„Конструктивно васпитање“ најмлађих припадника југословенске заједнице. Совјетски модел на трагу „познавања наше сопствене проблематике“
The policy of education and upbringing in the Yugoslav state after WWII wasn't clearly defined until the end of 1949. The paper wants to point out at the, in many respects true but nevertheless problematic claim, that Soviet policy of education and upbringing was unconditionally accepted in Yugoslavia untill the split with the Soviet Union in 1948. Suggesting such supeficial claims is the consequence of insufficiently researched political and social processes which took place in the Yugoslav society between the second half of 1944 and summer 1948. Superficial estimates are often the fruit of the unjustified need to stress discontinuity, even though many analysis of complex social processes showed that clear continuity can be observed ever since the founding of modern, i.e. national states in these parts, and even further back. Although the year 1948 is often considered a boundary for marking certain phenomena in the Yugoslav society, it should be emphasised that it would be much more accurate to say that certain phenomena took their clearest form after summer 1948 or later, but that the first manifestations of the proces of emancipation from Moscow's tutelage, and thus also the first signs of the search for Yugoslavia's own way to socialism, could be observed long before 1948.