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Petar Beron Sc.D worked at the Institute of Zoology and the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a biologist from 1963 to 2010. Specializing in acarology and Biospeleology, he began exploring caves and cave fauna since 1955. He went on expeditions in New Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, China, Vietnam, on the Balkan Peninsula, in Corsica and South America. In his journeys, he discovered many new species of caves and animals. Author and co-author of many books and articles on speleology, zoogeography, and acarology. The second monograph of the series, devoted to the cave fauna of the Balkan Peninsula, treats Greece, a country full of caves (more than 10 miles) and only 240 caves have been the subject of biospeleological research. The 630 species of cavernicolous animals, published until 2015, are listed with their localities and notes on their biology. The caves of some animals are briefly described, and some observations have been made of the zoogeography of this fauna. The Greek fauna is compared with the cave faunas of neighboring countries. The bibliography contains more than 300 titles of works regarding the Greek fauna inhabiting the caves. This fauna is very different from the fauna of neighboring countries. During the author's field surveys (since 1968) he has found several new species such as Speleodentorcula, Telsonius, Titanophyllum, Thassoblaniulus, Alistratia, Maroniela, Jason and others.
The chapter presents several ecological and geographical considerations on and geospatial analyses of the eco-energy potential of Romania.
The paper explores the link between the architecture and the natural landscape of thermal baths, which were built in Hungary (Budapest) and Romania (Băile Herculane) during the early 20th century. Through a combination of various methods of inquiry, such as field trips and literature documentation, this research was able to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. The actual conditions of built heritage differs in the two countries, but are quite similar in the hazards it is prone to. With the aim of raising the public awareness of the problems facing the natural and urban landscape, this paper presents a brief description of the investigation of the thermal baths changes over time.
The aim of paper is focused to analysis of historical development in Nová Baňa area with typical dispersed settlement („štále“) with a focus on land use in 1844 – 1956 – 2013, it represents 169 years. Historical maps from 2nd military mapping have been used for evaluation of landscape changes. Orthophoto and existing reporting landscape elements was verified by field research. Cartographic outputs and results have been processed in ArcMap GIS 10.02. Besides primary and secondary landscape structure research, the contribution deals with the assessment of landscape structure changes in relation to the territorial ecological stability. Through this we evaluate studied area in the long term as a stable country.