Proceedings of the 13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Proceedings of the 13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor(s): Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
ISSN: 2578-8574
Published by: Scientia Moralitas Research Institute
Keywords: social science; humanities; conference proceedings; international conference;
Summary/Abstract: This publication presents the proceedings of the 13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities held at Johns Hopkins University, in Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, on June 10-11, 2019. The Conference was organized by Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-945298-20-2
- Page Count: 352
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English
Artificial Intelligence Market Disruption
Artificial Intelligence Market Disruption
(Artificial Intelligence Market Disruption)
- Author(s):Julia M. Puaschunder
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:1-8
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Artificial Intelligence; capital; economic growth;
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our contemporary society imposes historically unique challenges for humankind. The emerging autonomy of AI holds unique potentials of eternal life of robots, AI and algorithms alongside unprecedented economic superiority, data storage and computational advantages. Yet to this day, it remains unclear what impact AI taking over the workforce will have on economic growth.
Homelessness and Housing Market Condition in the United States
Homelessness and Housing Market Condition in the United States
(Homelessness and Housing Market Condition in the United States)
- Author(s):Praopanu Pratoomchat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Administration, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:9-17
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Homeless; Housing; Economic Policy;
- Summary/Abstract:The study estimated the relationship between the homelessness rates, the housing market factors, and the socio-economic factors in the country level, regional level, and the state level in the United States from 2007 to 2016. The results show that the housing price index, personal expenditure on housing utilities, rental vacancy rate, poverty rate, number of job loss and income inequality are significant determinants of the homelessness in the country level. For the regional level, the West had the highest homelessness rate intercept while the South West is the region with the lowest intercept. Housing price, the expenditure on housing utilities and poverty rate are the factors determining the homelessness rate in the regional level. When the study adds the fixed effects of fifty states to the model, the result shows that rental vacancy rate, number of job loss and the income inequality are three factors that can explain the change in homeless population number in the state level. To slow down the growing homelessness in the country level, the economic policy should be focusing at poverty reduction, healing people who suffered from job loss, and changing the tax policy to increase income equality. For the housing market, the government may consider the policy to support the expansion of low-cost housing units in term of both fiscal and monetary policies.
Optimal Structure of Pension System and Its Influence on the Social Policy of State Budget
Optimal Structure of Pension System and Its Influence on the Social Policy of State Budget
(Optimal Structure of Pension System and Its Influence on the Social Policy of State Budget)
- Author(s):Marina Tabatadze
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Public Administration
- Page Range:18-26
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Pension reforms; retirement; public policy;
- Summary/Abstract:The world is witnessing an important increase in number of elderly people. This process is accompanied by the increase of the proposition of working and retired population, which has significant economic, social and political implications. To answer these challenges, the governments across the world engaged in comprehensive reforms of social policies, out of which the reform of pension system is the most important. The presented research aims to determine the main directions of pension reforms undertook by different countries. More precisely, the objective is to identify the trends characterizing reforms in developing countries and compare them to the tendencies observed in the reforms of developing economies. Therefore, the aim of research is to get generalized results, which will contribute greatly to the existing scientific literature and will be useful in the process of perfecting and improving the current pension reform. To do so, the paper studies reforms together with the existing scientific literature and public reports issued by international organizations. The results of the study suggest that the most common pension system across the globe implies introduction of the accumulated pension model (Defined Contribution Plan) instead of solidarity pension scheme (Defined Benefit Plan). This is a radical change impacting country’s economy, social and cultural norms and legislation. The reason behind the reform was the limitation of the existing model, but also the demographic trend of aging the population.
Social Media and its Role in the Success of “100 Millions' Health” Campaign in Egypt
Social Media and its Role in the Success of “100 Millions' Health” Campaign in Egypt
(Social Media and its Role in the Success of “100 Millions' Health” Campaign in Egypt)
- Author(s):May Mahfouz
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Welfare services
- Page Range:27-38
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Social Media; Value; Healthcare;
- Summary/Abstract:This research addresses the influence of social media with its ever-evolving techniques that serve social campaigns focusing on people as the central theme of its concern. Developers of social media techniques are always looking for and making the necessary changes through intensive and successive campaigns across various social media channels, to reach its full impact on users taking into consideration important marketing elements, such as culture and timing of said campaigns among other elements. Social media is a great way to communicate with the public. It contributes to building trust, elevates the spirits of society, enhances tolerance by considering emotions of individuals and it reinforces the feeling of belonging. It could positively affect the behavior and moral levels of humans. All that while working in an integrated framework of analysis that is run by governments, international institutions, civil society organizations and private sectors. These institutions factor in the public needs to better deliver their messages, there is no doubt that these types of social media campaigns are becoming a great deal of interest in different societies at different levels. As Egypt is aligning itself in recognizing the importance of evolution in social media and ultimately aim to change the negative reality and transform society to better reality; I will address in this study the role of social media in the success of “100 Millions’ Health” campaign that took place in Egypt. This campaign was able to gain great amount of popularity through social media networks and contributed to the convergence of Egyptian public opinion about its objectives.
Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction in Higher Education. The Case of a Georgian State University
Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction in Higher Education. The Case of a Georgian State University
(Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction in Higher Education. The Case of a Georgian State University)
- Author(s):Nino Tandilashvili
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:39-54
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:service quality; customer perception; student satisfaction; HEdPERF; higher education;
- Summary/Abstract:With the increasing importance, higher education is considered as a major asset for any nation’s socio-economic and technological development. The quality of education offered by the higher education institutions directly impacts country’s performance. That is why, number of scientific researches and public reports and debates agrees on the importance of the quality management in higher education. There is also an important debate on a link between the service quality and students’ satisfaction. On the one hand, there is a logical dependence of the degree of satisfaction to the perceived quality. On the other hand, number of studies have also identified a link between students’ satisfaction and their loyalty. This study looks at the determinants of student satisfaction in Georgian Higher Education Institutions. With the objective to detect the main components of service quality influencing students’ satisfaction, the article uses HEdPERF as a measuring instrument of higher education service quality. Data is collected from 793 students of one of the largest universities of the country. An exploratory factor analysis six factors for the further examination. After scale development, a multiple regression analysis is used to test the research hypothesis. The results of the study show that the administrative factors are the most sensitive and have a positive influence on the students’ satisfaction. Also, there is a positive relation between academic programs and student’s satisfaction. The disproportionate attitude is observed between the importance of academic factors and satisfaction.
Mid-Level Management Style in Healthcare
Mid-Level Management Style in Healthcare
(Mid-Level Management Style in Healthcare)
- Author(s):Jamion Lewis, Kruti Lehenbauer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Welfare services
- Page Range:55-63
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Middle Management; Leadership; Healthcare; Quantitative Model;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to recommend a quantitative model based on the outcomes from a comprehensive literature review of multiple studies to identify the most effective leadership style among mid-level managers in a healthcare setting. This literature review includes theories of leadership and discusses the usual leadership methods associated with mid-level managers. This study addresses the effectiveness of transactional, transformational, and passive leadership styles of middle level managers in healthcare organizations. The proposed quantitative non-experimental correlational study would examine the statistical relationships between the independent variables of three leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and passive leadership) and the dependent variable of leadership effectiveness among mid-level managers in the healthcare industry. This literature analysis proposes how to clearly define the variables transformational leadership, transactional leadership, passive leadership, and leader effectiveness which would eventually make it possible to quantify and measure them.
Perception of Residents, Community Participation and Support for Tourism Development in the Old Town Muang Songkhla, Thailand
Perception of Residents, Community Participation and Support for Tourism Development in the Old Town Muang Songkhla, Thailand
(Perception of Residents, Community Participation and Support for Tourism Development in the Old Town Muang Songkhla, Thailand)
- Author(s):Wilawan Jansri
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development, Tourism
- Page Range:64-71
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:perception of residents; community participation; support for tourism development;
- Summary/Abstract:It is well known that community participation is the foundation for sustainable tourism development. The research focuses on the effects of perceptions among residents on community participation and explores the impacts of community participation on Support for Tourism Development in the Old Town Muang Songkhla, Thailand. The study employed a systematic random sampling method using a questionnaire to accessed resident perceptions of the Old Town Muang Songkhla, Thailand. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) techniques were applied to analyze the data. The results from 222 surveys revealed that community participation is influenced by both positive perceptions and negative perception of the residents. Moreover, the finding supports the effect of community participation on Support for Tourism Development. It is a clear statement that the role of the residence is important to support tourism development and maintain its strong growth. This research provokes reflections on community participation theory and management practices in the Thailand context.
Bancassurance: Challenges and Opportunities in Republic of Serbia
Bancassurance: Challenges and Opportunities in Republic of Serbia
(Bancassurance: Challenges and Opportunities in Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Ivana Marinović Matović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:72-77
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Bancassurance, Insurance; Banking; Financial services; Republic of Serbia;
- Summary/Abstract:Bancassurance is not just a sale of insurance products at bank counters, but a complex cooperation involving both partners in the project realization, with the goal of satisfying their own interests as well as clients' interests. In the Republic of Serbia, banks began to deal with insurance activities in 2007. Since then, the sale of insurance products through banks has been constantly growing. The paper will present the current bancassurance models in the Republic of Serbia: integral distribution; expert distribution and combined distribution. The paper will present the comprehensive condition of bancassurance in the Republic of Serbia, above all the legal framework of the bancassurance concept; activities necessary for the successful implementation of bancassurance; market participants; competition among banking products and insurance products; the current level of cooperation between banks and insurance companies. Participants in the insurance market established by the Republic of Serbia, such as the National Mortgage Insurance Corporation, the Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency and the Deposit Insurance Agency, will be presented in paper, with an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of state insurance regulations. By gathering facts and data based on available literature and public databases, the current state of the insurance market and the possibilities for further development of bancassurance in the Republic of Serbia will be determined. The choice of a bancassurance model is essential for the successful functioning of the overall concept and its long-term sustainability in a dynamic business environment. The paper points to the fact that by designing an adequate bancassurance model, there may be a significant development of the Serbian financial services market.
The Future of the European Union
The Future of the European Union
(The Future of the European Union)
- Author(s):Titus Corlăţean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:78-83
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:European Union; Romania; future; global role;
- Summary/Abstract:The European project known as European Union has brought during the years lasting peace, democracy and respect for fundamental human rights and liberties, prosperity and welfare for its member states and peoples. The current challenges and transformations of EU redefine the project and different scenarios were proposed from this perspective by the European Commission and a number of political European leaders. This is why the future of the European Union became one of the main topics under the Romanian EU Presidency of the Council in the first semester of 2019. Each of the main 4 priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the Council reflects important dimensions of the integrated vision related to the profile, role and weight of the future European Union. The Inter-parliamentary conference organized in Bucharest in the beginning of April 2019 brought therefore a substantial contribution to this vision through the Declaration adopted by the members of the EU national parliaments on this occasion.
Notes on Work Super-Exploitation: A Study on the Topicality of the “Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall”
Notes on Work Super-Exploitation: A Study on the Topicality of the “Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall”
(Notes on Work Super-Exploitation: A Study on the Topicality of the “Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall”)
- Author(s):Vitorio Felipe Santosbra Valenzuela Toro, Jesus Ranieri
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Financial Markets, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:84-91
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:countermeasures; work super-exploitation; value;
- Summary/Abstract:It is intended, into the scope of this work, to analyze the Marxian categories presented in the Capital, Volume III; and analyze the case of the mass dismissals occurred in the USIMINAS steel mill in Cubatão (SP) between 2015 and 2017 based on them. Marx argues that the price of the merchandise falls as the productivity grows (Tendency of the rate of profit to fall). This happens because only the living labor is able to add value to the merchandise. The fall in the rates of profit of the capitalists happens because, as the variable capital in the productive process diminishes, less value is created in the productive process; therefore, the unitary value of the merchandise falls. Marx presents some anti-cyclical measures that defer, for a while, this tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Among the six anti-cyclical measures presented by Marx, attention will be given to the two first: I) Elevation of the degree of exploitation of the work force: as the work hours are augmented and the rhythm of work intensified, the capitalist appropriates greater rates of surplus work and surplus value. II) Compression of salaries under their value. In the case studied, USIMINAS (Cubatão) has not offered a real salary increase since 2010. After the company has applied afore mentioned measures between 2015 and 2017, it has presented significant growth in its profit rates.
Evolution of Academic Freedom in the US Higher Education System as Part of Constitutional Principles
Evolution of Academic Freedom in the US Higher Education System as Part of Constitutional Principles
(Evolution of Academic Freedom in the US Higher Education System as Part of Constitutional Principles)
- Author(s):Mindia Ugrekhelidze, Ekaterine Bakaradze
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:92-99
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Academic Freedom; Freedom of Speech,;US Constitution;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims at analyzing the development of academic freedom in the USA as a part of Constitutional principles. The main objective of this research is to identify legal approaches regarding academic freedom, reveal positive and negative sides of its development. It is essential to study the professional and legal definition of the term to determine its international context, what the notion of academic freedom means for the modern society. The research indicates that modern legal constitutional analysis of academic freedom is incomplete for the protection of the interests of academic society. Constitutionally guaranteed academic freedom is limited by state action doctrine, restriction of the principles of freedom of expression of the public servant and judicial decisions, which gives freedom only to the universities and leaves professors’ interests without protection when their interests are contrary to the university’s interests. Academic freedom guaranteed by the constitution, may be incompatible with the concept that implies freely exchanging the ideas in the marketplace of ideas, which are likely to be limited by universities. In order to completely understand and evaluate the importance and purpose of academic freedom, it is necessary to study those cases which led to the establishment of American Association of University Professors - AAUP and the protection of academic freedom in American universities.
The Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: A Proposed Model for Open Data
The Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: A Proposed Model for Open Data
(The Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: A Proposed Model for Open Data)
- Author(s):Carla Hamida, Amanda Landi, Ziyi Liu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:100-106
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:open data; higher education; blockchain; IPFS; transparency;
- Summary/Abstract:Recently, governmental institutions and private industries in power have been pushed to be more transparent so that more people can have ownership of their data. Another type of institution with a large amount of power over data are educational institutions. Colleges and Universities around the globe store a significant amount of data on millions of students, such as financial aid, grades, dropout or graduation, successes after graduation. Each institution is rated with respect to these items and more, and potential students are making decisions to go to the school based on these ratings. Therefore, it is imperative for students, who invest their time and their money into the school of their choice, to know the truth. In 2017, the College Transparency Act and the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act were passed, which were created to push transparency for data in higher education. The openness of data in higher education will be beneficial to prospective students. The push for these two bills coincided with the bitcoin bubble. In the past three years, experts in economics, medicine, and supply chain management have been researching methods on how to implement blockchains to create optimal and decentralized data systems. In this paper, we propose a model for open data in higher education inspired by the Bitcoin, which uses blockchain. When used together with InterPlanetary File System, a peer-to-peer distributed file system, we can create a decentralized platform that increases accessibility of data and autonomy of prospective students.
The Legal Status Regarding the Romanian Tax Executor
The Legal Status Regarding the Romanian Tax Executor
(The Legal Status Regarding the Romanian Tax Executor)
- Author(s):Alice Maria Cristina Zdanovschi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:107-113
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:court executor; enforceable title; forced execution; tax executor; taxpayer;
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on the legal provisions governing the institution of the Romanian tax executor and aims to identify its legal status, by presenting its role and tasks in the tax execution procedure, and at the same time presents comparative aspects between the tax executor and the court executor. So, the forced execution of fiscal obligations is a way of extinguishing them. Furthermore, according to the special provisions existing in the field of taxation, when the taxpayers have not fulfilled their fiscal obligations at the date when they became due, the right of the state to pass to forced execution of the fiscal obligations is born on this date. And due to the enforceability of the title of the tax claim, the forced execution procedure carried out by the tax authorities is not preceded by another judicial procedure. Moreover, the tax authorities fulfill the forced execution procedure through tax executors, thus, the importance of its legal status is more than relevant compared to the “common law” executor in the Romanian legal system, which is the court executor.
Mental Temporal Accounting
Mental Temporal Accounting
(Mental Temporal Accounting)
- Author(s):Julia M. Puaschunder
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Behaviorism, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:114-124
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:discounting; economic time; environmental time;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper introduces Mental Temporal Accounting – the behavioral economics application of mental accounting in the time domain. While most discounting studies are in the finance domain, social and environmental components have not gotten as much attention as appearing to require based on the novel perspectives this research grants. Theoretically we may also derive conclusions for contact theory and point at opening monetary gains focuses to social and environmental cues that may nudge people to perceive time differently and act on it accordingly. As mental accounting was successfully introduced to be extendable onto time, traditional mental accounting theory (Thaler 1999) should be revisted for attention to time discounting in the social and environmental spheres alongside the economic attention. Elucidating how contexts and experiencing critical life stages of parenthood influence temporal activity allocation choices promises to improve manifold decisions on education, health, asset management, career paths and common goods preservation throughout life for this generation and the following.
Transparency, Accountability and Participation through Social Audit: Case of MGNREGA in Sikkim, India
Transparency, Accountability and Participation through Social Audit: Case of MGNREGA in Sikkim, India
(Transparency, Accountability and Participation through Social Audit: Case of MGNREGA in Sikkim, India)
- Author(s):Feba Varghese
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:125-136
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Transparency; Accountability; Participation, Social Audit;
- Summary/Abstract:Transparency, accountability and participation (TAP) are some essential elements for ensuring democratic governance. Social audit is an operational instrument to reduce corruption by empowering people to scrutinize public expenses, detect corruption, and ensure accountability. Social audit is one of the robust element of MGNREGS (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) in India as they work through the Panchayat, and stimulate the public to participate with a sense of communal accountability. At the state level even five years after the issue of operational guidelines, we witness wide variations in the quality of social audits. Different states have adopted their own models and while some of them are successful, some of the states have still not set up and some are in the process of setting up an independent social audit unit. The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) model of social audit in the state of Sikkim which is not widely discussed in literature is the focus of the study. This research attempts to study the efficacy of Social audit as a tool to bring Transparency, Accountability and Participation in MGNREGA taking the case of Sikkim.
Corporate Financing in Romania
Corporate Financing in Romania
(Corporate Financing in Romania)
- Author(s):Sebastian Bodu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:137-148
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:contributions; company; corporate finance; currency; debt;
- Summary/Abstract:Two are the external sources of corporate financing: equity and debt. These are exclusive (other sources of external financing no longer exist, but only variants thereof) and can be combined in turn. Capital with which a company is financed is its engine, no company being able to operate without capital regardless of the industry. Funding may be private or public. Private financing is provided through banking credit or equity contracted through direct negotiation with investors. Each mode of financing has advantages and disadvantages, not only in terms of financial costs (direct) but also indirect costs. Internal funding source is self-financing, i.e. reinvesting the company's profit instead of distributing it in the form of dividends. Balancing the use of internal and external financing sources, as well as the share of an external source in relation to another external source, primarily depending on the cost of financing (direct or opportunity) is a difficult, important and complex decision. The more the company is and / or the more attractive for investors, the more varied the range of financing options and the cost structure that is heavily influenced by rating agencies. Conversely, a small company without too many development prospects will not have access to all available sources in the market and will have to confine itself to small bank loans. Corporate contributions can be in cash, in kind, in debt and in services. They constitute the common fund that the shareholders exploit under the umbrella of the legal personality of the company. From a legal point of view, contributions become property of the company (assets) and it dispose of them as it deems necessary by spending, selling or mortgaging. In order to be valid, the contributions must fulfill several conditions. In all cases, the contributions must be real, fictitious inputs being forbidden. Apart from the reality of contributions, they must also be useful to company. In exchange for its contribution, the shareholder receives shares incorporating rights, which for a shareholder or future shareholder interested in his investment is the share of legal capital or, in other words, the share of the legal capital represented by his shares in the company. The second form of external financing, credit, may be private or institutionalized. Institutionalized credit is an interest-rate loan granted by a financial institution such as a bank, an investment fund, or a non-banking financial institution. In practice, funders put conditions for the funded company in relation to its shareholders, managers or assets, so as to avoid changes that would risk reimbursing the credit. The statute of limitation of the right to request repayment of the credit is within three years of the maturity date, and in the case of successive loans between the same parties, a separate term will begin to run for each loan. The repayment of credits granted in a given currency must be made in the same currency, regardless of the increase or decrease of the value of the respective currency against other currencies (the monetary denomination rule). To hedge foreign exchange risk, some companies resort to hedging through options on the foreign exchange market in the form of risk transactions in the opposite direction to that assumed by the contracted loan.
What Makes a State Swing?
What Makes a State Swing?
(What Makes a State Swing?)
- Author(s):Jonathan L. Clayton
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Electoral systems, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:149-161
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:wing state; bellwether; battleground; election;
- Summary/Abstract:This report provides a methodology for defining and identifying true swing states in US presidential elections. After these states are identified by cross-tabulating high-performing states under the categories of battleground (states with the lowest margin between competitors), shift (states with the highest frequency of flipping from Republican to Democrat or vice-versa), and bellwether (the accuracy of a state to vote concurrently with the winner of the electoral college) during the US presidential elections from 1992 through 2016, an examination is completed to determine any similarities among these states in terms of median household income, population density, racial demographics, political party affiliation, voter behavior, and voter registration. These states are then compared to national averages to determine if the “average swing state” can be identified. Hecht and Schultz utilize a four-point method for identifying swing states (2015). This report attempts to utilize less arbitrary data, using a three-point methodology: battleground, shift, and bellwether.
The Impact of Internal Communication in Organizational Management
The Impact of Internal Communication in Organizational Management
(The Impact of Internal Communication in Organizational Management)
- Author(s):Maria Daniela Pipaş, Camelia Lucia Bakri
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:162-167
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:internal communication; management; managers; efficiency; organization;
- Summary/Abstract:Modern society represents a set of organizations. Almost all aspects of human existence are regulated, assisted or facilitated by an organization or another. Almost all people are part of the structures and processes of a type of organization, be it family, school, government, church, business or club. According to a simple definition, an organization is the combination and use of human, financial and material resources to achieve objectives. The organization is a social system composed of activities that brings together human and material resources, through which the objective for which it was created is achieved: products, works, services appropriate to social order. The organization is not defined only by its products and/or services, but also by the manager's ability to communicate with employees and the management team. All activities related to the organization are mediated by communication, so communication is a key element in the organizational processes, interfering with their success or failure. Communication is one of the most important organizational activities. Fundamentally, human relations grow out of communication and the functioning and survival of organizations is based on effective relationships between individuals and groups. Moreover, organizational capabilities are adopted and developed through intense social and communication processes. Internal communication, seen as a set of procedures and organized communication exchanges, participates in the construction of numerous definitions of problematic situations underlying the understanding and behavior of employees. Every organization has its moments of glory and decay in functional and communicative terms. It is very easy to go from an effective communication situation to a poor one, given the multitude of factors that can disrupt the flow of information and communication of a group or of an organization. Like any activity that takes place within the organization, communication must have a planned dimension; it cannot be done randomly, but requires a plan, a strategy, rules and procedures. In other words, communication must be institutionalized and incorporated into the strategic plan of the organization. Communication is specific to each organization; each organization has its own communication system based on the profile, size and especially the organizational culture.
Political Economy of Connectivity: China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Political Economy of Connectivity: China’s Belt and Road Initiative
(Political Economy of Connectivity: China’s Belt and Road Initiative)
- Author(s):Tolga Demiryol
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:168-180
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:China; the Belt and Road Initiative; geopolitics; development;
- Summary/Abstract:There are ongoing academic and public debates on the nature of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). While some observers hold that the BRI is primarily about economic development, others see it as a grand strategy of a great power with hegemonic aspirations. Is the BRI about development or geopolitics? This article adopts a political economy approach to bridge the developmental and geopolitical perspectives. The main argument is that the BRI signifies an attempt by the Chinese state to manage internal problems of capital accumulation by externalizing development on a trans-regional scale. The problems of capital accumulation under China’s export-oriented growth model indicates a particular form of spatial fix via the BRI, which goes beyond the exportation of excess industrial/financial capacity and seeks to transform external productive spaces through inter-regional connectivity. The process of constructing new nodes and infrastructures of capital creates space for new forms of asymmetric interdependencies, rendering it prohibitively costly for most BRI partners to exit China-centered networks. To the extent that such asymmetric dependencies can be leveraged for strategic purposes, the BRI serves a geopolitical as well as a developmental function.
The Legal Extent of Malpractice in Romania. A Glance
The Legal Extent of Malpractice in Romania. A Glance
(The Legal Extent of Malpractice in Romania. A Glance)
- Author(s):Crina-Maria Hristodorof
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:181-184
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:causal link; guilt; injury; malpractice; phenomenon;
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to focus on the phenomenon of malpractice with its causes, conditions and causality, as well as how it is regulated from the legal perspective. The aim is to take into account the causes that can lead to errors occurring in the exercise of a profession, to deepen the idea of accountability of the professional causing harm, to establish possible solutions for avoiding malpractice events. In the first instance, the concept of malpractice was analyzed and subsequently, following the documentary analysis, taking into consideration that the casuistic and specialized literature are focused on the medical field, this route was taken by focusing on this sphere of interest. It is a reality that, not long ago, the malpractice lawsuits were practically non-existent, but with the passage of time their number has most definitely increased. Thus, a first question to which I wanted to find an answer is: What are the underlying causes of this phenomenon? The specialized literature refers especially to the medical field, but not so much in terms of how physicians are exercising their profession, but, rather being focused on the legal and judicial aspects of the matter, namely the ways of recovering the damages, and how the guilty professional shall be held accountable for his harmful actions.
New Concerns in International Business: The Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Policies
New Concerns in International Business: The Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Policies
(New Concerns in International Business: The Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Policies)
- Author(s):Maria Esther Kim
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, International relations/trade
- Page Range:185-194
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:non-tariff measures; trade barriers; sanitary and phytosanitary policies;
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, the debate over the application of non-tariff measures for environmental protection as a new form of disguised restriction on international trade by developed countries has become increasingly important. While tariffs have decreased over the decades, the increasing application of environmental-related requirements are a new factor that affects international business. These new requirements not only modify companies’ decision-making processes at national and international levels, but also within the firm. Hence, this paper proposes to examine the application of such measures by the European Union in the tea, coffee and yerba mate market, and their impact on exporting Latin-American firms for the 1995-2015 period and analyze whether there has been an improvement in their productive quality. For this aim, through a qualitative methodology, we carried out interviews with specialists of the field and surveys to Latin-American exporting companies. In this way, this analysis discusses with theorists if the application of measures related to environmental sustainability leads to ameliorate firms’ productive quality. Among the results, it is highlighted the fact that non-tariff measures—in particular sanitary and phytosanitary ones—have been used as trade barriers. However, complying with them allows exporting companies to develop environmental performance strategies and ultimately, it leads to a positive growth in their productive quality in the medium-long term.
The Ambassador Program: A Framework for Recruiting and Engaging Flexible Volunteers
The Ambassador Program: A Framework for Recruiting and Engaging Flexible Volunteers
(The Ambassador Program: A Framework for Recruiting and Engaging Flexible Volunteers)
- Author(s):Ike Obi, Alexus Jimson-Miller, Michaela Hahn, Darik Hall
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social development, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:195-203
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:flexible volunteering; non-profits; design thinking;
- Summary/Abstract:Volunteers are vital to the mission of nonprofit organizations. However, most nonprofits are struggling to recruit the volunteers they need to support their goals. Due to this difficulty, many of these organizations are seeking innovative techniques for recruiting and engaging volunteers in ways that are enriching, meaningful and productive. On the basis of this need we surveyed 55 participants, interviewed 10 users and conducted literature reviews on 30 materials to uncover insights into the best method for recruiting and retaining volunteers. Findings from the study revealed that most of the respondents were interested in a flexible and open-choice approach to volunteering. It also showed that the respondents would like to participate with their friends and that they wouldn't mind a reward for helping out such organizations. Based on these findings, we developed a flexible volunteer framework that could be implemented by nonprofits or any other organization that needs help recruiting volunteers. This paper should provide a clear understanding of the process, its benefits, and how to incorporate them into their current volunteer, recruitment, and engagement strategies.
Aggressions Committed with White Weapons and Injuries Caused
Aggressions Committed with White Weapons and Injuries Caused
(Aggressions Committed with White Weapons and Injuries Caused)
- Author(s):Ovidiu Andrei Hamburda
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Studies in violence and power, Victimology
- Page Range:204-208
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:body integrity; lesion; white weapon; violence;
- Summary/Abstract:Violence is one of the negative signs of our time, without age, gender and continent limitations, combining peace partnerships with bloody crimes. Aggressions using white weapons are more frequent than other vulnerable agents due to accessibility to these objects. Guns such as the knife, the ax were originally designed as tools; they were the first tools of humanity. But with time, they became weapons. There is a difference of the “weapon”, a distinction that lies not in the material from which they are made but in the way humans use them. Thus, by using them as a “weapon”, the rights of the human being are violated which implies liability in accordance with the law. White weapons are part of the category of mechanical traumatic agents, acting on the skin they always affect its anatomical integrity. Classification of white weapons is important because the lesions have characteristic shapes depending on the properties of the white weapon that created them.
What's in a Name? The Semantics of Migration and Its Policy Implications
What's in a Name? The Semantics of Migration and Its Policy Implications
(What's in a Name? The Semantics of Migration and Its Policy Implications)
- Author(s):Nguh Nwei Asanga Fon
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:209-212
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Migration; Immigration; Migrant crisis; Refugee;
- Summary/Abstract:Across the globe, migration has emerged as one of the most daunting challenges bedeviling globalization. The second decade of the 21st Century has been marked by issues on how to manage influx of migrants on both sides of the Atlantic (the European Migrant Crisis of 2015 and debates on ‘Migrant Caravan’ and border security in the US). A major borne of contention on migration is a war of words over its framing. The semantics of migration are meticulously exploited by rival politicians and political parties, policy actors, and other stakeholders to frame the issue, orient policy and mobilize support or acquiescence to their cause (usually securitization versus accommodation). This paper probes into the discourse on migration with a focus on its framing by pro and anti-migration actors and stakeholders and how this has affected policy decisions and actions concerning the issue. Empirical cases of how migration was framed in Europe and the US were examined with a greater tendency towards securitization. Recommendations were also advanced on how to resolved the migration stalemate with the de-politicization of the term as a starting point.
Fight against Crime - Criminological Perspective
Fight against Crime - Criminological Perspective
(Fight against Crime - Criminological Perspective)
- Author(s):Tiberiu Viorel Popescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminology
- Page Range:213-218
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Criminology; law; organized crime; prevention; typology;
- Summary/Abstract:The fight against crime aims to prevent the impact on social values. This preventive approach must be based on the principle of legality and should be carried out on the basis of pre-established procedures. At present, criminality has a diverse typology that implies not only a permanent adaptation and diversification of procedures, but also a rigorous definition that must reflect as accurately as possible the hypothesis, disposition and sanction for each type of crime. From a criminological perspective, a series of concepts such as high crime, organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, or trafficking in human beings can easily highlight defective definitions. However, there are a number of concepts and philosophies surrounding these types of crime. We propose a review of how crime is defined in order to assess to what extent the identified operational definitions can or must imperatively be improved.
Historical Unemployment Rate and External Trade in Boyaca 2004-2016
Historical Unemployment Rate and External Trade in Boyaca 2004-2016
(Historical Unemployment Rate and External Trade in Boyaca 2004-2016)
- Author(s):John Jairo Martínez Álvarez
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:219-223
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:numbers; indicators; unemployment; external trade;
- Summary/Abstract:Through the historical study of numbers, it will be known how employment, in general, and public employment, in particular, has been suffering a detriment over the years. Likewise, by means of comparative tables, it will be reflected how the department of Boyacá, in Colombia, has been losing ground in the export field, generating lag in the economic activity and a higher unemployment rate, which converges in a low competitiveness index in the country. The economy is nourished by numbers because its strict use allows identifying the magnitude of the economic problems and reduces the uncertainty in decision-making. For which a set of indicators will be observed, such as unemployment and external trade in the department of Boyacá, which make it possible to design, to measure and to evaluate the policies performance for decision making.
Some Aspects of Forensic Identification
Some Aspects of Forensic Identification
(Some Aspects of Forensic Identification)
- Author(s):Lucia Cerasela Balan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminology
- Page Range:224-227
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:identification; legal activity; forensics; object; person;
- Summary/Abstract:Forensic identification is a very important factor in the investigation of both civil and criminal investigations. The object of forensic identification is the whole of the objects, phenomena, qualities, time and space intervals, the physical attributes or psychic actions of the person. Almost all cases are directly linked to the person, and information about the appearance or appearance of a person is among the most important. Information about age, gender, ethnicity is provided by the unique and almost unique look that each person is endowed with. Available evidence about a person's physical appearance can always be associated with functional features such as voice, hair color, mimics, etc. The essential content of probation with the help of forensic identification is the detection, detachment of the object or person involved from an indeterminate totality of objects or potential persons. Of great importance are both the clothes and the personal objects that give a complete picture and help identify the person. Specialized persons have the duty to perform the identification activity.
Hinduism and Women Religious Beliefs and Practices
Hinduism and Women Religious Beliefs and Practices
(Hinduism and Women Religious Beliefs and Practices)
- Author(s):Hari Priya Pathak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Indian Philosophy, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:228-235
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:religion,;Hinduism; Vedic Period; culture;
- Summary/Abstract:Religion plays a significant role in structuring and maintaining a society by enforcing certain morals and norms. Like any other religion, Hinduism has guided the Hindus to live in a particular way since time immemorial. India is predominantly a Hindu society and Hinduism has had a huge impact on the structure, function and culture of Indian societies. Ancient Hindu scriptures like the Vedas and Upanishads show profound respect for the feminine principle. It is the Supreme Being, from who all emanate. A woman is a Goddess to be worshipped. During ancient times, the condition of women was in conformity with the religion and they enjoyed freedom, equality and liberty in all spheres of life. However, subsequently, the emergence of texts like the Epics, Smritis, Sastras, vernacular writings and oral traditions, redefined an ideal woman and led to the practices where women were subservient to men. This dissonance and conflict between religious beliefs and practices has strengthened in present times, and has witnessed a steep rise in the number of crimes against women. Increasing domestic violence, sexual violation, female feticide, dowry deaths, declining ratio of women and men and the taboos (arising from having a female body, such as, menstruation) are causing not only distress but also widespread criticism and revolt among women and society at large. Despite the Indian Constitution rejecting any kind of discrimination against women and deeming it unlawful, these inhuman atrocities against women are on the rise. More than ever, there is a need to take refuge in the religion (early Vedic period), not to be too staunch, but to be flexible, democratic and liberal in our outlook with dynamic times and ever shifting contexts. This paper proposes to study (with particular reference to India), the religious beliefs in Hinduism concerning women, and the gradual discord between the beliefs and practices leading to discrimination against women in many spheres today.
Women, Law, Court and Justice in India (1970 to 2016)
Women, Law, Court and Justice in India (1970 to 2016)
(Women, Law, Court and Justice in India (1970 to 2016))
- Author(s):Harneet Kaur
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Social differentiation
- Page Range:236-244
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Women; Indian Law; Justice; Status of Women;
- Summary/Abstract:In the personal sphere, the Indian women are facing various issues related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, guardianship, adoption and succession as they are the subjects of personal law, which varies from religion to religion and is attached to an individual at birth and applied to the person wherever she goes. After independence in the 1970s the government first time felt the need to review the ongoing women specific laws and their impact on the status of the women in India. This paper attempts to review the efforts made by the government in this direction. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section covers the legal obstructions for women justice. Second section dealt with the significant recommendations made by the two ‘High Level committee on the Status of Women in India’ (1974 and 2015) to improve the status of women in India. In the last section analysis were made on the basis of the statistical data of the women’s trials and to review the status of the justice delivered to women’s in the Indian Courts. The gap between the passing of laws and its implementation by the State needs to be examined, as mere passing of laws cannot transform the lives of women in society. The optimal use of laws can only be judged by the reportage of crimes under various acts and the punishments given to convicts under them.
Dynamics in Nigerian Land Administration System and the Inevitability of Decentralization
Dynamics in Nigerian Land Administration System and the Inevitability of Decentralization
(Dynamics in Nigerian Land Administration System and the Inevitability of Decentralization)
- Author(s):Nelson Madumere
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social development, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:245-250
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Legal pluralism; customary law; land administration;
- Summary/Abstract:The heterogenous nature of the Nigerian society underscores the emergence of pluralistic legal and land administration system. An evaluation of the historical synopsis of the Nigerian land administration system and reforms reveal the inevitability of statutory recognition of these practical realities and their implications. The adoption of the Nigerian Land Use Act of 1978 and its land nationalization agenda implied a sharp deviation from the status quo. Understandably, this policy choice was informed by the need to provide lasting solution to problems associated with pluralistic legal and land administration systems in Nigeria. However, the continued existence of these problems and the emergence of fresh constraints clearly underscore the ineffectiveness of this policy choice to the achievement of desired goals, particularly as it relates to customary tenurial arrangements. Thus, the urgent need for a paradigm shift. In respect of above concerns, this paper develops a novel and decentralized land administration model along the pre-existing zonal blocs; reflective of practical realities and social dynamics of the Nigerian state. Such would provide for the eventual adoption of innovative, more realistic and zone-specific land administration system reflective of practical realities and social dynamics of the Nigerian state, thereby providing equitable and secure land rights for all Nigerians.
Advertising and Its Subtle Role of Conflict Resolution
Advertising and Its Subtle Role of Conflict Resolution
(Advertising and Its Subtle Role of Conflict Resolution)
- Author(s):Matthew Anemikaye Goodluck
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:251-259
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Advertising; Conflict Resolution;
- Summary/Abstract:Till this present day, the role of advertising has remained a promotional tool for business brands with big business plans. Undoubtedly, its promotional role is of extreme importance in the society. This is due to its contribution on the increased consumption of goods and services, and wide arrange of awareness which has left consumers with numerous choices. Nevertheless, advertising has never stopped at shifting its frontiers to perform certain roles. It “goes beyond borders” to perform other roles that are deemed socially responsible in its nature. One of such social responsibilities is the resolution of conflict. A subtle role which has not being placed on the frontiers of academic scrutiny. It is on this ground the work moves to examine the subtle roles of advertising in resolving conflict. Employing the semiotic analytical approach, two ads will aid the work to further unmask certain actions that buttresses the subtle role of advertising in conflict resolution.
Interdisciplinary Studies Between Law and Education. Mafia’s Children: Removal and Cultural Contamination Against Indoctrination, Violence, and Oppression
Interdisciplinary Studies Between Law and Education. Mafia’s Children: Removal and Cultural Contamination Against Indoctrination, Violence, and Oppression
(Interdisciplinary Studies Between Law and Education. Mafia’s Children: Removal and Cultural Contamination Against Indoctrination, Violence, and Oppression)
- Author(s):Rossella Marzullo
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:260-267
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Mafia; Education; Law; Cultural contamination; Interdisciplinary;
- Summary/Abstract:In mafia families, children are educated in violence, revenge, and gender stereotypes. The research question is: What can be done to guarantee these children the right to education, the right to become citizens, to learn democratic values, the right to be men without killing and women without obeying? The studies carried out have discovered a possible answer in the recent judgment of the Juvenile Court of Reggio Calabria, which has mandated the revocation of parental responsibility in cases in which injury to children is proven. These limitations to parental rights have the purpose of allowing institutions to stop a system of behavior that is harmful to the proper development of the personality of the child and that transmits negative cultural values from father to son. This way can play an important role for democracy in creating the context for progressive social change. Man acquires morality from the environment in which he grows, so it is really dangerous for children growing up in families in which boys are predestined to follow in their father's footsteps and girls are sometimes compelled to marry the sons of other bosses, binding separate clans together through blood relations. So, by removal, it is possible for mafia children to discover new realities and new way of life, by new structure that connects them to the society. Socrates in the Platonic Apology says that laws educate and make better youth generations.
An Examination of Cryptocurrency from Inception to Future State
An Examination of Cryptocurrency from Inception to Future State
(An Examination of Cryptocurrency from Inception to Future State)
- Author(s):Mitch Kramer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:268-274
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Cryptocurrency; Bitcoin; Ethereum; Ripple; Blockchain Technology;
- Summary/Abstract:Cryptocurrency, is it just a trend or is it the future of assets? It is a hot topic of conversation among individuals, as well as within companies. This paper will provide an overview of Cryptocurrency as well as discuss its inception, the current state, and the future outlook. As well, the paper will look at negative, neutral, and positive perceptions of Cryptocurrency from the perspective of individuals and organizations. The discussion will also look into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, revealing how they differ from each other, even though all three are based on Blockchain Technology. Another section of the paper examines the comparison of Cryptocurrency to other assets. It will examine whether Cryptocurrency is similar to a monetary currency, such as the US Dollar, similar to common stock, such as shares in a public company or similar to money metals, such as Gold and Silver. These assets are all subject to market fluctuations, just like Cryptocurrency
Natural Disaster Mitigation at Ben Taub Hospital
Natural Disaster Mitigation at Ben Taub Hospital
(Natural Disaster Mitigation at Ben Taub Hospital)
- Author(s):Jamion Lewis, Ryan Lunsford
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Administration, Welfare systems
- Page Range:275-284
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Ben Taub; Emergency Management; Disaster Response; Hurricane Harvey;
- Summary/Abstract:Ben Taub Hospital has garnered respect internationally as an exceptional acute care facility earning the Beacon Award for Excellence. Natural disasters impose substantial health burdens on affected populations and the capacity of healthcare facility capabilities. Natural disasters result in 68,000 deaths and affect 218,000,000 people worldwide annually. Ben Taub Hospital’s preparedness level and disaster response efforts to Hurricane Harvey offer expertise resulting in best practices for healthcare organizations as they navigate the global disaster landscape.
Mediation as an Alternative Solution to the Felony of Battery and Other Violences
Mediation as an Alternative Solution to the Felony of Battery and Other Violences
(Mediation as an Alternative Solution to the Felony of Battery and Other Violences)
- Author(s):Ștefan Gabriel Popescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminology
- Page Range:285-293
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:mediation; felony of battery; violences; procedure; agreement;
- Summary/Abstract:In most cases, the interest in starting the mediation procedure is given precisely by the existing harm, in cases where the perpetrator provides the injured party with the necessary money to cover the damage or to cover the moral damage suffered by the victim. The lack of interest in mediating the conflict can come from the absence of injury, which is already recovered either during the investigation or at a different time before the mediation. In this situation, where there is no harm to be recovered, mediation is harder to accomplish, but not impossible and material damage can be claimed and offered for the purpose of causing moral damage, thus reaching a settlement. At the same time, the interest in mediation comes mostly from the defendant, from his desire not to go to court, or from the desire to stop the criminal proceedings. According to Art. 23 of the New Criminal Procedure Code of Romania, mediation may intervene “in the criminal proceedings on civil claims, the defendant, the injured party and the civilly liable party, are able to enter into a transaction or mediation agreement, under the conditions laid down by law.”
Meditative Cognitive Therapies: A Literature Review
Meditative Cognitive Therapies: A Literature Review
(Meditative Cognitive Therapies: A Literature Review)
- Author(s):Rebecca Bhik-Ghanie
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cognitive Psychology, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:294-301
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:yoga; mindfulness; brain; cognition;
- Summary/Abstract:Yoga has existed for centuries in the East, beginning in India, as a religious practice of meditation and mindfulness. In the West, however, yoga is more often a popular exercise-based practice with little to no emphasis on its religious or spiritual foundations. Curiously, the mindfulness aspect of yoga has become increasingly popular within the United States, particularly as a method for therapeutic treatments, such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapies (MBCT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). These therapies have been useful for patients in the early stages of psychiatric disorders (e.g. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Type 1 Bipolar Disorder), as some patients can supplement their medication in exchange for these forms of therapy. This paper investigates the origins of yoga from a Hindu perspective, explaining how recent trends in the U.S. have extracted elements of the traditional practice while adding other elements with a Western influence. This paper also investigates current symptoms and treatments for psychiatric disorders and explores how mindfulness can play an important role in future forms of therapy.
Scurvy and Flu in 1900: The Truth Lost in Evidence
Scurvy and Flu in 1900: The Truth Lost in Evidence
(Scurvy and Flu in 1900: The Truth Lost in Evidence)
- Author(s):Tereza Kopecka
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:302-310
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:history; medicine; microbiology; scurvy; flu;
- Summary/Abstract:In the last third of the 19th century, the germ theory of infection had been reliably proved and widely accepted, new principles of microbiological research were laid down and many infectious diseases explained. But medicine was not ready yet to explain all the illnesses. Despite the thorough work of many scientists, substantial facts were still unknown – e.g. existence of most viruses, autoimmunity processes or micronutrients. The effort to explain all the diseases with existent knowledge gave rise to half-true concepts and mistakes. This paper deals with two interesting mistakes, found in the textbook of pathological anatomy and medical microbiology by Hlava and Obrzut, published in 1900-1901 in Austria-Hungary: the concept of scurvy as an infection caused by Bacillus scorbuti, and the causative role of the so-called „Pfeiffer’s bacillus“ - Bacillus influenzae, presently Haemophilus infuenzae, in the flu. These were not only theories but expert opinions based on the results of scientific research. Unfortunately, the methods were imperfect and performed/interpreted properly either, so they didn’t allow the scientists to realize the erroneousness of their conclusions. The real causes of the diseases mentioned above were proven much later.
Pranayama Yoga: Measuring Brainwaves via EEG
Pranayama Yoga: Measuring Brainwaves via EEG
(Pranayama Yoga: Measuring Brainwaves via EEG)
- Author(s):Rebecca Bhik-Ghanie
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:311-316
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:EEG; electroencephalogram; brain; yoga;
- Summary/Abstract:Differences in baseline electroencephalogram (EEG) activity have been found among long-time practitioners of meditation (3+ years) in comparison to novice meditators (<1 year). In the current study, 10 participants (5 experienced meditators; 5 novices) engaged in a series of weekly, 20-minute Open Heart Meditation (OHM) practices; 5 control participants (all novices) engaged in a 20-minute reading/study session. EEG activity was measured in all participants during the first and final sessions. While the differences did not reach statistical significance, there were differences in the expected direction, suggesting an increase in baseline mean frequency of EEG measurements within the beta range for experienced meditators in comparison to novices and controls, suggesting an increase in neurological engagement during meditation. These findings suggest that there are potential neurological gains of certain meditative practices, which should lead to further investigation into the merits of meditative practice as a form of therapy.
Adoption System in Some States in the EU and America
Adoption System in Some States in the EU and America
(Adoption System in Some States in the EU and America)
- Author(s):Silvia Timofti
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Welfare systems, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:317-320
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:adoption; adopted child; adopter;
- Summary/Abstract:In this material we will highlight the distinct adoption elements of the world's states, such as the US, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France. In order to really know the evolution of our adoption system, it is necessary to compare us with other states to see the differences and similarities between them. The favor for adoption is the favor for the child and for the adopter. The importance for adoption is the importance for the children and for adopter. Therefore, the best interest of the child must be the most important thing in the institution of adoption. The national laws of the world's states have different mechanisms for implementing the adoption procedure. These differences are given by family traditions, culture, habits, religious concepts, social and political context, and last but not least their history. There are states that do not admit adoption with a adopter of race, religion different from that of the child. With the development of the adoption system, borders have been opened, adopting between races, international adoptions or same-sex adoptions
Criminological Analysis of the Antisocial Personality of the Terrorist
Criminological Analysis of the Antisocial Personality of the Terrorist
(Criminological Analysis of the Antisocial Personality of the Terrorist)
- Author(s):Gabriel Tănăsescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Behaviorism, Criminology
- Page Range:321-325
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:antisocial personality disorder; suicidal behavior; radicalization;
- Summary/Abstract:This article describes the causal link between the antisocial personality of the terrorist and the suicidal behavior that preceded the passage to the criminal act. People with antisocial personality disorder are characterized as aggressive, irresponsible, cynical, impulsive, empathy-free, have a criminal behavior and know the experience of professional failure. From a psychoanalytic point of view, the terrorist has a devalued Superego, the ego is influenced by the drive of destruction, and can no longer censor the morbid demands of Id. Anticipating the sanction and assessing the consequences of the criminal act lead to the inhibition of the aggressive personality, the passage to the act being stopped by the moral barrier, by the censorship of the overwhelm in the case of a social being. The concept of radicalization is presented in comparison with the failure of social integration programs. Radicalization is preceded by suicidal behavior.
Some Aspects of Criminal Participation
Some Aspects of Criminal Participation
(Some Aspects of Criminal Participation)
- Author(s):Silviu-Ștefan Petriman
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminology
- Page Range:326-330
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:accomplice, author; co-author; criminal participation; instigator;
- Summary/Abstract:In the social life, human activity may be performed by one person, but in some other people can contribute to the same activity. If this human activity is characterized by committing an act provided by the Criminal Law, and other persons are contributing to this deed, we are in the presence of participation to the commission of an offense under Criminal Law. In other words, we have a plurality of people who commit a crime stipulated by the criminal law. So who directly commits the deed directly is the author and the others are participants. In order to be in the presence of a criminal participation, it is not enough that other people participate, but the participants need to be animated by a common will, together with the author, to commit the crime provided by the Criminal Law. Another condition is that the crime provided by the Criminal Law has been committed by a larger number of persons than necessary, according to the nature of the act otherwise we will have either a plurality constituted either by natural plurality. The Romanian Criminal Law incriminates this form of plurality of offenders (also called occasional) in Title II, Chapter 6, entitled “The Author and the Participants.”
Preventive Measures in the Criminal Procedural System in Romania
Preventive Measures
in the Criminal Procedural System in Romania
(Preventive Measures
in the Criminal Procedural System in Romania)
- Author(s):Alexandru Peicea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminology
- Page Range:331-339
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:conditions; duration; preventive measures; purpose; revocation; termination;
- Summary/Abstract:Preventive measures are those measures ordered by the judicial bodies in order to ensure the proper conduct of the process and the participation of suspects or defendants in the judicial proceedings. Preventive measures shall also be ordered against persons committing criminal offences and where it is desirable that such persons do not influence witnesses or injured persons, experts or other participants in the criminal proceedings. The Code of Criminal Procedure in Romania regulates five preventive measures: taking in custody, judicial control, judicial control on bail, house arrest and pre-trial arrest. The present work aims to address preventive measures from a theoretical perspective, and we will analyze the conditions of ordering such preventive measures, remedies that may be formulated against these measures, the possibilities for revocation or termination of such measures in certain situations, but also the actual content of such measures.
Law and Religion. The Mystical Link
Law and Religion. The Mystical Link
(Law and Religion. The mystical link)
- Author(s):Oana Horhogea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Religion and science
- Page Range:336-339
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:evolution; law; norms; religion; rules;
- Summary/Abstract:In history, between Law and Religion there existed an important connection because both have their origin in establishing some norms regulating the conduct of man in the society. Thus, if at the beginning, the religious and the legal norms were almost identical, over time these began to differentiate, preserving, however, a latent and permanent connection. In its evolution, law has always represented an assembly of behavioural rules in the social connections, whose main feature is the mandatory feature establish for all its members of a society. By studying religion, we can establish similar rules as the law ones, having as purpose the creation of a manner for preserving peace and understanding between individuals, without family links, rules which had to be complied with by all the participants in a social, economic or religious process.
Emilio Uranga and the Communal Role of Melancholy in Postcolonial Korean Culture
Emilio Uranga and the Communal Role of Melancholy in Postcolonial Korean Culture
(Emilio Uranga and the Communal Role of Melancholy in Postcolonial Korean Culture)
- Author(s):Carmen Huxley
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Review
- Page Range:340-344
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:communal melancholy; Emilio Uranga;
- Summary/Abstract:ABSTRACT: Melancholy has long been considered a negative state of being. However, negative interpretations fail to appreciate its positive potential. Melancholy and its effect can potentially benefit, not just an individual but a community. Changing attitudes towards the idea of melancholy in American culture may happen if the strategy of defining it is adapted. This paper focuses on how Emilio Uranga defines melancholy and how his philosophy can benefit a better understanding of melancholy in a communal dimension. The role of communal melancholy in Korean culture after colonialization exemplifies the way in which melancholy presupposes and manifests freedom and is a condition of authenticity.
Authentic - False. Correlation between Graphics and Physico-Chemical Painting Techniques Expertise in Artwork Analysis
Authentic - False. Correlation between Graphics and Physico-Chemical Painting Techniques Expertise in Artwork Analysis
(Authentic - False. Correlation between Graphics and Physico-Chemical Painting Techniques Expertise in Artwork Analysis)
- Author(s):Georgiana Mardare (Balusescu), Nicoleta-Elena Heghes
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Visual Arts
- Page Range:345-352
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:analytical techniques; signatures authenticity; neutron autoradiography;
- Summary/Abstract:Art is a specific human activity that aims at producing aesthetic values and using specific means of expression. Moreover, arts are distinguished by the material used (painting - color, sculpture – stone or wood, literature – words, music – sound or note), but they share the artistic image underlying the act of creation. Authentic - False in artworks should not only focus on the substrate, the paints, the background, the lacquer, but also on the technique used to verify that it corresponds to that of the painter. The resolution of these problems cannot be conceived without the use of laboratory techniques that reflect a predominant place in the observations of the person skilled in the art. Therefore, the identification of technical investigations should be carried out systematically for each expertise. These expertises can be simple, convenient and efficient. In this paper is presented an overview of trace evidence and chemical painting techniques used in artwork and the applicability of chromatography, spectroscopy, X-ray radiography, neutron autoradiography and conoscopic holography as a tool for investigations of the material composition of the paintings. X-ray radiography and neutron autoradiography, for example, are nondestructive techniques which enable determination the structure of the components and also the material composition. The applications of these techniques answer the questions when, where, or by whom such a painting was made.