Rozmowy o glottodydaktyce
Talks About Glottodidactics
Studies dedicated to Professor Jolanta Sujecka-Zając
Contributor(s): Anna Jaroszewska (Editor), Radosław Kucharczyk (Editor), Maciej Smuk (Editor), Krystyna Szymankiewicz (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: glottodidactics; French language teaching; communication; assessment; intercultural mediations
Summary/Abstract: The publication raises the issues important for academic glottodidactics: cognition through a language, communication systems, evaluation and assessment rules, cultural mediation, philological studies and teacher training, which take the form of 13 interviews with well-known specialists in glottodidactics and philological education. The book dedicated to professor Jolanta Sujecka-Zając by her students is an example of multi-generational collaboration of Warsaw philologists.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5291-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5283-3
- Page Count: 294
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: French, Polish
Podręcznikowy dialog
Podręcznikowy dialog
(Textbook dialogue)
- Author(s):Mieczysław Gajos, Karolina Wawrzonek
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:21-34
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:language education; students books; didactic materials creation; students books author
- Summary/Abstract:This interview presents the author’s point of view on the creation of student books for French language learners. It explains the conception and production of teaching materials on every stage. The author of many student books underlines the competences one has to find to become a good creator of this special kind of manuals. He shows the approach that is needed in this process.
- Price: 4.50 €
O glottodydaktyce francuskojęzycznej subiektywnie
O glottodydaktyce francuskojęzycznej subiektywnie
(About French-speaking glottodidactics subjectively)
- Author(s):Barbara Głowacka, Anna Jaroszewska
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:35-66
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Barbara Głowacka; French-language glottodidactics; French language; promotion of French language and culture;University of Białystok;
- Summary/Abstract:The conversation with Barbara Głowacka, Ph.D. aims at getting to know exceptional and significant figure of particular merit as well as to explore the significant pages of her dozen-year-old life story, in which love for the French language and culture germinated, only to burst out impetuously soon afterwards. The story of this particular affection resulted in not only presenting the formation process of professional French language teacher’s training system but also French culture and language popularization in Polish education, with particular emphasis on activities within the walls and under the auspices of the University of Białystok. Although the presented interview focuses mainly on recent history, it provides a valuable retrospective, also due to the fact that it has been prepared out of respect and enormous sympathy for Professor Jolanta Sujecka-Zając, whose role in building the foundations of French language glottodidactics in Poland was and still is paramount.
- Price: 4.50 €
O zadaniach i nauczaniu podczas pandemii
O zadaniach i nauczaniu podczas pandemii
(About tasks and teaching during pandemic)
- Author(s):Iwona Janowska, Sébastien Ducourtioux
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:67-79
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:distance teaching; task-based teaching; pandemic; language teaching
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, the interviewee first explains the three main challenges to her in language teaching nowadays, and then analyses what role the task-based language teaching could have in times of pandemic. The question of distance teaching is also raised and the interviewee explains how the task-based language teaching could be less efficient and what consequences such a distance teaching might have on the teacher/learners relationship or on the psychological impact it could have. The interview ends on the possible positive aspects of distance teaching and advice from the interviewee to teachers beginning in the profession.
- Price: 4.50 €
O (meta)poznaniu, czytaniu i niezwykłych uczniach
O (meta)poznaniu, czytaniu i niezwykłych uczniach
(About (meta)cognition, reading and extraordinary learners)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Karpińska-Szaj, Krystyna Szymankiewicz
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:81-96
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:teaching foreign languages to students with disabilities; special educational needs; metacognition; reading skills; didactic dialogue; research
- Summary/Abstract:The interview concerns the challenges faced by Foreign Language Didactics in the field of teaching foreign languages to “extraordinary” learners – students with disabilities. The following topics are discussed: defining special educational needs, the therapeutic role of learning foreign languages in students with the non-harmonious development of communicative competences, advantages and disadvantages of the school language teaching system for students with disabilities, developing metacognition through the use of didactic dialogue on the example of reading skills. The conversation ends with a reflection on how to conduct research in the spirit of diversity and “ec-centricism” understood as looking beyond the horizon.
- Price: 4.50 €
O janusowym obliczu oceniania
O janusowym obliczu oceniania
(About the Janusian face of judging)
- Author(s):Hanna Komorowska, Małgorzata Molska
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:97-115
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:history of ELT; language learning; language teaching; assessment in SLA/FLT; testing techniques; assessment difficulties; summative and formative evaluation; ethical issues of assessment
- Summary/Abstract:The interview concentrates on issues of evaluation in language learning and teaching considered in the light of SLA research and personal experience. Advantages and disadvantages of language testing, high stake examinations, summative and formative evaluation in the classroom are analysed as well as ethical issues of assessment in mixed ability classes characterised by strong economic, social and cultural diversity. The past, the present and the future of evaluation are also discussed.
- Price: 4.50 €
O komunikacji, czyli wszystko łączy się ze wszystkim
O komunikacji, czyli wszystko łączy się ze wszystkim
(About communication, that is, everything is connected with everything)
- Author(s):Wanda Krzemińska, Małgorzata Piotrowska-Skrzypek
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:117-134
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:acceleration; compression; efficiency in communication; digitalized society; language
- Summary/Abstract:Leonardo da Vinci’s quote „Everything connects to everything else” had been at the core of Wanda Krzeminska’s research. This research examines the hot traits of a digitalized society: acceleration, collection, compression, shortcuts in communication, and the expansion of numbers as a tool of communication, seen through the lens of language which gives up control of new areas in favour of new media, in forms of multimedia networks and streaming. Research proves that da Vinci’s thought “Everything connects to everything else” applies today, in a digitalized reality, as a progressing compression of tools, actions and behaviours, as a path to the fusion between the worlds of humans and digital subjects. It also translates into the domain of glottodidactics, as a redefinition of its goals and tools, fusion between the actions of people and digital subjects, and new packages of efficiency in communication.
- Price: 4.50 €
O nauczycielu języków obcych jako mediatorze interkulturowym, jego kompetencjach zawodowych, osobistych, empatii, otwartości, wykształceniu i stojących przed nim wyzwaniach
O nauczycielu języków obcych jako mediatorze interkulturowym, jego kompetencjach zawodowych, osobistych, empatii, otwartości, wykształceniu i stojących przed nim wyzwaniach
(About the foreign language teacher as an intercultural mediator, his professional and personal competences, empathy, openness, education and the challenges he faces)
- Author(s):Krystyna Mihułka, Anna Grabowska
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:135-162
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:intercultural competence; intercultural communication competence; intercultural awareness; language teacher; personal and professional competencies; initial and in-service training of foreign language
- Summary/Abstract:Language teaching stands not only for the development of language skills, but also for preparing students to live in a globalised world. Shaping intercultural communication competence affects initial and in-service training of language teachers, which should support the development of the skill to translate intercultural experiences into knowledge in order to be enable to act as an intercultural mediator and speaker. Thus, intercultural education of future foreign language teachers should not only take place within the framework of intercultural communication classes, but should also be a part of practical language learning and methodology, experiencing otherness during international academic mobility and cultural studies sensu largo. During this interview interlocutors refer to the results of recent Polish and international studies, which unfortunately confirm that although the vast majority of the respondents emphasise the importance of the intercultural factor and advocate the implementation of intercultural objectives in language education, their declarations are hardly reflected in the actual language teaching at school. The interview is also a call to give due weight to the personal competences of language teachers and their integrity with the attitudes represented in the classroom, which are linked by the ability to reflect critically on professional experience and knowledge.
- Price: 4.50 €
O edukacji uczniów i uczennic z doświadczeniem migracji
O edukacji uczniów i uczennic z doświadczeniem migracji
(About the education of students with migration experience)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens, Tatiana Konderak
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:163-180
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:students with migrant backgrounds; Polish language learning; integration of migrant students
- Summary/Abstract:This text looks at the issue of Polish educational system preparation in light of demographic changes as a consequence of the increasing number of students with migrant backgrounds. Teachers have an important impact on the integration of migrant students into school. Students from migrant backgrounds require additional support from teachers and school staff to develop the Polish language and learning skills they need to succeed in Polish schools.
- Price: 4.50 €
Quelques réflexions sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du FLE en Pologne
Quelques réflexions sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du FLE en Pologne
(Quelques réflexions sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du FLE en Pologne Interview d’Urszula Paprocka-Piotrowska menée par Christine Martinez)
- Author(s):Urszula Paprocka-Piotrowska, Christine Martinez
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:181-190
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:second language acquisition (SLA); language learning; language teaching; didactics; French as L2
- Summary/Abstract:In this text, Ch. Martinez and U. Paprocka-Piotrowska discuss some questions essential for the didactics of languages in 21 st century. The interconnection between acquisition research and didactic practice, the new challenges for modern language teachers and the role of French in the Francophone community are at the heart of this interview.
- Price: 4.50 €
O inspiracji i zmianie
O inspiracji i zmianie
(About inspiration and change)
- Author(s):Magdalena Sowa, Agnieszka Dryjańska
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:191-210
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:teaching foreign languages for specific purposes; French for specific purposes; specialized languages
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this interview is to present different aspects of teaching French for specific purposes. Professor Magdalena Sowa, a specialist in this discipline, discusses its key issues: the specificity of teaching French for specific purposes reflected by a variety of nomenclature, the challenges of teaching in difficult pandemic conditions with the emphasis on the potential of online techniques, the task-based and student-centered approaches, evaluation, as well as socio-cultural and intercultural issues, often crucial in business communication but very challenging for learners.
- Price: 4.50 €
O studiach filologicznych przez pryzmat kształcenia literackiego
O studiach filologicznych przez pryzmat kształcenia literackiego
(On philological studies through the prism of literary education)
- Author(s):Anita Staroń, Maciej Smuk
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:211-225
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:philology; literature; literary text; evolution; francophony
- Summary/Abstract:The interview is devoted to education in literature during philological studies, especially French studies. The following aspects are discussed: reading list, perception of literature classes, attitudes, teaching techniques, contemporary challenges related to this topic. The interview fits into the reflection about the role of the language and culture studies in the 21st century.
- Price: 4.50 €
O kształceniu językowym i kształceniu nauczycieli na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
O kształceniu językowym i kształceniu nauczycieli na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
(About language education and teacher training at the University of Warsaw)
- Author(s):Jolanta Urbanikowa, Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Radosław Kucharczyk
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:227-245
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:language education; teacher education; University of Warsaw; challenges; history
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present two axes of education at the University of Warsaw: language education and teacher education. Jolanta Urbanikowa University of Warsaw Rector’s Deputy for Bologna Process and Organisation of Language Provision, presents the origins of the University System for Foreign Languages Teaching as well as reflects on the challenges facing the process of foreign languages learning and teaching, as well as certifying language competences at the University of Warsaw. In turn, prof. dr hab. Jolanta Choińska-Mika, Vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw for students and quality of teaching and learning in the 2016−2020 term, tries to answer the questions of what drives students when choosing the teacher’s profile, how the University of Warsaw supports the development of future teaching staff and what competences should be acquired to be an effective teacher.
- Price: 4.50 €
O kompetencjach interpretacyjnych w badaniach i praktyce dydaktycznej
O kompetencjach interpretacyjnych w badaniach i praktyce dydaktycznej
(About interpretative competences in research and didactic practice)
- Author(s):Bernadeta Wojciechowska, Marta Wojakowska
- Language:French, Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:247-259
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:argumentation; rhetoric; discourse analysis; language education
- Summary/Abstract:The interview focuses on the contemporary challenges facing modern didactics. The role of argumentation within the scope of interpretive competence is one of the topics discussed. A foreign language class seems to be an ideal place to develop argumentative, analytical or interpretive skills which need to take into account the discursive and cultural differences of the languages learnt. The interview fits into the general reflection about the role of language and culture studies in meeting the education needs of the 21st century.
- Price: 4.50 €