Pożegnanie Prof. dr hab. Kwiryny Handke (1932–2021) językoznawcy, polonistki, slawistki, varsavianistki
In memoriam Prof. dr hab. Kwiryny Handke (1932–2021).
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In memoriam Prof. dr hab. Kwiryny Handke (1932–2021).
It is only over the last several years that Polish-Latin bilingualism has been explored in depth by the historians of the Polish language. Yet, research in this area has been limited to a rather small corpus of texts, mainly Kazania Świętokrzyskie (‘The Holy Cross Sermons’) and some legal texts. Such research data do not enable making generalisations or spotting a variety of relationships between Polish and Latin in the Polish Middle Ages. The aim of the article is to outline the perspectives for further research on Polish-Latin bilingualism in the Middle Ages, which will be carried out from two points of view: textual (based on the available material) and linguistic (that sees bilingualism as a significant factor in contact-induced change), for which a starting point will be the findings of the latest European research on language contact in medieval Europe.
The aim of this article is showing the presence of Polish post-1989 prose in the teaching of Polish as a foreign language. The article examines the problem of literary canon in teaching foreigners. The author inquires into the reasons for the lack of adequate teaching aids in the form of modern anthologies of Polish prose. The second part of the article presents techniques of working with a written text, used in teaching methodology, and considerations on the significance of reading skills and literary education in language teaching. Finally, the author presents an analysis of Polish language coursebooks, paying special attention to the presence of post-1989 Polish prose. The article is concluded with a question about the reasons of such a limited usage of Polish modern literature in teaching foreigners.
The paper analyses the use of names of shapes as verbs in English and Polish. In particular, the use of circle and square as verbs in English and the verbs related to the Polish names of these shapes, koło/okręg and kwadrat, is studied. The analysis shows that in English both circle and square function as verbs (often phrasal verbs), while in Polish these nouns cannot become verbs. Still, several verbs formed from the names koło and okręg were found while there is no verb related to kwadrat. In many cases the meaning of these “shape verbs” manifests a semantic relation to the shape itself.
Despite the small number of examples examined, at least three factors characterizing the specificity of the reflection of theolexical entries in the SKTS against the background of the SSSJ are evident: 1) the SKTS is "oversaturated" with general information in entries that are only a pretext for the inclusion of this information in the dictionary; 2) despite the fact that it is a terminological dictionary, it lacks some theorems that are in the SSSJ; 3) in SKTS we have also encountered the phenomenon that set expressions with derivatives of the base word are listed, but the base word itself is absent in the dictionary.
The paper presents the guidelines for contrastive teaching of Polish to the learners from the East, that is, the users of East Slavic languages: Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. The presentation of the fundamental assumptions of contrastive teaching, which are advantageous in terms of enhancing one’s linguistic competence, is accompanied by a short analysis of the content of the author’s two coursebooks, that is, Po polsku bez błędu. Zbiór ćwiczeń z gramatyki języka polskiego dla studentów ukraińskojęzycznych (A1–B1), and Polski dla nas 1: Польский для нас 1. Deklinacja i składnia kontrastywnie dla Słowian wschodnich (A2–B2). On the basis of these two publications, the practical aspects of teaching certain grammatical issues with the use of the contrastive method, the stages of teaching, their aims and prospective goals are discussed.
Prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Sesar (rođena Dorotić), dugogodišnja profesorica Filozofskoga fakulteta, profesorica emerita Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 2019., vodeća hrvatska bohemistica i ugledna slavistica, članica suradnica u Razredu za filološke znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (od 2014.), znanstvenica i prevoditeljica uzorna opusa, preminula je u Zagrebu 26. kolovoza 2023.
This paper concerns the usage of the linguonym mowa chachłacka (Khakhol language) in Galicia, Podolia and Volhynia during the first half of the 20th Century. Therefore, it can be considered in the realm of historical sociolinguistics. The source material is comprised of interviews, recorded 1992–2006, with over 100 forced migrants from eastern voivodeships of the interwar Second Polish Republic. After World War 2, the respondents were resettled from their home towns into the new borders of post-war Poland, areas which belonged to Germany until 1945. The research method chosen was partially standardized interviews, which were first recorded and then written down. The paper is focused around the following issues: 1) which linguistic variety was referred to as mowa chachłacka in the interwar period within the researched communities, 2) whether this name contained a value judgement, 3) what was the prestige of mowa chachłacka in these communities. The first chapter of the paper concerns the history of the Russian lexeme хохол/хaхол, which forms the basis of the linguonym mowa chachłacka, and which has been used since the 17th Century to refer to Ukrainians. The article takes into account ideas concerning researching social attitudes to a language, such as standard language ideology and monoglossic ideology.
The article discusses the etymology of Slovak dial. chiňar "a person with too low body weight; frail, sickly person", documented in the Zemplín dialect of Eastern Slovakia (cf. also the surnames Chiňar, Chiňár, Chyňar attested in the Zemplín region). In the author’s opinion, the word may be interpreted etymologically as an original nomen agentis ("a person who leans, bends down, etc.", thence probably "a person with a bent posture" > "infirm, sickly, frail person [with low body weight]") derived from an otherwise unattested Slovak *chýňať (sa) (Zemplín dial. *chiňac (še)) as an imperfective-iterative of Slovak *chynúť (sa), Zemplín dial. *chinuc (še) "to lean, bend" < (Proto-)Slavic *chynǫti (cf. Polish chynąć, Russian dial. xinút‘-sja "to lean, bend"). The present etymological note also illustrates the importance of dialectal lexicon for the research into the autochthonous component in the vocabulary of Slovak which should be studied against a wider Slavic background.
The aim of the article is to explore whether the image of the crow and raven in Lithuanian phraseology and ethnic culture is similar to that of its Slavic neighbors or exhibits distinctive characteristics. The research material includes phraseological units in Lithuanian, Polish, Belarusian, and Russian with the components crow and raven. The analysis encompasses phraseologisms found in both vernacular and literary sources, applying the theory of conventional figurative language and the comparative method. Special attention is given to the portrayal of crows and ravens in folklore and folk beliefs. The findings reveal a predominantly negative perception of both birds in Lithuanian and Slavic phraseology and ethnic culture. The main features of the image of a crow and raven, which have developed in Lithuanian and Slavic phraseology and ethnic culture, are based on such characteristics as: black feathers, predatory behaviour, an unpleasant voice (the cry is mythologized, and it is associated with misfortunes and death). The image of the crow is often ironic and comical, while the image of the raven is much more negative. The crow is a cultural symbol of foolishness, while the raven is associated with wisdom. However, both Lithuanian and Slavic phraseology have their own peculiar images of the crow and the raven.
The article addresses the issue of national identity from the perspective of the Slovak theologian and writer Samuel Ferjenčík (1793 – 1855) primarily on the basis of his recently discovered manuscript notes. Although these notes resemble a mixture of newspaper clippings, quotations, snippets of thoughts, aphorisms, subjective remarks, and other similar material, they are nevertheless evidence of the period (1840 – 1842) during which the question of national identity was experiencing an extraordinary upsurge among the peoples of the region (Central Europe, more precisely the territory of the Habsburg monarchy before the revolutions of 1948). In the introduction, the article emphasises the role of German-language texts from the multi-ethnic cultural space of Central Europe (also) for German studies abroad. Subsequently, the essay examines Ferjenčík’s career from his studies in Jena, Germany, to his political involvement in the preservation of Slovak identity in the context of forced Magyarization in the first half of the nineteenth century.
The era of Czech National Revival took place between 1770 and 1850. This was the time of formation and affirmation of Czech science. Language was considered as a mark of the nation. J. Jungmann continued the work of J. Dobrovsky. However, in practice he diverged from Dobvrovsky’s classic concept of literary language. J. Jungmann’s views on literary Czech language are a continuation of the efforts of the first generation of Czech revivals. Jungmann’s work, as well as that of his followers, can be considered as a stage in which the social possibilities of the Czech language expand through a complete transformation of the language system.
In 1853, Karel Jaromír Erben published a collection of ballads Kytice, which was immediately seen as a model of national literature. The contact of this model with Romanticism is only selective, because it does not consider all the metaphysical dilemmas resulting from the appreciation of the individualistic attitude to the world. It might seem that Kytice should share the fate of other 19th century texts of culture which are currently attributed the position of a respectable, old fashioned literary monument. Meanwhile, in recent years, two novels have been published directly drawing inspiration and thematic material from the life of the poet, namely: Vřeteno osudu. Tajná zpověď by Karel Jaromír Erben by Otomar Dvořák (2015) and Stará škola by Petr K. Procházka (2022). Both literary biographies expose the close, though hidden, connections between Erben’s poetics and worldview with the Romantic aesthetic and ideological context.
The article as a research reconnaissance contains an analysis of the language and style of Andrzej Saramonowicz’s novel Pokraj. The author discusses selected determinants of the original language of the novel, e.g., vocabulary, metaphors, comparisons, and significant proper names. Much attention was paid to intertextual references, such as the imitation of clearly recognisable forms (drama, film script, radio news, religious texts), recalling texts related to a common theme in the form of a collage and the use of quotes and paraphrases, the accurate reading of which depends on the cultural competence of the readers. The presented analyses show the author’s procedures that build a specific humour, serve criticism, parody, and satire.
This article is a first comprehensive monographic study of the topical comparison to the Trojan horse, discussing its origins and its most important panegyric uses in Old Polish orations and poetry. Today, when the phraseologism ‘Trojan horse’, associated with treachery, false gift, or internal enemy, is unambiguously pejorative, the positive connotations of 16th- and 17th-century texts may seem incomprehensible. Meanwhile, old authors commonly imitated Cicero’s formula (De oratore II 22,94), who likened the school of the famous speaker Isocrates to the Trojan horse, from whence many illustrious Greeks emerged. The numerous examples collected in the article prove that this comparison was commonly used in Polish literature until the end of the 18th century in three main contexts, i.e., to praise a humanist and teacher (e.g., professor of the Krakow Academy Szymon Kociołek, the bishop of Kraków Samuel Maciejowski), to praise a university (e.g., the Kraków Academy) or school (e.g., Jesuit colleges), and to praise an illustrious family (originally royal, princely and magnate families, with time the comparison began to be used in praise of minor noble families). The article also discusses the obscene reinterpretation of this topos.
Wieść o śmierci profesora Stanisława Gajdy szybko obiegła środowiska akademickie w Polsce i za granicą, napełniwszy smutkiem licznych przedstawicieli nauki – nie tylko językoznawców. Dzięki swojej wieloaspektowej działalności i postawie życiowej opolski lingwista był bowiem znany szerokiemu gronu naukowców. Zamknęło się życie uczonego o niekwestionowanym autorytecie, dla wielu mistrza, dla innych mentora, ale też dobrego kolegi i przyjaciela. O szacunku dla mistrza świadczy choćby styl zredagowania jubileuszowego biogramu przez Jolantę Nocoń (2016: 11–13), a sylwetkę wybitnego badacza, organizatora życia naukowego i przede wszystkim przyjaciela kreśli we wspomnieniu Stanisław Dubisz (2023: 7–11).
This article presents the usages of Polish epistemic particles in the material of textbooks for learners of Polish as a foreign language at levels A1 and A2. The goal of the research was to identify the units and analyse meanings, as well as typical context and functions of the particles. The usages of the particles pewnie, chyba, może, na pewno, oczywiście, and naprawdę were confronted with their meanings specified in dictionaries. The analysis demonstrates lack of exercises teaching their usages and explanations of the meaning of the particles in the textbooks.
This paper addresses the spelling of the Czech terms sémantickosyntaktický ‘semantic-syntactic’ and formálněsyntaktický ‘formal-syntactic’ against the background of the development of syntactic description in Czech and consists of two parts. (1) The term syntaktickosémantický in syntactic semantics of a simple sentence, which emerged as a scientific discipline only after lexical semantics, is dealt with. This branch of linguistics employs the term formálněsyntaktický for constituent dependence in simple sentences and for denoting (formal-syntactic) relationships called hypotaxis and parataxis in complex sentences. (2) In the description of complex sentences proposed by Štěpán (2013b), the term formálněsyntaktický (from formální syntax) is used to describe the behaviour of subordinators and coordinators, and the term sémantickosyntaktický (from sémantická syntax) for relationships of determination, coordination, parenthesis, apposition, and comparison. In these compound adjectives, their components are written together in Czech without a hyphen in accordance with spelling rules.
Fifty-one entries (with the letter M) in the Russian-Polish dictionary of 1877 which were assigned a discussion of the meaning instead of a real translation, e.g. муссон – wjatr periodyczny [a periodic wind], were examined. These were limited to borrowed Russian units which today correspond to Polish borrowed units, e.g. муссон – monsun [monsoon]. The Polish words are the object of the analysis. In order to discover the reason for their omission from the dictionary, evidence of their use in the corpus of historical texts was sought. It was found that 80% of the borrowings (41 units) occurred in texts before 1876, but some of them were not recorded in the dictionaries of the time and perhaps that is why they did not find their way into the translation dictionary. 20% of the material (10 units) is lexis that entered circulation after the dictionary was published.
This article deals with the neologisms of Anglo-American provenance which refer semantically to ecology. The source of the excerpted factual material is Polish and Russianlanguage glossy lifestyle magazines. The presence of “ecological anglicisms” in the discourse analyzed testifies to the pragmatic need to unify the communication of different nations in the field of global environmental protection, and may be due, among other factors, to psychological reasons, such as the fashion of using English, or the need to promote the ideological solidarity of societies towards “Mother Nature”. The aim of the analysis is to determine the specificities of the collected units in terms of their conceptual domains and other formal characteristics. The examination of the material shows that some characteristics are visible in it, e. g. the dominance of units with meliorative colours, the high prevalence of “ecological anglicisms” in the form of citations, the internationality of loanwords, etc.