The article is dedicated to the increasing interest in the problems of the orphan works. This interest was proven by the official release of Orphan Works Data Base in late 2014.
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The article is dedicated to the increasing interest in the problems of the orphan works. This interest was proven by the official release of Orphan Works Data Base in late 2014.
The article is dedicated to the restoration of posters and albums with lithographs preserved in the funds of department Graphic and Cartographic Editions in St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library. It presents detailed information about the restoration processes that were undertaken due to the unique cultural, historical and art value of the items. All of the posters were printed in the 50’s – 60’s of XX century, and the album has even greater value since it consists of lithographs created in 1803 by Elisey Ivanovich Koshkin. Therefore for every single document individual restoration decisions had to be made.
In the archive work one of the most important dilemmas is present, a question about preserving archival material from the earliest times, so that the experience may be used in contemporary circumstances, both in regular and emergency situations. It also raises the question of how to preserve archival material from the recent period, especially one that is written in electronic form, because the material is threatened from many sides. The answer could be: it is difficult to achieve the knowledge of centuries of experience, the methodology and technology of archives on the preservation of rather substantial and valuable quantities of extremely important archival material. In all of past periods time, archival material was followed by unpredictable natural events (earthquakes, floods, fires), and then a number of frequent wars and other disasters and difficultnes. However, some of the key elements that have contributed to the preservation of archival materials are: location of archival buildings, technical and biological protection (climatic and other conditions), physical protection, and convenient access to means of transport of the materials, easy access for civilians and employees, parking space and other. These are essential factors in the preservation of archival material and they should be represented today. The paper listed and partly processed natural disasters, which can have serious consequences (earthquakes, floods, fires, wars). In case of imminent danger of war, in addition to local regulations, the priority is to apply the provisions of international legal norms, and above all the Convention of Protection of Cultural Properties in the Case of Armed Conflict (The Hague, 14 May 1954) and the Convention of Protection of the World Cultural Heritage (Paris, 21th November 1972). The obligations of the Parties during the military conflict were that all properties listed in the “international register of cultural property under special protection” to be labeled with certain signs of recognition and featured in visible places, to make them accessible to international control, because the opposing parties “must preserve and respect cultural properties.” However, despite the commitments of the conventions, there were many bilateral, regional or local wars, in which the practice has shown that it does not sufficiently protect cultural monuments, even archival material. It is one of the reasons way it was resorted to other preventive protection measures. The Archives of Yugoslavia in the period of the NATO bombing practiced all the provisions of the said conventions. If the valorization of archival material in a timely classification is not approached, then there will be congestion, and incomplete protection of archival materials and current materials in changed conditions. When aggression, or, in case of war, the appeal should be immediately referred to national, regional, European and international associations in field of science and culture (UNESCO, ICA, IFLA, FIAF and others) to have them timely and loudly react with the aim of “protecting cultural properties”. The domestic positive law legislation that regulates this area should be followed, as well as internal documents and plans. It is very important, hearty most important, that archival materials stay where it was and is, in storages of archives. Off shoring is, unless there is a need, performed much earlier - in a timely manner. Digitization, as a new form of records (generation and transmission of an original analogue material to a digital form), we consider it necessary to “import”, primarily in the archival material that comes from the oldest date, provided that it is fully transferred, due to the few surviving documents, the archival material thatis categorized as a cultural asset of great and extraordinary importance should be digitized, and further in order, archival material according to categorization, and material that is the subject of common research.
Archives of Una Sana Canton was, during last few years, actively involved in providing technical assistance to records agencies that are affected by floods or fires. Registry material of Sanski Most was saved from the flood and records of Cantonal Hospital “Dr. Irfan Ljubijankić “in Bihać was saved from fire. In the first case, the Archives participated in the rehabilitation of the flood affected current records of Sanski most, mainly because it was known that the registry does not have the appropriate skills among staff, and since it was considered that unprofessional care for wet material could cause more damage than it is already been done. Archive contribution in salvaging the material was enormous. In the case of a fire in the Cantonal Hospital in Bihac, Archives operated preventive and initiated relocation of current records of the Cantonal Hospital in archival depot (barracks Orljani), which proved to be very important for further protection of this material. Protection of current records in extraordinary circumstances is quite complicated in relation to protection under normal circumstances, when protection is an integral part of operations in the archives. Besides the two cases indicated for Archives of Una-Sana Canton, the maximum engaged and take all within its means to make it more vulnerable current records were saved.
As archives are often exposed to the processes of devastation occurred as a result of emergencies there is a need of careful and meticulous planning of preventive care so that the industry has a special place in the organizational schemes and institutions to be defined in the appropriate regulations. In addition, the trend of increasing number of disasters affected the need for a comprehensive approach to the management during emergencies and disasters to the cultural heritage. Risk management means finding ways to reduce them, mitigate, or simply to learn to live with them. If the outcomes predict with reasonable certainty, then it can expect better results, because they can take appropriate decisions and take appropriate measures that lead to good results. But whether it will be made a good decision depends on various aspects and severity of the current situation. Natural disasters and disasters caused by human action, intentionally or unintentionally, worldwide cause large-scale damage to historical monuments and cultural heritage. Therefore, it is always a current issue of preventive protection and disaster planning in the event of unforeseen circumstances, various reductions in catastrophic risk, as well as the stabilization of cultural heritage in the event of a disaster.Emergencies resulting from natural or man-made disasters are a common cause of damage to or loss of archives. For these reasons it is essential that the archives have a good strategy and plans of care in this area. Planning is an essential element of preventive care and it is necessary to identify external and internal risks.It should be the duty of all archives. The effective response in an emergency situation requires a team work. The main task of all teams is to anticipate possible situations and to plan a proper response and emergency activities before, during and after emergencies. A variety of emergency situations, natural calamity, disaster can not even be enough to control nor escape, but the vulnerability of cultural heritage to natural factors and those caused by human action can be prevented or reduced. Reducing the sensitivity we are reducing risk, and therefore the consequences arising out of their action. Challenges exist in the reconstruction phase and eliminate the effects of the disaster. Experience tells us that happened to archive and library holdings and suffer more damage when removing and repairing consequences than during a disaster. The challenges are reflected in the proper and efficient assessment of damage, as well as in the choice of adequate access to conservation. As this is a complex process which requires the adjustment of protection certain situation and depends on the type and sensitivity of archive and library materials, available material, space, number of staff, it is necessary to precise plan that risks can be reduced to a minimum.
Protection of cultural heritage is not just a matter of legacy and reverence we owe to our ancestors but also a way to preserve our national identity. The preservation of cultural diversity of Europian countries is one of the most important goals and a condition for its further valorisation. New information technologies offer great opportunities to digitise cultural heritage, to save it from oblivion and to make it available for future generations. In the period from 2005 to 2014, the European Union authorities adopted a number of important legal documents aimed at establishing a common framework for digitisation of tangible and intangible national heritage, in full observance of the cultural differences between the EU Member States. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of the most important legal documents in this field and highlight the importance of digitisation for the process of protection and popularization of cultural heritage. The authors suggest that the presented recommendations and guidelines that cpnsitute a normative framework for the digitisation of cultural heritage may be very useful in the process of harmonizing Serbian legislation with the EU recommendations in this area.
Socio-political and economic changes that have occurred in Serbia in the last two decades, have caused significant open issues in the field of archives and registry (documentary) material. This is especially true for preventive protection of archives and registry materials business creators, because the fundamental economic change, embodied in the title of generally acceptable - transition, most notably in the area of economic relations. It is therefore particularly appropriate protection of historically valuable records generated in the field of economy, because it is also a testimony not only to the individual development of the enterprise as a creator, but has undeniable significance for the study of economic developments at the national and global social plan. This paper presents a general normative framework for the protection of archives and its representation in relation to the special treats that regulatory legal businesses. The practical application of legislation in the preventive conservation of archives of creators in the process of economic transition in Serbia, the analytic experience is presented through the experience of Historical archive in Pozarevac. On this basis, the author attempts to draw synthetical conclusions about the scope of archival services in Serbia today, when it comes to the protection of commercial archives of authors in the current political, social and economic moment.
Economic transition, which is fundamental process of transformation from state to private ownership, was supposed to significantly change ownership structure and should have led toward better society in general. However, local and foreign experts have come to negative conclusions about “Serbian transition“. In line with those opinions, most reforms which have been conducted in serbian companies in recent past, have been deemed unsuccessful, and most of the evidence (registrature and archival material) has been lost forever. One of the main issues of maintaining registrature and archival material in transitional companies, is a lack of clearly defined instruction, law or bylaw act, which leads to situation that archival employees in the field are not workinguniformly, or by the same standards.
To preserve the public archives of legal entities in bankruptcy, so. called ,, bankruptcy debtors” is the issue that has equal interest of workers of bankrupt enterprises, archives and public proceedings. Workers are interested mainly because of getting their work history in order to exercise the right to a pension andto regulate housing. The relevant archives for archival material testify to the emergence, organizational structure and the primary activity creator of archival holdings and bankruptcy administrators for evidence in the privatization process and the sale of the debtor objects. Analyzing the state of public archives created by the bankruptcy debtors in the territorial jurisdiction of Kragujevac archives, the author raised the issue of the so-called. ,, bankruptcies without capital, “and the funding of primo-delivery business and technical documentation bankruptcy debtor with no assets. This issue is not explicitly regulated by legislation on bankruptcy, and it currently has no answer among the archival service in Serbia and bodies of the bankruptcy proceedings.
Taking into account the analysis of the current records in the field of privatized entities, it is evident in the extent to which the key and decisive role of the archives, in the field of system operation and protection of current records privatized registry. This applies in particular to the fact that privatization is not yet finalized, and in some cases is reversed, where the protection of the materials again for updating. In the circumstances, the fate of current records is certain only to timely and professional activity archives. Add to this the fact that the new management structure primarily think of profit, then we would agree with the statement that the role of archives decisive. In such circumstances, the archive must be generators of system design protection current records of the same. Their professional activities, archives must set an example to other participants in the process of privatization and bankruptcy procedures, adequate and legal regulation of protection current records.
Fungi and bacteria as well as insects, mainly larvae of beetles and silverfish, cause frequently significant deterioration of paper-based cultural property. The combating of the biological pests which damage historic paper items with chemical biocides has been applied since the fifties of the twentieth century. However, subsequent years brought disappointment with the excessive use of biocides because more and more attention was attracted to their harmfulness to human health, environment and sometimes also to historic matter. Meanwhile, in many countries in Europe, such as Germany or the Netherlands, and in North America (Canada, USA) practitioners of cultural heritage conservation resign from the disinfection of paper based historic items or it is limited to the objects very strongly affected by microorganisms and then the γ radiation or 70% water solution of ethanol are recommended. In Poland the examinations of vitality of the combated microorganisms before disinfection and sensitivity of the historic item against the biocide are recommended. The disinfestation of the historic paper items is now carried with the fumigation in modified atmosphere containing 99.9% nitrogen. The disinfestation takes appr. 3 weeks and provides the killing of the insects in every developmental stage without the necessity of using toxic chemicals. The dimensions of the special plastic disinfestation chambers can be adjusted depending on the dimensions of the objects and during the treatment the required relative humidity of the atmosphere, i.e. appr. 55%, is maintained inside. Disinfestation treatments using modified atmosphere have been available also in Poland for several years.
The current way of archiving and storage of material on missing persons creates good assumption that one day when MPI stops working, it is handed over to the archives of BiH in orderly form. Since the existing legal framework provides for certain exemptions to family members of missing persons, it is expected that for many years to build that occurs in the work of the MPI be be used for evidential purposes for the right of family members of missing persons. The implication could one day take over BiH Archive. Apart from exercising certain rights, it is certain that many materials used MPI for its scientific research. All this creates an obligation that the documents are stored in orderly form, with a special challenge lumber regional and field offices. A particular challenge for documentations MPI special is the fact that the MPI is a specific structure created in the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), which have special rules when it comes to the availability of their holdings. In fact, these institutions allow the use of their material exclusively to facilitate the process of tracing and identifying missing persons.
The paper presents the problem of the protection of public archival materials in process on the field of Sumadija region , with emphasis on the state of archival legislation in the Republic of Serbia. Emphasize the importance of archival activities for the needs of the wider community and archives as institutions for protection of special social interest, the author believes that a good legal framework is primary link to a quality system of protection of public archival materials and documentary materials. Modern archival services requires an appropriate legislation. Only with an appropriate legislation it can realize his mission and documents which was created in the community to preserve, process and returne to the citizen for their use.
The Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Croatian of 28 July 1990, is known as the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia. The House of Representatives exists from 7 September 1992. and the House of County of 22 March 1993. On 28 March 2001 the House of Counties does not exist anymore, and the Parliament is unicameral. On 12 December of 1997 Parliament changed the name in the Croatian State Parliament, and on 10 October 2000 in the Croatian Parliament. The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of studying and knowing the history, structure and functions of creators and archival material.
The paper outlined some of the problems related to the organization of archival operations in the field of justice. First of all, it accentuated irregularities that we were trying to eliminate for years, but some of them are simply ignored. Hopefully, we will get better cooperation from the Inspectorate for Culture and Media and someone who will appreciate our efforts to improve conditions in connection with the judicial archives, while actively participating in elimination of irregularities in this area. Their willingness for cooperation will bring benefits to them, because they will have professionaly sorted archival and documentary materials, as well as us, because we will be able to take over archival materia on all professional criteria, as it is dictated by our profession.
This article depicts steps taken in removal of Courts’ irrelevant archival (registry) material, steps taken in organisation of material and referencing for future usage. The problems encountered during the organisation of the material are noted as well. Due to specific characteristics of the material, as well as active demand for it, special attention was devoted to complete and correct record keeping, which was achieved through electronic data processing.During the organisation of the material, a list of suggestions was made to amend the Lists of categories with explanations for certain categories and planned storage time frame, according to the relevant legislation.
Based on the adopted so-called ,,Ahtisari Plan", the territory of Kosovo was administratively reorganized. New small municipalities with predominantly Serbian population and one with the Turkish population were formed, with the aim of minority communities in Kosovo to self-administer the local level. Immediately after the war there were 30 municipalities in Kosovo, and until now there are 6 new municipalities, with a tendency of forming some other small municipalities. These and other municipalities that are operating in Kosovo have their own operational archives, in order to keep the material up to 30 years, and after that the law on archives and archives are obliged to submit to the competent regional archives, which are operating in Kosovo in Pristina, Pee, Djakovica, Mitrovica, Prizren and Gnjilane. While the other archival service in Kosovo is centralized and unified and indivisible, which I think is very positive, and in line with international standards where prominent senior expertise comes to its fullest.
The collections of the Library of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University includes an unique selection of old prints from libraries of theological faculties of Jagiellonian University and University of Warsaw, both abolished in 1954. In order to make the old prints available to researchers many of them need to be subjected to conservation work. In the article the author tried to show the criteria taken into account when choosing the first part of the old prints for restoration and digitization works.