Leksykografia w różnych kontekstach. Tom 2
Lexicography in Various Contexts. Volume 2
Contributor(s): Mirosław Bańko (Editor), Wanda Decyk-Zięba (Editor), Ewa Rudnicka (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: lexicography; metalexicography; dictionaries
Summary/Abstract: The volume contains 21 articles concerning various lexicographical problems and dictionaries: new and old, general and specialist, internet and printed, Polish and foreign. The articles are devoted to articulated and sign languages. The books shows the multiplicity of contemporary lexicography.
Series: Biblioteka Prac Filologicznych
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4167-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4159-2
- Page Count: 303
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Polish
Siatka haseł w projekcie przekładowego słownika dyplomatycznego
Siatka haseł w projekcie przekładowego słownika dyplomatycznego
(A list of headwords in the project of the translation diplomatic dictionary)
- Author(s):Ewa Białek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:11-24
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:headword; entry; list of headwords; dictionary; diplomacy
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present the main problems related to the creation of a list of headwords for a diplomatic dictionary. The author compares the lists of headwords of various existing dictionaries, then explains the specificity of her own dictionary (a part of the lexicographic research project „Diplomacy and politics. Russian-Polish dictionary survey”). In order to facilitate the headword selection in this project, ‘a correlation test’ is used. The test consists of checking the frequence of occurrence of potential headwords. The author also raises the issue of objectivity in building a list of headwords using this method.
- Price: 4.50 €
O koncepcji Słownika neologizmów języka bułgarskiego
O koncepcji Słownika neologizmów języka bułgarskiego
(Towards the conception of the Dictionary of New Words in the Bulgarian Language)
- Author(s):Diana Blagoeva
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:25-34
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:new words; dictionary of neologisms; lexicographical parametrization; Bulgarian language
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the conception of the latest academic Dictionary of New Words in the Bulgarian language that is being compiled at the Institute for Bulgarian Language. Special attention is paid to the principles applied to creating a headword list for the Dictionary… as well as to the criteria used for identifying the lexical and phraseological neologisms in modern Bulgarian language. The chronological criterion ranks central among these criteria. The application of corpus approaches and quantitative and frequency methods for specifying the degree of the new words’ usualisation is also discussed in the article. The basic lexicographic parameters of the microstructure of the Dictionary… are briefly presented.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słownik jako tekst kultury określonego czasu – na przykładzie wybranych słowników języka angielskiego
Słownik jako tekst kultury określonego czasu – na przykładzie wybranych słowników języka angielskiego
(Dictionary as a text of culture of a particular period – on the study of selected English language dictionaries)
- Author(s):Anna Cegiełka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:35-46
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:metalexicography; English lexicography; text of culture
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents connections between the overall idea lying behind a dictionary, its content, as well as the content of a dictionary entry and the cultural moment when a given dictionary was created. The article looks into selected English dictionaries in order to show that they are influenced by the ideas of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Britain’s Imperial Epoch and the contemporary globalization of English. An insight into dictionary prefaces, in which the authors reflect on their work, shows the evolution of lexicographical ideas as well as the changing assumptions regarding the function of a dictionary.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opracowanie definicji w Słowniku polskiej terminologii prawosławnej
Opracowanie definicji w Słowniku polskiej terminologii prawosławnej
(The elaboration of definition structure in Polish Orthodox Terminology Dictionary)
- Author(s):Piotr Makal, Jarosław Charkiewicz, Katarzyna Czarnecka, Anna Rygorowicz-Kuźma, Marek Ławreszuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:47-55
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:terminology; definition; term; Orthodoxy
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the project of the definition’s structure in the Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology (Słownik polskiej terminologii prawosławnej). The analysis of the purpose of the definition model has been supplemented with the examples illustrating the difficulties and interrelations between definitions. The proposed method of verification and correction of dictionary definitions has been also described.
- Price: 4.50 €
Etymologia w dydaktyce uniwersyteckiej. Dydaktyczny słownik etymologiczno-historyczny języka polskiego (www.slowniketymologiczny.uw.edu.pl)
Etymologia w dydaktyce uniwersyteckiej. Dydaktyczny słownik etymologiczno-historyczny języka polskiego (www.slowniketymologiczny.uw.edu.pl)
(Etymology in university didactics. Didactic etymological and historical dictionary of Polish language (www.slowniketymologiczny.uw.edu.pl))
- Author(s):Wanda Decyk-Zięba, Alina Kępińska, Monika Kresa, Kamil Pawlicki, Izabela Stąpor
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:57-74
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:university didactics; historical grammar of Polish language; etymology; historical lexicology; lexicography; etymological dictionaries
- Summary/Abstract:Didactic Etymological and Historical Dictionary of Polish Language (DSEHJP) available on-line was developed at the Section of History of Polish Language and Dialectology of the University of Warsaw in the academic year 2017/2018. The dictionary was co-created by students and is connected with teaching content in the field of diachronic linguistics, acquired at various stages of Polish language education. By participating in the project, students of Polish studies gain and deepen their knowledge of lexicography, etymology, historical and comparative linguistics. The article refers to the principles of selecting words and sources for the dictionary, as well as various problems faced by the authors of the project. For example, the issue of writing Proto-Indo-European forms with different ablaut grades or distinguishing words from fixed word combination, and the latter from phraseological units had to be resolved. The project was favourably assessed by students participating in it, as seen in the results of the survey conducted among them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słownik polszczyzny Gródka Podolskiego – założenia metodologiczne
Słownik polszczyzny Gródka Podolskiego – założenia metodologiczne
(Dictionary of Polish dialect in Gródek Podolski – methodological assumptions)
- Author(s):Julia Domitrak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:75-93
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:lexicography; vocabulary; Polish dialects in Ukraine; methodology; native words; borrowings
- Summary/Abstract:The article provides an analytic description of the vocabulary of the dialect largely identified with Gródek Podolski with reference to dialects in neighbouring villages having close ties to the town. I propose to prepare a dictionary which would show the status of the Polish language in small towns at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. It will expand current knowledge about Polish language usage in the Eastern Borderlands. A dictionary becomes an indisputably important source for transmission of the knowledge of culture, customs, and history. In this paper, I present the main methodological assumptions and analyse certain difficulties associated with any lexicographic description of a dialect.
- Price: 4.50 €
M. Arcta słownik frazeologiczny jako źródło do badań frazeologii polskiej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
M. Arcta słownik frazeologiczny jako źródło do badań frazeologii polskiej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
(M. Arcta słownik frazeologiczny (M. Arct’s Phraseological Dictionary) as a source for studying Polish phraseology of the twenty years’ interwar period)
- Author(s):Gabriela Dziamska-Lenart
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:95-108
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:lexicography; phraseography; idiom dictionary; Henryk Galle
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the achievements of Henryk Galle (1872–1948) in the field of lexicography and phraseology. The researcher, along with the publisher, Michał Arct (1840–1916), edited M. Arct's Illustrated Dictionary of the Polish language (1916) and introduced numerous supplements to M. Arct's Phraseological Dictionary (1928). H. Galle developed the third edition (1928) of the first Polish phraseological dictionary, written by Antoni Krasnowolski (1855–1911). H. Galle understood phraseology as a collection of idiomatic expressions and phrases, characteristic of the native language. The dictionaries presented in the article have been recognized as a valuable source for the study of changes in the phraseological resources of the Polish language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pozasłownikowy wariant frazeologiczny: (nie)przypadkowy normatywizm?
Pozasłownikowy wariant frazeologiczny: (nie)przypadkowy normatywizm?
(Extra-dictionary phraseological variant: (non-)accidental normativism?)
- Author(s):Piotr Fliciński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:109-120
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:phraseology; idioms; phraeseological variation
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents the phraseological variability from the dictionary user’s perspective. Traditional dictionaries do not record many idioms and their variants present in the language. Therefore, they can be treated only to a limited extent as prescriptive sources. The author argues that the best solution to this problem is the frequently updated online phraseological dictionary gathering the best features of previous lexicographic works.
- Price: 4.50 €
Komu i do czego miały być potrzebne słowniki wielojęzyczne z XVI i XVII wieku?
Komu i do czego miały być potrzebne słowniki wielojęzyczne z XVI i XVII wieku?
(For whom and for what purpose were the 16th and 17th century polyglot diction aries written?)
- Author(s):Anna Grzeszak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:121-131
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:history of lexicography; the aims of a dictionary; the users of a dictionary; foreword
- Summary/Abstract:Polyglot dictionaries are considered to be a phenomenon of the 16th–17th century Europe; however, this phenomenon has not been described in more detail. The aim of this paper is to examine the purpose and the target readership of the multilingual word lists published in that period. The study analyses the content of prefaces to selected 16th and 17th century dictionaries which comprise at least five languages and present mainly equivalents. The results indicate that the dictionaries were either meant as language learning tools, or had no practical purpose.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słownik języka polskiego (1938–1939) pod redakcją Tadeusza Lehra-Spławińskiego jako słownik porównawczo-etymologiczny języków słowiańskich
Słownik języka polskiego (1938–1939) pod redakcją Tadeusza Lehra-Spławińskiego jako słownik porównawczo-etymologiczny języków słowiańskich
(The Dictionary of the Polish Language (1918–1939) edited by Tadeusz Lehr-Spławiński as a comparative and etymological dictionary of Slavic languages)
- Author(s):Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:133-146
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:lexicography; Słownik prasłowiański; early Slavic lexical heritage
- Summary/Abstract:Słownik języka polskiego [The Dictionary of the Polish Language] edited by T. Lehr-Spławiński is used as a pretext for dealing with this work as a Slavic comparative and etymological dictionary. This unusual lexicographic approach was the result of the scholar’s research on early Slavic lexical heritage in Polish and other Slavic languages. It appears that experience gained from selecting etymologically cognate equivalents of Polish headwords in the 1918–1939 dictionary prompted Lehr-Spławiński to draft an early scheme of the Słownik prasłowiański in post-war times. He was also instrumental in appointing an editorial team for the dictionary in 1954.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czasowniki oznaczające efektywność akcji w świetle ustaleń leksykograficznych
Czasowniki oznaczające efektywność akcji w świetle ustaleń leksykograficznych
(Verbs signifying the effectiveness of actions in the light of lexicographic findings)
- Author(s):Karolina Lisczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:147-157
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:efficiency; effectiveness; semantic class
- Summary/Abstract:Although the term „effective” has been functioning for years in linguistic terminology (both in the field of word formation and classification of types of actions), there are no clearly defined semantic criteria allowing to group lexemes within this class. The author observes the strategies used in selected dictionaries of contemporary Polish language (SJPD, ISJP, USJP and WSJP) to define verbs recognized by researchers as effective (they are mainly deverbal formations, modifying the meaning brought by the basis, cf. verbs with prefixes nad-, pod-, przy- and prze-, eg., nadciąć, podleczyć, przyciemnić, przesolić). On this basis, the author formulates preliminary conclusions on efficiency.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pary aspektowe w polskich słownikach
Pary aspektowe w polskich słownikach
(Aspect pairs in Polish dictionaries)
- Author(s):Marek Łaziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:159-176
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:aspect pairs; suffixes; prefixes; monolingual dictionaries; bilingual dictionaries
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the rules for presenting aspect pairs in Polish dictionaries against the background of the development of aspectology. Aspect partners were hardly recognised and connected to each other in the oldest dictionaries in the 17th and 18th centuries. Dictionaries from the 19th centuries until the last decade of the 20th century generally put suffixal and suppletive pairs into one lexical entry and neglected prefixal pairs not even cross referring to them. The situation changed only at the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries, when dictionaries provided prefixal pairs with cross reference from pf partners to ipf ones or from ipf to pf. Presentation of aspect pairs in dictionaries follows the evolution of the theory of verbal aspect, albeit several dozenyears behind.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opis leksykograficzny jednostki mówionej. Refleksje na kanwie badań nad no i właśnie z wykorzystaniem korpusów polszczyzny mówionej
Opis leksykograficzny jednostki mówionej. Refleksje na kanwie badań nad no i właśnie z wykorzystaniem korpusów polszczyzny mówionej
(Lexicographic description of a speech unit. Reflection based on a study of no and właśnie using corpora of Polish spoken data)
- Author(s):Monika Zaśko-Zielińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:177-193
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:dictionaries; defining the meaning; GeWiss; Spokes; formal conversation; informal conversation
- Summary/Abstract:The analysis of lexemes no, właśnie, jakby, znaczy in formal conversation (corpus GeWiss) and informal conversation (corpus Spokes) shows that contemporary dictionaries of Polish language do not consider all their functions which are used in everyday communication. The article presents some gaps in lexicographic description of words with high frequency in spoken communication and the necessary methodological conditions to describe the semantics and function of a speech unit. The use of spoken corpora prepared in an appropriate manner is required.
- Price: 4.50 €
Miejsce regionalizmów w słowniku ogólnym
Miejsce regionalizmów w słowniku ogólnym
(The place of lexical regionalisms in the Polish language dictionary)
- Author(s):Donata Ochmann
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:195-204
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:regionalisms; regional differences in Polish; methodology of lexicography
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the presence of regionalisms in the Polish language dictionary. Using the example of the Cracovian regional vocabulary analysis in the post-war Polish language dictionaries, it demonstrates that its description is unsatisfactory. This is due to, among others, lack of knowledge about the regional differences and disregard of them; it is linked to the assumption that the unification of the Polish language is increasing. The author notes the vitality of regionalisms and contemporary changes in their functioning which show their social role. Therefore, she advocates for the change of the anachronistic attitude of lexicographers and formulates conclusions regarding selection and description criteria for regionalisms in the Polish language dictionary.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaczenie, zakres i zastosowanie terminu socjoleksykografia
Znaczenie, zakres i zastosowanie terminu socjoleksykografia
(Meaning, scope and application of the term socio-lexicography)
- Author(s):Barbara Pędzich
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:205-214
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:lexicography; meta-lexicography; sociolect; jargon slang
- Summary/Abstract:The term socio-lexicography, even though rarely encountered in Polish linguistic papers, is oft en used in foreign (in particular Russian) publications in the area of lexicography theory. Some researchers refer it to the lexicographic description of a community (or, more broadly, sub-standard) lexicon, whereas others assume that socio-lexicography examines the manner in which social processes are reflected in dictionaries. The author of the paper presents a review of works that take into account both possibilities of understanding this concept and also indicates detailed issues and research perspectives which are included within the discussed current of lexicography.
- Price: 4.50 €
Opis frazeologii w słowniku gwarowym Jana Karłowicza a późniejsza praktyka leksykograficzna
Opis frazeologii w słowniku gwarowym Jana Karłowicza a późniejsza praktyka leksykograficzna
(Description of phraseology in the dialect dictionary by Jan Karłowicz and later lexicographical practice)
- Author(s):Lidia Przymuszała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:215-225
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Jan Karłowicz’s Słownik gwar polskich [‘A Dictionary of Polish Dialects’]; lexicography; dialectal phraseology; dialectal dictionaries
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to show how to list and develop phraseology in the oldest Polish dialect dictionary: A Dictionary of Polish Dialects by Jan Karłowicz, and then discuss the placement of phraseology in the macro- and microstructure of later, 20th century selected dialectal dictionaries. Therefore, the article is an overview of the tradition of lexical development and study of phraseology in dialectal dictionaries (on the example of Silesian Dialect Dictionary, Polish Dialects Dictionary by Polish Academy of Sciences, the dictionary of Bernard Sychta, Dictionary of Ostróda, Warmia and Mazury Dialects).
- Price: 4.50 €
Słowniki polskiego języka migowego dostępne on-line. Krytyczna analiza leksykograficzna
Słowniki polskiego języka migowego dostępne on-line. Krytyczna analiza leksykograficzna
(Polish sign language dictionaries available on the Internet. Critical lexicographical analysis)
- Author(s):Karolina Ruta-Korytowska, Marta Wrześniewska-Pietrzak, Anna Wiśniewska-Jankowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:227-244
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:sign language lexicography; dictionaries of Polish Sign Language; glossary; electronic dictionary
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses four dictionaries of Polish Sign Language available on the Internet: 1. Multimedialny słownik języka migowego [‘Multimedial Sign Language Dictionary’], compiled as a part of the project Safe Citizens of the World of Silence (PZGSzczecin); 2. SpreadTheSign, an international dictionary of selected national languages (including Polish Sign Language PJM); 3. Polish Sign Language Dictionary, prepared as a part of the project migaj.eu; 4. The Polish Sign Language Corpus Dictionary, created by the Sign Language Linguistics Laboratory at the University of Warsaw. The items mentioned above have been analysed both in terms of the purpose they are supposed to serve and the differences between them at the level of their micro- and macrostructure.
- Price: 4.50 €
Makrostruktura słowników tematycznych a podział na pola znaczeniowe
Makrostruktura słowników tematycznych a podział na pola znaczeniowe
(Macrostructure of Polish thematic dictionaries and semantic structure of vocabulary categorization)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Sękowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:245-258
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:lexicography; macrostructure of Polish thematic dictionaries; the types of thematic dictionaries; semantic structure of Polish
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the stages of creating thematic dictionaries starting from the first half of the 16th century to the 21st century. The author emphasizes the relationship between the macrostructure of dictionaries and both their functions and the division of concepts and/or methods of categorizing „reality”. The latter is reflected in the number and hierarchy of thematic groups. In Polish lexicography, thematic dictionaries were not popular, although European lexicography often used them. Metalexicography became the subject of reflection only at the beginning of the 21st century at the time when the work on the Great Dictionary of Polish and the conceptual system in the Conceptual Dictionary of Old Polish began.
- Price: 4.50 €
Bóg musi być kulą. Czy przykłady użycia w internetowym słowniku języka polskiego mogą być: interesujące – zabawne – kontrowersyjne?
Bóg musi być kulą. Czy przykłady użycia w internetowym słowniku języka polskiego mogą być: interesujące – zabawne – kontrowersyjne?
(God must be a sphere. Can usage examples in the Internet dictionary of Polish language be: interesting – funny – controversial?)
- Author(s):Łukasz Szałkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:259-271
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:lexicography; usage examples; sources; language corpora
- Summary/Abstract:The editor of an online dictionary (where the lexicographer is not limited by the amount of space) can give full- or even multi-sentence usage examples. He can also assume that he only records authentic examples. In order to encourage the user to look into them, he can add one more assumption: let these examples be interesting, let them bring additional knowledge, be funny, intriguing, maybe even controversial. Such assumptions, adopted in the work on the popular science “Good dictionary” (available at dobryslownik.pl), give rise to many additional issues and problems. In the article, the author focuses on three issues: 1. how an usage example can convey additional knowledge (in particular, supplement the defi nition), 2. why a funny example is better than some other, 3. should we avoid recording characteristic usage examples, in which it is mentioned that, for example, (in italics, words-dictionary entries) „renault driven by a drunk driver collided …”, that „mother drowned the baby in Dobczyn”, that „Gwóźdź was sentenced to life imprisonment”, etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leksykografia a komparatystyka
Leksykografia a komparatystyka
(Lexicography and comparative studies)
- Author(s):Ewa Szczęsna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:273-287
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:interdisciplinarity; context; comparison; glossary; hypertext
- Summary/Abstract:The subject matter of the article is a presentation of relationships between lexicography and comparative studies. While crossing the boundaries of texts, disciplines, discourses is the essence of comparative research, the delimitation and defining the boundaries of words and theirs collections is the task of lexicography. The article shows the mutual relevance of both areas (and ways of thinking) despite these differences. The confrontation and the comparison are necessary components of the research of the lexicographic. In turn, comparative studies, are based on what is defined, and crossing some boundaries, establishes the following. The article shows the cooperation between both ways of thinking in practice, and stresses the role of digital technologies in the creation of new forms of glossaries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Projekt Słownika haseł politycznych (1918–2018)
Projekt Słownika haseł politycznych (1918–2018)
(The project of A Dictionary of Political Catchwords (1918–2018))
- Author(s):Marta Śleziak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Philology
- Page Range:289-301
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:slogan; persuasion; political discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the idea for A Dictionary of Political Catchwords (1918–2018), being prepared by linguists from the University of Wrocław. A few issues are discussed: the scientific goals of the project, the need to define, a notion of political catchwords, and research methodology.
- Price: 4.50 €