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In this article Czapliński proposes to read Stefan Żeromski’s novel Before the Spring as a rather cruel project of the modern state. In this state the key subjects are communities (bioclasses and social classes) whose raison d’être are reproduction and productiveness. The biopolitical state must take them into consideration, as their usefulness transcends their own disgustingness. The state need not consider infertile classes (the landed gentry) or unproductive classes (parts of the Jewry), as their inability to meet the new criterion they are inexorably stigmatized as odious.
Materials about the nature of personal relationships are an important source of information about everyday life. This article bring information on daily life and attention is focused on the city of Krakow. In addition leading themes, personal relationships contain a lot of information about the difficulties with the supply and quality of housing, the attitude towards the changes taking place in the city, functioning within the official public life and privacy. The purpose of this article is not to criticize source materials such as memoirs, or reflections on the formation and functioning of the memory of the war and occupation.
The aim of this study is to present and synthesize the image of Eugeniusz Morawski’s output as presented by the Polish press and Polish composers. Morawski is an unknown composer, absent from the concert programs. His works were performed during composer’s lifetime and caused mixed and extreme reactions from the critics. His first successful concert – performance of now lost symphony-poem „Vae victis” in Salle Gaveau, Paris, was barely noted in Polish press. The first performance of symphonic poem „Don Quichotte” in 1912 caused vivid, yet mixed reactions. An important review was written by Aleksander Poliński, who criticized Morawski for being stylistically dependent on Richard Strauss’s style. Other reviews, some of them anonymous, were positive. The composer was praised for his talent and he was predicted to become a huge success in the future. Later on, his works were infrequently performed. In 1925, the symphonic poem „Nevermore” was performed in Warsaw under direction of Grzegorz Fitelberg. The work was very well received by the critic Karol Stromenger. Yet Morawski’s greatest success was his ballet „The maid of Świteź”, presented in Warsaw’s Great Theatre in May 1931. In 1933 Morawski received for this work the musical prize from the Ministry of Religious Beliefs and Publick Enlightment, winning the competition with Karol Szymanowski’s „Symphony no.4”. The event was discussed in great detail by the press. Some of the reviewers praised this work as Morawski’s masterpiece, others criticized it as worthless and clumsily written. The ballet was presented again in 1962 under the direction of Bohdan Wodiczko. A critic and a composer Stefan Kisielewski praised the word for its great orchestral effects and eerie climate. The article also uses extracts of letters of a composer Szymon Laks, essays of Stefan Kisielewski, and unpublished material from Polish Composers Union archive – letters of Grażyna Bacewicz and Włodzimierz Sokorski.
This article deals wiht the phenomenon of Jews that managed to escape from the ghettos and the camps in the territory of German-occupied Poland. In the analysis of the data from the encyclopaedia of the ghettos, published by the Institute Yad Vashem, as well as from the literature on the subject, the author found that at least 60 000 Jews has fled to the so called Aria area in occupied Poland.
The family and the relations in it have always been in the focus of the social sciences and humanities. They attract particular interest in cases of mixed marriages between individuals from different confessional communities. The present study will pay attention to mixed marriages between Orthodox Christians and Jews. It is based on the history of a family from the city of Sofia, the attitude of the spouses towards religion and the impact of these relations on the children in the family in the 20th century.
The article presents results from an empirical study among teachers from all over the country about their satisfaction with professional labor. The study was made with a questionnaire for the diagnosis of labor satisfaction, developed by M. Radoslavova and A. Velichkov.
The article tries to characterize the plight of the Jewish community– in its legal, social and economic aspect – on German-occupied Polish soil in the first years of WWII (1939-1941). The text analyzes the key measures of the German authorities toward the Jews, beginning with the Third Reich’s aggression against Poland on September 1, 1939, until the decision of the extermination of European Jews (second half of 1941). The Authors analyze legal acts limiting the functioning of the Jewish community and how they really influenced their everyday life. The question at stake has to be seen against a wider backdrop: the policy of the German occupant against the Polish state and its population.
The article presents the issue related to the collaboration of national minorities during the Soviet Union’s aggression against Poland in 1939. The appearances of the Ukrainian and Jewish minorities against the Polish population led to a huge amount of crimes. Thousands of representatives of the Polish state were killed by the communist militias. According to Soviet propaganda, destruction of the Polish intelligentsia began in the occupied areas. These activities were to make the soviets easier to defeat the Polish state.
The extension of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes in the first half of the twentieth century, which hit most European states, required political interferences within the highest legislative and executive authorities of states as well as in local administrations and bodies of self-government. Legislative interventions resulted in the formation of new local political elites whose representatives, mostly recruited by the criterion of political reliability, held the defining positions and played the significant role in implementing anti-Jewish policy during the Holocaust era. The main aim of this contribution is the analysis of the mechanisms of legislative interventions into the creation of new local political elites in selected examples of Nazi-occupied countries (General Government, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) and allied regimes (Slovak State and Hungary).
This study contributes new research exploring cases of collaboration with the German authorities and the phenomenon of delators (denouncers), informers and agents in occupied Krakow, as well as letters of denunciation. Cases linked to the blackmailing at the beginning of World War II of Jews, and as the war continued of colleagues and neighbours working for the resistance and of disliked relatives and in-laws are also taken into account. Letters written by Krakow inhabitants – some anonymous, others signed – are appraised for information contained therein on political, racial, economic, social and financial matters. The article also describes the activities of the Polish resistance against collaborators and the post-war settling of scores through the Krakow Special Criminal Court in the early post-war years.
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że używanie polskiego wyrazu „Żyd” i jego derywatów w odniesieniu do przedstawicieli „narodu wybranego” uczestniczącego w wydarzeniach opisanych w Starym i Nowym Testamencie jest anachronizmem językowym, gdyż wyraz „Żyd” w tym właśnie kształcie graficznym i fonetycznym powstał dopiero w średniowieczu. Dlatego używanie tego wyrazu w kontekście wydarzeń biblijnych jest niestosowne. Ten klasyczny anachronizm językowy jest o tyle zdumiewający, że stosują go nie tylko sami współcześnie żyjący Żydzi, gdy posługują się językiem polskim, ale także inni polscy specjaliści w dziedzinie judaistyki i biblistyki. Artykuł zawiera kilka przykładów rażąco anachronicznych polskich tłumaczeń fragmentów Starego i Nowego Testamentu. Można zaryzykować twierdzenie, że omawiany anachronizm w dużej mierze przyczynia się do kształtowania postaw antysemickich, zwłaszcza wśród niektórych wyznawców chrześcijaństwa. // The aim of the paper is to provide evidence for the claim that the Polish word ‘Żyd’ and its derivatives as used with reference to the “chosen people” taking part in the events described in the Bible is a linguistic anachronism. The word in its present graphic and phonetic shape had not come into existence before Middle Ages. As an anachronism it is inappropriate in the context of biblical events. Yet, it occurs not only in the language of contemporary Jewish people but also as an accepted term in biblical and Judaic studies. The article contains a number of examples of anachronistic Polish versions of the Bible. One can venture the claim that the anachronism in question significantly contributes to maintaining anti-Semitic attitudes, especially among certain groups of contemporary Christians.
The goal of this paper is to investigate the memory of the Holocaust, i.e. the reception and representation of the suffering of the Jewish population during the rule of the Third Reich (under Nazi rule and occupation) in the capitals of the states constituted after the Second World War - in East Berlin, GDR, and Belgrade, SFRY, during the period from 1945 to 1989/1991. Relying on the achievements of memory studies and analyzing the political moods of that time and the ways of constructing official narratives about Jewish suffering in selected post-war Communist countries, the similarities and differences in the policy of representing Jewish suffering in these two countries and the memory of Jewish victims in places of remembrance and in the practices of remembrance in their capitals will be pointed out.
We publish a conversation of the journalist Irina Nedeva with Roumen Avramov, economist and historian, on the occasion of the Bulgarian translation of Nadège Ragaru’s book ‘Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés…’. Une histoire des savoirs sur la Shoah en Bulgarie’, Sciences Po. Les Presses, 2020) (“And the Bulgarian Jews were saved...” History of knowledge about the Holocaust in Bulgaria”). The conversation was broadcast on November 8, 2022 in the “Horizont do obed” ("Horizon by noon") program of the Bulgarian National Radio; the text published here is a transcription of it. The questions have been preserved, and in the answers Rumen Avramov has made some stylistic edits, as well as brief substantive additions and clarifications
In this paper, we consider the phenomenon of fictionalization of the theme of the Goli otok in novels (mostly written by women), as a kind of collective and ideological trauma, which has been a taboo topic in socialist Yugoslavia for more than 40th years. Biljana Jovanović (Duša, jedinica moja, 1984) and Boba Blagojević (Skerletna luda, 1991) started the topic of Goli otok in a women’s ideological novel and after that the topic of IB Resolution continued through different genres: publicist- memoir work (Ženi Lebl), autobiographical novel (Vera Cenić), or a real postmodern novel by Milka Žicina (Sve, sve, sve, 2002), all the way to a modern novel, with a fictional protagonist, which combines all the experiences of the Goli Otok`s victims (G. Zalad, Plava tišina, D. Grossman, Život se sa mnom mnogo poigrao). We divide the origin of these novels into the works of women writers who personally experienced torture of Goli otok (Ž. Lebl, V. Cenić, M. Žicina, Eva Panić), and those who were born much later, dealt with this topic completely through the fiction (G. Zalad, D. Ilić, D. Grosman). V. Cenić and M. Žicine also created several impressive literary heroines, whose degree of fictionalization we have specifically analyzed here as literary heroines (Brana Marković, Dragica Srzentić, Slavka Pogačarević, Eva Panić Nahir), as well as the type of antiheroine in the character of Marija Zelić, the warden of the camp on Goli Otok. These are works whose literary qualities should be much more present on our literary scene, and with a good film adaptation they should enter a much wider, public reception, especially since film as a medium is the main subtext of two modern novels about Goli Otok (G. Zalad, D. Grosman).
Review of: Cătălina-Ioana Pavel, Acolo unde se naște musonul. Un an în regatul zeului Parasurama, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Casa Cărții de Știință, 2023