Jewish Hebrew Studies in the Czech Lands in the Pre-Enlightenment and Enlightenment Periods. Part II - Avigdor ben Simha of Glogau (Hlohov), a Grammarian of the Early Haskala
This paper examines the history of Jewish Hebrew studies in the Czech lands in the pre-Enlightenment and Enlightenment periods, focusing on the figure of Avigdor ben Simha of Glogau, a grammarian of the early Haskala. Avigdor was a friend and follower of Moshe Mendelssohn, whose translation and commentary of the Torah he published in Prague. He also wrote his own grammar, "Davar tov", and a commentary on "Marpe lashon" by Moshe ibn Haviv. The paper analyzes Avigdor's approach to Hebrew grammar, biblical exegesis, and translation, as well as his poetic works. The paper also discusses the influence of Mendelssohn's ideas on the development of grammatical studies and literal translations of biblical texts in the Czech lands.