Antická filosofie v obrázcích
The book illustrates selected motives from the history of ancient philosophy. The explanations are written to the pictures from the philosophical point of view as well as from the drawing point of view.
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The book illustrates selected motives from the history of ancient philosophy. The explanations are written to the pictures from the philosophical point of view as well as from the drawing point of view.
The three-volume monograph offers a comprehensive study of the category of freedom which was used in the legal and political doctrines by representatives of the western civilization since antiquity up to the present. The publication reviews concepts put forward by ancient thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Cicero, St. Augustine), propositions of philosophers active in the Middle Ages (St. Thomas, William of Ockham) and the most prominent theories of the Renaissance (Machiavelli, the Renaissance utopias, Reformation, the School of Salamanca). The Polish Renaissance thought has also been presented. It ushered in an antiquity tradition revival which manifested itself in treatises in 16th-century republican discourse and, in a developed form, in the works of Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro. The monograph also includes interpretations of Thomas Hobbes’s, Algernon Sidney’s and John Locke’s propositions as well as a study of the thought of Montesquieu together with a discussion of the theory of the separation of powers, especially with regard to the trias politica model from the perspective of constitutionalism. The review of numerous philosophical positions reveals a range of discrepancies in the perception of the concept of freedom not only in different historical periods but also among the representatives of the main political doctrines. The plethora of cited approaches unequivocally points to the interdisciplinary character of research on freedom as a philosophical category. Therefore, a presentation of the spectrum of differences through the application of scientific analysis seems a fundamental prerequisite for any attempt at arriving at a comprehensive and multilevel understanding of the idea of freedom.
Digital competencies are a topic that is undoubtedly extremely interesting and attractive, both in terms of political declarations and in the field of scientific research or empirical practice. Exponential growth in research interest is also seen in SCOPUS. In practical terms, it can be said that the Czech environment is partially delayed in reflecting on the subject, which can be attributed to several influences. The first is the very problematic teaching of informatics at secondary schools and the absence of a clearly defined term of digital competence as one of the key capabilities. The second source, which is closely related to the school environment, is the pressure to revise the curriculum, to strengthen IT thinking. In the same time, it is possible thanks to research projects, but also developing projects (funded from the European Structural Funds) to see an effort to actively reflect not only the theme but also to build on DigComp, that the European reference framework for digital competencies. This book analyses the various themes that are associated with Digital Competence and offer their possible thought grip. In doing so, it does not follow the level of education in the sense that we would like to teach the user to work with information or perhaps to extract bitcoins. The author aims to create a specific framework of thought or domain in which individual competencies or educational activities can be considered in a broader context and depth. The text is structured into three logical partitions. Chapter European framework for digital competencies for citizens: comment on some (unspoken) starting points from the position of phenomenological philosophy is grasping theoretical issues through the eyes of phenomenological philosophy, which will be an essential interpretative tool in other parts of the text. We try to outline here the critical „cross-sections“ or the starting points of the model, which are interesting for broader theoretical considerations. The longest part of the book is divided into five large units and passes through DigComp as it was constituted. Within each competency, we offer an analysis of some critical sub-topics that we try to illustrate or combine with practical examples. We do not want to build a distant demanding phenomenological text here, but instead, we intend to show phenomena that deserve deeper reflection. That is our goal in the Czech Republic to carry out the first systematic analysis framework would, at this point like to leave aside specific questions that DigCompem itself may be associated. The first is the question of organising competency dimensions. Should it start with a work that is the beginning of every activity? Only in the creation process are the situations and needs that need to be addressed by other competencies. Or should I start solving the problem? The ability to solve the problem is probably the primary competency bundle that defines all other particular procedures and activities. Other themes are the structure of specific dimensions, which, especially in the issue of problem-solving, has an extremely unfortunate composition, which does not allow the whole framework to be used effectively in the way it would be necessary. At the same time, the question arises after the hierarchy of competencies or after their continuity. We leave these questions aside in this monograph for the above reason. However, we see them as crucial for further professional discussion. The third part offers a working translation of DigComp as a basic but also a reflective element for further research. The whole text is carried in the spirit of phenomenological reflection, as used for example by Jan Sokol in his books, i.e. on the level of thinking about how individual phenomena in the area of digital competences can be perceived, but also how to apply them in the context of the conative and cognitive. This text is probably the first systematic monograph that deals with the phenomenon of digital competence, at least in the Czech environment. At the same time, it is by no means a textbook or other purposefully published material, but a synthesising work to draw attention not only to individual phenomena but also to the relationships between them. Digital competence is an exciting bridge between information science, sociology and pedagogy. Digital competence mainly draws on information science by monitoring how information is processed, disseminated and used in an environment that is considerably different from industrial. Information science should be able to talk about this newly constituted environment concerning digital competences adequately. Obviously, sociology is taking a significant shift away from competence as an individual‘s individual qualities to something that is much more accomplished in a community, but also the fact that digital competence is a phenomenon that determines how society looks, respectively, as a subject (learning, information, knowledge, etc.) can be attributed to it. From pedagogy, there is a need for some continuous learning - whether at the individual or community level, because only through education can one be an active full-fledged member of a dynamically changing society.
The presented monograph is a source of critical reflection of the philosophy of information, which is strongly related primarily to topics close to the philosophy of education. It is based on the work of Luciano Floridi. I have a new grasp of his thoughts and arguments, at least in three ways. I read Floridi’s thoughts (fundamentally differently structured) with the context of standard philosophy as such – it follows the cosmological, logical, epistemic, ontological, linguistic aspects. It is based on a course I have been teaching (with my colleagues) for many years at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno. In the monograph, I offer many topics that are almost misunderstood in literature. They analyze the relationship of information and paradox, the association of information to time and space, or the philosophy of education. These topics are open and can be used for further research in this area. The second original approach is the reflection of corporeality and pragmatism. Pragmatism is represented primarily by Mark Johnson and George Lakoff. Their emphasis on the ecological perception of thought and on the body as a fundamental key to understanding being is strongly evident in the book. This “new generation” of pragmatic philosophers influenced by cognitive sciences must be taken very seriously in philosophical discourse. The study also emphasizes the ideas of Martin Heidegger, who is perceived very critically outside the village of his admirers for various reasons. We believe that his new reading or new grasp of some of his ideas offers an original approach to the philosophy of information, which will differ in many ways from the way it is commonly grasped by “true Haideggrians”. Of course, we will also refer to his pupils in this interpretation scheme, especially Jan Patočka and Hannah Arendt. Outside these two great traditions, three personalities are essential to our reading of the philosophy of information, but it is difficult to put them in any particular stream or direction. I, therefore, take them pragmatically-phenomenologically, although I know that many of their ideas could be conceived differently. These are Henri Bergson, Martin Buber and Piere Teilhard de Chardin. The resulting book offers a systematic examination of individual facets of the new world – a world that is hyper-connectivity, for which it is not possible to effectively and consistently introduce the differences between online and offline, between man and machine. A world in which we abandon the figure of thought based on “either-or”, and move towards a more ecological, holistic, emphasizing a continuum of a particular environment. We then explore this environment. The world we are thrown into is fundamentally different from the world in which Heidegger could study his ancient philosophers, or Bergson could study the role of memory in the constitution of the human person. It is a world that is fundamentally transformed by digital technology, in which connectivity is one of the fundamental characteristics of the world. This phenomenon leads to the fact that “traditional philosophical production” reflects the world rather than the real world and fixes itself in a position where it is not capable of new radically significant statements. My monograph is a contribution to getting out of this position and the modern philosophy of information. The philosophy of information is a suitable tool for solving a wide range of problems we face.
On metres, as we have it today, is an abridged version (one book) of the work writtenoriginally in forty-eight books by an Alexandrian grammarian Hephaestion (2nd century AD).Though so significantly reduced, it was over centuries, and remains until now, a primer ofancient doctrine on Greek metre. For many generations of students and scholars it was the mostimportant handbook of versification and the principal source of the technical vocabulary stillused nowadays in metrical studies. The text is also a treasury of many ancient poetic fragmentswhich otherwise would be utterly lost to us.The book presents the first Polish translation of the treatise On metres with a detailedcommentary explaining the metrical terms, analyses and views held by Hephaestion. The textof the treatise is also supplemented and compared with other ancient sources.
Antinomies of Modernity brings seven stand-alone studies on some important issues of the philosophy and ethics of modernity. Its focus is on Europe and on the issues of national and state sovereignty, i.e., how peaceful coexistence of states can be established and maintained. These are topics that are decisive for the theoretical and practical resolution of the crisis of the modernity.
The Jubilee of Professor Andrzej M. Kaniowski’s seventieth birthday, in July 2021, was an opportunity to offer him this volume. Its authors are representatives of human and social studies, two closely related disci¬plines that are also His areas of interest.The interdisciplinary group of researchers have contributed their texts, which together make up a mosaic of problems and perspectives. The dominant topics are the philosophy of Kant and modern social, political and cultural issues. Many ideas and concepts reappear in several texts. In order to facilitate tracking them, the volume has been provided with a uniform system of citing Kant’s works and the index of authors. The papers of the international group of authors have been arranged, first of all, according to the language of composition (Polish, German, English), then according to the content in historical order. The whole volume presents an image of academic openness and com-mitment, for which the editors thank the authors. To Professor Kaniowski, they give thanks for such a lofty inspiration.
The work constitutes a result of a thought of a historio-philosophical nature,a thought on the project of Husserl’s phenomenology (classic phenomenology)on the one hand, and on the development of Tischner’sphilosophical output from phenomenology to philosophy of drama on theother. The main aim, realized in the work in the form of three steps (leadingfrom phenomenology to the philosophy of drama) subject to a tripartitestructure of the work, was to prove the main hypothesis claiming thatphonomenology treated as Husserl’s philosophical project, dealt with andcreatively developed by Tischner as an initial inspiration, constitutes thepossibility of the final effect of Tischner’s output, that is the philosophy ofdrama. An initial inspiration, that is phenomenology, remains for the philosophyof drama only an inspiration that is not exhaustive the scope ofpossible philosophical references of this philosophy. The realization of themain hypothesis enables a linear and three-stage (corresponding at thesame time to the architectonics of the development of Tischner’s thought)course of the argument: three parts of work of the following sequence:Husserl’s phenomenology as a project (part one), Tischner’s understandingof phenomenology (part two), and From phenomenology to philosophy ofdrama (part three).In the first part (Husserl’s phenomenology as a project) phenomenologyis presented as a project, initiated and realized by Husserl, but never fullyrealized, a project indicating research scope, and outlining a horizon ofclassic philosophical problems: epistemologic, metaphysical, ethical andaesthetic ones. Such a broad spectrum of problems directs a thought onphenomenology understood as a possibility, as an indefinite flow of problems.Tischner’s understanding of phenomenology also inscribes into sucha perspective. That is why it is extremely important from the perspectiveof the issues raised in the work to show phenomenology as a possibility ofthe philosophy of drama at the end of part one. In this very part, to justifythe subject-matter the author does not present Tischner’s thought, but herown understanding of phenomenological philosophy, in which she also inscribesTischner’s concept as late as in the last subchapter. A creative useof openness that characterizes Husserl’s philosophy according to Tischner,makes a Polish thinker go beyond the frames of the classic phenomenology,that is, where new areas, researched so far by other than phenomenologicalmethods, reveal.The second part (Tischner’s understanding of phenomenology) is fullydevoted to Tischner’s understanding of phenomenology. As the thought ofthe author of Thinking According to Values changes in the womb of phenomenologydeveloped by him, one can notice a shift from a transcendentalto an axiological accent. The very part is an attempt to prove the hypothesisthat an axiological interpretation of “I”, and thus, a complement toHusserl’s thought, is not a consequence of its external criticism, but a symbolof its internal potential recognized by phenomenology itself.The main aim of the third part From phenomenology to philosophy ofdrama is a reconstruction of the process of transition from phenomenologyto the philosophy of drama, an outline of the path of development (evolution)of Tischner’s thought. In the light of the results of analyses conductedit turns out that within his own philosophical thought, Tischner characterizestranscendental mindset of “I” and, in consequence, drama, a discordbetween natural and transcendental attitude perceived as a discord betweennatural and axiological-agatological attitude.The perspective of the philosophy of drama presented in the book, beinga result of revealing Tischner’s original thought in statu nascendi, in itsbeginning, Husserl’s phenomenology constitutes is certainly one of the possibilities.The aim of the work was to show the aspects of philosophy ofdrama that prove its phenomenological provenance. We hope that lookingat philosophy of drama from the angle of its beginning, and taking into accountits primary relations to phenomenology, will make a reliable pictureof Tischner’s philosophical works.
The subject-matter of the very work is Léon Brunschvicg’s (1869—1944)philosophy of critical idealism. The analyses presented are centred aroundthe main theme of Brunschvicg’s considerations, that is a theory-cognitivereflection, based on the history of the progress of human awareness. Themain aim is to show the relationship between particular elements constitutingLéon Brunschvicg’s philosophical conception. Works coming from differentperiods of his writings, seemingly concerning problem areas distantfrom one another (theory of cognition, forms of spiritual life, history of particularspirit forms) are subsequent realization stages of one project, thestarting point of which was determined by Brunschvicg at the beginning ofhis philosophical path. The very project, founded on theory-cognitive assumptions,worked out in a dissertation La modalité du jugement, is a criticalreflection on the history of human thought, enabling a thought oncognition and reason manifesting in the history of knowledge. This way,transcendentalism in Brunschvicg’s philosophy, understood as a critical reflectionon cognition, combines with studies on the history of reason manifestingin human activity of any kind.Considerations presented in the book are above all analyses based onsource texts: Léon Brunschvicg’s dissertations and articles. Apart from themain aim of the work, presented before, additional aims are realized suchas considering the very conception in the context of neo-Kantian or positivistphilosophy, treating it as transcendentalism and showing visiblereferences to the trend of French epistemology, being in favour of the continuingconception of knowledge development or relating it to ImmanuelKant’s and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s philosophy.
The aim of the monograph is to conceptualize integral cognition based on John Dewey’s concept of aesthetic experience. Such cognition is an alternative to unilateral intellectual cognition. Integral cognition is not focused on the intellect, but requires the unification of the intellect with the senses, feelings and corporeality, as well as with imagination and intuition, that is, the aesthetic sphere. The key factor in integral cognition is the consciousness that focuses not only on the mind but also on feelings and corporeality. Practising this type of cognition leads not only to the acquisition of information but also to improvements in the quality of life and experience, the holistic development of the human being, inner harmony and satisfaction. In modern western culture, the practice of integral cognition poses an important challenge.
The monograph proposes viewing classification as not only a cognitive process that organizes knowledge, but also one that promotes the dynamic development of science: initiating new directions, concepts, branches of science, trends, sub-disciplines, etc. In structured knowledge it is easier to detect places yet unmarked in science. Thus the object of the presented research is the significance of ordering the scientific knowledge in the form of classification in the field of social sciences, in the discipline of pedagogy. Methodological resources of hermeneutics proved to be useful in analysis and interpretation of scientific source texts and official documents. The structure of the monograph consists of the table of contents, introduction, four chapters, conclusion, bibliography, list of diagrams and tables, personal index, summary and note about the authors.
The book explores the entanglements of modern art resulting from the condition of late postmodernism. It is written in the form of a “lively”, formally open, philosophical and artistic dialogue, whose participants – a philosopher and a philosophizing artist – draw on selected examples of artistic practices to discuss the artistic strategies and philosophical problems which shape the field of today’s art. They analyze in depth a number of phenomena in modern art, and by relating them to philosophical interpretative contexts, throw light on a wide range of subjects. Maintaining due care for scholarly method, they go beyond traditional “treatise-monologue” forms of philosophical expression so as to make the book more appealing and approachable for a wider audience of readers interested in both art. And the humanities.
The aim of the work is to create theoretical space for activities in the field of critical revision of the currently dominant education system. The first part is theoretical and is devoted to discussing the main assumptions and paths of the development of cognitive linguistics from which the cognitive theory of metaphor grows. The first chapter introduces the problem of metaphors. The second chapter introduces the assumptions of cognitive linguistics and the process of its development on the background of two great schools of language philosophy: Bloomfield's behaviorism and Chomsky's generativist theory. The third chapter discusses the main assumptions and basic problems of the cognitive theory of metaphor, which is later used as a theoretical paradigm of conducted research. The second part is empirical. Its main goal is to analyze children's metaphorical predispositions, especially the processes of understanding, recognizing, and creating metaphors of community. The reconstruction of children's idealized cognitive models undertaken in the research is aimed to recognize the culturally conditioned patterns of conceptualization of community experience, that are implicitly contained in metaphorical linguistic structures. These models determine - usually in addition to the speaker's consciousness - ways of thinking and acting. The reconstruction of these socio-cultural symbolic forms aimed to their further juxtaposition with the natural and spontaneous methods of metaphorical creativity of children. The goal of the fourth chapter of the work is to define the methodological assumptions of obtaining research material, including the definition of methods, techniques, and research tools, as well as the development of the organization and course of the research. The fifth chapter is devoted to the research itself.
The work discusses the evolution of the perception of the constituent elements of matter, from ancient times to the present day. The study presents not only historical data on the understanding, interpretation and description of individual elements of matter, but also includes a description of the historical background, including a brief description of individual researchers and facts related to their life and activity. The paper discusses the progress of science related directly to changes in the understanding of the structure and composition of matter. This aspect is particularly important from a didactic point of view, since the history of the development of atomic theory underlies the history of chemistry as a field. Thus, the presented monograph meets the needs of contemporary Polish scientific literature. The publication is addressed to research workers and students of the departments of chemistry, pharmacy, physics and history.
Filozofija Mullā Ṣadrā Širazija, iako predstavlja sami vrhunac kasne islamske filozofije i sintezu ukupnog muslimanskog intelektualnog angažmana, još uvijek nije valjano istražena i ostaje nepoznanica čak većini poznavalaca islamske filozofije, te osobito onima čija je znanstvena pažnja dominantno usmjerena ka tokovima i problemima zapadnog filozofskog mišljenja. Premda je riječ o originalnom i opsežnom znanstvenom opusu filozofa iz Širaza, koji nudi mogućnost dubljeg upoznavanja sa intelektualnom baštinom muslimanskog filozofskog genija ali i nesvakidašnji okvir za komparativni pristup i potpunije razumijevanje između Istoka i Zapada, valja kazati kako je njegova misao neopravdano ostala u sjeni klasika islamske filozofije, pri čemu primarno mislim na Al-Fārābīja, Ibn Sīnu i Ibn Rušda. Konačno, takvom stanju značajno je doprinijela i teza o “kraju” islamske filozofije sa smrću spomenutog Ibn Rušda, koja se nerijetko promicala na Zapadu i koja je postala temeljna referentna pozicija pri svakoj analizi muslimanskog mišljenja, čime su zanemarena raskošna višestoljetna pregnuća realizirana u oblasti filozofije, filozofske teologije i gnoze. Stoga će izlaganje filozofije Mullā Ṣadra, kao najznačajnijeg predstavnika isfahanske filozofske škole iz XVI i XVII stoljeća, pokazati neutemeljenost teze o “kraju” islamske filozofije i naznačiti kontinuitet muslimanskog filozofskog mišljenja.
Tryumfalny powrót pogromcy Troi zamienił się w rzeź. Agamemnon został podstępnie zamordowany przez swoją żonę Klytajmestrę i jej kochanka. Być może to jej zemsta za ofiarowanie Ifigenii, być może to szał zagłady od pokoleń wyniszczający ród Atrydów błędnym kołem odwetu, być może to tylko małżeńska zdrada. Konkluzja jest zawsze ta sama. Za krew Agamemnona Klytajmestra płaci własnym życiem. Z rąk swego syna. Mit ten w rękach ateńskich dramaturgów zyskał nieśmiertelność i siłę wyrazu, za sprawą której nawet dziś, po z górą dwudziestu pięciu wiekach, jest źródłem inspiracji i przedmiotem niesłabnącego zainteresowania. Niniejsza publikacja stanowi próbę jego odczytania z uwzględnieniem tego, co różnić mogło antyczne, greckie doświadczenie tragedii od współczesnego.
Neo-Kantianism, being one of the most important philosophical trends in thesecond half of the 19th century and the first twenty years of the 20th century, isan almost unknown phenomena. The World War II and, as a result of it, a dominationof an analytic philosophy in the European continent led to the situation inwhich as late as in the 1980s systematic studies on neo-Kantianism graduallystarted to be conducted. As a result of this research, a fuller picture of this extremelyimportant philosophical trend is created. Out of the necessity to show therichness of thought and its complexity within neo-Kantianism, the book consistingof two parts was written. The first part describes the origins of neo-Kantianism,while the second its development.The first part presents the most important elements that influenced the historicaldevelopment of neo-Kantianism. Thus, the analysis starts from terminologicaldesignation, necessary to present the characteristics of neo-Kantianism. Onlyestablishing a definition of neo-Kantianism and its time frames allows for historicalanalyses. Initial considerations, excluding terminological establishments, startfrom an assumption that a philosophy of neo-Kantianism does not come fromnothing, but is grounded in philosophers’ considerations referring to the conceptionof Immanuel Kant; and not only after Hegel’s death, but earlier, somewhatparallel to him. It seems that the most important philosophers have to be mentionedwho, during Hegel’s life, in a way against fashion, refer to Kant. The strongestopponents to Hegel are Arthur Schopenhauer, Jacob Friedrich Fries, Johann FriedrichHerbart, Friedrich Eduard Beneke and Bernard Bolzano. It needs to be statedthat it was not Schopenhauer, as it is commonly believed, but Fries whoplayed an important role in polemics with Hegel. However, the first to remindKant’s thought was Beneke.Further on, the subject of the study is the analysis of the role of philosophy inmid 19th century, a special emphasis being put on a few thinkers. The first ofthem is Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg, the second Rudolph Hermann Lotze andthe third Johann Eduard Erdmann. As an important element of critique of Hegelspeculative teism as well as Christian Hermann Weiss’ and Immanuel HermannFichte’s philosophies ar mentioned. The next step is to show the disputes in understandingphilosophy that took place in the mid 19th century as an importantsource of neo-Kantianism. Particularly important are the disputes on materialismand debate between Trendelenburg and Kuno Fischer. Finally, the reference ismade to another two thinkers who, apart from the participants of the debate,mention Kant directly. They are Jürgen Bona Meyer and Ernst Freiherr vonFeuchtersleben. Here the name of Beneke apears once more, because of hispublication from 1832 entitled Kant und die philosophische Aufgabe unsererZeit, on the basis of which he can be called a precursor of neo-Kantianism.Besides, it seems that also Rudolf Haym, an author of Hegel und seine Zeitpublished 50 years after Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, played an importantrole in neo-Kantianism development.The first part of the book concludes with the attempts to establish the date ofneo-Kantianism beginnings. It turns out that also this very issue cannot be unanimouslyresolved as the commentators give five different dates and connect themwith various events. The best-known event the beginning of neo-Kantianism isidentified with is 1865, a year in which Otto Liebmann published his famous andrenowned book entitled Kant und die Epigonen. But three years earlier, EduardZeller presented in Heidelberg, and, consequently, published his famous lectureÜber Bedeutung und Aufgabe der Erkentnistheorie. Additionally, the neo-Kantismresearchers point to three more dates, that is, 1855, (a speech by Hermann vonHelmholtz in Königsberg), 1860 (Kunon Fischer’s publication of books devoted toKant, and 1866, Friedrich Albert Lange’s publication of a famous Geschichte desMaterialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeutung in der Gegenwart).The second part of the book is structured analogously to the first and completedivision of neo-Kantianism. The very division was made for the first time in1916 in the eleventh edition, and, subsequently, a slightly modified version waspresented in 1923 in the twelfth edition of a famous Grundriss der Geschichte derPhilosophie by Friedrich Überweg (1826—1871). In 1916, and next in 1923 thefourth part of Überweg’s coursebook was published, the editor of which wasTraugott Konstantin Österreich (1880—1949). From today’s perspective, it isa classic division, distinguishing seven trends within the scope of neo-Kantianism.They are:— physiological trend (Hermann von Helmholtz, Friedrich Albert Lange),— metaphysical trend (Otto Liebmann, Johaness Volkelt),— relativism criticism (Georg Simmel),— psychological trend (Fries’ new school, Leonard Nelson),— realistic trend (Alois Riehl),— Baden school (Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert, Hugo Münsterberg),— Marburg school (Hermann Cohen, Paul Natorp, Ernst Cassirer).The very division, deriving from the 1923 one, though in its original version, inwhich Österreich presented basically six trends, stems from the 1916 one, wasmodified and supplemented with philosophers who appeared vital from the perspectiveof a later history of philosophy. The physiological trend was supplementedwith the person of Hans Vaihinger while the metaphysical one withFriedrich Paulsen, Erich Adickes, Traugott Konstantin Österreich, and Max Wundt.Within the realistic trend, apart from Riehl, Oswald Külpe and Richard Hönigswaldwere included. The Marburg school required a discussion of others, apart fromCassirer and Cohen’s learners, especially such thinkers as Nicolai Hartmann,Albert Görland, Arthur Buchenau, Heinz Heimsoeth and Arthur Liebert. The presentationof a full picture of the Baden school was connected with an introductionof such philosophers as Emil Lask, Richard Kroner and Jonas Cohn. When it comesto relativism criticism, except for Georg Simmel, also Gustav Radbruch wastaken into account, whereas a psychological trend referring to Fries was supplementedwith two persons, namely Jürgen Bona Meyer and Hans Cornelius.A modified division of neo-Kantian trends was the basis of presentation andanalysis of the most important philosophers belonging to the current of neo-Kantianphilosophy.
Praca jest monografią jednej z głównych miar wierszowych, jakimi posługiwał się tworzący w V wieku p.n.e. grecki poeta liryczny Bakchylides. Autorka śledzi rozwój daktyloepitrytów oraz zbiera i przedstawia antyczny i współczesny stan badań nad nimi. Wszelkie analizy są próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, jaka jest natura metrum, którego nie zdecydowali się zaadaptować do swej poezji Rzymianie i które nazywane jest „wiecznym zmartwieniem wersologii greckiej”. Przedstawiona w prezentowanej publikacji szczegółowa analiza daktyloepitrytycznych pieśni Bakchylidesa pokazuje zmiany, jakim pod wpływem koncepcji metrycznych filologów klasycznych ulegają zachowane na papirusach teksty, zanim trafią do rąk czytelnika w nowym, współczesnym wydaniu.
Schmalenbach nie ma wątpliwości, że przymierze z natury jest tworem nieco efemerycznym. Stany emocjonalnego odurzenia, gotowości do poświęceń, bezgranicznego oddania mijają, zostają wygaszone, przekształcone w „zrosty” wspólnoty lub „uspołecznione” czy wplecione w ramy organizacji społeczeństwa. Labilność przymierza zwiastuje jego zagładę i wymaga szczególnego etosu, o ile nie ma być sprowadzona do niekontrolowanej eksplozji uczuć. Jest to etos lojalności, konkretyzowany jako wierność, przymierze wierności, przyjaźni czy miłości, ich przyrzeczenie czy obietnica. Zarazem jednak oznacza to zakotwiczenie w dwóch pozostałych formach związków społecznych: we wspólnocie, gdy oczekiwanie trwałości przyrzeczenia lub obietnicy staje się składnikiem wspólnotowego bytu (tradycji), i w społeczeństwie, gdy lojalność staje się składnikiem sankcjonowanego społecznie kontraktu. Dopracowanie i równouprawnienie trzech kategorii: wspólnoty, społeczeństwa i przymierza to próba przezwyciężenia ograniczeń dychotomicznego myślenia. prof. dr hab. Aleksander Manterys Herman Schmalenbach – niemiecki filozof społeczny, urodzony w 1885 roku w Breckerfeld. Był jednym z najważniejszych krytyków teorii Maksa Webera i Ferdinanda Tönniesa, znawcą myśli Leibniza i Kanta, kontynuatorem tradycji filozoficznej spod znaku Georga Simmela. Od czasu studiów związany z uniwersytetami w Berlinie, Jenie, później w Monachium, Getyndze, Hanowerze, a wreszcie w Bazylei, gdzie zmarł w 1950 roku. Dziś pamiętany przede wszystkim jako autor eseju O socjologicznej kategorii przymierza.