Author(s): Lubomir Hampl / Language(s): Polish
As in previously published volumes (I–IV) of Świat awifauny w czeskich i polskich przekładach Pisma Świętego (The World of Avifauna in Czech and Polish translations of the Holy Bible), the basis for my research are the socalled sixteen basic translations of the Holy Bible into Polish and Czech languages. This means that the following version of the Czech and Polish biblical translations have been excerpted from the presented work.Consequently, the eight fundamental Czech biblical translations have been thoroughly studied, which includes two Old-Bohemian translations, namely the best-known Protestant Bible Kralická bible, in particular its last edition from 1613, and the Catholic Olomoucká bible dated 1417, as well as six contemporary Czech translations of the Bible (representing different canons and Christian denominations and religious communities): Český ekumenický překlad (Czech ecumenical translation), Český studijní překlad (Czech research translation), Bible překlad 21. století (Bible translation of the 21st century), Překlad nového světa (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)), Jeruzalémská bible (The Jerusalem Bible), and Slovo na cestu (Word on the road). Moreover, in the case of the Polish-language editions of the Bible, the author also ensured that the criteria relating to the place and time of publication and similarly belonging to different Christian enominations and religious communities match those of the corresponding Czech-language editions. Eight basic editions were examined, including two Old-Polish editions: Protestant Biblia gdańska from 1632 and the Roman Catholic translation by Jakub Wujek from 1599, in addition to six contemporary translations: Nowa Biblia gdańska, Biblia Tysiąclecia (The Millennium Bible), which is also called Tyniecka; Biblia warszawsko-praska (The Warsaw-Prague Bible), translated by a single person, Fr. Bishop Kazimierz Romaniuk, Biblia warszawska colloquially called Brytyjka (‘the British Bible’), Biblia poznańska, and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Przekład Nowego Świata (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures).In order to broaden the scope of research, the supplementary material (clearly supporting the knowledge in question) was also a partly selective presentation of ten biblical editions (four Czech and six Polish translations of the Holy Bible – see additionally compiled statements in the main text).From Czech translations I used translations made only by a single person, that is, the three-volume edition of Bible česká translated by Jan Hejčl, from the beginning of the 20th century and Pavlíkův studijní překlad (Pavlík’s research translation) by Miloš Pavlík as the most recent instance of the modern translation of the Holy Bible, which currently broadly available on the Czech publishing market, since2014. The Old-Bohemian Bible drážďanská (The Dresden Bible) from the 14th century (unfortunately extant only in a few fragments) and Old-Bohemian Litoměřicko-Třeboňská Bible (Třeboň Bible) published from the beginning of the 15th century, were also referred to.In addition, I used the Polish-language supplementary translations, such as: the Old-Polish Calvinist edition of Biblia brzeska (The Brest Bible), also called Biblia Radziwiłłowska (The Radziwiłł Bible) after the founder of this translation or Biblia pinczowska (The Pinczów Bible) after the place of its publication, and examples from the Old-Polish edition of Biblia Szymona Budnego (Szymon Budny’s Bible), also known as Biblia nieświeska. The following modern editions were additionally used: Biblia jerozolimska (The Jerusalem Bible), Biblia Paulistów (The Paulist Bible), Biblia ekumeniczna (Ecumenical Bible) and an interlinear translation with grammatical codes and transliteration repared by Anna Kuśmirek titled Hebrajsko-polski Stary Testament. Prorocy (Hebrew-Polish Old Testament of Prophets). In addition to these basic and supplementary editions of the Holy Bible, many other Czechand Polish-language editions of the Bible were used from different historical periods.