Język liturgiczny Ordynariatów Personalnych dla byłych anglikanów. Zarys ogólny
The paper presents some basic features of the language of Divine Worship: The Missal (2015), the liturgical book of the recently established Ordinariates for former Anglicans. It discusses the historical sources of the text of the Ordinariate missal. The linguistic characteristics of Divine Worship is shown on the basis of a comparison with corresponding texts in the current English translation of the Roman Missal. The comparison makes it possible to demonstrate that the language of the Ordinariate liturgy is a highly hieratic (sacral) variety of English in the sense of Mohrmann (1959, 1968), Crystal (1964, 1990) and the Vatican instruction Liturgiam authenticam (2001). The relevant hieratic style is a direct contribution of the Anglican Patrimony to the contemporary Roman liturgy.