The Genre Particularity of Memoirs Incorporated in A Writer’s Diary and Several Connections to the Biography of F. M. Dostoyevsky Cover Image

Žánrové specifikum memoárů integrovaných v Deníku spisovatele a několik souvislostí s biografií F. M. Dostojevského
The Genre Particularity of Memoirs Incorporated in A Writer’s Diary and Several Connections to the Biography of F. M. Dostoyevsky

Author(s): Lenka Paučová
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: autobiography; memoirs; F. M. Dostoyevsky; A Writer’s Diary;
Summary/Abstract: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (1821–1881), unlike other Russian writers of the 19th century, never wrote his memoirs but he put them into A Writer’s Diary—a publication that first came out as a part of Grazhdanin (The Citizen) magazine, later as an independent periodical. Based on A Writer’s Diary, we defined six types of memoirs: 1. memories of social events (a criminal case of an abused child), 2. memories of the family circle (brother Mikhail Mikhailovich, nanny Alena Frolovna), 3. memories of important personalities (N. Nekrasov, V. G. Belinsky or I. S. Turgenev), 4. memories of important life moments (Dostoyevsky’s meeting with the Decembrist wives, two reminiscences from the story The Peasant Marey, prisoner abuse in prison), 5. memories of places (Ems, Florence), 6. minor reminiscences (memories of childhood friends, cruelty to a mare, lawsuit). In the study, we dealt with these types of memoirs from the genre and thematic point of view, we stated connections to the biography and links to the writer’s work.

  • Page Range: 109-125
  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Czech
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