The Report of Research into Manuscript Departments in Trancarpathian Ethnographic Museum and in University Lebrary of Uzhorod Cover Image

Správa z výskumu v rukopisných oddeleniach v Zakarpatskom národopisnom múzeu a v Univerzitnej knižnici v Užhorode
The Report of Research into Manuscript Departments in Trancarpathian Ethnographic Museum and in University Lebrary of Uzhorod

Author(s): Peter Žeňuch
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied
Keywords: Language. Literature. History and culture. Songbooks in manuscripts. Slovak-Ukrainian and Slovak-Ruthenian contacts. Pre-revival and revival activities

Summary/Abstract: The research work on pre-revival and revival activities in 17th–19th centuries in Carpathian region, the relations between Slovak, Ruthenian and Ukrainian cultural space and adjoining regions of Halič, opens new possibilities of recognition of the specific evolutionary tendencies in language, literature and history and also offers conditions for research on relations between the separate ethnic communities. The documents, which are saved in the departments of manuscripts of Transcarpathian Ethnographical Museum and in University Library in Uzhgorod, enrich our knowledge and that’s why the business trip to Ukraine is important. At the present stage of the scholarly research the great part of this heritage is forgotten. The grant task, which investigates the Slovak-Ukrainian and the Slovak-Ruthenian relations may not omits this practically resolve question. The research work on language, literature, history and culture in this region is the inseparable base of cultural-social life and bases on tradions, which reached the climax in pre-revival and revival activities and in forming of national, cultural, literary and language consciousness.

  • Issue Year: 33/1998
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Slovak
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