„Robactwo z czarnych łąk”. Na marginesie lektury Młynów. Sonaty nieludzkiej
The author of the following article is interested primarily by the dark facet of Sebyła’s natural vitalism, which she traces alongside her reading of Młyny. Sonata nieludzka (Windmills. The Inhuman Sonata). Over the bogs, marshes, swamps and wetlands, there exists a multiplicity of nighttime animal life which, regardless of the actual species, exhibits a worm-like fertility. This close-up on the rotting, decaying matter exposes the ugliness of ever-present entropy while at the same time uncovering the peculiar post mortem life – the unending “viscous” liminal state, the substance of the world in flux. It seems, then, that the viscous matter discussed in the article, which connects the spheres of water and moist, open soil, had to a large extent dominated the imagination of the poet.