Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Frequency: 2 issues / Country: Poland
The semi-annual journal "Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne" (Church Archives, Libraries and Museums) has been published continuously since 1959 by the Institute of Church Archives, Libraries and Museums at the Catholic University of Lublin.
The aim of the journal is to disseminate research findings on the cultural collections of the Catholic Church; both on the collections themselves and on the institutions holding them (archives, libraries and museums). The journal is also a link between the cultural institutions of the Catholic Church and the academic community.
The semi-annual journal is unique on a global scale, as it is the only periodical that publishes research findings of church archivists, librarians and museologists. At the same time, it prints interdisciplinary works with a focus on history, theology, art history, legal sciences, and cultural, religious and literary studies.
The texts are printed in Polish, English, French, Spanish, Russian, German and Italian.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne (ABMK) is indexed in Polish and international research databases.
The semi-annual journal publishes works on collections created and gathered chiefly by religious institutions, primarily those of the Catholic Church. Following the 60-year tradition, the journal presents studies which focus on church collections, also those currently held outside church institutions – that is, in state institutions and private collections. The emphasis is on studies into the theory and practice of collecting, preserving, and making available these collections. We also print reference articles on archival, library and museum materials of church provenance – for example, catalogues and inventories. In addition, we publish critical editions of sources for the history of the Catholic Church (canonical visits, the books of brotherhoods, chapter statutes, the founding documents of church institutions, etc.). All these works mentioned above are complemented by studies related to the history of the Catholic Church.