Bosansko-hercegovačka demografska dinamika i njezina obilježja
To speak of the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not possible without knowing the demographic dynamics and its specific features. The current unfavourable demographic situation puts Bosnia and Herzegovina in a rather precarious situation, so it could be said that there is a profound demographic crisis. The existing crisis derives from the inner and outer disruptive factors of the demographic development of the country. The negative demographic trends in Bosnia and Herzegovina are primarily the result of a complex political and economic situation in the country. It is an irrefutable fact that overall and natural depopulation is present in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, which has led to population ageing. The decline of child population is concerning, which manifests directly onto the demographic future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The overall fertility rate (OFR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina is about 1,30 and is one of the lowest ones in its environment. To the mentioned processes, and based on the last population census, unequal settlement should be added, i.e. the special polarisation of settlement as a reflection of a serious distortion of the existing demographic situation. These negative trends in the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s population will necessarily reflect onto the socio-political and economic development of the country, but as well as on the entire future of Bosnia and Hercegovina as well. Therefore, it is necessary to act hastily so as to at least slow down, if not entirely stop the negative trends in the population development, by performing a comprehensive development of the country with a focus on carrying out and implementing a complete and coordinated population policy, with an emphasis on pro-natalism and redistributive population policy.