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200 godina Friedricha Engelsa
Bicentennial of Friedrich Engels

Contributor(s): Boris Perić (Translator), Maroje Višić (Editor), Miroslav Artić (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Christian Theology and Religion, History, Philosophy, Social Sciences, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Semiology, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Political Theory, Political Sciences, Sociology, Economic history, Political history, Social history, Modern Age, Theology and Religion, 19th Century Philosophy, Marxism, Political economy, Politics and religion, Politics and society, Family and social welfare, 19th Century, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Durieux
Keywords: Friedrich Engels; Karl Marx; working class; precariat; neoliberalism; political economy; housing and living conditions; Marxism; scientific utopian socialism; revolution; Capitalism; peasantry; religion; Christianity; family; private property;
Summary/Abstract: This anthology book is published on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Friedrich Engels, an exceptional thinker and theorist of the revolution. Editors Maroje Višić and Miroslav Artić gathered renowned domestic and international scientists who tried to reevaluate Engels' works and his scientific contribution. The idea behind the book is to point out the everlasting value and significance of Engels’ revolutionary philosophy. Contributing authors offered analytical reading of Engels' ideas, addressing pressing issues in economics, politics, religion, feminism, ideology and in other segments of contemporary society. The papers in an anthology are organized under the chapters: The Reception of Engel’s Philosophy, Actuality of Engels Today with subchapters on working-class and precariat, peasantry as the subject of change, early Christianity as an inspiration; and the last chapter is Revalorization of Family and State. The first chapter tackles the questions if Engels was more than an interpreter of Marx or simply the first Marxist who contributed to the banalization of Marx. It then investigates reception of Engels’ philosophy in ex-Yugoslavia specifically and in philosophical theory in general. The second chapter demonstrates actuality and relevance of Engels today by discussing the topics of working-class and precariat, by making comparison between early industrial society and contemporary society and by tracking development of socialism from utopia to a science. Chapter also deals on the peasantry whose role as a subject of change is thoroughly problematized. Special part of the chapter is dedicated to the influence of the practice of early Christianity on the formation of Engels’ revolutionary idea and to what extent original Christian community served affected the development of Engels’ thought. Final chapter brings papers that, under new circumstances, re-examine the understanding of the state-family relation and their dynamic. This comprehensive anthology attempted to revalorize and appraise Engels’ own contribution to science and philosophy 200 years after his birth. For this it was necessary to “divorce” Engels from Marx so that the fallacy of statement that Engels was second violin to Marx becomes striking.Chapter one tackle the question of whetherEngels was more than an interpreter of Marx or simply the first Marxist to contribute to the banalization of Marx.= Engels' reception is then examined both in the former Yugoslavia and in philosophical theory in general.Special part of the chapter is dedicated to influence of the practice of early Christianity on the formation of Engels’ revolutionary idea. That is, to what extent the examples of the original Christian communities influenced the development of Engels' thought

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-188-484-6
  • Page Count: 432
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Croatian, Serbian
Friedrich Engels kao prvi marksist? O pozadini i posljedicama utopije o budućem »carstvu slobode«

Friedrich Engels kao prvi marksist? O pozadini i posljedicama utopije o budućem »carstvu slobode«
(Friedrich Engels as First Marxist? On the background and consequences of utopia in the future “realm of freedom”)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Autonomija u simbiozi. Friedrich Engels i kritika političke ekonomije

Autonomija u simbiozi. Friedrich Engels i kritika političke ekonomije
(Autonomy in Symbiosis. Friedrich Engels and Critique of Political Economy)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Socijalna filozofija Friedricha Engelsa - Dijalektički empirizam i historijski materijalizam

Socijalna filozofija Friedricha Engelsa - Dijalektički empirizam i historijski materijalizam
(Social Philosophy of Friedrich Engels - Dialectical Empiricism and Historical Materialism)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Recepcija Engelsove filozofije u nas

Recepcija Engelsove filozofije u nas
(Reception of Engel’s Philosophy in Croatia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Engels — leksikografska bilješka

Engels — leksikografska bilješka
(Engels — Lexicographical Note)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Strateško istraživanje u doba društvene krize - Mladi Friedrich Engels u Manchesteru

Strateško istraživanje u doba društvene krize - Mladi Friedrich Engels u Manchesteru
(Strategic Research in the Age of Social Crises: Young Friedrich Engels in Manchester)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Usporedba nekada i sada - Zašto je Položaj radničke klase u Engleskoj nakon 175 godina u mnogočemu aktualna kritika današnjice

Usporedba nekada i sada - Zašto je Položaj radničke klase u Engleskoj nakon 175 godina u mnogočemu aktualna kritika današnjice
(A Comparison Between Then and Now Why is The Condition of Working Class in England in Many Ways an Actual Critique of Contemporaneity?)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Aktualnost Engelsovog teksta - Razvitak socijalizma od utopije do nauke

Aktualnost Engelsovog teksta - Razvitak socijalizma od utopije do nauke
(The relevance of Engels’ text “The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science”)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Engels između utopijskog i znanstvenog socijalizma

Engels između utopijskog i znanstvenog socijalizma
(Engels Between Utopian and Scientific Socialism)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Fridrih Engels i seljaštvo

Fridrih Engels i seljaštvo
(Friedrich Engels and Peasantry)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Zemljani put revolucije. Seljačko pitanje u Engelsovim kasnim radovima

Zemljani put revolucije. Seljačko pitanje u Engelsovim kasnim radovima
(The Revolution through Soil. The Question of Peasantry in Engels’ Later Works)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Engelsova misao o (ranom) hrišćanstvu kao preludijum za sociologiju religije

Engelsova misao o (ranom) hrišćanstvu kao preludijum za sociologiju religije
(Engels’ thought of (Early) Christianity as a Prelude to the Sociology of Religion)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Engelsovo »Rano kršćanstvo«: model kako proleterskim pokretima mijenjati društvo

Engelsovo »Rano kršćanstvo«: model kako proleterskim pokretima mijenjati društvo
(Engels’ “The Early Christianity”: a Model for changing Society via Proletarian Revolutions)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Friedrich Engels, reformacija i rano kršćanstvo - Kratki doprinos za dijalog marksista i kršćana

Friedrich Engels, reformacija i rano kršćanstvo - Kratki doprinos za dijalog marksista i kršćana
(Friedrich Engels, Reformation and Early Christianity - A Short Contribution to the Dialogue between Marxists and Christians)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Fridrih Engels o porodici, privatnoj svojini i državi

Fridrih Engels o porodici, privatnoj svojini i državi
(Friedrich Engels on Family, Private Property and the State)

  • Price: 5.00 €
Kritika kritične kritike i Sveta porodica: Protiv potiskivanja — za povratak zbilji

Kritika kritične kritike i Sveta porodica: Protiv potiskivanja — za povratak zbilji
(Critique of Critical Criticism and Holy Family Against Repression – For Return to Reality)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Što nas je Engels naučio? Prilog marksističko–feminističkoj kritici braka i obitelji

Što nas je Engels naučio? Prilog marksističko–feminističkoj kritici braka i obitelji
(What did Engels Teach Us? A Contribution to the Marxist-feminist Critique of Marriage and the Family)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Bilješka o urednicima i autorima

Bilješka o urednicima i autorima
(Notes on editors and contributors)

Izvatci iz recenzija

Izvatci iz recenzija
(Excerpts from reviews)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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