When nature ceased to be a home (Denaturalization in contemporary Slovak poetry) Cover Image

Keď príroda prestala byť domovom (Odprírodnenie v súčasnej slovenskej poézii)
When nature ceased to be a home (Denaturalization in contemporary Slovak poetry)

Author(s): Zuzana Cepková Feješová
Subject(s): Comparative Study of Literature, Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Slovak poetry; motif of home; de-naturalization; Habaj; Ferenčuhová; Kucbelová;
Summary/Abstract: The present paper focuses on the relation between home and nature motifs in Slovak poetry. The motif of home was traditionally connected with nature, country and native village. However, the conventional opposition between nature and culture is being revaluated in the contemporary poetry. Several passages of the poetic texts prove the thesis about a period of so-called post-modern Romanticism characterized by escape from the nature, but anguishing poetic reactions on the social situation are symptoms of de-naturalization in the ambient of modern urban home. The de-naturalization, it means the loss of interaction with the home in nature, seems to be a part of a deeper process of identity crisis. De-humanization linked with de-naturalization is projected onto the creation of lyrical subject and issues into the usage of herbal and animal elements with unusual functions.

  • Page Range: 17-26
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Slovak
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