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The paper presents new data on the total number of the voynuk population in Eastern Rumelia in the first half of the 16th century, based on an unpublished voynuk register from 1528/29, and two concise registers of the population in Rumelia from 1530. The registry data also allow to calculate the approximate percentage of voynuks, the population, exempted from avariz,and the ordinary reaya who were registered in the Bulgarian lands in 1528-11530. The paper also examines the changes from the early years of the region of Suleiman the Magnificent when service of voyunks in the sncaks of Valchitran, Kyustendil and the region of Epirus was abolished. The voyunks in the sancak of Valchitran were transformed into ordinary reaya, but those of the sancak of Kyustendil and the region of Epirus were recorded as taxpayers in the hases of Sultan and their organization was preserved.
The aim of the paper is to explore the region of Northwest Black Sea lands in the early 17th-18th centuries, in the context of the Ottoman and Crimean administrative and territorial structure; the political preconditions for the formation of Khan Ukraine - special administrative and territorial unit with the Ukrainian-Kazakh population under Crimean governance; the organization of the economical and fiscal district "Muqataa Tombasar" in the framework of Khan Ukraine. It presents the defter (register) of the revenues and expanses in Muqataa Tombasar and localizes the settlements and their population in the Northwest Black Sea region.
Sixteenth century is the time of dramatic expansion and demographic changes for the Ottoman Empire. A certain impact on people's everyday life has the environment and more specifically environment consequences in the means of increasing population, changing patterns of production, transitions from nomadic to settled agriculture communities. The village territory and the peasants' agrarian activities are of great importance for the economic history researchers, ethnologists and scholars interested in the Ottoman Empire and more specifically in the reclamation of the agrarian space. The present paper examines the procedure on fixing the boundaries of the village territory as it was recorded in the judicial records - huccets, included in the detailed (mufassal) defter of 1570 containing information on the vakifs of Pasa sanack. The judicial records refer to the village territories of four settlements - Kul Ibrahim, Sruca Reis, Boazkesen and Hizir bey on the territory of the kaza of Stara Zagora during the 16th century. The examined copies of huccets give detailed information about the two main elements of the village territory - arable lands and pastures, but also provide data on the environment of parts of the territory of the kaza of Stara Zagora.
The study is based upon the representative ottoman historical narratives - the histories of Silahdar Mehmed Aga and Defterdar Mehmed Pasha - in search of typology of social behaviour of the Christian inhabitants of the Ottoman Balkan provinces during the war between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire in the end of the 17th century . The Ottoman authors whose reports will be analyzed are part of the historiographic direction that presents the military and political events in the Ottoman Empire during the second half of the 17th century. At the same time the chroniclers involve information about the life in the provinces, as a reflection of the war upon the reaya, and its reactions. The purpose of this report is to present the Ottoman viewpoint in the light of Ottoman historiography, as concrete events, happened in the Ottoman rear during the successful advance of the Habsburg forces. From the presented examples, concerning in particular the reaya of Dragoman, will be outlined some conclusions, characterizing the behaviour of part of the non-Muslim population in the context of the specific political situation.
This article is an attempt at micro-history of an individual ayan (local notable) - Elhac Omeroglu Haci Omer aga - ayan of Hezargrad (Razgrad) in a prolonged period betwen the early 80-s up to his death in 1800. The sources used by the author are mostly single documents from the funds of Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi (Istanbul) and the Oriental Department at Sofia's National Library. As far as court records (sicills) remain irreplaceable for the study of a local institution as ayanlik the author had a chance to find some documents complementing the story of the ayan of Razgrad in the court records of the neighboring kazas (administrative districts) - namely Ruscuk (Ruse) and Hacioglu Pazari (Dobrich). Central issue of this paper is the ayanship of Haci Omer aga in the 1787-1792 Ottoman war against Russia and Habsburg Monarchy. The documents shed light on the functioning of the provincial administration in crucial moment when t he war deeply affected everyday life as the province became a battleground. The second half of the 18th century marked the point of Ottoman history where irregular troops composed the largest segment of the army. The local notables assumed a very important role in Ottoman wartime politics because of their indispensable function in manning the army with mercenaries from the province and furthermore - the mobilization of local resources for different war exigencies. This process had a clear repercussion in the documents concerning Haci Omer aga - he is among the ayans addressed by name in the orders of the central government to provide irregular troops. The most important aspect of the story here are the details that reviewed the important role of the ayans from there borderland territories in the precedent as the winter war activity of the Russian army in 1788/9 campaign. The cumbersome effect of the war on the people and respectively the ayan of the region at discussion, the difficulties of providing the sultan with the level of aid that was requested and par excellence the accusation of Haci Omer aga in embezzlement resulted in an order for his execution and also the confiscation of his property. The transgressor had the chance to escape his death, to find refuge, and half a year later the state revoked the prosecution and reimbursed Omera aga at his previous position. The reason for this turn of the state politics was his proficiency in providing troops and tax revenues for the coming war campaign. The magnanimity of the sultan proceeded in bestowal of a robe of honour (fur-lined coat) for the endeavour of the ayan to fulfill his engagements. The problems posed in this article implied some typified renderings of loyalty in ayan context. But furthermore the micro-history gives some details - the multifaceted relationship between the central government and the ayan could be seen also as symbiosis. The state turned a blind eye on some of the local elite transgressions for their indispensable administrative capacity at that stage of the Ottoman history.
The article traces the history of the oldest building still functioning in Sofia, the Rotunda in the centre of the ancient city, with a focus on its Ottoman period. Special attention is paid to the date of its conversion into a mosque around 1500, and to its fate in the late 17th century when, due to destruction, it was abandoned as a house of worship. A third focus of the article is the transformations of the neighbourhood around it through the centuries. The study is based on a variety of sources, some of which newly-discovered, in the collection of BOA-Istanbul and of the Oriental Department at the National Library in Sofia, and unpublished - single Ottoman documents, excerpts from kadi sicills, atik sikayet defters, tapu tahrir defters, others - well known and widely used, such as the travel accounts of Stephan Gerlach, Evliya Celebi, Viktor Grigorovich, K. Jirecek, as well as texts produced bu the Bulgarian community.
In this paper are being discussed the locations, the conditions and the participants in the establishment of the first National Revival community centers, also calld chitalishta, in the Rhodopes. They were established in three micro-regions - the central part, the northern foothills and the southwest Rhodopes. The community centers were connected to and influenced by Plovdiv, the main cultural and educational centre for Bulgarian territories in the 1860's and the 1870's. The beginning of the Rhodope community centers was influenced by the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate as an independent church institution and the participation of the most enlightened strata of Bulgarian society in the struggle for a Bulgarian church.
The town Razgrad from today was established in the XV century on a early Thracian, Roman and Bulgarian settlement. During the Renaissance and the period from the middle of the XIX century Bulgarians in Razgrad created their own municipality and joined the struggle for church independence and establishing a new school. In 1860 was built the current church "St.Nikolai" and the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate was rejected. For the educational and spiritual development of the city worked many of the citizens from whom more notable were S. Petrov, D. Hranov, A. Tsanov, N. Georgieva and others.
The paper aims to acquaint the readers with the exceedingly active multifarious activity of Queen Eleonore in the field of charity and philanthropy in Bulgaria, naturally related to the political, cultural and economic life in the country in the first years of the 20-th century, marked as they were by the struggle for national unification. The subject is researched for the first time, mainly on the basis of Bulgarian sources and the till sparse contemporary studies dedicated directly to the life and work of Queen Eleonore in Bulgaria and Europe in the field of charity. For the first time, the paper follows the appearance of the new queen in Bulgaria's social, political and cultural sphere: it marks out the parameters of action in the organization of charity in this country, as well as the first more widely advertised Bulgarian efforts on the international field on the part of the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) and the 'Samaritan' society she founded, which also had supporters across the ocean. It also speaks of the participation of Queen Eleonore in organizing nursing activities in support of the army during the Balkan War in 1912-1913 and the opportunities she constantly sought and found to provide medical aid to the army and the front lines during the Second Balkan War and in the years of the Treaty of Bucharest, which was determental to the Bulgaria. Her preparations for the official visit across the ocean at the invitation of the United States government allows us to follow her extremely responsible attitude to this top-ranking diplomatic mission which she considered extremely important and which she undertook in the name of Bulgaria's welfare.
At the beginning of World War I Bulgaria remained neutral, waiting for favourable conditions to engage in the conflict. Its supreme political objective was national unification. The Balkan countries were under constant pressure of the warring coalitions that were trying to win new allies. No Balkan state was a master of the situation and each was afraid about it's back. Because of its geographic location Bulgaria had a strategic position in the Balkans and its joining one of the warring groups would have ensured its geopolitical advantage in the war. In the "Bulgarian summer of 1915" both warring coalitions tried to attract the country on their side, offering territorial compensations or awards. Germany's promises were taken as more reliable by the politicians and Bulgaria entered World War I as part of the Central Powers. The choice of the great allies proved wrong. What was more, the manner of selection was also wrong - not according to the possibility of final victory, but according to the bidding in the territorial auction the profit of which would be lost at the loss of the war.
The current publication presents the activity of the Vasil Levski National Museum aimed at achieving two important tasks.The first task is the formation of a truthful idea of the personality of Vasil Levski in the youngest visitors of the museum, aimed at creating a sound basis for the development of further knowledge of his personality and his role in Bulgarian history. This task is being realized by two books targeted at children and pupils, producedby the museum, as well as the work of the museum’s children center. The second task is popularizing the personality of Vasil Levski as one of the greatest European revolutionaries of the 19th century among the international audience.The emphasis here are two museum editions – a book for Levski translated in eight languages and a book (in Bulgarian only) about the greatest European revolutionaries and thinkers among his contemporaries, at the time when he lived and fought for Bulgarian freedom and for his democratic ideas.
With an 16-pages introduction of the »Société Slave en Bulgarie« acting as editor of this small booklet under issue Nr 10 of its series »Bibliothèque Slave«
A print of the Military Journal, September 15, 1915, referring to Italy's policy on the Balkans.
Instituţiile vechi de învăţământ fac parte dintre depozitarele patrimoniului cultural şi ştiinţific al unei societăţi. Valorificând sursele inedite ale Arhivelor Naționale a Republicii Moldova, surse ce ţin de trecutul şi evoluţia unor instituţii de învățământ cu cele mai vechi tradiţii din spaţiul dintre Prut şi Nistru, suntem în măsură să afirmăm că istoria școlii este o oglindă a societății, ea conservând mentalitatea și cultura unei epoci uitate.
Un sumar bilanţ al activităţii portului Bugaz pe parcursul celor aproape opt ani, între redeschiderea traficului şi cedarea ocupantului sovietic, relevă rezultate pozitive pe mai multe paliere. Populaţia locală şi cea din hinterlandul portului, care a cuprins o regiune de 100 km din sudul Basarabiei, a beneficiat de un debuşeu pentru exportul produselor cerealiere, cu preţuri avantajoase şi stimulative. Navigaţia între Marea Neagră şi limanul Nistrului s-a îmbunătăţit ca urmare a amplasării balizelor şi instalaţiilor de acostare a navelor. De aceste facilităţi au beneficiat nu numai navele care veneau la încărcat, ci şi pescarii din zonă. Numărul locurilor de muncă, stabile şi temporare, a crescut. Portul Bugaz a provocat o mişcare economică şi comercială în sudul Basarabiei cu efecte în îmbunătăţirea transporturilor pe apă cu porturile Constanţa şi Sulina, de unde cerealele luau drumul spre pieţele din Orientul Mijlociu şi Occident. La Bugaz s-a derulat o activitate „determinată şi condusă în spirit naţional românesc”, într-o zonă cu o populaţie eterogenă şi cu o utilizare pentru comunicare „din ce în ce mai întinsă a limbii româneşti” . Indubitabil, portul Bugaz a contribuit la consolidarea procesului conexării Basarabiei la economia unitară a României.
The article treats the means of expression of hesychastic apophaticism, used by Old Bulgarian writers of the 14th – 15th centuries, and the author tries to show that these means are very old, and were characteristic even for the mind of primitive people. He pays attention to the synonymy of ‘aphophatic’ negative pronouns and ‘cataphatic’ summative pronouns; to the pleonastic use of the negative particle не; to the syntactic but- constructions; and to necessative constructions.
Common trends of Balkan painting as basic cultural locus of old Byzantine culture influenced Medieval iconographic models of wall-painting heritage of Christian temples in Tarnovo and its region dating from XV – XVIII century. Iconography was developed and enriched by symbolic images and interpretations of motives and events fundamental in Christian philosophy, Bible and hymnography. Artistic tradition of Christianity, strongly apparent in theocentric compositions of church vaults of that period revealed the ideas of Protoimage of God and its realization in cognizable world.
The presented disertation deals with selected essayists associated around the polish exile magazine "Kultura" published in maisons-laffitte in paris in the second half of the 20the century (1946-2000). its managing editor was Jerzy Giedroyc. the oeuvre of the closest magazine associates (so called "kultura group") is disscussed with regard to the aspects of the art of essay. research in this paper is limited to the so called first generation of the culture associates (1946-69). apart from the spiritus agens of the periodical - jerzy giedroyc, the analysis looks in detail at these personae from the closest magazine circle: witold gombrowicz, jerzy stempowski, konstantyn a. jeleński, gustaw herling-grudziński and józef czapski. essay as such goes beyond mere literary genre. at the basis of this texts of this nature lie more general attributes and essay can be placed among texts structured by strict logic and texts so called "litterary". as such, these are grasped in the sense of a statement inferred from several basic principles, whereas literary texts as those of which structure is based on digressions.