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Mentioned above list contains Bachelor, MA, PhD and habilitation dissertations titles concerning library and information science and periodical press made at the University of Lodz in the years 2011-2015. It is the continuation of formerly published lists from the years 1950-2010. Authors surnames are in alphabetical order with professor’s surname and the year of graduation next to it. The list is completed with professors, chronological and subject indices. All the thesis from the list are stored in University of Lodz archives.
Articolul abordează în prima parte tema bibliotecilor alternative şi a infoshop-ului, dar şi a zinelor, şi defineşte câteva caracteristici ale acestora, iar în cea de-a doua parte oferă o imagine de ansamblu asupra funcţionalităţii şi activităţilor de la Biblioteca Urban Collectors din București înfiinţată în 2015 de platforma interactivă Urban Collectors, care are misiunea de a facilita dialoguri între artiştii de street art şi comunitate, crearea oportunităţilor pentru artişti de street art, dar şi pentru femeile din domeniu, cercetarea fenomenului de street art ș.a. În final, sunt prezentate rezultatele un mic studiu realizat pe bază de chestionar la nivelul utilizatorilor acestei biblioteci alternative de street art și axat pe profilul și gradul de satusfacție al acestora în legătură cu serviciile Bibliotecii Urban Collectors.
In its first part, the article focuses on the subject of alternative libraries and infoshops, but also on that of zines, and it defines a few of their characteristics, while in the second part, it offers an overview of the functionality and activity of the Urban Collectors Library in Bucharest which was founded in 2015 by the interactive platform Urban Collectors whose mission is to facilitate dialogues between street artists and the community, to create opportunities for street artists, but more importantly, to create them for the female street artists, to study the street art phenomenon and so on. Lastly, the article presents a small study based on a questionnaire aimed at the users of this alternative street art library that is focused on the profile and the degree of satisfaction experienced by them with regards to the services offered by the library.
Valul schimbărilor declanșate de evoluția spectaculoasă a tehnologiilor a făcut ca bibliotecile să cunoască o transformare majoră în ceea ce privește rolul jucat în societate și la nivelul comunității de utilizatori, iar rolul bibliotecarului a început să fie reconsiderat, cunoscând o extindere înspre zone altădată rezervate specialiștilor din alte domenii. Capacitatea de învățare instituțională, dar și cea individuală a angajaților este esențială în momentul de față și în lumea structurilor infodocumentare. În acest context, articolul prezintă rezultatele unui studiu desfășurat la nivelul directorilor de biblioteci universitare din România cu privire la rolul pe care aceștia consideră că bibliotecarii universitari trebuie să îl aibă în prezent, nevoile de instruire ale acestora, abilitățile necesare în mediul digital, dar și direcțiile spre care se îndreaptă biblioteconomia și știința informării și provocările cărora vor trebui să le facă față în perioada următoare bibliotecile universitare din România.
The wave of changes triggered by the evolving technology has determined a major transformation for libraries in terms of their role in society and the community of users and the role of the librarian began to be reconsidered, recording an expansion into areas once reserved for specialists from other fields. Both the institutional learning ability and the employees’ individual learning ability is essential at this moment in the world of informational structures. In this context, the article provides the results of a study conducted at the level of directors of academic libraries in Romania regarding the role that they believe academic librarians should play currently, their training needs, the skills needed in the digital environment, the future directions of library and information science as well as the challenges that academic libraries in Romania will have to face during the following period.
În acest eseu ne propunem să subliniem importanţa bibliografiilor în procesul de cercetare ştiinţifică. Intenţionăm să reflectăm puterea acestor lucrări de a aduna, sintetiza în manieră distinctă tipuri de surse, resurse, documente, astfel încât sfere ale cunoașterii științifice să beneficieze de o imagine clară, obiectivă la un moment dat. Opțiunea noastră în prezenta abordare este de a analiza utilitatea de a realiza sinteze standardizate ale domeniilor cunoașterii prin intermediul bibliografiilor, pentru a sprijini nevoile primare de alfabetizare ale utilizatorilor și pentru a oferi o imagine globală a domeniului analizat. Un aspect puțin abordat în literatura de specialitate pe care dorim să-l evidențiem în studiul nostru este pragmatica bibliografiilor, dimensiunea transdisciplinară unor astfel de instrumente care acum, în era globalizării prin forța de a proiecta cercetătorul în spațiul virtual al documentelor interconectate, al arhivelor și bibliotecilor digitale creează o imagine cuprinzătoare a subiectelor investigate.
In this essay we intend to underline the importance of bibliographies, in the scientific research process. We aim to emphasize the capability of these works to gather, synthesize in a distinctive manner, types of sources, resources, documents, so that spheres of scientific knowledge benefit of a clear and objective image at a definite moment. Our intention in this approach is to discuss the necessity to create standardized synthesis of the scientific domains through bibliographies, in order to support basic literacy needs of the readers and to offer a global view of the topic explored. A less treated aspect in the scientific literature that we aim to highlight in the present paper is the role and pragmatics of bibliographies, the transdisciplinary dimension of such tools that now, in the globalised era has the power to send the researcher in the virtual space of interconnected documents, of digital archives and libraries offering a comprehensive picture of the subjects investigated.
Într-o lume în care modul de comunicare s-a schimbat radical și unde rețelele sociale domină viața de zi cu zi de câțiva ani buni, marile instituții educaționale și de cercetare utilizează tot mai mult aceste instrumente oferite de social media în educație, predare sau activități de cercetare. Lucrarea descrie câteva proiecte dedicate unor evenimente istorice majore precum Primul Război Mondial care utilizează rețeaua Twitter drept mediu de transmitere, popularizare, învățare și implicare a publicului în cadrul proiectului.
Acest articol, ca parte dintr-un studiu de cercetare mai amplu, îşi propune să analizeze evoluţia statutului predării limbilor străine şi metodologia aferentă în România în anii regimului comunist, în special în timpul conducerii totalitare a lui Ceauşescu. Limbile străine avute în vedere sunt franzeca, engleza, germana, italiana şi spaniola, dintre care primele două apar cu precădere în documentele folosite în această cercetare: reviste ştiinţifice, reviste specializate.
This article, the first part of a broader research project, attempts to analyze the evolution of the status of foreign language teaching and the subsequent methodology in Romania under the communist regime, especially under the totalitarian rule of Ceauşescu. The languages taken into account are French, English, German, Italian and Spanish, among which the first two are given more importance in the documents used in this research: scientific journals, specialised reviews.
Scopul acestei cercetări este acela de a evidenția activitatea Fundaţiei Culturale Regale „Principele Carol”, creată în anul 1921 cu menirea de a emancipa cultural în special satele dar, în general, cultura românească. În ansamblu, se poate aprecia că perioada dintre cele două războaie mondiale a cunoscut şi cu ajutorul Fundaţiei Culturale Regale, progrese remarcabile în diferite domenii ale învăţământului, ştiinţei şi culturii în general, a contribuit la afirmarea României ca stat cu un nivel cultural ridicat şi la crearea unei imagini şi al unui renume pe plan mondial. Cercetarea s-a realizat pe baza documentelor studiate la Serviciul Arhivelor Naţionale Istorice Centrale, Fondul Fundaţiei Culturale Regale „Principele Carol” și a celor aflate la Biblioteca Academiei Române.
This research aims to emphasize the activity of The‘Prince Carol’ Royal Cultural Foundation created in 1921 in order to lead to the emancipation especially of villages, but also the Romanian culture in a more general perspective. Overall, we may say that the period between the two world wars was marked, also due to the help of the Royal Cultural Foundation, by substantial progress in various fields of education, science and culture in general and thus contributed to changing Romania into a state with a high level of culture and the creation of an image and prestige that commanded worldwide respect. The research was done on the basis of the documents studied at the Service of the National Central Historical Archives, the Stock of the ‘Prince Carol’ Royal Cultural Foundation and at the Library of the Romanian Academy.
Ephemeral materials are increasingly appreciated as a source for research. The content preserved in ephemeral prints is either the most fundamental or supplementary source of knowledge for scholars studying the history or activities of a community. In recent years, we have observed an increased number of studies devoted to collections of non-standard publications kept in libraries. However, the holdings of libraries organized by Polish immigrants abroad are still relatively little known. The current paper describes the form and content of the collection of ephemeral materials preserved in the Library of the Polish Social and Cultural Association in London. As a significant source, the collection attracted the attention of researchers investigating the social and cultural life of Polish émigrés in Great Britain during the post-war period. It has been pointed out that ephemeral materials can contribute to various areas of research into immigrant culture. Among them, ephemeral publications related to theatre life are an invaluable source on the history of Polish theatres in London from the period immediately after the Second World War until the present. In the expectation of various strands of preliminary research and studies involving ephemeral materials, the authors conclude that it is a vital task to produce detailed descriptions of all documents in the form of a database of factual and bibliographical information (a library catalogue).
The mission and functions of libraries have changed over centuries. Currently, the offer of libraries is targeted to a wide audience. Modern facilities are the most creative places of development and learning that inspire and encourage visits. Their growing popularity is largely a result of interesting design and versatility of their spaces. In recent years, these issues have become the subject of an interesting discussion of library portals, blogs and above all in research literature, both domestic and foreign. I picked up my theme to bring the reader to the new trends in interior space of the library. I try to answer the question where to get the knowledge about it; how libraries should adapt their services to the needs of readers; how to develop a multi-purpose space that becomes attractive; what is the role of the librarian in preparation and implementation of the investment? For example, I refer to a dozen of libraries with interesting equipment, as well as the architecture to illustrate it, which gained global recognition. My main intention is to draw attention to the role of design in creating a unique atmosphere and strengthening the bonds between librarians and readers as well as the change that has taken place in recent years in terms of perception of libraries that have become multifunctional centres, inspiring and inviting to frequent visits.
The category of book circulation has been adopted for the needs of book science and information science. Unfortunately, attempts to create book circulation focusing on presenting the circulation of new digital forms of books have not been undertaken. Due to technological convergence, the Internet has begun to absorb areas of communication previously reserved for older media. This phenomenon also includes books and their circulation. The purpose of this article is to present a justification for the need of a conceptual model of internet book circulation. In other words, article presents preliminary assumptions and research methodology of a project aimed at creating in the future a model of digital-network book circulation, the one that is taking place on the Internet and, more precisely, on the hypertext digital-network space of the World Wide Web.
The rapidly expanding Polish library and information science does not have a current bibliography (“Polska Bibliografia Bibliologiczna”, last updated 01/18/2013). Information on new publications is available on the web through universities’ staff publication databases, institutional repositories or specific databases (E-LIS). The same authors also provide data on their publications using Web 2.0 tools (blogs, websites) as well as continuously updating their profiles on social research portals (Akademia.edu, ResearchGate). Also, Google Scholar serves as an aggregator of scientific works where scientists create their profiles. In order to present information on new publications on the web the author analyzed the presence of 261 Polish information and library science researchers (as of March 2015) and the degree they use different types of channels to present their scientific record. In the first part of the study will be presented institutional channels for disseminating research, and a disciplinary bibliographic and full-text databases.
Social media are both social platforms and valuable sources of information. Also researchers create accounts on popular social media for scientific communication, academic discussion and exchange of experiences. Researcher profiles are not only popular science; they are also used to provoke debate, share knowledge and are places to express opinions. Social media can also be used to create the researcher’s professional image. The article attempts to analyze the use of social media as a means of scientific communication and the way they communicate scientific content to its users. It presents results of a research on the presence and activity of Polish library and information science academics in selected social media services.