Ethos rycerski w kulturze. Tradycje i kontynuacje. T. II: Ethos sarmacki i jego tradycje
The Chivalric Code in Culture. Traditions and Continuations. Vol. II. Sarmatism and its Traditions
Contributor(s): Teresa Banaś-Korniak (Editor), Beata Stuchlik-Surowiak (Editor), Magdalena Komenda, (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Sarmatism; 16th/17th century Polish army; Sarmatian traditions and Polish culture
Summary/Abstract: The second volume of this multiauthored monograph concerning the chivalric code aims to draw attention of those interested in the culture of Sarmatism and its traditions. The contributors include prominent literary and cultural scholars working on the Polish Republic of Nobles [szlachta]. Polish nobles were fascinated with the values originating in the ancient Rome and considered themselves as their rightful heirs. Even though the heroic acts among the Polish army in the 16th and 17th centuries were noted, the everyday life of the militaries back then was often detached from the high ideals derived from the chivalric code. Most of the contributions are concerned with the vernacular culture, literature, and writings in the 16th and 17th centuries; still, this work also consists of the chapters devoted to the traditions of Sarmatism recurring throughout the epochs much closer to our contemporary position.
Series: Historia
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3277-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3276-5
- Page Count: 208
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Ideał wodza w Hetmanie Bartosza Paprockiego wobec ethosu rycerskiego XVI‑wiecznej szlachty polskiej
Ideał wodza w Hetmanie Bartosza Paprockiego wobec ethosu rycerskiego XVI‑wiecznej
szlachty polskiej
(The Ideal Commander in Bartosz Paprocki’s Hetman (Head Commander) in Regard to the Chivalric Ethos of the 16th‑Century Polish Nobility)
- Author(s):Izabela Kosyl
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:11-32
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Bartosz Paprocki; hetman; Stanisław Sarnicki; paraenetic literature
- Summary/Abstract:Bartosz Paprocki was a 16th‑century writer whose interests, apart from heraldry, included paraenetic writings. In Hetman (Head Commander), which is the topic of this article,Paprocki created a portrait of an ideal commander based on the principles of the chivalricethos. The following article attempts to answer the question if the ideal presented in thebook was founded on any of the actual commanders of that time and which elements wererelevant for the writer in the creation of the protagonist. Bartosz Paprocki’s Hetman (HeadCommander) is also compared to works of other authors dealing with military subjects.Moreover, the article probes for Paprocki’s sources of inspirations for his ideal commander.
- Price: 4.50 €
Między duchem walki a duchowością wojny. Wzór rycerza prawego w zwierciadle Szymona Starowolskiego
Między duchem walki a duchowością wojny. Wzór rycerza prawego w zwierciadle Szymona Starowolskiego
(Between a Fighting Spirit and the Spirituality of War. The Ideal of a Righteous Knight in the Mirror of Szymon Starowolski)
- Author(s):Dorota Bylewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:33-57
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Szymon Starowolski; paraenetic literature in 17th century; mirror; Antonio Possevino
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this article is the 17th‑century mirror of Szymon Starowolski’s workPrawy Rycerz (The Perfect Knight), which continues the literary tradition of creating the idealof a knight. The superior category determining the direction of interpretation is the image ofthe ideal knight presented in this treatise. A reference point for the analysis was the oppositionbetween the primeval fighting spirit and the spirituality of a Christian soldier. Starowolski construed the ideal of a righteous knight – defender of the Catholic church based on the paraenetic tradition. Hence, it was necessary, on the one hand, to study the topics of service to God, just war and knighly virtues retained in literature, to which Starowolski alludes. On the other hand, we had to take into consideration that Starowolski wrote Prawy Rycerz (The Perfect Knight) in response to the neglect he saw on the political and social scene.Open criticism of the military and the call for revival of the military tradition is a very important element of interpretation, which has brought Starowolski’s paraenetic message up to date. Focusing on the created ideal, the author of the article also pointed to the richness ofintertextual references (both to ancient literature, the Bible and Starowolski’s contemporarywritings) and their role in textual rhetoric.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Rycerz mężny Ostoja, który roty wodzieł”. Cnoty herbowe rodu Ostojczyków w literaturze panegirycznej XVI–XVIII wieku
„Rycerz mężny Ostoja, który roty wodzieł”. Cnoty herbowe rodu Ostojczyków w literaturze panegirycznej XVI–XVIII wieku
(“Rycerz mężny Ostoja, który roty wodzieł”. Heraldic Virtues of the Clan of Ostoja in the Panegyric Literature of the 16th‒18th Centuries)
- Author(s):Bartłomiej Michał Wołyniec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:58-83
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Ostoja coat of arms; panegyric; funeral sermon; heraldic legend; stemma
- Summary/Abstract:The genealogical‑heraldical discourse and interest of the Polish nobility in exploring the origins of coats of arms and history of heraldic clans resonated in the panegyric literature nad compilations published at the end of the 16th century.Heraldic legends and theatrical performances inspired by heraldic motifs, stemmas, figurative poems and funeral sermons were only a part of the eventful lives of the Polish nobility. The coats of arms nevertheless, were the fundamental of their existence, their social characteristic and an identifying symbol. Therefefore, they became a focus of interest for panaegyric writers. The treasure trove of works they left behind demonstrates the richness of modern Polish culture.In the following study, the author conducts an analysis and interpretation of varioustexts of Old Polish literature whose central theme was the Ostoja coat of arms featuringa sword with a crescent on each side. These works convey, to a large extent, the ideal of manthe Ostojas were confronted with by the heraldic legend created by Bartłomiej Paprocki. Onthe one hand, it is a theatrical performance eulogizing the glory of the Piestrzecki family,on the other hand, various poems concern the members of the Szyszkowskis, Gajewskis,Błociszewskis and other Ostoja families. They are supplemented by the funeral sermon delivered during a memorial service for Dadzibóg Władysław Słuszek.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Cne Lachy wszędy sława wiekopomna głosi”. Wartości rycerskie w świetle literatury okolicznościowej, poświęconej bitwie chocimskiej 1621 roku
„Cne Lachy wszędy sława wiekopomna głosi”. Wartości rycerskie w świetle literatury okolicznościowej, poświęconej bitwie chocimskiej 1621 roku
(“Cne Lachy wszędy sława wiekopomna głosi”. Chivalric Values in Light of Occasional Literature on the Battle of Khotyn 1621)
- Author(s):Marcin Piątek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:84-99
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Khotyn 1621; occasional literature; bulwark; Polish‑Ottoman Wars
- Summary/Abstract:Referring to Maria Ossowska’s considerations in Ethos rycerski i jego odmiany (Chivalric Ethos and Its Varieties), the author reconstructs the picture of chivalric values emerging from the occasional literature which was produced in the aftermath of the Battle of Khotyn in 1621. The study concerns both the permanent elements of the chivalric ethos functioning since antiquity and those which were of particular importance in the 17th century. They include: noble birth, valor, obedience, prowess, war experience, pride, love of the homeland, bravery and devotion. Great significance was attached to the religious aspect of the battle against the „infidel”, due to which the Khotyn war acquired the status of a holy war where the fallen soldiers deserved to be immortalized in songs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rycerz chrześcijański wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko‑tureckiej. Na podstawie wybranych utworów staropolskich
Rycerz chrześcijański wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko‑tureckiej. Na podstawie
wybranych utworów staropolskich
(The Christian Knight in Regard to Tatar‑Turkish Captivity. Based on Selected Works of Old Polish Literature)
- Author(s):Renata Rybarczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:100-113
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Tatar‑Turkish captivity; knight‑liberator; John III Sobieski
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the following paper deals with the works of Old Polish literature onthe Tatar‑Turkish subject matter, in particular the threat posed by the Tatar‑Turkishopponent to the freedom of countries and peoples as well as individuals. Their authors werewarning against the possible enslavement of the people and the loss of sovereignty by theCommonwealth. Defending national independence was regarded as a knightly duty. Anobligation of a knight was also to free his countrymen and coreligionists from Tatar‑Turkishcaptivity.The author of this article also brings to attention the works which regard the knightswho free captives as role models. Individual accomplishments of the liberators of captiveswere frequently and readily described in classical Polish literature. John III Sobieski wasfamed for this when he was still a head commander, as we can see in the works of SamuelLeszczyński, Remigiusz Suszycki and Jan Ślizień. This article demonstrates, on selected examples, that the defense of freedom against the Tatar‑Turkish opponent had a significantplace in the Old Polish chivalric ethos.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ostatnie rycerstwo Europy. Husaria w utworach Wespazjana Kochowskiego
Ostatnie rycerstwo Europy. Husaria w utworach Wespazjana Kochowskiego
(The Last Knighthood of Europe. Polish Hussars in Wespazjan Kochowski’s Works)
- Author(s):Dominika Fesser
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:114-130
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:hussars; Wespazjan Kochowski; Niepróżnujące próżnowanie (Not Idling Idleness)
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to explore the image of Polish hussars emerging from the writings of Wespazjan Kochowski. The subject of reflection is mostly the ways of fighting of hussar towarzysz and the role of the characteristic hussar weaponry described in Kochowski’s poems. The author of Niepróżnujące próżnowanie (Not Idling Idleness) was sent as part of levy in mass to Berestechko (1651) shortly after graduation. Thenceforth he was in the army until 1660, also in the Crown hussar company of margrave Władysław Myszkowski. Wespazjan Kochowski devoted a large part of his writings to soldier life, famous battles and commanders. This article analyzes the works of a poet‑soldier, in which we find a first‑handDescription of hussars; they include verses from the collection Niepróżnujące próżnowanie (Not Idling Idleness) and excerpts from Commentarius belli adversus Turcas ad Viennam (Memoirs from the Wars against Turks) and Dzieła Boskiego albo Pieśni Wiednia wybawionego i inszych transakcyjej wojny tureckiej w roku 1683 szczęśliwie rozpoczętej (The Work of God or Songs of Liberated Vienna).
- Price: 4.50 €
„Dzieł jego i odwag rycerskich […] długo by wyliczać” – wizerunek żołnierza w polskich drukowanych oracjach pogrzebowych XVII wieku
„Dzieł jego i odwag rycerskich […] długo by wyliczać” – wizerunek żołnierza w polskich drukowanych oracjach pogrzebowych XVII wieku
(“Dzieł jego i odwag rycerskich […] długo by wyliczać”. The Image of a Soldier in Polish Printed Funeral Orations in the 17the Century)
- Author(s):Urszula Kicińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:131-155
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:paraenetic literature; funeral oration; ideals of men
- Summary/Abstract:War and military subjects are a very broad issue and an object of scholarly reserach in many fields. Particularly interesting themes concerning soldiers’ everyday routines, the national and social make‑up of armies, duties of commanders, military drill and the trainingof warriors can be analyzed based on the Sejm acts on the army and hetman codes, worksand treatises written by higher‑rank commanders and politicians, dairies, memoirs, acts ofnomination and conferment and kings’ instructions.On the other hand, the extraordinarily interesting material to study the mentality, personalityand the ideal of a soldier in the modern era is provided by paraenetic sources, which comprise funeral orations, wills and testaments, epitaphs, funeral recollections, lamentations, laments and funeral eulogies. Among the above mentioned, funeral sermons deserve particular attention. They frequently overidealized the virtues of a perfect soldier, regarding birth, nobility, military values, deep patriotism, religiosity, involvement in political and sociallife, charity, devotion to family and a good death.
- Price: 4.50 €
Antywzór sarmackiej rycerskości. Coś nowego Łukasza Opalińskiego
Antywzór sarmackiej rycerskości. Coś nowego Łukasza Opalińskiego
(The Anti‑Standard of Sarmatian Chivalry. Coś nowego (Something New) by Łukasz Opaliński)
- Author(s):Teresa Banaś-Korniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:156-173
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Mennippean satire; Łukasz Opaliński; 17th century; battle of Piławce
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the debasement of the Sarmatian ideal of a knight, which wasshown in the satire Coś nowego (Something New) written by Łukasz Opaliński – a 17th‑century erudite and aristocratic writer. Purposely refering to various literary traditions,styles and genres, Opaliński mocks not only specific individuals but also various phenomenataking place in the 17th‑century Polish political and social reality. He is focused on ridiculingand unmasking the political and military chaos. Literary resources of ridicule vary from the picaresque style with its poetics of parody, absurd, play on words, use of vulgarities and augmentative forms, to the lofty or even bombastic style (which features elaborate metaphors, epithets, refined irony and hyperbole). In creating this stylistically varied literary form, which is parallel with the tradition of the so‑called Mennippean structure („somethingnew” in Polish literature of that period), the author does not abandon the position of an insightful and aristocratic writer who not only aptly comments on the world that he is describing, but who consciously juggles words, moving freely within various literary conventions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ethos rycerski w Zawiszy Czarnym Juliusza Słowackiego
Ethos rycerski w Zawiszy Czarnym Juliusza Słowackiego
(The Chivalric Ethos in Zawisza Czarny (Zawisza the Black) by Juliusz Słowacki)
- Author(s):Jakub Rawski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
- Page Range:174-195
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Zawisza Czarny (Zawisza the Black); Juliusz Słowacki; romantic drama
- Summary/Abstract:Zawisza Czarny (Zawisza the Black) is one of the least discussed, studied and interpreted works by Juliusz Słowacki. This unfinished drama from the poet’s late period opens a vast field for researchers who have to reach for historiographic resources in its interpretation. Słowacki’s approach to the chivalric ethos, which was the constituent element of chivalric culture, reveals the specific nature of the chivalric culture on our own ground, when compared for instance with French culture. The bard’s employment of the ethos so ingrained in medieval culture gives rise to a conscious polemic with the legend of Zawisza the Black who was known as „the most famous and bravest knight”. Słowacki seems to be far from idealizing medieval Polish warriors. On the contrary, by showing their humanity, he demythicized the culturally retained ideals and schemata. The following analysis uses the methodology of Hayden White’s historicism viewing a historical source as a fictional narrative to compare the model for Zawisza the Black’s character preserved in Jan Długosz’s Annals or Chronicles with Słowacki’s literary creation.
- Price: 4.50 €