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U izveštaju koji sledi a koji se bavi uzrocima ubistava i kretanja izbeglica na Kosovu u periodu od marta do juna 1999. godine, potvrdili smo i proširili rezultate koje smo izneli u analizi iz 2002. godine. Opisujemo revidiranu i proširenu analizu mogućeg kauzalnog odnosa između dejstava OVK /Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova/ ili NATO snaga i perioda tokom kojih su ubistva, odnosno kretanja izbeglica dostizala najvišu vrednost. Obrazlažemo zašto je naša shema obeležavanja bila namerno konzervativna, kako bi se na najbolji mogući način ispitale tvrdnje da su OVK ili NATO bili glavni uzrok ubistava i kretanja izbeglica. Kao što ćemo prikazati, uz minimalan broj verovatnih pretpostavki, naši zaključci biće još čvršći. Naš zaključak prikazuje da uključivanje kompleta podataka o nestancima, identifikaciji posmrtnih ostataka i migraciji ne menja bitno naše prethodne rezultate. Ovim izveštajem potvrđujemo naše zaključke iz 2002. godine: smatramo da podaci ne idu u prilog tvrdnjama da bi OVK ili NATO mogli biti značajan uzrok ubistava i migracija na Kosovu u periodu od marta do juna 1999. Godine.
This chapter assesses whether national law, policies and practice in the field of unaccompanied asylum seekers are in compliance with international conventions including the UNHCR guidelines and UN convention of the rights of the child (CRC). We will discuss policy and practices on minors exposed to human trafficking, taking Norway as a case. The Norwegian Immigration Act of 2008 includes provisions and formulations intended to strengthen the legal position and rights of asylum-seeking children as children. The intention was to ensure that national regulations on immigration were in accordance with the CRC and in line with the Norwegian Human Rights Act 1999. The CRC as well as UNHCR guidelines mention human trafficking, including forced labour and sexual exploitation as one main threat to which children may be exposed. The chapter discusses three scenarios which represent distinct forms of how unaccompanied minors are recruited into exploitative relations on their way to or in Europe and how their cases are assessed when applying for asylum in Norway as unaccompanied minors. Ways into and out of exploitation may have decisive implication for how their asylum applications are assessed and for further access to rehabilitation measures.
Describing the Jewish communities in the multi-religious history of Iraq can only take place from a historical perspective, simply because they no longer exist. Apart from a few individuals, there is no future perspective at this point in time.
Excluding the Armenians and some small groups of converts , the Iraqi Christians are the indigenous people of Iraq. Their roots go back thousands of years before Christianity in the lands of Mesopotamia. In other words, I believe the Iraqi Christians are the true native people of Iraq, being descendants of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians. The Aramaic-speaking Christians (Assyrians, Chaldeans, Chaldo-Assyrians) are not a new Christian community ‘evangelised’ by western missionaries, as is the case in many African and East Asian Christian communities.
In order to territorially expand and create a homogeneous demographic picture, “ethnic cleansing” and genocide against the non-Serb population of Podrinje was prepared first in academic, then in military circles, in our neighboring country of Serbia. The goal was to ethnically cleanse (brutally remove) the Bosniak population in every possible way from an area that covers at least fifty kilometers from the Drina River to the central part of Bosnu i Hercegovinu. The “ethnic cleansing” of that area from non-Serbs also had the intention of a “final showdown” with the undesirable, unpopular element, the remnants of the Turkish conqueror, as they labeled the Bosniak corps. Thus, the first aggressor strikes began on the eastern border and during April 1992, the entire Podrinje area was occupied, with great destruction, expulsions, imprisonment, terrorism and the cruelest crimes that reached their peak with the Srebrenica genocide. Permanent crimes and complete “ethnic cleansing” throughout the war period completely devastated the prewar demographic picture of the entire Bosnian Podrinje area. In this paper, we will analyze the causes, extent and consequences of the devastated demographic picture in 10 Podrinje municipalities, comparing the post-war census from 2013 with the pre-war census from 1991. Comparative analysis will show that war destruction, crimes, “ethnic cleansing” and genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica and other Podrinje municipalities caused large demographic, quantitative and qualitative changes in ethnic structure, gender, age, working age, education, culture and all other segments of life.
According to statistics for the European Union (EU), the European population age structure is expected to change significantly. Long-term projections for the EU indicate a substantial increase in the share of people aged 65 and above. Due to higher life expectancy and fertility rate decrease, the EU faces a decline in the working-age population and growing demand for social and health services. According to Eurostat, the share of the very elderly population (80 and over) in the Republic of Croatia will be more than double in 2070 compared to 2019. The total population of the country will decrease to 3 million inhabitants. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of measures planned in the Croatian National Development Strategy (CNDS) for the period 2021-2030 related to the said issues. The fundamental question is how to achieve a sustainable pension system and public finances in such circumstances. The findings and recommendations may be used for policy suggestions to relevant institutions to create adequate solutions for our citizens.
The paper examines the state policy of the Russian Federation and Central Asian countries in the field of supporting the aging and retired population, analyzes the dependency ratio in the Russian Federation and Central Asian countries, and provides predictions referring to changes in the demographic structure of the labor force in the context of labor migration. The paper includes prediction indicators of the dynamics of labor migration processes of the population in the retirement age from Central Asian countries, considering the current trends of demographic change, and explores the impact of labor migration processes of persons of retirement age on the economic growth in the context of economic and social globalization.
Currently, one of the main factors that shows us a picture of Europe's decline is that of demographic change. This process of decline of the West is marked by more than five decades of several indicators and evolutions that show us that although the time of Western civilization is beginning to run out, a new one appears, namely that of the East. This process of decline in which there is an extreme and unprecedented form of capitalism appears more pronounced in Europe compared to the United States and is characterized by: corruption, alienation of peoples from their roots, religion, history, low birth rates, massive flows of migrants and refugees, the totalitarian tendency of governments. Although the signs of decline are numerous, in this paper we will analyze certain demographic developments observed mainly in Europe and which we consider from several points of view dangerous. In addition to these developments, which we consider quite dangerous, globalization is the most important. The paper is structured in four parts, in the first part being presented the basic trends and variations from the population's perspective. In the second and third part are presented the main causes and effects of these variations of the populations and in the fourth part the conclusions of this study.Most of the interpretive analysis of this unwanted stagnation process is based on demographic erosion, population aging, low middle class rates, the invasion of migrants and refugees that change the cultures of the host nations.
Ca urmare a anexării Basarabiei la Imperiul Rus (1812), în această zonă a început un proces de modificare a structurii etnice a populaţiei Basarabiei, proces ce a fost amplificat de autorităţile ţariste prin politica colonizării teritoriului obținut. Acţiunile date s‑au răsfrânt şi asupra evoluţiei demografice a elementului grec de pe teritoriul Basarabiei.
U istraživačkoj studiji o etničkoj strukturi opština u Bosni i Hercegovini prema Popisu stanovništva 1991. i 2013. godine elaboriraju se promjene u demografskoj strukturi stanovništva koje su nastale od 1991. do 2013. godine. Posebna pažnja daje se promjeni etničke strukture stanovništva po Popisu stanovništva 2013. godine. Jedinica posmatranja promjene etničke strukture stanovništva jeste opština kao osnovna teritorijalna – samoupravna jedinica u kojoj žive stanovnici jedne zemlje. Komparacija etničke strukture opština po Popisu stanovništva 1991. sa etničkom strukturom po Popisu stanovništva 2013. je pokazala da je došlo do radikalne promjene etničke strukture u opštinama Bosne i Hercegovine. Prema Popisu stanovništva Bosne i Hercegovine 2013. godine dvije trećine opština imaju jednonacionalnu strukturu u postotku od 70% do 99%. Ovakve promjene etničke strukture uslovljene su politikom nasilnog etničkog čišćenja u vremenu rata i preovladavajućim uticajem etničkih stranaka u vršenju vlasti u postdejtonskom periodu. Etnička homogenizacija stanovništva ostvarena u vremenu rata 1992–1995. odvija se i u miru kao etnička teritorijalizacija. Etnička teritorijalizacija prostora ima svoju osnovu u etno-politikama jednonacionalnih stranaka. Usljed takvog društvenog kretanja na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine oblikovana su područja s dovršenom etničkom teritorijalizacijom. Ona se javljaju u vidu Republike Srpske za Srbe, zatim u vidu pet kantona za Bošnjake: Tuzlanski, Unsko-sanski, Sarajevski, Zeničko-dobojski i Bosansko-podrinjski. Za hrvatski narod kao etnički teritorijalizirani prostor iskazuje se u: Zapadno-hercegovačkom, Hercegbosanskom i Posavskom kantonu. Višenacionalna struktura stanovništva održana je u gradu Mostaru, Distriktu Brčko i opštinama: Jajcu, Bosanskom Petrovcu, Vukosavlju, Jezeru, Donjem Žabaru, Gornjem Vakufu, Pelagićevu, Žepču i Busovači.
Since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Serbia used to be focused on the political status of its territorial gains (Kosovo, Macedonia, Sandzak), rather than on the social reality in these areas. The very reputation of the Serbian army, which occupied/liberated Kosovo in 1912, induced distrust of non-Slavic population towards the new state. Serbian military attempt to reach the Adriatic via northern parts of Albania (1912/13), as well as the treatment of Albanian civilians during these actions largely compromised the international reception of Serbian ‘liberation intentions’. That is one of the reasons why the Serb-Albanian conflict was difficult to be channelled during the first Yugoslav state. Instead of focusing on how to basically modernize the almost feudal society in its ‘Southern province’, the new government resorted to the territorial and demographic re-composition of the area, which was wedged between the myths of autochthonous people and the claims for ethnic and historical rights. It soon became clear that the ‘Albanian national question’ could not have been solved by inventing the ‘historical provinces’, nor by splitting Kosovo into three territorial units. Following the idea of ‘balancing’ the ethnic composition of Kosovo in favor of the Serbs, the Yugoslav kingdom acceded to the controversial project of agrarian reform and colonization, which resulted in settling 20,000 families in 1000 colonies throughout the ‘southern regions’. At the same time, Belgrade regime ‘offered’ an institutional framework for chaotic Muslim exodus (initialised after the Great Eastern Crisis), which elaborated practical ideas about emigration of ’disloyal’ Albanians. In order to colonize its eastern area, Turkey was ready to receive 200,000 Yugoslavs of ‘Turkish culture’, which was stipulated by the Yugoslav-Turkish Convention in 1938. The absurdity of territorial and demographic experiments came to the fore during the Second World War, when Kosovo fell under several various occupying regimes. An urgent request of German commander for Southeast to immediately stop the emigration of the Serbs ‘because it was bringing Kosovo to the brink of an anarchy’, ironically demystifies the very nature of demographic solutions resorted to since 1912, even after the creation of socialist Yugoslavia. After the establishment of military rule in Kosovo in early 1945, which very much resembled the early-1920s, the Communist authorities revised the interwar colonization, returning to the Albanian owners one-fifth of land, seized by the Yugoslav monarchist regime. However, dissatisfaction with the situation in Kosovo was still evident among its population, which triggered new migratory waves to Turkey. According to their volume, they far exceeded the pre-war Muslim emigration. The Yugoslav state was active in supporting the process of expatriation of Albanians as in previous times. The spiral of alternate demographic shifts and continuous administrative-territorial redefinition of space did not have positive effects on social cohesion in Kosovo.
Nakon odrađenih aktivnosti koje su bile raznovrsne, može se zaključiti da su ishodi postignuti u cjelini.
The past years of pandemic have forced the population in every country to a different way of living, working, studying and interacting with each other. The article attempts to analyze and assess the digital skills of the population in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. It assesses the situation associated with the educational process from the point of view of teachers, children and their parents, taking into account the circumstances and conditions related to training, including state administration support. It uses data from documents of the Ministry of Science and Education and various publications and data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Poland. Demographic indicators are selected and the structure of the rest is analyzed for the period 2005-2021, and for the covid situation the period 2018-2021.
Europe's digital future and securing it with a Digital Europe package is linked to the aspiration of digital technologies to be of exceptional benefit to society and the economy. In the conditions of ever-expanding digitalization, a number of question marks appear. One of them is whether demographic security will be preserved as an element of national security and what are the parameters for the application of artificial intelligence in tandem with human potential.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that both state structures and citizens have not been prepared to face up a biological threat. The hesitant way in which, at first, action was taken to limit the spread of the new virus led to the emergence of situations that changed the relationship between the state and the population. The trust of a part of the citizens in the state structures has been altered, especially because of the restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the virus. Those who are in direct contact with citizens and who apply these restrictions are the law enforcement and other forces protecting public order and safety. At present, the countries of the world are in a position to think over some strategy meant to restore the confidence of their population in these forces. This distrust, along with conspiracy theories, endangers national and regional security because it is the ground for the proliferation of populism and extremism. The paper presents the sticking points of the relationship between the citizens and the law enforcement and public safety forces that a strategy at the state and regional level should solve in order to restore a level of trust at which security is ensured.
The human factor is the main value-creating resource of an army. The presentation aims to highlight the overall influence of the demographic decline in recent years on the process of generating military structures. By analysing the approach to policies adopted to ensure national security and defence, the causal links between demographic indicators and the evolution of economic development, the trend in population size and the characteristics of age generations, the article highlights the creation of a new perspective on attracting human capital to the military profession. Focusing on the study of the evolution of demographic indicators, trends and forecasts, it also reveals the creation of premises in the development of the employer brand of the military institution on the labour market. With more than 12 years of experience in the field of human resources management in the Romanian Army up to their strategic level, both in the field of recruiting personnel for the military profession and in the field of personnel management, I have observed different behaviours of individuals depending on their origin, professional training, financial motivation, age generations, behaviours that I believe are directly influenced by the evolution of demographic indicators on society in general. The article concludes that it needs to be developed in detail in order to draw up guidelines for promoting the military profession, recruiting human resources and building a predictable and stable military personnel management system.
In this study, it was aimed to examine the causality relationship between female suicide rate, fertility rate, female unemployment rate, inflation and gross domestic product between 2000-2022 in Turkey. In the examination of stationarity, Augmented Dickey and Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP), Kwiatkowsky-Philips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) and Dickey-Fuller generalized least squares, Zivot and Andrews one structural break test were used and Granger causality test was conducted to investigate the causality relationship. According to the results of ADF, PP and KPSS unit root tests, it was determined that all series were stationary at the first difference. A bi-directional causality relationship was found between female suicide rate and fertility rate, and unidirectional causality relationship was found from female unemployment rate to female suicide rate and fertility rate. On the other hand; it has been determined that female suicide rate, female unemployment rate and GDP per capita are the causes of inflation and there is a unidirectional causality relationship from these variables to inflation. According to Granger causality test results, there is no Granger causality relationship between female suicide rate and GDP per capita.
The human species exist only for three hundred thousand years. We can attribute our success to our uniquely effective brains, which basic characteristic was the propensity to cooperate and share information. Relationships are at the base of our adaptation strategy, and their neurobiological basis, in the form of the community brain, have to be operational for everyone of us. However, in today’s world, full of information, interpersonal contact and emotional overload, these mechanisms become a trap. Our natural sensitivity, developed to live in small groups of hunters and harvesters, becomes the source of a dangerous overload. The change in scale of our communities made our strongest assets into our most serious challenge for the future. Understanding these facts gives us the tools to interpret community phenomena, which, from other points ofview, can be seen as the effects of reluctance, bad faith or even of intrinsic evil. Working with this knowledge gives us a chance to understand that humans, naturally cooperative, can build a world based on trust and collaboration, even if it has to be built on a much bigger, and unnatural for us, scale.