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In 2023, the European Commission channeled the funding for European Semester 2024 to deal with the challenges facing European countries in ways that would develop their competitiveness potential. The problems pointed out are the insufficient labor market participation of women, of people with low levels of education, of disabled people – all of which are needed on the labor market. Over 20% of the population in an active age of Europe is economically inactive, including 8 million young people who are neither in employment nor in education (NEETs). These challenges face all European countries, including Bulgaria.
Innovative assessment tools based on neuroscience can be powerful tools for developing critical competencies among employees in the aviation industry. This new branch of science leads to a more vibrant understanding of the biological processes involved in learning, the relationship between the cerebral hemispheres and sensory dominance, the impact on cognitive control, the meta-concept of learning ability, personal motivation, and social and emotional learning. Some neuroscience tools can measure individual risk of human error, which directly affects all aspects of human factor, aviation safety levels and risk management.
Female education has significant economic effects. Studies have shown that increasing the number of women educated in a region leads to high levels of economic development and promotes gender equality. Female tertiary education has been found to have a positive and significant effect on economic growth rates. Education has been found to be positively associated with women's intra-household decision-making authority and reduces relational friction, such as exposure to psychological abuse. Investing in female education is crucial for sustainable economic development, as it enhances growth, creativity, entrepreneurship, and income allocation.
The topicality of the subject of accounting education provokes us to seek an answer to the question, to what extend professional ethics training is advocated for students studying in the Accounting specialty in higher education institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria, based on the social responsibility of the profession. In this regard: we will study the understanding of the concept of professional ethics based on the literature review; some normative sources will also be cited, in which the requirements for the profession are regulated; the curricula in the higher economic schools educating students in Accounting will be studied on the basis of a database in announced by NEAA; on this basis, some summaries and recommendations for training in professional ethics in Accounting will be formulated.
The aim of this study is to establish the connections and interdependencies between the skills for achieving success of managers at middle and high levels in the management hierarchy, their personality traits and their level of emotional intelligence. Preliminary results among managers at high management levels with disabilities show levels of emotional intelligence above the average for the Bulgarian population. The most highly developed are the managerial skills related to the development of teams and adhocracy (management of innovations, the future and continuous improvement). The most highly developed are character traits such as independence and transcendence. The results confirm that emotional intelligence is positively related to the development of managerial skills. Components of emotional intelligence such as Managing one’s own emotions and Managing the emotions of others together with Independence as a character trait have an impact on managerial effectiveness.
The application of a balanced scorecard (BSS) is a relatively innovative approach to assessing the effectiveness of the public sector in Bulgaria. Its application in the field of public higher education could contribute to improving the quality of educational services in higher education institutions, which are forced in modern economic and demographic conditions to rationalize the processes related to the provision of educational services and the conduct of scientific research. The implementation of such a method for assessing effectiveness allows public universities to deploy their administrative and academic potential for the successful implementation of their strategic goals and sustainable development, breaking them down through the specifics of the main directions set out in the model.
An overview of the new world movement uniting the three main pillars of human knowledge - art, science and technology. An emerging ecosystem embodying a comprehensive vision of the multidisciplinarity of human knowledge and the time we live in, and that creates the conditions for the intersection between innovation, knowledge exchange, new forms of research and pedagogy. Why is the integration of art, science and technology such an important future skill for solving 21st Century fragmentation of culture, society, perception, research & education?
The modern world needs innovations that solve complex problems and lead to positive social change. Education is a key factor in stimulating these innovations, and STEM learning, with its focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is an engine for the transformation of education. Multidisciplinary innovations are the basis of progress in STEM education. They consist in integrating STEM disciplines with other fields, such as art, humanities and social sciences. This approach stimulates creative thinking, problem solving and the construction of new knowledge. Each of the aspects of the STEM philosophy provides an opportunity for multidisciplinarity and the development of key competencies for the 21st century: critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, teamwork, communication, digital literacy; to prepare students for the labor market; to promote social responsibility, because STEM projects can be aimed at solving real problems in society; to overcome educational inequalities.The modern world needs innovations that solve complex problems and lead to positive social changes. Education is a key factor in driving these innovations, and STEM learning, with its focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is an engine for the transformation of education. Multidisciplinary innovation is at the heart of progress in STEM education. These consist of integrating STEM disciplines with other fields, such as the arts, humanities, and social sciences. This approach stimulates creative thinking, problem solving and building new knowledge. Each aspect of the STEM philosophy enables multidisciplinarity and the development of key competencies for the 21st century: critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, teamwork, communication, digital literacy; to prepare students for the labor market; to promote social responsibility, because STEM projects can be aimed at solving real problems in society; to overcome educational inequalities.
The research concept follows the understanding of acquiring competitive advantage through the dynamic development of knowledge and competencies in the field of social innovation and interdisciplinary research (Porter, 2000). The study presents the practical possibilities of social assistance robots with built-in artificial intelligence and the integration of psychological models for working with different educational needs and providing personalized support.
There is no doubt that digital reading is the most important and so far the only way of absorbing information from digital resources. It is significantly different from the traditional one, both in ideology, and in physiology and technology. A research shows that digital reading alters paper reading abilities by affecting the activity of brain structures. The abundance of digital resources and electronic devices overloads the brain, which leads to a lack of concentration and difficulties in understanding. All this is directly related to the peculiarities of perception and understanding of the digital text by students, which should be taken into account when creating digital educational resources and their implementation in the classroom learning process. The main goal of the research is to present the psychological and pedagogical features of children's reading in a digital environment from the point of view of the already existing scientific and practical research on the subject. It seeks to answer the questions of how the process of reading from the screen takes place, what properties of the text influence this, and how well-founded are the concerns about the prevalence of superficial digital reading among adolescents. The article provides specific pedagogical recommendations for the development of children's reading in a digital environment.
This paper explores the Artificial Intelligence (AI) knowledge and usage patterns of high school students. A survey was conducted among high school students in Burgas to assess their understanding of AI concepts, their exposure to AI applications in daily life, and their attitudes towards this developing technology. The results reveal that students demonstrate a moderate level of familiarity with AI terminology. However, their understanding of the technical aspects of AI and associated risks remains developing. This study provides some insights into the current state of AI literacy among high school students, highlighting the need for clear usage guidelines and integration of relevant educational content in technical classes.
This paper presents data from an empirical study, specifically from a factor analysis. Seven groups of role conflict impact factors are identified from a Likert scale used for statements with five-step responses. A scale comprised of 28 statements by House and Rizzo (1970) was used for providing a combined role conflict divided into: conflict related to 'job duties', conflict in 'role performance' and conflict in 'expected outcome' and had a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.952. The factorial results obtained from the study identified high levels of role conflict among the staff (n = 57) of the examined manifacturing organization.
The paper presents different approaches of preserving valuable historical data using modern technologies. The IoT paradigm can easily be applied to the field of cultural and historical heritage. Static cultural places can greatly benefit popularity from intelligent objects, sensors, applications and services. Software architecture of an innovative tourist guide is presented.
The article considers the latest modern directions in the use of digital technologies in foreign language education, for the formation of an open education which allows to increase the competence of a specialist in the conditions of modern society.