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U ovom izvještaju rezimirani su rezultati statističke analize osoba ranjenih u krvavim incidentima koji su se dogodili za vrijeme opsade istočnog Mostara u periodu od svibnja 1993. do travnja 1994. godine. Tužiteljski tim koji je pripremao predmet JADRANKO PRLIĆ I DRUGI (broj predmeta: IT-04-74) zatražio je od Odjeljenja za demografiju Ureda tužitelja izradu ove analize þiji je cilj bio podnošenje izvještaja vještaka o ranjenim osobama. Predmet ove analize su posebno Bošnjačke žrtve. Izvještaj je usredotočen na ranjene osobe s područja istočnog Mostara. To područje je mnogo manje od područja koje je obuhvatala općina Mostar prije rata. Istočni Mostar nalazi se na istoþnoj strani rijeke Neretve, uključujući tu i uski pojas kuća na zapadnoj obali u koji se većina bosanskih Muslimana preselila nakon akcija HVO-a /Hrvatsko Vijeće obrane/ protiv nehrvata 9. i 10. svibnja 1993. Muslimanska enklava u istočnom Mostaru odvojena je od ostalog dijela grada linijom sukoba između HVO-a i ABIH-a koja se proteže sjeverno i južno od Bulevara i Šantićeve ulice, do područja zapadno od rijeke Neretve. Ova enklava okružena je hrvatskim snagama na sjeveru i jugu, te snagama bosanskih Srba na istoku.
Glavni cilj aktivnosti sažetih u ovom izvještaju bio je dobivanje pouzdanih statističkih podataka o smrtnim slučajevima koji su posljedica oružanih incidenata tokom opsade Mostara od svibnja 1993. godine do (otprilike) travnja 1994. godine, te analiza obrazaca tipičnih za ove smrtne sluþajeve (po starosti, spolu, vojnom statusu, geografskom području itd.). Ovaj je izvještaj od Demografskog odjela zatražio tužiteljski tim koji priprema slučaj PRLIĆ i dr. (IT-04-74).
Following the Second World War, work forces in more developed countries needed labour to reconstruct and further drive their economies, and to satisfy this demand, labour was increasingly imported from less developed countries, and the phenomenon of “labour migration” was thus born. For the receiving countries, this was a simple way to meet a transitional demand for labour, and for the sending countries – one of which was Turkey – it was a way of easing off population and unemployment pressures as well as an opportunity for generating hard foreign currency for the economy. The migrant workers were expected to provide financial support to their families left behind and to invest in their home countries (see Akgunduz, 2013:195).
This paper explores how refugees in the UK perceive the relation between their experience of migration and their psychosocial health. Autobiographical narrative interviews were carried out with fifteen refugees residing in the UK. The findings reveal a contrast between the negative stereotypes concerning refugees’ psychosocial health and the participants’ own perceptions. Two of the three emerging narratives suggest a more balanced view of refugees’ psychosocial health, since in contrast to the stereotypes most participants did not perceive this through the lens of ‘vulnerability’. The third narrative revealed that a hostile social context can negatively shape refugees’ perceptions of their psychosocial health. This runs counter to the stereotype of refugees as being exclusively responsible for their ‘passiveness’ and therefore for the problems they face.
In 2015, 379,766 Eritreans worldwide sought asylum in another country or were on the road (2015, UNHCR). In the last few years there has been a growing number of unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs) from Eritrea. Of the 33,380 Eritreans that applied for asylum in Europe in 2016 (IND, 2017), 2870 applied for asylum in the Netherlands, of whom 773 Eritrean URMs (CBS, 2016).
The conflict in Syria began in March 2011, after that 15 young boys were kidnapped and tortured in the town of Daraa in the South of the country. The group of young boys were captured because they supported with graffiti the Arab revolutions. One of the boys, Hamza al-Khateeb, died due to his injuries in the age of 13 years in the Syrian village of Daraa (Tomass, 2016). The social unrests in Syria took first the shape of peaceful protests – as in Tunisia and Egypt - the discontent of the Syrian people was related to limited freedoms of opinion, raising unemployment rates and limited professional opportunities especially for the younger generation (Mostafiz, 2014).
The twentieth and twenty-first centuries are rightly called as ‘age of migrations’ (See Castles, Haas & Miller, 2014). Contemporary times witness the movements of people at a pace and scope never seen before. Though migration is nothing new: If we consider that the history of the dispersal of homo sapiens from Africa dates back around 150 thousand years, we can safely claim that human beings have been moving since their first appearance on earth.
Bu bölümde ailenin tanımı ve fonksiyonları, aile tipleri ve gelişimleri, aile kuramları, aile sorunları ve çözüm yolları bağlamında aileyle sosyal hizmetler göçmen ve sığınmacı ailelerin örneğinde ele alınmış ve sorunların çözüm yolları üzerinde durulmuştur.
Mülteci ve sığınmacı olmak, ağır travmatik yaşantıları beraberinde getirmekte, bu yaşantılardan bireylerin etkilenmesi yaşlarına, cinsiyetlerine, geçmiş deneyimlerine ve kültürlerine göre farklılıklar göstermektedir.
Between 2011 and 2015, the Spanish and Swedish national health care systems did not grant comprehensive health care access to asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants. In these systems, regional health authorities were liable for the management and provision of health care, as they were better prepared to respond to the health needs of local communities. However, decentralization did not foment universal access. In Spain and Sweden, regions responded differently to the provision of health care access for these immigrant groups. Whereas Madrid and Västra Götaland followed the restrictive national guidelines on health care access for these targeted groups, Catalonia and Stockholm made efforts, although insufficient, to provide better assistance to their health care needs. Thus, Spain and Sweden failed to fulfill international and European legal obligations on health for immigrants. To guarantee health care access for asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants, better coordination between national and regional health authorities is essential. The application of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) tools can serve this purpose.
Desde 1848, la Escuela Alemana de la Medicina Social enunciaba que la Medicina era eminentemente social y por lo tanto para poder resolver los problemas de enfermedad se debería de atender antes que nada a las condiciones en que ésta se gestaba, esto es actuar en consecuencia e intervenir en las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones afectadas, de esta manera la salud y la enfermedad están determinadas por las condiciones en que las personas nacen, crecen y se desarrollan. Del mismo modo en que los individuos se integran en el proceso de migración, la adaptación y superación de todos los riesgos que ésta implican a la salud del migrante está en función de esas condiciones previas a la migración. A partir de 2008, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) promueve el análisis de la salud-enfermedad desde la perspectiva de los Determinantes Sociales enunciados por Rudolf Virchow y Salomón Newman y su corriente social de la medicina del siglo xix, esta perspectiva se promueve también para el análisis epidemiológico de los grupos migrantes en el mundo (Rosen, 1986).
S obzirom da se u većini dostupnih istraživanja i dokumenata koji su analizirani ne mogu naći jasni izdvojeni podaci po regijama kao i odvojeno za ove dve regije (jedan od izuzetaka je istraživanje Fondacije CURE „Žene koje inspirišu“), generalni presek uz neke specifičnosti radi bolje ilustracije stanja na terenu pokazaćemo sumarno. Nakon toga ćemo dati pregled nekih lokalnih specifičnosti. Pri tome treba napomenuti da regionalne podele ne prate i administrativne s obziromda su četiri analizirane opštine u ove dve regije pripadajuće opštine grada Istočno Sarajevo, od kojih dve pripadaju romanijskoj regiji.
Türkiye’de uluslararası korumanın dışında kalan kayıtlı 2.724.937 (unhcr.org, 26.08.2016) Suriyeli vardır ve “Geçici Koruma” statüsündedirler. Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanununa (YUKK) göre “ülkesinden ayrılmaya zorlanmış, ayrıldığı ülkeye geri dönemeyen, acil ve geçici koruma bulmak amacıyla kitlesel olarak sınırlarımıza gelen veya sınırlarımızı geçen ve haklarında bireysel olarak uluslararası koruma statüsü belirleme işlemi yapılamayan yabancılara geçici koruma sağlanabilir (M. 91). Suriyelilere “mülteci” ya da “sığınmacı” statüsü tanınamamaktadır. Çünkü 1951 Mültecilerin Hukuki Durumuna İlişkin Sözleşme (Cenevre Sözleşmesi) ve 1967 New York protokolüne coğrafi çekince koyarak imza atan Türkiye, ancak Avrupa ülkelerinden gelenlere mülteci statüsü verebilmektedir. Bu kişilerin Türkiye’ye kabulü, Türkiye’de kalışı, hak ve yükümlülükleri, Türkiye’den çıkışlarında yapılacak işlemler, kitlesel hareketlere karşı alınacak tedbirlerle ulusal ve uluslararası kurum ve kuruluşlar arasındaki iş birliği ve koordinasyon, merkez ve taşrada görev alacak kurum ve kuruluşların görev ve yetkilerinin belirlenmesi, Bakanlar Kurulu tarafından çıkarılacak yönetmelikle düzenlenir (YUKK, m. 91). Kanunun bu maddesine istinaden Ekim 2014’de Bakanlar Kurulu kararı ile Türkiye’de kayıt olan Suriyeli sığınmacılara “geçici koruma statüsü” verilmektedir.
Silver economy is a broad concept incorporating many different fields of investigation. All of them arise from the needs of the aging world population and the concurrent need to comply with economic sustainability, but otherwise have very specific characteristics and implications. Recent academic findings suggest that in the context of architecture, not enough attention is paid to the user perspective, concerning the increasingly older population. At the same time, architectural quality and long-term performance of housing objects are becoming more and more dependent on the needs of the elderly, who rightfully expect to grow old in a caring environment, including adjusted living premises. By applying scientific analysis, synthesis, and comparison of data from relevant secondary sources, this paper aims to investigate key trends regarding architecture as part of the silver economy. In addition to that, the intention has been to generate recommendations that would enable having a quality, active living even within the aging society. Findings suggest that the silver economy in architecture is conceptually elaborated but still rather a marginal scheme in real life. However, a multidisciplinary approach in terms of integrating architectural and space efforts with smart technology conveniences emerges as the direction of future research as well as practice. Limitations of this study are primarily financial concerns and prerequisites that have not been appreciated enough while evaluating the need for silver architecture investments.