Prisustvo turskog sufiksa –lija u rožajskom govoru
The subject of this paper is the presentation of lexemes with the Turkish suffix –lija that are found in the Rožaje dialect. We know that from a large number of lexemes of Turkish origin, a certain number of suffixes have emerged that have become independent and that participate in the formation of very productive formation models. For this paper, we have isolated the Turkish suffix –lija, which appears in our language in the adaptation form –lija, which from a grammatical aspect denotes a noun derivative. The Turkish language has a large number of suffixes that are used to form new words. In accordance with the law of vocal harmony, this suffix in the Turkish language occurs in four variants (Turk. –lı / -li / -lu / -lü ), from which our suffix –lija has become. According to their formational and semantic characteristics, these derivatives represent adjectives, usually descriptive.