviso, through the Late Middle Ages, when the dynasty's centre shifted to the rural lordships of Collalto and San Salvatore on the Piave River, to the Early Modern Age and the Collaltos’ success as condottieri on European battlefields. In 1623, Habsburg general Rambaldo XIII Collalto obtained the lordship of Brtnice, establishing a Moravian branch of the dynasty. The exhibition and catalogue present the family history through various documents preserved in the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno and the State Regional Archive in Rokycany.
The Romanian Librarians Association (ABR) is the national professional body that brings together representatives of all types of libraries and which, through professional divisions and sections, supports the theoretical and practical development of librarianship and information sciences by studying the main scientific issues and by organizing meetings. periodic scientific meetings, exchanges of experience and good practices, while contributing to increasing the degree of standardization of specific activities at national level.The section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration” is one of the 11 professional sections of ABR which, since its establishment, has managed to bring together specialists in the field of books and cultural heritage, from various institutions with a role in the process of protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, initiating and carrying out, during all this period, training and professional development programs, conferences, symposia, debates, workshops.Regardless of the names under which it has operated during the 30 years of activity “Conservation. Preservation. Restoration”; ”Old book. Conservation. Restoration. Digitization”; The section “Old book. Conservation. Restoration”, through the topics and issues debated in the workshops, scientific sessions, had significant contributions to raise awareness of the role of mobile cultural heritage in preserving national and local cultural identity and social cohesion.Annually, in two sessions, both in the spring and in the itinerant ABR Conferences, with massive participation and active involvement of book lovers, specialists in the field of conservation of cultural heritage, cultural and scientific personalities, central and local authorities , representatives of cultural and educational institutions, were presented numerous and important communications that touched on current issues, focusing on legislation to impose the best possible protection of the country's movable and immovable cultural heritage, as well as on the vulnerable aspects of libraries, respectively on finding alternative methods to remedy them. Of particular importance were the book launches that took place during the events of the section, and I would like to mention the volume Biblioteca Batthyaneum la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea. Cartea – catalog a lui Varjú Elemér, adnotată şi comentată (Biblioteca Batthyaneum at the end of the 19th century. Book - catalog of Varjú Elemér, annotated and commented), Bucureşti, Editura Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, 2014. Writing, annotation and afterword, Dr. Doina Hendre Biro; Cercetări privind aeromicroflora din mediile de bibliotecă: studii de caz privind analiza microbiologică a microaeroflorei din bibliotecă (Research on aeromicroflora in library environments: case studies on microbiological analysis of microaeroflora in the library), by Dr. eng. Vasile A. Deac, prof. Ionela Burz, eng. Alexandru Deac - Gheorghe Şincai County Library, Oradea; other bibliometric works, case studies, working procedures regarding the classification of documents, evaluation of patrimony documents, itinerary of objects.My professional career, as a specialist in librarianship and, especially, in the field of conservation of collections and movable heritage legislation, led me to lead this section from 2009 to 2019, so I was an active witness of the professional joy shared by the participants to the activities of this section, so special and valuable for the extension and permanence of national and international collaborations in order to protect and enhance the national documentary heritage.I feel extremely honored to be able to open the volume that brings together, under the coordination of my colleague and friend Ph.D Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, the works presented at the spring session of the section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration”, within the Association of Romanian Librarians (ABR), held in Bucharest, on May 21, 2020, with the theme "The old Romanian book (XVII-XVIII centuries)”.The volume Cartea românească veche (Sec. XVII-XVIII) (Cartea românească veche (Sec. XVII-XVIII)), the first of the section „Old Book. Conservation. Restoration”, is the result of the collaboration of specialists from various info-documentary institutions. Long awaited by our guild, it is, along with other notable publications published by ABR, on the main axis of information and documentation sciences, being a landmark for issues related to the history of books and printing, preservation and restoration of documents in libraries from Romania, models of good practices, old and rare book funds, documentary archives, existing publications in the monastic patrimony, the patrimony of the ecclesiastical libraries and the importance of annotations and notes on the old book in deciphering the local history. Also, current topics are treated on the issue of old book procurement, in accordance with the legislation on public procurement and European directives in the field, the status of documents and special collections, etc.The ontology and the complex issues addressed in the volume emphasize the role of the library in the process of research, conservation and enhancement of the national cultural heritage and the need to harmonize the main and secondary legislation applicable in libraries, in all its components.The theme of the volume leaves open the way to both theoretical and practical approaches, current and in resonance with technological developments and changes in the social and cultural paradigm in relation to the patrimonial potential held. Reading this volume, we will discover, in rigorously scientifically documented articles, information and valuable elements on conceptual, theoretical and practical aspects of the field, adapted to the receptive requirements of the specialized reader.Ph.D c Petruța-Mihaela VOICUPresident of the University and Specialized Libraries DivisionVice President of ABRHead of References Service"Carol I" Central University Library
The Covid-19 crisis, with all the horrors it has caused, has offered humanity an opportunity to reflect on itself and evaluate its point, even if it is delayed. In a very short time, we found ourselves worried about whether we could reach the objects we needed, whether we would lose our jobs or keep our freedom.Alienation is described as withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment: alienation viewed as a sense of detachment from the values of one’s society, family, and even from one’s own feelings from the values of one’s society and family (S. L. Halleck). Different forms of alienation, such as cultural alienation, professional alienation, and religious alienation, are among the current issues. It is obvious that we need to define different forms of alienation along with the pandemic.I believe this book will not be the first nor the last research book published on the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim is to leave a resource on the subject for the next generation of researchers. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the book and hope it will be beneficial for the academic community.
“Göç ve sanat ilişkisinin kökleri çok eski dönemlere uzanmaktadır. Ancak bu ilişkiyi ortaya koyan araştırma ve incelemelerin yeterli düzeyde olmaması, bu ilişkinin akademik anlamda tartışılmasını geciktirmiştir. Bu ortak yapıt, resim, sinema, grafik, tasarım, el sanatları ve edebiyat gibi değişik sanat/yazınsal alanlardan araştırmacıları bir araya getirerek, alanlararası yeni(likçi) bir bakış açısıyla değişik sanatsal yaratıların tarihsel süreçte ve günümüzde göç ile kurdukları ilişkileri ve göçün yarattığı sanatsal sonuçları belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Doğal olarak bu çalışmanın, kapsamıyla alanyazında boşluk doldurması ve yeni çalışmalara öncülük etmesi beklenmektedir.”“Bu yapıtta, bir tanesi göç anlatılarını çözümleme yöntembilimi çalışması olmak üzere, sinema, görsel iletişim, yerleştirme, seramik, tasarım gibi değişik sanat alanlarından olan, birbirinden ilginç sekiz özgün çalışma yer almaktadır.”
The presence of new technologies and media in the everyday life of modern man affects not only culture, communication and social relations, but also our cognitive processes, perception and understanding of the world. These changes are significant, but often overlooked - we lose sight of the most important, in an evolutionary sense, although subtle, transformations of ways of thinking. It is worth examining how cybercultural knowledge practices have evolved in relation to earlier forms of collecting, organising and sharing knowledge, and how conceptualisations of the concepts of the knowledge pyramid have changed: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. What is the knowledge of the digital age, ubiquitous sensors and networking? Are we really getting smarter by constantly collecting data from our environment? We look at the evolution of digital memory, artificial intelligence, the algorithmisation of cognition and the wikification of knowledge, as well as the scientific ordering of the chaos of ubiquitous data using big data, cultural analytics and social networks. The book shows the cybercultural transformations of knowledge and its conceptualisation in the interdisciplinary perspective of cultural, communication, knowledge and media studies.
W polskim piśmiennictwie naukowym systematyczne przeglądy literatury są wciąż nową, nieznaną formą eksploracji wątków tematycznych. W światowej nauce odchodzi się od narracyjnych przeglądów literatury na rzecz analiz usystematyzowanych, replikowalnych i w rezultacie jasno ukazujących to, co warto badać, gdyż zawiera potencjalnie dużą wartość naukową. Książka jest jedną z nielicznych (a pierwszą, która przedstawia liczne przykłady zastosowania omawianej tematyki w naukach ekonomicznych, i to w tak szerokim ujęciu) na polskim rynku pracą obrazującą, na czym polega systematyczny przegląd literatury, w tym analiza bibliometryczna. Pokazuje, do czego takie przeglądy prowadzą: jak przekonująco (bo transparentnie, przy podaniu powtarzalnej metody) pozwalają wyłonić z naukowego gąszczu piśmienniczego te wątki, które warto badać przy wykorzystaniu określonych teorii i metod oraz jakie pytania lub hipotezy badawcze są warte dalszego dociekania. Książka jest adresowana do młodszych naukowców (doktorantów, doktorów) i osób aspirujących do zostania akademikami. Może być też pomocna w pisaniu prac magisterskich w częściach poświęconych przeglądowi literatury naukowej.
The media in Greece and Turkey have played a crucial role in the political communication in their countries. Along with their main functions of monitoring the policies of the government on behalf of the public and providing news, the media in these two countries also served as key actors producing meanings through interpretative journalism. This study analyzes how Greek and Turkish newspapers’ columnists interpreted and framed military takeovers in their countries after the takeovers had happened. Refuting arguments in the literature asserting that Greek columnists kept their silence during the military regime due to censorship, while there was strong and open support in Turkey among newspaper columnists for the 12 September coup and the subsequent rule, this study argues that the situations in both countries were much more complex than these studies have claimed. It shows that important similarities existed between Greek and Turkish officers’ approach to the media in their countries during their respective periods of rule. In addition, Greek and Turkish columnists shared both similarities and differences in their framings and interpretations of the military’s takeover in their countries and the subsequent interregna.
Dive into the intricate and globally significant topic of asylum and refugees with the “Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers.” This compelling collection of essays, curated by a diverse group of renowned scholars, offers an extensive exploration of migration patterns, paradigms, and lessons from around the world. As you journey through the chapters, you’ll gain unique insights into how countries have responded to the unprecedented refugee crisis, examining notable cases such as Costa Rica, the United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, and many more. Discover the complexities of asylum systems and the changing landscapes of migration policies in nations as diverse as Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Spain, and North Macedonia. Delve into the geopolitical implications of seeking refuge and asylum, with a comprehensive analysis of the Palestinian diaspora and an exploration of Pakistan, India, Turkey, and the communitarian-based strategy in refugee laws.This essential compendium provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics and global challenges surrounding asylum and refugees. With its diverse range of topics and expert contributors, the “Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers” is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the complexities of global migration and the policies that shape the lives of those seeking refuge.“The authors of this book identify two main paradigms shaping states’ narratives regarding asylum seekers and refugees. Along the horizontal axis, discourses range from national security to humanitarian aid. On the vertical axis, they extend from the pursuit of ideals, as traditionally defined for refugees and asylum seekers, to personal survival due to economic, climate-related crises, family violence, gender violence, or organized crime. This shift, as highlighted in the chapter on Germany by Professor Knerr, is altering the original vision of agreements that stemmed from post-World War II Europe.Finally, the rise of populist and authoritarian states in Latin America, which cannot be solely explained by repressive authoritarianism but rather create conditions of difficult survival for their nationals, is exerting additional pressures. Additionally, religiously motivated civil wars, such as those in Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, pose complex challenges. Should countries reconsider the principles on which they are acting?Less obvious is the role of migration and refugee policies in influencing asylum seekers’ choice of their future destination. Many authors mention support networks and family ties as factors influencing refugees and asylum seekers’ decisions to leave their countries and select their destination. However, it remains unclear whether these networks operate in the same capacity as support networks for irregular migrants. Many chapters raise issues that have received little attention, primarily because of the focus on refugees and asylum seekers as agents. These issues include the reasons prompting the decision to leave one’s country of origin, who must leave, the influence of family or social support networks on this decision, their role in selecting possible settlement locations, and the role of civil society organizations in supporting and guiding these decisions. This is especially crucial considering that unaccompanied children represent 30-35% of asylum applicants. The chapters in this Global Atlas provide an overview of refugee and asylum regimes to enhance understanding and better plan for the ongoing and future challenges of human mobility.”
“Shades of Violence: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Violence in Literature, Culture, and Arts” explores the tapestry of violence across diverse forms of artistic expression, expertly edited by Sümeyra Buran, Mahinur Akşehir, Neslihan Köroğlu, and Barış Ağır. From the gripping introduction to the thought-provoking chapters contributed by an array of scholars, this collection navigates the multifaceted dimensions of violence. Muhsin Yanar’s exploration of Don DeLillo’s work calls for a posthumanist stance against violence, while Begüm Tuğlu Atamer questions the justification of violence in Shakespeare’s “Titus Andronicus.” The anthology expands its reach, examining slow violence in John Burnside’s “Glister” (Derya Biderci Dinç), portraying environmental violence in Bilge Karasu’s “Hurt Me Not” (Özlem Akyol), and unraveling psychological violence in Kate Chopin’s stories (Senem Üstün Kaya). Contributors delve into theatre violence (Gamze Şentürk Tatar), indigenous struggles against violence in Cheran, Mexico (Kristy L. Masten), Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover” (Derya Oruç) and the complex interplay of power in Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange” (Şebnem Düzgün). The anthology also explores the contested space of the Black queer body (Taylor Ajowele Duckett), Nietzschean aggression (Yunus Tuncel), and various forms of violence in Giovanni Verga’s short stories (Simone Pettine). “Shades of Violence” emerges as an indispensable exploration of violence’s nuanced manifestations, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding through its diverse and insightful perspectives.
“In this book, we have named the phenomena neoreligion and reactivation. Neoreligion does not mean a change inside institutionalised religion, it does not correspond to some kind of dogmatic creative crisis, which would bring established religious groups to claim to create something new while only dusting out ancient components of their religion. It is not to confuse, either, with some kind of religious nostalgia, a desire to return to the origins or foundations of a religion. Such a dynamic can be observed with the born-again phenomena – obvious in the spheres of monotheistic religions – that is individual religious revivalism of people who are often searching for a supposedly original orthodoxy.Neoreligion, on the contrary, is the phenomenon where, outside existing religions, new religions are created, but not from nothing: they are reactivated in a new form. They take their roots – or at least claim to do so – in traditional or ancient beliefs and adopt some of the imagined traditional behaviours. The movement, therefore, is one of transformation, since it is a takeover of the old. But this change does not simply follow the logic of the old: there is also a dimension of novelty, of creation.This volume is dedicated to studying these phenomena: describing and analysing their various appearances, uncovering their logic and dynamics, shedding light on the motivations of followers, and discussing their consequences.”
“A Century of Greek-Turkish Relations is an important handbook written by leading authorities from both shores of the Aegean Sea. Greek and Turkish scholars present in a balanced and objective way, as well as in a graspable and meaningful manner, the main periods in which key events brought the two sides into dispute or even conflict. These events, which are integrated in parallel and conflicting national narratives, fuel the historicity of the two national rivals. A century since the end of the Greek-Turkish war, the trauma of the Greek military defeat and the “disaster of the Asia Minor Greeks”, the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and the emblematic Treaty of Lausanne, render this kind of handbook undoubtedly essential. It opens the discussion to the wider audience in a rational and composed way and most importantly, the reader can follow through the pages, the dialogue between Turkish and Greek scholars. A book of this kind was missing from public history.” – Prof. Sia Anagnostopoulou, Panteion University“As an expert on the subject of “minorities” for the past fifty years with a number of publications in Turkish, English, and French, and based on the experts that are participating in the A Century of Greek-Turkish Relations: A Handbook, there is no doubt that this will become an indispensable tool, and above all, an objective account of the Greek-Turkish relations for both experts and the wider public.” – Prof. (emeritus) Baskin Oran, Ankara University“As editors of this important and timely book, Nikos Christofis and Anthony Deriziotis assert that uneducated narratives have perpetuated misunderstandings within Turkish-Greek relations. In their enlightening work, they dismantle these misconceptions, offering a nuanced exploration of the historical and contemporary complexities between the two nations. By featuring insights from leading experts, this book provides a crucial resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Turkish-Greek relations, presenting new historical insights and analytical viewpoints on bilateral relations.” – Prof. Evren Balta, Özyeğin University“A comprehensive and insightful survey of Greek-Turkish relations. A number of distinguished academics have offered their expertise succeeding in the formidable task of touching upon several sensitive issues avoiding stereotypes and easy readings of problems that are burdened by history. A must read for students and experts alike.” – Prof. Sotiris Roussos, University of Peloponnese
While concerns about climate change have focused negative attention on the coal industry in recent years, as descendants of the Industrial Revolution we have all benefited from the mining of the black seam. Coal has influenced significantly the course of human history and our social and natural environments. This book explores coal’s industrial history and the extraordinary artistic responses to coal – in the works of numerous writers, including Zola, Lawrence and Orwell, to the way it inspired painters such as Turner, Monet and Van Gogh, and its place in film, song and folklore – as well as the surprising allure of coal tourism. This strikingly illustrated book provides an engaging and informative insight into the myriad ways coal has affected our lives.
The volume includes the materials of the scientific conference "Tradition and innovation in scientific research", the 11th Edition, which took place on October 7, 2022, in the premises of the Scientific Library of the State University "Alecu Russo" from Bălţi with the participation of BŞ librarians of USARB and guests from other libraries in the country.