Liryka Mickiewicza. Uczucia. Świadectwa. Ekspresje
Mickiewicz’s Lyric Poetry. Feelings. Testimonies. Expressions
Contributor(s): Andrzej Fabianowski (Editor), Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Mickiewicz; lyric poetry; Romanticism; testimonies; expressions; feelings; literature of the 19th century
Summary/Abstract: The volume includes the works seeking new interpretations and existential, axiological and subjective contexts in Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry. The articles are testimony to contemporary interpretive and methodological tendencies. The authors attempt to answer the question of how Mickiewicz’s poems codified the dynamics of various transformations and different understanding of transgressions.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3215-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3920-9
- Page Count: 440
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish
Ekspresja romantyczna jako formowanie
Ekspresja romantyczna jako formowanie
(Romantic expression as a formation process)
- Author(s):Magdalena Saganiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:11-29
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:romantic expression; lyricism; external experience; inner experience; sense of existence; consciousness; spiritual world; creative powers of nature; synthesis of the internal world
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with a widespread belief that combines romantic expression with lyricism and external experience with an epic quality, showing that the expression of inner experience also leads to the emergence of epic and dramatic forms that reveal the dynamics of transformation and the development of an experiencing subject. This issue is contemplated against the background of the views of F. von Schlegel, J.G. Herder, F.W.J. Schelling, M. Mochnacki, A. Mickiewicz and J. Słowacki. The most important feature which the soul discovers by communing with itself in the inner experience is the sense of existence as a creative entity capable of acting out of its own power and leading to consciousness that enables to invent language and forms of art. One of the cognitive gains of the soul is its union with the spiritual world or the creative powers of nature, whose disclosure can take the form of narratives about the creation of the world. A separate issue discussed in the article is Mickiewicz’s late approach to expression, in which it becomes an act understood as a synthesis of the internal world with the external one that takes place in the name of the Truth.
- Price: 4.50 €
O Mickiewiczowskim „ja”. Szkic
O Mickiewiczowskim „ja”. Szkic
(An essay on Mickiewicz’s ‘I')
- Author(s):Jarosław Mariusz Ławski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:30-49
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:lyric subject; lyrical poet; poetic piece; mystical perception; cognitive depth; Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry
- Summary/Abstract:The principal domain of the author of this essay is the concept of a lyric subject throughout Adam Mickiewicz’s career path as a lyrical poet. In this essay the author tries to grasp the continuity of the lyric subject all through Mickiewicz’s poetic output as well as to emphasise the evolution of this lyric subject in the proceeding stages of Mickiewicz’s poetic development with a particular attention to the meaning and trend of this subject. The author delineates his own definition of a poetic piece – it is a reflection of life experience, of life story but not as an abstract record isolated from the lyric subject (‘I’). It is its integral element and its emanation. The conclusion is that the lyric ‘I’ does not exist separate from the body of the text and the text does not exist without lyric ‘I’. The convergent point of the lyric subject that undergoes changes and its textual emanation is presented in the poem "Widzenie" [A Vision]. It is an account of a mystical state or else a mystical perception expressed by means of a verse form. According to the author of this essay, the poem represents the most complex form of expression of cognitive depth which is revealed in Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry.
- Price: 4.50 €
O człowieczeństwie Boga i bóstwie człowieka. Paralele kreacjonistyczne w liryce Mickiewicza
O człowieczeństwie Boga i bóstwie człowieka. Paralele kreacjonistyczne w liryce Mickiewicza
(On God’s humanity and man’s divinity. Parallels of creation in Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry)
- Author(s):Olaf Krysowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:50-69
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:creations of the figure of God; images of a man; Creator; God and man; divine and human virtue; God-man relationship; Mickiewicz’s poems; Schellingian idea of genius; Thomas à Kempis
- Summary/Abstract:Looking at the creations of the figure of God in Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry, one can notice that they are closely related to the images of a man who aspires to be treated as an important, unique subject and a reflection of the Creator. In this context not only do the ways of thinking about God, the epithets that the poet attributes to Him, become interesting, but also the numerous parallelisms between Him and the man in the lyric, which allow us to look at the human individual in the perspective of creative predispositions and talents. An idea of an artistic genius plays an important role in thinking about God and man in Mickiewicz’s poems. In these poems being an artist appears to be a divine and human virtue at the same time. The artist resembles God in the manner He creates things, but the artist suffers being rejected by people. Like wise,anything that is divine such as infinite wisdom, love, goodness, was suffering in Christ who was surrounded by enmity and misunderstanding. This kind of approach to God-man relationship encourages to interpret Mickiewicz’s poems from the point of view of the Schellingian idea of genius on the one hand, and from the point of view of the attitude described by Thomas à Kempis in his work The Imitation of Christ on the other.
- Price: 4.50 €
Liryka Mickiewicza: co wiemy, co wiedzieć powinniśmy (o stanie badań nad poezją romantyka)
Liryka Mickiewicza: co wiemy, co wiedzieć powinniśmy (o stanie badań nad poezją romantyka)
(Mickiewicz’s lyric: what we already know and what we ought to know (about the study of the romantic’s poetry))
- Author(s):Bernadetta Kuczera-Chachulska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:70-80
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:research method; Mickiewicz’s poetic art; Czesław Zgorzelski’s accomplishments; Juliusz Kleiner; Wacław Borowy’s studies; artistic structure of lyric; 'concepts’ of literary works; literary form
- Summary/Abstract:The essay presents a research method in the study of Mickiewicz’s poetic output which is to throw light on the mysteries shrouding Mickiewicz’s poetic art. The paper also shows Czesław Zgorzelski’s accomplishments in relation to Juliusz Kleiner and Wacław Borowy’s studies. Their studies indicate the importance of continuity in the study of poetry. The scholars reveal the fact that giving a thought to an artistic structure of lyric remains in a close relation with decoding its meaning. The author calls for productive continuity of this approach in the study of Mickiewicz’s poetic output disputing, at the same time, some other approaches that occur in Mickiewicz studies and other literary studies as well – particularly the ones which take into account ‘concepts’ of literary works in isolation from the complexity of their literary form.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Zima miejska". Mickiewicz w „czadzie uciech miejskich”
"Zima miejska". Mickiewicz w „czadzie uciech miejskich”
("Zima miejska" [Winter in town]. Mickiewicz in the „fumes of urban plea sures”)
- Author(s):Tomasz Jędrzejewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:83-91
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:classicism; rococo aesthetics; relations between classicism and romanticism; Mickiewicz’s debut poem
- Summary/Abstract:"Zima miejska" [Winter in Town] has so far been interpreted mainly in categories of classicistic debut of the romantic poet. The crucial issue in this perspective is Mickiewicz’s attitude to classicism. This article assumes a different approach which is the reinterpretation of the poem in the light of rococo aesthetics. In this way we can abandon the disputable question on the relations between classicism and romanticism (which appears to be insignificant in this particular poem) and emphasise the importance of Mickiewicz’s debut poem.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mickiewiczowska "Świteź" we współczesnej recepcji – zagadnienie tożsamości romantycznej Litwy
Mickiewiczowska "Świteź" we współczesnej recepcji – zagadnienie tożsamości romantycznej Litwy
(Contemporary reception of Mickiewicz’s "Świteź" – the issue of romantic identity of Lithuania)
- Author(s):Maria Kalinowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:92-100
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Mickiewicz’s ballad; Świteź; Mieczysław Limanowski; Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz; Kamil Polak; regional culture code; erosion of romantic images of Lithuania
- Summary/Abstract:The author compares three contemporary ways of reading and understanding Mickiewicz’s ballad "Świteź". The comparison is based on essays writtten by Mieczysław Limanowski (1930s) and Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz (1990s) as well as the film "Świteź" by Kamil Polak (2010/2011). These three approaches to interpretation of "Świteź" and its distinct imagination and culture related idiomatic expression trigger a regional culture code for the reception of "Świteź" with a specific emphasis on the close vicinity of Nowogródek. All the artists mentioned above seem to dwell upon a similar area, yet there are fundamental differences among their interpretations. These differences result from various intellectual and generational backgrounds they represent. One of the most important aspects discussed in the paper deals with a gradual erosion of romantic images of Lithuania.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mowa Starca w I części "Dziadów": krótka nota o dwu powiązanych kontekstach
Mowa Starca w I części "Dziadów": krótka nota o dwu powiązanych kontekstach
(The old man’s speech in "Dziady" [Forefathers’ Eve] part 1: a short note on two related contexts)
- Author(s):Jerzy Fiećko
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:101-111
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Old Man; Dziady; nature of human fate; Arthur Schopenhauer; The World as Will and Representation; absolute pessimism;
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyses the speech produced by the Old Man – one of the characters from Mickiewicz’s unfinished and unpublished during his lifetime drama "Dziady" [Forefathers’ Eve] Part I. The speech includes a pessimistic interpretation of the nature of human fate from the existential and metaphysical point of view. At the same time the author examines this particular part of the drama in terms of reoccurrence of nihilist elements and in the last part of this paper the author compares concepts the Old Man puts forward in his speech with the fundamental ideas Arthur Schopenhauer outlines in his philosophical treatise "The World as Will and Representation" (1819). The analysis is concluded with a question implying a thesis that the Old Man’s worldview coincides with the idea of an ‘absolute pessimism’ convention better than Schopenhauer’s philosophy itself.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Pamiątki kochanka”. Próby utrwalania uczuć w kilku wierszach wileńsko-kowieńskich
„Pamiątki kochanka”. Próby utrwalania uczuć w kilku wierszach wileńsko-kowieńskich
(„Lover’s keepsakes”. Attempts to preserve feelings in several poems from the Vilnius-Kaunas period)
- Author(s):Jerzy Borowczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:112-126
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:sonnet; Przypomnienie; poem; Do malarza; Do M***; Maria Puttkamerowa; human feelings; feelings; emotions; act of writing; verbalizing feelings; affects; meta-literary reflections
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses three poems and two entries (an album entry and a dedication) by Adam Mickiewicz written during his Vilnius-Kaunas period (1817-1824). These are: the writings include a sonnet "Przypomnienie" [Reminiscence], poems "Do malarza" [To a Painter] and "Do M*** Wiersz napisany w 1823 rok" [To M*** A Poem written in 1923] as well as an entry in Maria Puttkamerowa’s album and a dedication for her in the second poetry collection by Mickiewicz. The selected compositions do not belong to any bigger poetic entireties which makes it possible to examine how in these isolated texts the poet seeks to answer the question of what is happening with human feelings. The affect theory (A. Green, I. Armstrong) has enabled to analyse the tensions that come to the surface in the selected poems and strains that occur between feelings and emotions on the one hand and the reason and the act of writing on the other. It turns out that by using the category of memory as well as meta-literary reflections, Mickiewicz makes an attempt at verbalizing feelings, even though he is aware that the full victory of poetry over affects is neither desirable nor possible.
- Price: 4.50 €
Resztka liryczna
Resztka liryczna
(A lyrical scrap)
- Author(s):Zbigniew Majchrowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:127-145
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Dziady; kiss stanza; kiss; Holly Communion; Stanisław Wyspiański; Jerzy Grotowski; Grotowski’s concepts of theatre work; Wyspiański's plays
- Summary/Abstract:The article comments on the issues of editorial and philological nature but predominantly semantic and philosophical ones with regard to "Dziady" [Forefathers’Eve] Part IV by Mickiewicz. The ‘lyrical scrap’ in question refers to an eighteenth-century verse referred to as the ‘kiss stanza’ (the term ‘strofa pocałunkowa’ was coined by Mickiewicz himself) which compares an experience of a first truly exalted kiss to Holly Communion. Due to censor’s decision this particular passage had not been included in the original copy of Forefathers’ Eve in 1832. And with years this decision had been sustained in canonical editions of collective works such as National Edition elaborated by S. Pigoń or Anniversary Edition elaborated by Z. Stefanowska and by almost all editors. An exception makes the edition elaborated by J. Kallenbach in 1920 and an earlier edition of a theatre script used by Wyspiański in his stage production in 1901. The author of this paper suggests to introduce the ‘kiss stanza’ into contemporary editions of Forefathers’ Eve Part IV and his proposal has been based not only on philological grounds. Two of the equally important arguments to support it. The first is that of dramatic perception of Forefathers’ Eve in the plays staged by Wyspiański (1901), K. Swinarski (1973) and J. Kreczmar (1978) and the other one is that of J. Grotowski’s concepts of theatre work. By means of these arguments the author unveils the interpretative consequences of restoring the missing passage into the main body of the text of Forefathers’ Eve.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Przyjaźń” i „kochanie” w wierszach Mickiewicza
„Przyjaźń” i „kochanie” w wierszach Mickiewicza
(„Friendship” and „love” in Mickiewicz’s works)
- Author(s):Michał Masłowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:149-160
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:poem "Niepewność"; love; friendship; Philomates; Oda do Młodości; happy love; fulfilled love; being friends; being in love; intimacy; longing
- Summary/Abstract:The following article on the poem Niepewność [Uncertainty] deals with the context of feelings such as love and friendship among Philomates as well as in Mickiewicz’s work. As far as friendship is concerned, the most important poem is the "Oda do Młodości" [Ode to Youth]; as to the construction of imagery of love, the main metaphor which appears in the "Dziady" [Forefathers’ Eve] Part IV, is that of the volcano. Although it sounds like a joke, the anacreontic Uncertainty actually tackles a serious subject. Mickiewicz breaks up with the topic of impossible love and gives the picture of happy and fulfilled love. Putting aside biographical details makes it possible to bring out from the text the feeling of longing for intimacy and the lack of contradiction between being friends and being in love. The intimacy of both relationships gives it a universal dimension.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mickiewiczowskie wariacje sonetowe
Mickiewiczowskie wariacje sonetowe
(Mickiewicz’s sonnet variations)
- Author(s):Jacek Brzozowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:161-169
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Cisza morska; Burza; Jastrząb; Góra Kikineis; sonnet variations; Do Samotności; Snuć miłość...; lyric poem; Nad wodą wielką i czystą…; poetic expression
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyses the poems in which Mickiewicz abandons the model of an Italian sonnet that dominates his poetic output. The poems in question include two sonnets from the collection published in Moscow in 1826 – "Cisza morska" [Becalmed] and "Burza" [The Storm], one of the poems unpublished by the author himself – "Jastrząb" [The Hawk], and also "Góra Kikineis" [Mount Kikineis]; three sonnet variations – "Do Samotności" [To Loneliness], and "Snuć miłość..." [Spin Love…] as well as the sonnet-like part of a lyric poem "Nad wodą wielką i czystą…" [Over the Water Grand and Clear...]. The analysis of these poems renders it possible to conclude that both his departure from the sonnet model as well as the applied sonnet variations become a significant means for Mickiewicz to convey the content which is either extremely difficult or almost impossible to verbalise in a discursive manner. What is more, they are also a sign of a new type of poetic expression.
- Price: 4.50 €
Natura „metafory unaoczniającej” – "Sonety krymskie" Adama Mickiewicza
Natura „metafory unaoczniającej” – "Sonety krymskie" Adama Mickiewicza
(The nature of „pictorial metaphor” – Mickiewicz’s "Sonety krymskie" [crimean sonnets])
- Author(s):Wiesław Rzońca
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:170-186
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:pictorial metaphor; Sonety krymskie; poetic symbolism; poetic image; postmodernist methodology; anthropological function of distinctness; language of silence
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article comments on the character of ‘pictorial metaphor’which Mickiewicz adopted in his poetic cycle Sonety krymskie [Crimean Sonnets].References to poetic symbolism and the 19th-century theory of poetic image aresupposed to show that the great poet’s artistic techniques enter the context ofpostmodernist methodology as well as anthropological function of distinctness.This has led to demonstrate ‘the language of silence’ as an evidence of ingenuityof Mickiewicz’s cycle throughout the 19th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Symetria i entropia. Zarys antropologii "Sonetów krymskich"
Symetria i entropia. Zarys antropologii "Sonetów krymskich"
(Symmetry and entropy. An outline on anthropology of "Sonety krymskie" [Crimean sonnets])
- Author(s):Dariusz Seweryn
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:187-215
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:literary literacy of the first half of the 19th century; Sonety Krymskie; cultural anthropology; sociology of knowledge; Ałuszta w dzień; historical-literary conventions; semiotic perspective
- Summary/Abstract:The theoretical basis of the dissertation is formed by the thesis that the opposition between the systems of conceptual representation proper to the artistic high culture and the representations from the domain of the so-called traditional cultures does not have a structural character – therefore, the conceptual apparatus developed by contemporary social sciences finds adequate and direct application in the study of literary literacy of the first half of the 19th century. "Sonety Krymskie" [Crimean Sonnets] is one of such very works in which an important set of notions, activated from below the level of conscious stylization, turns out to be fully coherent with conceptualizations developed much later by sociology and cultural anthropology. In particular, an initiatory aspect of the Crimean cycle can be precisely described in the technical terms of anthropology and sociology of knowledge. The central position of "Ałuszta w dzień" [Alushta by Day] in this study corresponds to the key role of this sonnet in relation to the entire cycle. Although the method adopted does not question the historical-literary conventions of research discourse, it offers an extension of the semiotic perspective. Among the effective, however side-effect, results of this approach lies the reformulation of the problem of the relationship between the writing practice of romanticism and folklore.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Reduta Ordona". Rzeczywistość – historiozofia – mit
"Reduta Ordona". Rzeczywistość – historiozofia – mit
("Reduta Ordona" [Ordon’s Redoubt]. The truth – the myth – the history of philosophy)
- Author(s):Andrzej Fabianowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:219-249
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Reduta Ordona; poems; Polish ethos; patriotism; struggle for independence; willingness to die; battle epic poem; catastrophic vision; myth; Stefan Garczyński
- Summary/Abstract:"Reduta Ordona" [Ordon’s Redoubt] is one of the most widely recognised poems by Mickiewicz. The poem has frequently been referred to in literature and therefore it has become a sort of a myth which shows in a very apologetic and absurd manner the most crucial features of Polish ethos – patriotism, struggle for independence and the willingness to die for all these values. Being a miniature of a battle epic poem, Ordon’s Redoubt has been examined in terms of how closely Mickiewicz copied the reality of those military events. In many cases the reality presented in the poem turned out to be rather different from the historical truth – Ordon did not die from the explosion. Apart from historical inconsistencies, a dispute concerning the literal shape of the poem can also be triggered. Writing the poem, Mickiewicz used his own poetic experience but also S. Garczyński’s experience of romantic military attempts. Yet, he had gone far beyond the role models who inspired him, creating a powerful and universal catastrophic vision. Multiple perceptions of the myth, which Ordon’s Redoubt undoubtedly is, are the reasons for a number of different ideas to commemorate the place of the battle which itself becomes a metaphor of the fate of the entire world regardless of having no strictly defined boundaries as an area of the battle.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy w inwokacji "Pana Tadeusza" Mickiewicz użył rymów częstochowskich? Kilka dopowiedzeń z klamrą liryczną w tle
Czy w inwokacji "Pana Tadeusza" Mickiewicz użył rymów częstochowskich? Kilka dopowiedzeń z klamrą liryczną w tle
(Did Mickiewicz apply a doggerel verse in the invocation of "Pan Tadeusz"? A few additional comments with a lyrical inclusio in the background)
- Author(s):Marek Piechota
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:250-264
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Pan Tadeusz; invocation; doggerel verse; art of rhyme; function of the rhymes;
- Summary/Abstract:The question whether Mickiewicz used a doggerel verse in "Pan Tadeusz’s" invocation posed by a layperson in the subject of literature immediately implies poet’s incompetency in the art of rhyme. Hence it has become a springboard for a discussion accounting for the nature and function of the rhymes employed in Mickiewicz’s invocation. The allegations of applying a doggerel verse have been set forth by a number of other literary historians against a number of otherliterary works, among others, M. Piwińska – against Maria by A. Malczewski or J. Brzozowski – against Lausanne lyrics by Mickiewicz. A detailed study, taking into consideration a definition of a doggerel verse, proves unambiguously that the answer to the question posed at the beginning of this essay should be a definite ‘No’. Mickiewicz did not descend in his poetic skill yet, aiming at the simplicity of a text as well as the expression of real feelings, he resorted to this unsophisticated type of rhyme.
- Price: 4.50 €
Gwiazdozbiór "Pana Tadeusza". O lirykach wokół poematu
Gwiazdozbiór "Pana Tadeusza". O lirykach wokół poematu
(Constellation "Pan Tadeusz". On lyrics revolving around the poem)
- Author(s):Jan Tomkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:265-277
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Dziady; Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego; national epic poem; lyric poetry; religious poetry; philosophical poetry; Rozum i wiara; Śniła się zima…; patriotic poems; Reduta Ordona
- Summary/Abstract:The year 1832 was for Mickiewicz an exceptional year. He wrote the third part of his poem "Dziady" [Forefathers’ Eve] and "Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego" [Books of the Polish Nation and Its Pilgrimage] and later he started writing the national epic poem "Pan Tadeusz". However, apart from these great masterpieces, which undoubtedly overshadowed his other works written at that time, Mickiewicz created lyric poetry that after all deserves attention as well. These pieces of writing include about twenty minor works written around the year 1832. They are divided into three groups – the religious and philosophical poetry, among others, "Rozum i wiara" [Reason and Faith], "Śniła się zima…" [I Dreamed of Winter...], the patriotic poems "Reduta Ordona" [Ordon’s Redoubt], "Śmierć Pułkownika" [Death of the Colonel] and the fables. This article reviews that Mickiewicz’s lyric poetry forms a constellation revolving around the greatest poet’s masterpiece. It reveals the motives, the images and the metaphors both in the lyric poetry as well as the poem "Pan Tadeusz".
- Price: 4.50 €
"Zdania i uwagi" – dzieło nieoczywiste
"Zdania i uwagi" – dzieło nieoczywiste
("Zdania i uwagi" [Sentences and Comments] – an inconspicuous piece of literary work)
- Author(s):Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:278-303
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Zdania i uwagi; vision of a spiritual reality; orthodox western European tradition of mysticism; St. Augustin’s works
- Summary/Abstract:So far Mickiewicz’s "Zdania i uwagi" [Sentences and Comments] has not been largely exploited in interpretative terms, yet in other respects it has been taken advantage of as a source of universal truths and principles. It has been considered extremely didactic and moralising, imposing an obvious vision of a spiritual reality. Therefore, the literary piece appears to be anti-lyrical, anti-poetic and in consequence anti-romantic, too. The author of this article makes an attempt to study the maxims from a completely different perspective. She tries to read them as meditative, open and prone to subjective interpretation and lastly, indefinite in their contents. It is worth mentioning that "Sentences and Comments" is significantly influenced by the orthodox, western European tradition of mysticism among others by St. Augustin’s works. And hence the author of this article aims to point out the philosophical and theological references of St. Augustin’s works with respect to Mickiewicz’s literary piece.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mickiewiczowskie pragnienia mocy.. Mistyczne wykładnie imitatio Christi ("Zdania i uwagi", "Broń mnie przed sobą samym...", "Widzenie")
Mickiewiczowskie pragnienia mocy.. Mistyczne wykładnie imitatio Christi ("Zdania i uwagi", "Broń mnie przed sobą samym...", "Widzenie")
(Mickiewicz’s yearning for might. Mystical interpretations of imitatio christi (based on "Zdania i uwagi" [Sentences and Comments], "Broń mnie przed sobą samym" [Defend me Against Myself…] and "Widzenie" [A Vision]))
- Author(s):Katarzyna Fedorowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:304-329
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Mickiewicz’s literary output; deification; Zdania i uwagi; Broń mnie przed sobą samym…; Przeciw sobie…; Widzenie; mystical experience
- Summary/Abstract:The article makes reference to a wide context of studies devoted to Mickiewicz’s literary output and presents the issues of deification, directing the will at God and imitating Christ as they were tackled by Mickiewicz in "Zdania i uwagi" [Sentences and Comments] cycle, the lyric "Broń mnie przed sobą samym…" [Defend Me Against Myself…] and the lyric "Widzenie" [A Vision]. The same issues can also be found in "Dziady" [Forefathers’ Eve] Part III and Parisian lectures. And imitatio Christi was for Mickiewicz an opportunity to be a part of something divine, act and participate effectively in historical events. Therefore the visions of mystical experience depicted in the lyrics are closely related with Mickiewicz’s political undertaking.
- Price: 4.50 €
…w domku Jego ducha. Paradoks Mickiewicza
…w domku Jego ducha. Paradoks Mickiewicza
(… in his spirit’s dwelling. Mickiewicz’s paradox)
- Author(s):Maria Cieśla-Korytowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:330-337
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Rozmowa wieczorna; poem; paradoxes; Bóg się rodzi; aporias; Henri de Lubac; Christian concept of Incarnation; Dyskurs wieczorny; spirit’s dwelling; poetic rhetoric;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to analyse a poem "Rozmowa wieczorna" [Evening Discourse] with regard to paradoxes, juxtapositions and aporias included in the poem which are present in its rhetorical as well as theological dimension. By making reference to Henri de Lubac’s constatation on paradox as an essential element of a Christian concept of Incarnation, the author examines Mickiewicz’s "Evening Discourse" in the context of the greatest Polish Christmas carol "Bóg się rodzi" [God Is Born] by F. Karpiński whose lyrics are also based on paradoxes. By means of this analogy the author of this article concludes that the leading metaphor included in "Evening Discourse" – the ‘spirit’s dwelling’ – indicates that in comparison to Karpiński’s piece Mickiewicz aims his attention at a more subjective approach to theological issues as well as to the use of paradox as a means to poetic rhetoric. As a matter of fact, Mickiewicz’s poem is primarily his confession and not his attempt to describe unspeakable theological mysteries which are only possible to express by means of paradoxes.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Broń mnie przed sobą samym…" jako modlitwa i kontemplacja Boga
"Broń mnie przed sobą samym…" jako modlitwa i kontemplacja Boga
("Broń mnie przed sobą samym..." [Defend me Against Myself…] as a prayer and contemplation of God)
- Author(s):Anita Całek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:338-372
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:meditative prayer; demeanour of contemplating God; Broń mnie przed sobą samym…; Catholic mysticism; negative theology; apophatic; Christology; The Old and the New Testament; Naśladowanie Chrystusa
- Summary/Abstract:The article proposes a new approach to read Mickiewicz’s poem "Broń mnie przed sobą samym…" [Defend Me Against Myself…] in the context of meditative prayer and demeanour of contemplating God. Recalling orthodox contexts such as negative theology (apophatic), Christology, the "Old" and the "New Testament", "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis and the "Spiritual Exercises" by Ignatius Loyola, the author shows correlations between Mickiewicz’s poem and Catholic mysticism, offering a counterbalance to the existing interpretations (J. Kleiner, S. Makowski, I. Jokiel, J. Lyszczyna and others) focused on theosophical and heterodoxal themes predominantly.
- Price: 4.50 €
O liryku Adama Mickiewicza "Drzewo" w nawiązaniu do romantycznego owadoznawstwa
O liryku Adama Mickiewicza "Drzewo" w nawiązaniu do romantycznego owadoznawstwa
(On Adam Mickiewicz’s lyric drzewo [A Tree] in reference to romantic entomology)
- Author(s):Ewa Szczeglacka-Pawłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:373-387
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:poem; Drzewo; Paris at Collège de France; transformation; poetic images; caterpillar; metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly; Romantic entomology; Eros and Psyche; Lucius Apuleius Madaurens
- Summary/Abstract:The article contains a vast analysis of the poem "Drzewo" [A Tree] that was published posthumously. The poem is examined in the context of Adam Mickiewicz’s lecture, which the poet gave in Paris at Collège de France on June 17, 1842. It is highly probable that the lyric was written in the same time as this lecture. The text of the lecture opens up new possibilities for the interpretation of the poem. A Tree shows the transformation by means of poetic images, in which a caterpillar appears. The poem clearly sketches, though not explicitly depicts, the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. This interpretation leads us to a network of meanings from Romantic entomology to Mickiewicz’s way of reading the story about Eros and Psyche in Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis’s version.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Ja” i projekty egzystencji w "Lirykach lozańskich" Mickiewicza
„Ja” i projekty egzystencji w "Lirykach lozańskich" Mickiewicza
(Lyrical ‘I’ and existential scenarios in Mickiewicz’s "Lausanne Lyrics")
- Author(s):Leszek Zwierzyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:388-406
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:lyrical subject; Liryki lozańskie; lyrical ‘I’; transcendent shapes of the ‘I’; metamorphosis; decentering; divert perspective; non-anthropomorphic forms of lyrical ‘I’; lyrical subject’s soul ‘I’
- Summary/Abstract:This paper attempts to interpret "The Lausanne Lyrics" cycle, together with its lyrical subject, in a multidimensional manner. On the one hand, the article approaches "The Lausanne Lyrics" as a number of contexts by means of which it tries to bring out the lyrical ‘I’ from its incomplete and unauthentic entitativity and to bring into existence fresh and transcendent shapes of the ‘I’. All this involves metamorphosis, decentering, divert perspective as well as non-anthropomorphic forms of lyrical ‘I’. On the other hand, the article analyses "The Lausanne Lyrics" as a form of Lausanne retreat which reveals itself as an existential and spiritual insight into lyrical subject’s soul that the author’s ‘I’ employs in the cycle. What makes this article complete is the description of text forms that reflect various lyrical subjects Mickiewicz applied in "The Lausanne Lyrics" and which demonstrate: linearity, parallelism, and external and internal circularity. They are described as directly and explicitly available forms of the symbolic lyrical ‘I’ of the cycle.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cykle poetyckie Adama Mickiewicza i Cypriana Norwida. Cykliczność, asocjacyjność, kołowość – różnice w realizacjach
Cykle poetyckie Adama Mickiewicza i Cypriana Norwida. Cykliczność, asocjacyjność, kołowość – różnice w realizacjach
(Poetic cycles by Adam Mickiewicz and Cyprian Norwid. Recurrences and associations – differences in accomplishing the cycles)
- Author(s):Karol Samsel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:407-427
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:diegesis; relations between diegesis and time; Mickiewicz and Norwid poetic cycles; Zdania i uwagi; Vademecum; romantic poetics; Rozpierzchłe gałązki
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this study is the accurate characterization of diegesis and the analysis of relations between diegesis and time within so called poetic cycles written by Mickiewicz and Norwid – especially in "Zdania i uwagi" [Sentences and Comments] and "Vade-mecum". By means of this study the author is trying to prove that Mickiewicz’s poetic cycle, its structure and methods of ordering, and similarly – that Norwid’s poetic cycle, its structure and intention become the frames for an idea to push romantic poetics towards the modern one. On that account romantic poetics – specifically ‘from Mickiewicz to Norwid’ – is prima facie of the poetic cycle as well as constantly evolving and transforming recurring poetic subjects. The article attempts to develop intriguing theoretical clues presented by Rolf Fieguth in his book titled "Rozpierzchłe gałązki. Cykliczne i skojarzeniowe formy kompozycyjne w twórczości Mickiewicza" [the original title: Verzweigungen: Zyklische und assoziative Kompositionsformen bei Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)].
- Price: 4.50 €