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This article examines the Bulgarian proverbial correspondences of current East Slavonic proverbs of the thematic group “Love. Friendship” from the project of the Electronic Dictionary of active East Slavonic Proverbs. The main method for identifying actual paremiological parallels in three languages to Russian proverbs is a paremiological sociolinguistic experiment. The conclusions relate to the specifics of the selection of Bulgarian correspondences to Russian proverbial linguoculturemes against the background of Belarusian and Ukrainian proverbial parallels.
The present mytholinguitsic exploration analyses two groups of dialectal names of the rainbow in the Bulgarian language in the context of the associated mytho-religious beliefs, ritualistic practices and rational perceptions and applies the mytholinguistic method with its two models. The mytholinguistic analysis of the internal form of the word instrumental in revealing the mytholinguistic structure offers an opportunity to reconstruct specific mythological beliefs and to determine the semantic motivation in the linguistic nomination of the names of the rainbow subject to inquiry. The reason behind the formation of each name as a result of secondary nomination is revealed to the effect of establishing whether its internal form is a projection of the mythological and religious outlook and ritualistic practices of the ethnos or it is a reflection of rational perceptions.
The research revisits the principles of linguistic categorization established by Dixon (1982) and interpreted and elaborated upon by Lakoff (1987). It unravels a mutually defining relation of interdependence between the myth-and-belief principle, the important property principle and the experiential domain principle. An argument is offered of their hierarchical relations manifested in their functioning in the process of metaphorical (and metonymic) recategorization.
This article is a brief overview of important theoretical conception related to the definition and concept of some basic terms in the research field of Bulgarian word-formation. Based on research dedicated to derivation questions, we made a detailed analysis of basic working concepts in word-formation. Standing by the traditional conceptions of Bulgarian studies regarding these terms, we made an attempt to present the character of the commented units in a more generalized form.
This article presents the results of an extensive study entitled “Syntactic properties of verbs as a basis for their integrated lexicographic analysis (in the Polish-Bulgarian-Russian comparative perspective)”. Three Slavic languages were examined for verbs of the mental and emotional types. Besides illustrating mutual influence between the semantic plane and the syntactic plane of sentences, containing verbs belonging to the mental and emotive classes, the core of which are the verbs of the analyzed classes, the main assumptions of two dictionaries containing semantic and syntactic characteristics of verbs are also presented.
The present article is focused on the analysis of the results exhibited in Questionnaire Survey entitled „Metaphorical Thinking in Language“. The basic aim is to make comparison of the term REASON/VERNUNFT, and how it is perceived and presented in both German and Bulgarian. Data of the Survey are graphically presented. The Survey has comparative character and, as we may say, is done in the spirit of Cognitive Linguistics. As mutual base of comparison serves “Conceptual metaphor“, described in the book „Metaphors we Live by“, written by George Leikoff and Mark Johnson. In the process of linguistic description concerning the discussed Concept, many similarities are established, which is explained by its universality. The Concept itself as well, has similar metaphorical perception typical for the two languages, which is deeply rooted in their linguistic consciousness. The similarities are established with the help of Conceptual Metaphors, that play the role of universal instrument of human thinking as far as abstract linguistic essences are concerned.
The article examines the peculiarities of the designation of time periods in some Bulgarian and East Slavic dialects, mainly from the point of view of the specifics of dialect segmentation of this semantic sphere and the principles of nomination. The lexical material allows us to identify individual semantic models and shifts observed in time designations: the transfer of spatial parameters for the nomination of temporal characteristics; orientation in the names of months to phenological and economic cycles; the nomination of morning as the appearance of daylight. Taking into account the linguogeographic aspect, namely, a fairly wide distribution in the linguistic territory of Slavia, as well as beyond its borders, it is possible to assume the status of these models as semantic archetypes.
Folk terminology is an expression of the national specificity of cultures and in this sense its study is promising within the framework of the emerging trends of European thinking of the early XXI century. In this article an attempt is made to study the taxonomic group of chrononyms from the side of their formal structure and genesis. Chrononyms unite in themselves the properties of onomastic and appellative lexis: as a rule, it is not a conditional „name“, but a denomination closely connected with the denotation and designe. The topic receives a complex linguistic-cultural interpretation from the point of view of modern scientific thought about the complex phenomenon of language - culture.
The paper presents our observations on two major groups of stative predicates – Permanent Properties and Relations and True Statives, as well as their corresponding classes. After an overview of the main theoretical works focusing on stative predicates, we turn to their representation in two lexical-semantic resources – WordNet and FrameNet. We analyse the specific features of the conceptual description using FrameNet frames and demonstrate the research principles through the analysis of predicates for intent, will and desire. The analysis employs data from WordNet synsets and their corresponding equivalents in Bulgarian and Russian, while the examples are extracted from a parallel Polish-Bulgarian-Russian corpus.
The following article deals with augmentative formations, that is, word formation products that reinforce or intensify the meaning of the basis. The focus is on the use of augmentation in the language of the German mass media. Based on a number of examples registered in current mass media texts, we have analyzed various word formation methods, the semantic peculiarities and the pragmatic performance of augmentative formations in modern German.
The article examines the role memory plays in the process of acquisition of French as a foreign language while using drama in the classroom. The suggested activities are designed to help learners improve and train their memory while working with the play Cocorico by Sylvaine Hinglais. The activities can be used with all learners regardless of their language proficiency level.
The traditional taboos of mankind are the taboos of the sacred and of the impure. The issues of language impoliteness, verbal aggression and taboo violence have only recently come under a more intensive scientific scrutiny. The paper offers some possibilities for successfully avoiding of taboo words, wherefore it can also be a contribution for a better understanding of taboos in our own, as well as in other cultures and languages. However, the existence of differences between the languages was not sufficient to predict target-deviant behaviour. The question whether language dominance determines cross-linguistic influence has been discussed controversially in studies on simultaneously bilingual students. Flouting taboos entails direct or indirect, social or cultural sanctions.
The article examines the sometimes confusing use of the terms competence and skills in the Moldovan language education context. Teachers of English as a foreign language seem to closely follow the guidelines of the national curriculum, which does not seem to facilitate the teachers’ work in their design process. The fact that the term competence is opposed to that of skill in TEFL literature seems to be ignored by the authors of the curriculum. Thus, teachers feel forced to use the exact terminology from the curriculum, even if it can cause confusion.
The article deals with the application of English proverbs and sayings for effective teaching of English Methodology. The author suggests applying them for mastering the principles of teaching in general as well as teaching English language in particular since proverbs describe the millennium-long experience of people, reflect valuable pedagogical ideas. The main focus of the author is to consider a large number of English and Ukrainian proverbs, to select the ones that concern pedagogical approaches to teaching, and to group them according to the principle mentioned. The examples also include some Ukrainian and Russian proverbs as well as English quotation when it is appropriate. Following the classification of principles developed by A.N. Shchukin, one to twelve examples are selected to exemplify each principle. The principles of teaching are of four groups: didactic (10 principles), psychological (4 principles), methodological (5 principles) and linguistic ones (3 principles). In the course of the study we came to the following conclusions: there is a large number of proverbs on pedagogical and methodological principles, the use of proverbs leads to the development of abstract and associative thinking of would-be teachers. The author claims that proverbs should be widely used in lecturing and suggests a range of tasks for students: using a proverbs give some advice to a pupil, pupil’s parents or a colleague, explain a proverb, share your school experience using a proverb, express you agreement or disagreement with a proverb, choose a proverb with a different meaning, find Ukrainian or Russian equivalents for an English proverb, discuss the relevancy of a proverb to modern conditions, match a proverb to a principal it describes.
The following article examines two important components to aid students develop their English language oral skills and to enhance their understanding of literature and thinking skills. The first component is the use of the Question and Answer Relationship Format to help teachers elicit appropriate questioning and use strategies to understand literature and nonfictional text in a deeper fashion. The second component is the use of Literature Circles. This strategy, widely used in the United States, allows students to read fictional texts and discuss in depth all the components of a literary piece. Consequently, this technique also triggers students’ oral skills while in the classroom. Such a method is ideal for English Language Learners from an intermediate to an advanced and near proficient levels in any educational context. Thus, the authors also share insights from their own classroom experience while using the aforementioned techniques.
The article highlights the rare book collection of SL USARB „Useful Knowledge", published in the interwar period by the most prestigious and oldest publishing house in Romania - Cartea Românească. Some moments from the biography of the collection are reviewed: the history, the structure, as well as the variety of the contents. The value of the collection consists in familiarizing the reader with information from various fields of human knowledge, the editors being firmly convinced that the healthy training of the youth will contribute to the progress of the country and the nation.
Around the mid-1380s, John Gower, finishing his long poem Confessio Amantis, shared that fact with his friend Geoffrey Chaucer. In response, he told him about his new poem The Legend of Good Women, or – as he called it – The Seintes Legende of Cupide, on which he had started work at the same time. The article systematizes and analyzes the mythological and literary tradition of the Thracian princess Phyllis and her misfortune and tragic love with Athenian prince Demophon in the context of Chaucer’s The Legend of Good Women and Gower’s Confessio Amantis. Both poets followed the general framework set by Ovid in his Heroides (Ep. II and Ep. XIV), but with the deformations inherent to their own era and their own moralising purposes. Their versions, however, differ substantially in some significant details. The comparative analysis of the two works reveals the alternative sources that the two poets used in their works, as well as the deviations from and innovations to the ancient and medieval mythological and literary tradition. Obviously, both Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower interpreted and adapted intentionally alternative sources that enriched their works with eclectic, intricate and artificial intertwining of details, aimed at building and perfecting their insights into the ethics of courtly love.
The paper discusses Colin Thubron’s book Behind the Wall: A Journey Through China – one of the most popular twentiethcentury travelogues about this country. It explores the various ways in which the author constructs the image of the Chinese people, especially when these images are related to China’s recent history. More specifically, I focus on a discursive phenomenon – an imagined “return of history” – which the reader can witness throughout the book. The author constantly travels around the country, expecting to somehow see the history he has heard so much about at home. He expects something from China and is prepared to see this ‘something’ even in the face of the evidence. At the same time he feels he has every right to pass judgments on what he perceives as history, while denying the Chinese he meets the right to comment on British history.The paper discusses Colin Thubron’s book Behind the Wall: A Journey Through China – one of the most popular twentiethcentury travelogues about this country. It explores the various ways in which the author constructs the image of the Chinese people, especially when these images are related to China’s recent history. More specifically, I focus on a discursive phenomenon – an imagined “return of history” – which the reader can witness throughout the book. The author constantly travels around the country, expecting to somehow see the history he has heard so much about at home. He expects something from China and is prepared to see this ‘something’ even in the face of the evidence. At the same time he feels he has every right to pass judgments on what he perceives as history, while denying the Chinese he meets the right to comment on British history.
The process of globalization and the mobility of human resources pose new tasks and challenges towards the foreign language education in theoretical and practical aspect nowadays. It focuses on the development of competences outside the classroom that help smooth interactions and co-existence between members in multicultural societies. The aim of the present paper is to: 1) Introduce to the reader some of the methods used in teaching Japanese language as a second language in higher education institutions in Japan; 2) Focus on contemporary methods that meet the requirements of the process of globalization.The process of globalization and the mobility of human resources pose new tasks and challenges towards the foreign language education in theoretical and practical aspect nowadays. It focuses on the development of competences outside the classroom that help smooth interactions and co-existence between members in multicultural societies. The aim of the present paper is to: 1) Introduce to the reader some of the methods used in teaching Japanese language as a second language in higher education institutions in Japan; 2) Focus on contemporary methods that meet the requirements of the process of globalization.The process of globalization and the mobility of human resources pose new tasks and challenges towards the foreign language education in theoretical and practical aspect nowadays. It focuses on the development of competences outside the classroom that help smooth interactions and co-existence between members in multicultural societies. The aim of the present paper is to: 1) Introduce to the reader some of the methods used in teaching Japanese language as a second language in higher education institutions in Japan; 2) Focus on contemporary methods that meet the requirements of the process of globalization.The process of globalization and the mobility of human resources pose new tasks and challenges towards the foreign language education in theoretical and practical aspect nowadays. It focuses on the development of competences outside the classroom that help smooth interactions and co-existence between members in multicultural societies. The aim of the present paper is to: 1) Introduce to the reader some of the methods used in teaching Japanese language as a second language in higher education institutions in Japan; 2) Focus on contemporary methods that meet the requirements of the process of globalization.