Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2007
Yearbook of Slovakia's Foreign Policy 2007
Contributor(s): Peter Brezáni (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, International Law, Governance, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, Developing nations, Evaluation research, Law on Economics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, EU-Legislation
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; EU; NATO; integrations; Visegrad; V4; Eastern policy; Western Balkans; development assistance; Slovak ODA; security; defense; economy; energy; Russia; Ukraine; gas; ICT; HRM; management; embassy; consulate;
Summary/Abstract: The Yearbook of Slovakia’s Foreign Policy is a unique project which has for the past nine years been, we hope that successfully, contributing to the development of the tradition of the regular evaluation and analysis of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic in the given year and supporting the cultivation of the foreign policy debate. This publication represents a significant and at the same time the only book source keeping record of the development of Slovakia’s foreign policy and the discussion on its further direction. The foreign policy of every country needs to build its own traditions especially in the case of a young state such as the Slovak Republic. Should the foreign policy be successful it must have its own form, its own language and its own institutions. In this sense under the term institutions it is necessary to comprehend not only the buildings of state bodies which are occupied by those who are responsible for the formulation and implementation of foreign policy. In a democratic state the public discussion is a part of the formulation of all public policies and foreign policy is not an exception. It is very important that public discussion gains institutional forms which become a tradition because without traditions there is no continuity and the absence of continuity means the repetition of old mistakes and always starting from point zero. In other words tradition is institutionalized memory. New knowledge is impossible without memory and without knowledge there can be no good political decisions. That is why traditions are so important especially in an area such as the foreign policy of a state. In this context it is possible to see the exceptionality of this publication as a ‘tradition’ as well as its specific position in the public debate on Slovakia’s foreign policy. It is a unique forum primarily dedicated to Slovakia’s foreign policy which provides space for those who bear the responsibility for the realization of the foreign policy of this country and those who are not indifferent to Slovakia’s foreign policy. The Yearbook serves for the exchange of opinions, knowledge, experience, positions and arguments with the goal of improving the quality of decisions in the area of foreign policy to best serve the interests of this country. We are convinced that it is very important to regularly evaluate the state of Slovakia’s foreign policy, which crucial events occurred in the past year and what challenges stand before the Slovak Republic in the near future. These were the main goals and intentions of the previous Yearbook editions; we prepared this year’s edition with identical objectives and we believe that we will do the same in the following years. The 2007 Yearbook evaluates the year of our foreign policy in the traditional structure. It analyzes Slovakia’s operation in the international environment, the realization of the priority areas of our foreign policy as well as the effectiveness of the instruments of its implementation. The introductory contribution of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic is however an exception compared to previous years. It summarizes and evaluates the foreign policy of the past 12 months from the viewpoint of the person bearing the responsibility for the formulation and implementation of foreign policy throughout the electoral term. This text thematically corresponds to individual chapters in the Yearbook which gives the reader the unique opportunity of seeing the same issue from two different angles. The expert section of the Yearbook is opened by the contribution of Vladimír Bilčík from the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association who focuses on the process of the completion of the integration process as well as the challenge of the active contribution to the formation of the future EU which stands before the SR in the upcoming period. Our Permanent Representative to the UN Peter Burian evaluated the goals and conditions of our operation in the UN Security Council, analyzed threats and their solutions and didn’t leave out a thorough analysis of our February presidency. Tomáš Valášek, the Director of Foreign Policy and Defense at the Centre for European Reform in London, concluded the first chapter with his view of the Slovak security policy and our operation in foreign missions. The second section of the Yearbook devoted to the priority areas of our foreign policy is opened by the article of the High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia and Herzegovina and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajčák. In his contribution on Slovak policy in the Western Balkans he instigates a reflection upon how most of all the EU but also NATO could strengthen our positions and how to maintain our long-term specialization on this agenda. Tomáš Strážay, RC SFPA analyst, focused his attention on the successes and some problematic areas of the cooperation of V4 countries as well as to the resolutions which they were not able to fulfill but which could increase the significance and effectiveness of the V4 in the near future. Alexander Duleba, RC SFPA Director and Head of the East European research program, attempted to evaluate the development of the political and economic agenda of Slovak relations with its eastern partners in the year 2007 including the fulfillment of the new foreign policy priority – the economic dimension of Slovak diplomacy. The contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR to external energy security was addressed in the article of Ján Šoth, the Director of the Analyses and Policy Planning Department and the Head of the Standing Work Group on External Energy Security. The concluding part of the expert section which is devoted to the institutional background and foreign policy instruments is opened by the contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary General Marcel Peško on the modernization of the Slovak Foreign Service and the future character of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The representatives of the Slovak Non-Governmental Development Platform Eva Havelková and Nora Beňáková focused on the functioning of presumably the most important bilateral instrument of the Slovak foreign policy in the year 2007 – development assistance. The authors offered their view of the institutional and legislative changes in the Slovak ODA and tried to compare the territorial and sector objectives of bilateral projects in the periods before and after the realization of said changes. The expert segment of the Yearbook is closed by the contribution of the Director of the International Economic Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Jaroslav Chlebo which is devoted to the possibly most frequently cited collocation in this electoral term – the economic dimension of diplomacy. The expert section is traditionally supplemented by annexes such as the chronology of the most important foreign policy events, chosen political documents, a list of international treaties, information on the structure and representatives of state administrative bodies operating in foreign policy, a list of diplomatic missions and representatives of the SR abroad, SR diplomatic bodies, military missions abroad etc. We firmly believe that also this year’s Yearbook edition will find its readers and serve to all those who are interested in the past, present and future of Slovakia as well as its foreign policy. In conclusion we would like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR for its cooperation in this project and its support as well as for the fact that, also thanks to this institution, we can continue in building this much needed tradition.
Series: Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-89356-02-7
- Page Count: 194
- Publication Year: 2008
- Language: Slovak
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:5-6
- No. of Pages:2
Zahraničná politika Slovenska v roku 2007 optikou ministra zahraničných vecí SR
Zahraničná politika Slovenska v roku 2007 optikou ministra zahraničných vecí SR
(Slovakia’s Foreign Policy in 2007 as Seen by the Slovak Foreign Minister)
- Author(s):Ján Kubiš
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:7-13
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; Foreign Minister; Visegrad; V4; EU; NATO; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The year 2007 was the fifteenth year of Slovakia’s independence. In that time the Slovak Republic has transformed from a country striving to strengthen its identity and prove itself, building administrative capacities and its position in international relations almost from zero – to a country which is firmly anchored in reliable and secure integration structures of the world and active in the most significant relations of international events. Although Slovakia is not a great power, in its own way it managed to create adequate conditions for the promotion of its interests as well as unambiguously and consistently to operate in favor of the international community while applying the principles of democracy, humanity and solidarity in the fight for human rights and against poverty and other global threats. Although this road was not straight and smooth all the way, during the 15 years the development towards the clearly set integration goals gained momentum and in a relatively short period of time Slovakia was able to achieve strategically significant progress in its international political position.
Slovenské priority v Európskej únii
Slovenské priority v Európskej únii
(Slovak Priorities in the European Union)
- Author(s):Vladimír Bilčík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:17-25
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; EU; priorities; integration;
- Summary/Abstract:In the period since the last parliamentary elections in the Slovak Republic, in 2006, we can identify two main trends in Slovakia’s activities in the European Union (EU). First of all Slovakia is showing significant continuity in the fulfillment of integration priorities of the previous governmental coalition of Mikuláš Dzurinda. The governmental coalition of Prime Minister Robert Fico has focused on the successful finalization of Slovakia’s full-fledged membership to the EU mainly through accession to the Schengen area and the Euro zone. Secondly, the current government has not introduced any new Slovak strategic priorities in the EU except for the activities of the European Nuclear Forum which the SR initiated in cooperation with the Czech Republic in 2007. Since the cabinet of Prime Minister Robert Fico assumed its mandate there has been tension in the area of Slovakia’s external relations between the officially proclaimed foreign policy goals and the behavior of top political representatives on the Slovak domestic scene. The main role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR is often reduced to explaining the positions of the Prime Minister or the Chairmen of other coalition parties (SNS and ĽS-HZDS) instead of the real formulation and promotion of the foreign policy concept of the country. After years of fulfilling the letter of the Treaty of Accession to the EU the Slovak Republic now faces a period when it can contribute to the transformation of the EU according to its own interests. It remains an open question how well the country is prepared for this new role.
Pôsobenie Slovenskej republiky v Bezpečnostnej rade OSN (2006 – 2007)
Pôsobenie Slovenskej republiky v Bezpečnostnej rade OSN (2006 – 2007)
(Slovak Republic’s Performance in the UN Security Council (2006-2007))
- Author(s):Peter Burian
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Governance, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research
- Page Range:27-38
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; UN; security council; performance; evaluation; UNSC; presidency;
- Summary/Abstract:Our membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was a unique opportunity to show that the Slovak Republic is a responsible member of the international community capable of contributing to the resolution of both global and regional issues. It was historically the first membership of the independent Slovak Republic in the UNSC, which is generally considered the most effective instrument for dealing with the questions of international peace and security. Slovakia was thus given the historically first opportunity to assume an appropriate share of global responsibility and directly take part in the resolution of current security issues and challenges in the world and in the adoption of the relevant decisions of this body. In this spirit, we pursued the following basic objectives and principles during the UNSC membership: • promotion of democratic values and rigorous application of the principles of international law with the goal of contributing to both the resolution of crisis situations in the world and to the effective operation of this UN body; • reinforcement of the international standing of the SR as a country capable of contributing to the resolution of complex international problems; • utilization of the SR’s unique transition experience, Slovak diplomacy’s expert potential, and comprehensive knowledge of certain regions to enrich the UNSC debate and to seek effective solutions intended to reinforce regional as well as global security and stability; • rigorous defense of SR’s interests and security priorities as laid down in The Security Strategy of the SR; effective application of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU; • active contribution to the effective operation of the UNSC and to the reinforcement of its transparency and openness, in particular towards other UN member states, including complex reform of the UNSC and the reform of its working methods. I believe that the results we achieved while pursuing the afore-mentioned objectives, as well as the impression we have left behind in the UNSC thanks to the superior and responsible execution of our membership, fully reaffirm that we have handled the exceptionally demanding task very well. The experience and reputation our foreign service has gained during the Security Council membership needs to be utilized adequately in the upcoming years to further our standing on the international scene. One of the ways of achieving this is also building upon what we have started and accomplished in the Security Council.
Bezpečnostná politika SR 2007
Bezpečnostná politika SR 2007
(The Security Policy of Slovakia in 2007)
- Author(s):Tomáš Valášek
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:39-44
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; security; defense; NATO; Afganistan;
- Summary/Abstract:It has become a certain cliché to describe the security situation of Slovakia and Europe as relatively calm but at the same time changeable and hardly predictable. However this cliché is based on reality. It is true that Slovakia is not facing an existential threat. However on the other hand, Europe is being periodically startled by new forms of vulnerabilities which make the entire concept of security much more complex: cyber attacks – for example those which targeted Estonian servers in 2007 or the threat to energy security posed by interruptions in natural gas supplies like in Ukraine in 2006 (and again in 2008). Furthermore we can observe the growing doubts about the development in Russia whose foreign policy can probably be best described as a ‘soft’ confrontation with the West. In Russia’s closest neighborhood, for example Georgia, Moscow has already used military force against an independent state.
Západný Balkán: potreba novej vízie a stratégie
Západný Balkán: potreba novej vízie a stratégie
(The Western Balkans: the Need for a New Vision and Strategy)
- Author(s):Miroslav Lajčák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:47-51
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; Western Balkans; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:In international circles, Slovakia is branded a successful and dynamic European country; especially in the region of the Western Balkans. In Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in the entire Western Balkans, Slovakia has a good reputation. It is admired for a peaceful split from former Czechoslovakia and equally for the capacity to solve big national questions by way of political compromise and agreement. The whole of the Western Balkans recognizes Slovakia also in the bigger picture of new EU members’ achievements. And it is increasingly capable of distinguishing in the collective picture.
Vyšehradská štvorka: revitalizácia po „únave z rozšírenia“
Vyšehradská štvorka: revitalizácia po „únave z rozšírenia“
(Visegrad Four in 2007: Revitalization after the Post-Enlargement Fatigue)
- Author(s):Tomáš Strážay
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:53-61
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; Visegrad; V4; post-enlargement; revitalization; EU; Schengen; energy security; ENP; Western Balkans;
- Summary/Abstract:It can be argued that after the accession to the European Union the Visegrad Four has been looking for new priorities and goals. Nevertheless, it has become obvious that it is quite difficult to find goals comparable to the EU and NATO accession. Though almost immediately after the accession the representatives of the V4 identified new priority areas for future cooperation and embodied them in the Kroměříž Declaration, skeptical voices regarding the viability of the V4 regional initiative under new conditions of the EU membership could not have been overlooked. To some extent, not only the EU, but also the V4 countries were suffering from the post-enlargement fatigue and had to adapt to their new roles of EU member states. In other words, in the first years of EU accession the challenges connected with the membership overshadowed the initiatives held under the umbrella of Visegrad.
Vzťahy s východnými susedmi v roku 2007
Vzťahy s východnými susedmi v roku 2007
(Relations with the Eastern Neighbors in 2007)
- Author(s):Alexander Duleba
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic policy, International relations/trade
- Page Range:63-78
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; Eastern policy; Russia; Ukraine; Belarus; economy; energy; gas;
- Summary/Abstract:The Slovak government, which was formed after the June 2006 parliamentary elections, made a commitment in its Manifesto to intensify the economic dimension of Slovak diplomacy. Prime Minister Robert Fico specified that the diplomacy’s economic dimension would concern mainly the further development of Slovakia’s relations with Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe. He stated that he would personally advocate for the improvement of Slovak-Russian relations, which until now, had been, as to his view, downgraded by Slovak diplomacy. According to him, the relations with Russia will be stimulated, because the new cabinet will provide significantly more support to the economic dimension of foreign policy including countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and China. Further on, the text attempts to review the development of the political as well as the economic agenda of the Slovak Republic’s (SR) relations with the eastern neighbors in 2007 including the fulfillment of the foreign policy’s new priority.
Vonkajšia energetická bezpečnosť SR – odraz v činnosti MZV SR
Vonkajšia energetická bezpečnosť SR – odraz v činnosti MZV SR
(The External Energy Security of Slovakia – Reflection in the Activities of the MFA SR)
- Author(s):Ján Šoth
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Energy and Environmental Studies, International relations/trade
- Page Range:79-87
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; energy; energy security; MFA; Czech;
- Summary/Abstract:The tension on the global energy markets grew gradually throughout the year 2007 as a result of the steep increase in oil and natural gas prices as well as due to the fear of an impending lack of energy. Even renowned expert institutions throughout the world published studies and prognoses which state that, among the other global threats we must prepare to face, the following decade will dramatically increase the pressure on the stable delivery of energy resources and the pressure of the great powers focused on the control over the world’s key production regions. Many perceive this as a direct consequence (among others) of the modernization and the fast economic growth of multiple large and until recently – developing countries like India, China or Brazil. The evident depletion of European deposits of energy resources is the second serious cause.
Modernizácia slovenskej zahraničnej služby
Modernizácia slovenskej zahraničnej služby
(Modernization of the Slovak Foreign Service)
- Author(s):Marcel Peško
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Management and complex organizations, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:91-105
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; Slovak Foreign Service; modernization; TREFA; HRM; management; ICT;
- Summary/Abstract:The globalization processes of the 21st century are fundamentally transforming the conditions of Slovakia’s interaction with other countries and cultures as well as the promotion of our interests in the international arena. In the global world diplomacy is expected to also be capable of maneuvering in the environment of many informal and non-governmental structures which supersede national borders. Since diplomacy is becoming a management tool for the regulation of globalization processes in favor of national interests it must be modernized to be prepared to respond even more flexibly to new trends and events. However the modernization of management is a challenge not only for the Foreign Service but also for the entire public sector. Today all elements of public administration are more and more confronted by the pressure to improve their performance and effectiveness.
Oficiálna rozvojová pomoc Slovenska v roku 2007
Oficiálna rozvojová pomoc Slovenska v roku 2007
(Slovakia’s Official Development Assistance in 2007)
- Author(s):Eva Havelková, Nora Beňáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Developing nations
- Page Range:107-118
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; development assistance; Slovak ODA;
- Summary/Abstract:The Official Development Assistance (ODA) is an important pillar of the Slovak foreign policy. Its importance is still growing; therefore an attempt should be made to expand its scope in the years to come. The year 2007 can be marked as a significant one for the development assistance. This article analyzes mainly the institutional and the legislative changes in the Slovak ODA and compares the territorial and sectoral focus of bilateral projects in the periods before and after these changes took effect. According to the document Slovakia’s Foreign Policy Orientation 20071 , the development assistance is an important part of the foreign policy of the European Union (EU) and its member states. Slovakia provides its official development assistance on the basis of principles of international development policy, including the EU development policy, and in line with the foreign and economic policy priorities of the Slovak Republic (SR). The goal of the Slovak ODA is to contribute to the accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the key areas, including alleviation of poverty and hunger, achievement of universal elementary education, support of gender equality, reduction of infant mortality rate, focus on the struggle against the HIV/AIDS and relief of global environmental problems. Besides the assistance itself, the bilateral development projects help to strengthen the bonds of these countries with the SR, support establishment of Slovak actors (institutions, businesses) abroad, create institutional and expert capacities in the SR and influence the public opinion.
Ekonomický rozmer diplomacie
Ekonomický rozmer diplomacie
(The Economic Dimension of Diplomacy)
- Author(s):Jaroslav Chlebo
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Law on Economics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:119-127
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; economy; diplomacy; trade; legislation; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:One of changes the recent years have brought to the planning and implementation of the SR’s foreign policy is its strong economization. This is linked not only to a permanent pressure on increasing efficiency of spending on a whole scale of activities in its execution but, in a broader sense, to the place, which the economy and its needs should occupy in the activities of constitutional actors, the government’s economic ministries, and the SR’s diplomatic missions abroad. Simultaneously, it is not just a matter of export support or the preparation of the legal basis for cooperation in various areas of the economy, which is the most commonly identified activity in this regard. Because we live in the era of globalization that is typified, inter alia, by a complex interconnection of all processes taking place in the economy, the needs and interests of the SR’s economy abroad are determined primarily by its basic qualities and secondarily by the program priorities of the governing administration. In this regard, the insufficient size of the Slovak market, the above-standard openness of the economy, and its dependence on the export performance are worth mentioning. However, we also need to react to the gap between the sector of the economy represented by foreign car producers (lately LCD-screen producers) and the remainder – the one-time production base of the Slovak economy – with clearly drawn capacity and assortment limits, on the overall weak segment of small and medium enterprises, on the sensibly undersized capital of Slovak businesses, on the only rare achievement of a high rate of the added value and the like. In addition, we need to mention the need to recognize the real capacity of SR’s economy, alternatively its individual businesses, the processes undergoing in the partner countries’ economies, but also in the global economy. The very simplified list of areas where a more significant presence of the economic diplomacy is needed can be expanded to include the pursuit of foreign investments, the real state of which can be best shown by a comparison with the results achieved by all the surrounding countries, or the need for a thorough knowledge of our European Union partners’ positions towards the EU’s economic policies and a possible creation of special purpose partnerships for building our positions on them. Nevertheless, new themes come into play, too, e.g. energy security or global climate change, as themes considerably economically determined, but equally economically determining. The activities of the SR’s political representation and foreign service need to be adapted to all that and, in particular, to the elimination of the current shortcomings. The substantive bulk of the economic dimension of diplomacy is formed by all this and much more regardless of the possibly varying approaches to its terminological outlining.
Chronológia dôležitých udalostí v slovenskej zahraničnej politike v roku 2007
Chronológia dôležitých udalostí v slovenskej zahraničnej politike v roku 2007
(Chronology of the Important Foreign Policy Issues in 2007)
- Author(s):Rebecca Murray
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:131-139
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; events; chronology;
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2007
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2007
(List of Treaties Concluded between Slovakia and Other Countries in 2007)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, International relations/trade
- Page Range:140-146
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; treaties; list;
Prehľad vybraných dokumentov so zahraničnopolitickým dopadom predložených na rokovanie vlády SR v roku 2007
Prehľad vybraných dokumentov so zahraničnopolitickým dopadom predložených na rokovanie vlády SR v roku 2007
(Selected Documents with Foreign Policy Impact Submitted to Sessions of the SR Government in 2007)
- Author(s):Tomáš Sivíček
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
- Page Range:147-163
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; documents; government;
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskych záležitosti
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskych záležitosti
(Structure of the State Administration Authorities Acting in International Relations and European Affairs)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Public Administration, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
- Page Range:164-171
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; state administration; authorities; structure; International Affairs; European affairs;
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín v Slovenskej republike
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín v Slovenskej republike
(List of the Embassies of the EU, NATO Countries and Some Other Countries)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:172-180
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; embassy; list;
Zoznam konzulátov v Slovenskej republike
Zoznam konzulátov v Slovenskej republike
(List of Consulates in the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:181-182
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; consulate; list;
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov
(List of the Embassies of the Slovak Republic, Permanent Missions, Consulates General and Slovak Institutes Abroad)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:183-187
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; embassy; consulate; missions; Slovak Institutes; abroad; list;
Zoznam konzulárnych úradov SR vedených honorárnymi konzulmi
Zoznam konzulárnych úradov SR vedených honorárnymi konzulmi
(List of the Consulates of the Slovak Republic Headed by the Honorary Consul)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:188-193
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; consulate; honorary consuls; list;
Počty príslušníkov OS SR v súčasných misiách na podporu mieru
Počty príslušníkov OS SR v súčasných misiách na podporu mieru
(Numbers of the Members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in Peace Missions)
- Author(s):Martin Firák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:194-194
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2007; foreign policy; armed forces; peace missions; numbers;