Topical Issues of Contemporary Music Education
Topical Issues of Contemporary Music Education
Keywords: Music Education; Musical Pedagogical Area; Music teachers; Multimedia; Computer Multimedia Technology in Music Education; Czech Republic;
The proceedings contain full-text papers presented in the sub-section of the XXVI. international music teacher conference MUSICA VIVA IN SCHOLA organized by the Department of Music, the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic) on 16 – 18th October 2012.The studies of the partial conference section entitled "Topical Issues of Contemporary Music Education" regard the current problems of the Czech and European music education in historical contexts, as well as theoretically reflect on the partial results of the extensive nation wide empirical researches conducted by a team of academic workers and doctoral students of the above mentioned Department of Music in 2010-2012 – Research on the Use of Multimedia Technologies in Music Education at Elementary Schools of the Czech Republic (MUNI/A/1025/2009), Research on the Use of Multimedia Technologies in Music Education at Secondary Schools of the Czech Republic (MUNI/A/1022/2010) and especially Music Preferences of the University Students in the Czech Republic (MUNI/A/0885/2011).