0.00 € Financial Accountability as a Condition for EU Membership Financial Accountability as a Condition for EU Membership Author(s): Aleksandra Rabrenović / Language(s): English More...
0.00 € Law of the Countries in the Region Pravo zemalja u regionu Author(s): / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € Objective Responsibility in Criminal Law Objektivna odgovornost u krivičnom pravu Author(s): Jovan Ćirić / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € Reviewing the Decisions of International Trade Arbitration in the Annulment Procedure Преиспитивање одлука међународних трговинских арбитража у поступку поништења Author(s): Katarina Jovičić / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € Internet Law Internet pravo Author(s): Dragan Prlja,Mario Reljanović,Zvonimir M. Ivanović / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € Zakonodavstvo Srbije, pravo EU, uporedno pravo Osiguravajuća društva Author(s): Vladimir Čolović / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € 3rd Network Conference Adaptation and Implementation of the EU -Acquis: an Exchange of Experiences 3rd Network Conference Adaptation and Implementation of the EU -Acquis: an Exchange of Experiences Author(s): / Language(s): English More...
0.00 € Kosmet - Gordian knot Космет – Гордијев чвор Author(s): / Language(s): English,Serbian More...
0.00 € 20 Years Since the Breaking - Up of the SFRY 20 godina od razbijanja SFRJ Author(s): / Language(s): Russian,Serbian More...
0.00 € Elections in Domestic and Foreign Law Izbori u domaćem i stranom pravu Author(s): / Language(s): Serbian More...
0.00 € Serbian Law in Transition – Changes and Challenges Serbian Law in Transition – Changes and Challenges Author(s): Monika Milošević / Language(s): English More...
0.00 € Introduction to the Law of the USA Uvod u pravo SAD Author(s): / Language(s): English,Serbian More...
0.00 € The Serbian Law and the International Judicial Institutions Srpsko pravo i međunarodne sudske institucije Author(s): / Language(s): English,Serbian More...
0.00 € Health Care and Health Insurance Systems Sistemi zdravstvene zaštite i zdravstvenog osiguranja Author(s): / Language(s): Serbian More...