Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III: Motif of home in Slavonic literatures Cover Image

Slovanský literární svět: kontexty a konfrontace III: Motiv domova ve slovanských literaturách
Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III: Motif of home in Slavonic literatures

Contributor(s): Lenka Paučová (Editor)
Subject(s): Comparative Study of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Czech Literature, Polish Literature, Serbian Literature, Slovak Literature, Slovenian Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature, Politics and Identity
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Slavonic literatures; Václav Prokůpek; 19th century; Czech-Slovak relations; Slovak poetry; motif of home; de-naturalization; National identity; Slovenian modernist poetry; Tomaž Šalamun; Realism; prose; Tradition; outlaw theme;
Summary/Abstract: Post-conference proceedings “Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III” with the subtitle “Motif of home in Slavonic literatures” consists of 15 papers of doctoral students from 5 European countries. In compliance with the thematic focus of the conference the authors deal with the motif of home in variety of connections, therefore their works bring the new impulses to present state of knowledge and their works illustrates the tendencies and directions of young generation of Slavists.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8893-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8892-4
  • Page Count: 155
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Slovak, Czech
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Keď príroda prestala byť domovom (Odprírodnenie v súčasnej slovenskej poézii)
(When nature ceased to be a home (Denaturalization in contemporary Slovak poetry))

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The Experience of Exile And Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun
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David Zábranský (prostřednictvím Herce a truhláře Majera) mluví o stavu své domoviny
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Postava Gavrila Principa v súčasnej srbskej dráme
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