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The 14th Banking and Financial Law Conference took place in Bucharest, Romania, on 15 April 2021, which I had the privilege of moderating. It seems that banking law has never faced such great challenges and all this can be done only with specialized lawyers very well trained in banking and financial field. A country that does not have banking guidance from its own team of elite specialists in banking law will not find the way to progress because it will not be able to identify the best solutions. For this purpose, a very important approach is the exchange of experience through conferences, working groups, research committees, the writing of studies, articles or the elaboration of re- search programs in this field.
The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the democracies. A representative democracy is the favourite instrument in terms of expressing a people’s sovereign will. Any democratic system is based on free, periodical elections. The election procedure is the natural way in which peoples participate indirectly in political decision-making. The conduct of the election under special conditions, like the conditions the heath crisis imposed, had consequences, particularly in terms of legitimacy. The pandemic-affected countries have taken a number of measures to ensure safe voting to electors, though a number of shortcomings marked the organization and carrying on of the election processes, such as lack of funding, technical errors, quarantined people’s inability to vote, low attendance, and legitimacy issues. In our study, we are analyzing the legislative elections that took place in Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, and Lithuania. After the electoral processes, which took place under these special conditions, it is a must to rethink the electoral processes in order to allow all voters to participate in the election of political decision makers.
The present paper aims to identify, with the instruments of comparative law, similar provisions, namely differences that can be adopted in national law, by reporting Romanian legislation on combating domestic violence to the legal provisions in the UK. As a novelty, I have included a survey conducted on an accessibility sample of 50 lawyers from the Bucharest Bar, with experience in domestic violence, respectively 50 employees of barristers firms in the UK, to evaluate, comparatively, how they relate to the quality and efficiency of the legislative framework, respectively to the changes that have been brought to it or are still to be brought. The conclusions of this paper derive both from the comparative analysis of the legal norms applicable to domestic violence, in the two legislative systems, and from the analysis of the answers obtained to the questionnaire that include in the Annex.
Global water resource protection policy has, over time, undergone a constant process of transformation and adaptation, in the sense that it has faced a number of challenges and uncertainties dominated by economic, political, cultural, climatic and to solve the problems generated by humanity through the actions taken for its survival and wellbeing on earth. For its welfare there has been a substantial increase in civilization, for some states, and an accepted technological and scientific progress, but which over time have unbalanced and degraded the environment and especially there have been massive pollution of water resources. This material discusses general elements on the risks of water pollution with a summary classification of forms of pollution and a summary of the legal instruments governing the area in question, with a presentation of the risks to humanity and the environment in general. The protection against any forms of degradation and pollution of water resources is done by sustaining and streamlining the field with the involvement of all actors in the world, from the public to the private sector.
This contribution aims to discuss recent regulatory initiatives concerning crypto-assets and to analyse the development on the market of crypto assets with reactions made by regulators. During the Covid-19 pandemic the financial markets, especially crypto assets experienced unprecedented volatility. The economic uncertainty and dynamic rise of crypto assets together with retail investors’ higher attention forced regulators to react. Based on the latest market development the contribution shall discuss key elements of the proposal for a regulation on market in crypto assets. After descriptive analysis of the legislative proposals, the weaknesses should be analyses aiming to identify key problematic issues and potential consequences of the proposal. The critical discussion should justify the need for regulations to draw attention to aspects that shall be revised during the legislative process. Special attention is paid to the regulation in the EU and implications for the Czech Republic.
The COVID-19 has appeared in several waves in Europe. The lawmaker promptly introduced public health measures and reduced economic activities. After that, the rules focused on business law, insolvency law, enforcement law, and other areas of law were adopted. The article focuses on the nature of the rules concerning COVID-19 insolvency law and investigates the principles of prolonging these rules as the reaction to the next waves of COVID-19. The article explains and compares different legislative practices concerning prolonging the COVID-19 insolvency rules.
The world has been dealing with a pandemic for almost two years. Since COVID-19 has been spreading rapidly, individuals have been asked to provide test results about not being infected. Test results and vaccination fall within the scope of personal data. To be more specific, these data are categorized as health data. The safety of health data throughout the pandemic needs to be ensured. There must be certain procedures to follow when people process health data. To secure the workplace, employers ask about the vaccination status of their employees. This paper focuses on the processing of vaccination status of employees in the workplace and whether employers can record the vaccination status of their employees and the terms under which they can do so. In this regard, processing vaccination data in the practices of United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland, Czech Republic, Italy, and Turkey will be evaluated.
This volume contains the scientific papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference „Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium” that was held on 19 November 2021 in online format on Zoom. The conference is organized each year by the Faculty of Law of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies together with the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. The scientific studies included in this volume are grouped into five chapters: Stop or go back to business as unusual — legal issues impacting businesses during this time; Changes in the legal landscape, regulatory challenges and more; In-depth look at business law topics; European overview of the legal and business considerations. The present volume is addressed to practitioners, researchers, students and PhD candidates in juridical sciences, who are interested in recent developments and prospects for development in the field of business law at international and national level. This book is edited with the support of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.
Although the interpretation of legal rules has a direct impact on the content of judicial decisions, law of interpretation has not yet been the subject of a monographic study in Polish legal theory. The author describes the status of interpretative directives in various legal cultures (e.g. Poland, Spain, Australia, USA, Great Britain, Ireland and Latin America) and analyses the problems caused by enacting interpretative directives. She puts forward proposals for the creation of the law of interpretation and analyses the nature of interpretative directives. An important advantage of the work is the reference to a wide range of literature and jurisprudence from many jurisdictions.
This paper discusses the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union and the Euro-Atlantic security system at a time when Bosnia and Herzegovina’s state structure is regulated under the Dayton Agreement, according to which the main pillar of the political order is the rule of three ethnic groups instead of citizens, which therefore instead of democracy introduced the rule of ethnocracy. The consequence is that even 20 years after Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina is still not a functional state, because the entities created by ethnicity (Serbs in the Republika Srpska, Bosniaks and Croats in the Federation of BiH) have become self-sufficient (entitocracy) and disinterested in the creation of a single state policy. Therefore, BiH has no strategy of socio-economic development and lags behind in meeting the requirements for joining the European Union, for which two-thirds majority of its citizens have voted. This paper offers proposals whose adoption would achieve at least some assumptions to accelerate the process of transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Dayton (chained with ethnicities and entities) into Brussels (dynamic-civil) phase of its EU accession.
Donošenjem Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije 2009. godine, Bosna i Hercegovina je napravila značajan iskorak u zaštiti ljudskih prava. Ovaj je zakon, najvećim dijelom prateći relevantne direktive Evropske unije, definirao standarde u oblasti zaštite od diskriminacije i predstavlja jedan od značajnijih uspjeha politike uslovljavanja Evropske unije. Pored činjenice da je diskriminacija u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) zabranjena Ustavom, kao i nekim drugim aktima, Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije, kao značajnu novinu, uveo je definicije svih oblika diskriminacije, te osigurao vrlo važne proceduralne mehanizme zaštite. Istovremeno, imajući u vidu da se član 14. Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama, kao i Protokol broj 12 uz Konvenciju, koji predviđa opću zabranu diskriminacije, prema slovu Ustava BiH primjenjuju direktno i prioritetno u BiH, to bi i u primjeni ovog zakona praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava trebala biti jedna od osnovnih vodilja. U skladu sa Zakonom o zabrani diskriminacije, diskriminacijom se smatra svako “različito postupanje, uključujući svako isključivanje, ograničavanje ili davanje prednosti utemeljeno na stvarnim ili pretpostavljenim osnovama prema bilo kojem licu ili grupi lica na osnovu njihove rase, boje kože, jezika, vjere, etničke pripadnosti, nacionalnog ili socijalnog porijekla, veze s nacionalnom manjinom, političkog ili drugog uvjerenja, imovnog stanja, članstva u sindikatu ili drugom udruženju, obrazovanja, društvenog položaja i pola, polnog izražavanja ili orijentacije, kao i svakoj drugoj okolnosti koja ima za svrhu ili posljedicu da bilo kojem licu onemogući ili ugrožava priznavanje, uživanje ili ostvarivanje na ravnopravnoj osnovi prava i sloboda u svim oblastima javnog života”. Međutim, ne predstavlja svako različito postupanje diskriminaciju. Zaista, ukoliko ne bi postojala mogućnost opravdanja različitog tretmana u ovom kontekstu, dešavale bi se apsurdne situacije. Tako je, npr., općeprihvaćeno da je za obavljanje određenih poslova potrebna odgovarajuća stručna sprema ili odgovarajuće vještine, te bi malo ko različito postupanje prema osobama koje nemaju takve kvalifikacije smatrao diskriminacijom. Isto se odnosi na uslove za zaključivanje braka ili uslove za stupanje u neke ugovorne odnose za maloljetnike, odnosno osobe mlađe od 15 godina, utvrđivanje prava iz oblasti zaštite majke i materinstva i druge. Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije definirao je pod kojim se uslovima različito postupanje neće smatrati diskriminacijom. U članu 5. Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije utvrđeni su opći uslovi za opravdanje različitog postupanja, kao i lista konkretnih izuzetaka od zahtjeva jednakog tretmana. Stoga bi u razmatranju svakog pojedinačnog predmeta, Institucija ombudsmana za ljudska prava BiH, sudije ili voditelji upravnog postupka morali utvrditi postojanje elemenata različitog tretmana, a potom i to da li bi takvo različito postupanje moglo biti opravdano u skladu sa članom 5. Zakona. Naš je zakonodavac odlučio utvrditi listu konkretnih izuzetaka koji ipak trebaju zadovoljiti dodatne uslove na strani legitimnosti cilja i proporcionalnosti primijenjenih mjera u odnosu na cilj koji se njima nastoji realizirati. Na ovaj je način Zakon ostavio široko polje diskrecione ocjene prilikom definiranja dodatnih elemenata opravdanja različitog tretmana. S pravom se, međutim, postavlja pitanje u kojoj će mjeri donosioci odluka u postupcima za zaštitu od diskriminacije imati potrebna znanja, odnosno relevantne informacije o pravilnoj primjeni člana 5. Zakona. Naime, koliko god da je ponekad izazov razumjeti sve pojavne oblike diskriminacije i utvrđivati postojanje njenih Zakonom utvrđenih elemenata, toliko je, ako ne i više, komplicirano razumjeti granice mogućeg opravdanja različitog postupanja. U tom kontekstu, osnovni je cilj ove analize ukazati na ključne pristupe razumijevanja izuzetaka od jednakog tretmana, odnosno opravdanja različitog postupanja u skladu sa dva, za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, značajna izvora prava: Evropskom konvencijom o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama i relevantnim direktivama Evropske unije. Analiza će prezentirati neke od izazova sa kojima su se susretali Evropski sud za ljudska prava i Evropski sud pravde u pokušaju da utvrde granice različitog postupanja u svojoj jurisprudenciji. Konačno, sugerirat će se i mogući izazovi u BiH u primjeni člana 5. Zakona, te će se ponuditi prijedlozi za daljnje djelovanje bazirani na naučenim lekcijama iz prakse dva evropska suda.
Terrorism, as one of the most serious types of crime, has been part of the criminal legislation norms for many years. Nevertheless, its escalation in the last 30 years has had an international impact on this phenomenon. It seems that terrorism is most dealt with in international law. This has led to the strengthening of criminal repression (prescribing stricter penalties) and an increase in the number of terrorist acts. As a result, in Bosnia and Herzegovina these acts are systemized as crimes against humanity and other values protected by international law, and are punishable by a maximum sentence (long-term imprisonment). Besides basic terrorist acts, a new form of terrorist activity, terrorism financing, was introduced in 2003 and four more types in 2010, public incitement to terrorist activities, terrorist recruitment, training for terrorist activities and organization of terrorist groups. Then, in 2014 participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens in foreign terrorist activities was incriminated as a crime of illegal formation and joining of foreign paramilitary and para-police formations. In addition, there were more opportunities for effective evidence collection for these crimes through special investigative measures and financial investigations, as well as prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing. Therefore, it is clear that the legislator used the criminal law norms to improve the framework of terrorism response, which represents an evident threat and a form of security endangerment. On the other hand, there is the issue of the efficacy of the above mentioned criminal framework and how realistic its domains are when it comes to the fight against terrorism. For instance, if we consider the norms concerning public incitement to terrorism or terrorist recruitment, we will encounter problems which are already evident when it comes to complicity in criminal law. Likewise, there are many difficulties in proving one’s terrorist activities abroad (e.g. foreign terrorist fighters). This paper provides an overview of some of the abovementioned challenges of modern criminal legislation in dealing with this issue.
The work aims to offer an objective, even critical analysis of Law no. 151 of 20152 regarding the insolvency of natural persons. This regulation, entered into force on 01.01.2018, ̋celebrates ̋ 5 years of application, which is why I approached this topic with the intention of a general analysis of the provisions of the Insolvency Law of natural persons and to offer my own conclusions regarding this topic. I will analyze, in the first part of the paper, the general provision regarding the notion of insolvency, the conditions imposed by law for the initiation of this procedure, as well as the options that Law no.151/2015 makes available to the insolvent debtor depending on his legal situation. In the second part of the paper, I will analyze a series of debatable aspects that the law refers to, and I will assess the usefulness and opportunity of their regulation. The conclusions will try to offer some legislative proposals that will make this law more well-known and approachable for natural debtors in a state of insolvency. Carrying out the scientific approach, I will use different methods of interpretation, starting from the grammatical one and reaching the method of quantitative and comparative analysis.
Jurisdiction is the ability established by law in favor of an authority to resolve a particular dispute that arises between two or more subjects of law. Outside the courts, the settlement of disputes can be carried out by several jurisdictions, some national and others carried out by bodies with jurisdictional powers, this solution being imposed by the specialization of certain disputes but also by the relief of the courts.
The paper begins, as is natural, with a brief reference to the term "HORECA", in order to specify the contracts used in this field. The chapters that follow these preliminary clarifications, concern the following: 1) The hotel service contract, from the perspective of the contractual relationship between the hotelier, the consumer tourist and the travel agency, and last but not least the disputes that may result from non-fulfillment of contractual obligations, 2) The contract of agency concluded between the hotel and the travel agency, in the national and European Union legislative context, 3) The content of the agency contract, respectively its clauses.
The paper deals with defining the Center of Main Interest (COMI) in judicial decisions at the European and national levels. The article presumes that the definition of the COMI in EU Regulation on insolvency proceedings (EIR) recast is still insufficient and the judicial body should precise the definition of the COMI. Moreover, the article supposes that the definition of the COMI is not fit for the decentralized economy. Firstly, the paper describes the definition of the COMI in EIR recast. Secondly, the article focuses on the review of case law and the evolution of the concept of COMI in judicial decisions. Finally, the paper will analyse whether the concept of COMI is convenient in the current legal framework and decentralized economy models. At the end, it will be argued that COMI looks like an adequate and rational criterion for common cross-border insolvencies. Lastly, the article also proposes the definition of COMI in the event of a decentralized economy.
Collection of reports from the scientific conference in honor of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician Lyuben Vassilev, held by the Institute for State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy on September 16 and 17, 2021.
The collection contains reports presented at scientific conference "Challenges to legal regulation in Bulgaria". The conference was held on October 31, 2023 in the conference halls of the university in parallel modules. Scientists, practitioners, doctoral students and students participated, a total of over 60 people in five scientific fields: Challenges to international law and EU law in Bulgaria; Challenges to private law regulation in Bulgaria; Historical and economic aspects of state regulation in Bulgaria; Challenges to public law regulation in Bulgaria; Challenges to criminal law regulation in Bulgaria.
The report examins the comparative criminal law studies on the base of dialectical relationship between the norms of he general part and the norms of special part. The conclusion is that the analysis of Criminal Law concepts of the general part is a necessary basis for comparative law studies between criminal legislations.