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El deporte globalizado constituye hoy un verdadero imperio planetario. Se extiende de manera tentacular sobre vastos sectores de la economía parasitaria visibles o subterráneos del capitalismo financiero, el poder político y la aturdidora industria cultural. La cínica ideología de la competición de todos contra todos, se ha impuesto en casi todas las instituciones de la vida cotidiana difundida de manera continua a través de la incansable repetición de rivalidades miméticas entre deportistas o equipos en las redes mediáticas transnacionales. Esto sucedió gracias a los engaños de los cárteles propagandísticos (COI, FIFA, UEFA, etc.) apoyados por las principales multinacionales capitalistas (Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Visa, Toyota, Samsung, Adidas, etc.) y los aparatos de Estado de todos los países (en particular, el aparato represivo militar-policial). En cuerpos como en mentes, en universos sociales o paisajes naturales, el deporte competitivo de espectadores ha colonizado espacios, fagocitado temporalidades, canibalizado recursos, estandarizado emociones.
This paper is a review of the 18th National Ethics Conference that took place in November 2022 and was organized by the Department of Ethical Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The aim of this review is to give publicity to the event by informing of the thematic panels, the titles of the reports and the names of the researchers who participated.
The publication examines several lexical and stylistic fragments, which are fundamental for deciphering the linguistic handwriting of the understudied talented hymnwriter and storyteller eonomost Dimitar Petkanov, brother of the famous writer Konstantin Petkanov. The source of the excerpted material are volume 2 (April – June) and volume 4 (October – December) of the hagiographic tetralogy„In the year of our Lord“, written until 1956 and published by the author’s heirs in 2016 – 2017. An illustrative text has also been isolated from the poetry collection„Solar Songs“ and the autobiography “A Book about My Brother”. The purpose of the study is to highlight the lexical and stylistic methods which the original lyrical excerpts created by the poet are constructed. The three aspects analyzed are: the poetic vocabulary, the rhetorical tropes and figures used; sixteen of the occasional units; six of the author's key concepts (God, rapture, health, honey, light, darkness).
The field of forensic psychiatry involves the application of psychiatric expertise to legal cases involving individuals with mental illness. However, the use of this expertise raises questions about the rights of mentally ill patients, particularly regarding behaviour control and involuntary hospitalization. In order to avoid abuse of medical authority, it is important to uphold the principles of individual autonomy and the right to be informed about one's detention. Legal regulations must balance the protection of individual rights with the need for social protection, through the promotion of destigmatization of psychiatric patients and the elaboration of national studies to assess mental health and psychiatric-legal liability. Psychiatric forensic expertise must be conducted in accordance with scientific validity, avoiding diagnostic errors and expert iatrogenicity, and promoting only opinions based on proven truths. The expert's responsibility is to maintain scientific neutrality and independence while respecting the rights of the patient, avoiding any suspicion of abuse of medical authority and preserving the ability to explain, exonerate, or indict with truthful conclusions. This requires a balance between expert professionalism and the consciousness of one's own limits while prioritizing the rights and autonomy of the patient. Legal regulations and ethical-scientific requirements of psychiatric-legal exploration must be applied to ensure that the field of forensic psychiatry upholds the principles of justice and human rights.
This article describes the case of a 48-year-old female patient who was involuntary admitted by the authorities for a psychotic episode characterized by delusional ideas of grandeur, filiation and reference. The patient firmly believed that she was not only a member of the royal family of Monaco, but also had a special familial connection to the ruling dynasty. This case highlights the complexities of psychotic disorders and the presence of multiple delusional themes that can significantly impact an individual's perception of reality and functioning. These delusions profoundly affected the patient's daily life and interpersonal relationships. Her strong conviction in her royal filiation led to strained interactions with family members, who were unable to validate her claims. The patient's preoccupation with her imagined connection to the royal family overshadowed her personal responsibilities, causing disruptions in her overall functioning. This paper underscores the intricate nature of psychotic disorders and the multifaceted delusions that can arise within them. Understanding the interplay between these delusional themes is vital in guiding diagnosis and treatment strategies. By implementing a comprehensive approach that includes medication, psychotherapy, and a supportive environment, healthcare professionals can assist patients in regaining a more accurate perception of reality and improve overall functioning and well-being.
This paper focuses on publications by Karel Hausenblas on questions surrounding literature and literary texts. Hausenblas is one of the classics of Czech linguistic bohemistics, but he also published numerous articles of significance to the study of literature. This overview describes the main areas of Hausenblas’s literary explorations: His conception of style as a principle that integrates all levels of texts into a dynamic unit proved to be adequate to the complex structure of literary works. He analyzed the use of language in the works of various Czech writers and explored the semantic, thematic and communication structures in literature. He also dealt with the features of poetry and with the problems of literary translation. Karel Hausenblas’s legacy, combining theoretical elements with thorough analyses, still deserves interest and inspires us to follow.
This study discusses the approach of Karel Hausenblas (1923–2003), an important Czech linguist and Bohemist, towards literary theory. The main objectives of the study are: 1) to outline the basic theoretical and methodological principles of Karel Hausenblas’s scholarly research; 2) to present Hausenblas’s conception and treatment of selected terms from literary theory (especially “theme”, “literary character” and “space”). The author of the study demonstrates that the theoretical assumptions and methodological principles on which Hausenblas based his stylistic research draw significantly from Czech structuralism, formulating six of his most important theoretical and methodological principles. The outline of his treatment of such literary-theory concepts as “theme”, “literary character” and “space” make it clear that Hausenblas was not looking for a fundamentally new conception, but was much more concerned about their precise definition and correlation.
The text presents the newly published book by Prof. Anatol Anchev (2022) – content, composition, style, author’s self-assessments.
The economic policy of online media. Manufacture of dissent." is an extremely relevant and modern academic research, which builds a bridge between the foundations of the theory of Mass Communication and the rapid development of processes in the field of digital media in the 21st century. The author Peter Ayolov persuasively points to the "production of dissent," a “divide-and-conquer” online principle as a dominant commercial paradigm, responsible for the erosion of many democratic processes in modern societies.