Zbytki (nie)pamięci? O polskiej kulturze pamięci w glottodydaktycznym wydaniu
Joanna Przyklenk in the article entitled “Excess of (not) Remembering? About the Polish Memory from the View of the Foreign Languages Teaching” made an attempt to present the interwar foreign languages teaching from the perspective of the discourse studies. The interwar source texts were taken into consideration, in particular these ones that concern teaching German as a foreign language. The collected textual data were used to describe the problem of spreading certain historical and cultural content defining the particular society. Having emphasised the cognitive aspect, the author portrayed the permeation of two discourses: the foreign language teaching and identity discourse. In the analyses she focused on presenting the conditions and aims of the foreign language teaching in the context of interwar education in Poland, at the same time showing the cultural content of foreign language teaching of the given period.