Studia Theologica Doctoralia vol. XV. De la teologia rostită la cântul teologic: Misiunea doxologică a cercetării teologice, astăzi.
Studia Theologica Doctoralia vol. XV. From discursive theology to theological hymns: the doxological mission of current theological research
From discursive theology to theological hymns: the doxological mission of current theological research
Contributor(s): Viorel Sava (Editor), Pablo Argárate (Editor), Jack Khalil (Editor), Vanțos Miltiade (Editor), Gabriel-Alin Piștea (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Religion and science , Sociology of Religion, History of Religion, Psychology of Religion
Published by: Editura Doxologia
- E-ISBN-13: 978-3-9504741-4-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-630-301-089-2
- Page Count: 574
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: English, Romanian, French
The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2: 29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology
The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2: 29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology
(The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2: 29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology)
- Author(s):Daniel Ayuch
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:11-23
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Gospel of Luke; Infancy Gospel; Simeon the Elder; Nunc Dimittis; Nyn Apolyeis; Prayer;
- Summary/Abstract:In the Gospel of Luke, we find several canticles, particularly in the Infancy narratives. Three main characters of the Gospel praise the Lord in wonderful hymns that are preserved and used in the Orthodox Liturgy until today: The Megalynarion of the Lady (1: 46-55), the Evlogetos of Zechariah the Priest (1:67-79), and the Nyn Apolyeis of Simeon the Elder (2: 29-32). This paper proposes to focus attention on the hymn of Simeon and the role this character plays in the Lucan narrative. If we consider the three praying persons, we see that both Zechariah and Mary are progenitors of their respective sons, John and Jesus, so Simeon takes on the particular aspect of bearing witness to the birth of the Savior, not as a father, but as a believer who exults his faith and hope. This article studies the narrative context of the hymn, focusing on the importance of Simeon to whom St. Luke dedicates a significant paragraph in his work and whom the tradition of the Church rescued as a model reader of the Holy Scriptures and as a witness of their promises. In a further step, the paper analyzes the three distiches that compose the hymn and its Old Testament allusions and quotations to highlight its message for contemporary readers. Each of the three couplets are studied based on the analysis of the original Greek Text and after consulting a selected reference bibliography. In Luke's eyes, all the effects ofChrist’s incarnation are brought together in this passage of the presentation of Mary's Firstborn. The aged man sees in this newborn child the fulfillment of the promises of olden days. Luke presents Simeon as a model of a believer who is blessed when he blesses and who reflects the light before his eyes.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Fericirile” în varianta lucanică. O perspectivă exegetică și teologică (Lc. 6, 20-23)
„Fericirile” în varianta lucanică. O perspectivă exegetică și teologică (Lc. 6, 20-23)
("Happiness" in the Lucan version. An exegetical and theological perspective (Lk. 6, 20-23))
- Author(s):Nicolae-Ioan Boboia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:24-39
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Beatitudes; the Lukan version; the Sermon on the Mount; Biblical meaning; Heaven;
- Summary/Abstract:The present article deals with the "beatitudes" being in the version of the Gospel according to Luke. They represent one of the thematic part of the Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes which Christ refers to presents, in a paradoxical way, the fact in which they are acquired. This happens because, from a Christian perspective, true and lasting happiness, that is, eternal happiness in heaven, can only be acquired after experiencing some material deficiencies and trials for faith in the earthly life. This would be Luke's perspective in this regard. The beatitudes push the true disciple of Christ from the stage of temporal life to that of eternal life. I illustrated this in the analysis of the “Lukan Beatitudes” from a thematic perspective, which also means the particularity of the present study.
- Price: 4.50 €
Misiunea Bisericii în lumina Epistolei către Filipeni 1, 1-2, 18
Misiunea Bisericii în lumina Epistolei către Filipeni 1, 1-2, 18
(The Mission of the Church in Light of Philippians 1:1-2:18)
- Author(s):Teodor-Cristian Ștefan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:40-58
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:biserică; unitate; smerenie; altruism; evanghelie;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper highlights the mission of each believer as an integral part of the Church, in the light of Philippians 1:1-2:18. One of the main themes of this chosen pericope is the importance of unity within the Church. St. Paul creates this through the particular Christological hymn of Phil 2:6-11, where Christ is presented as the model for each member of the Church to follow and also as the One through whom grace and power is given to accomplish this work. Next, St. Paul portrays Christ's humble and submissive attitude which serves as a model for all Christian communities. The ecclesial community, clergy and laity alike, must develop ways in which each member of the Church can take up the call of selflessness and love for neighbour: "in humility count one another more highly than yourselves" (Phil 2:3) and "let no one seek only his own, but let each seek another's as well." (Phil 2:4). A final important point is the issue of spreading the Gospel. St. Paul mentions the importance of evangelization and talks about the obstacles that can intervene in this process. For the Church today, this text is a landmark and a permanent model for today. Through its members, the Church is resisting the spirit of the world by seeking to make every believer a light in the world (cf. Phil 2:15). Taken as a whole, this passage can provide a comprehensive and profound insight into the Church's mission, relevant for the community founded by St Paul and for contemporary Christian communities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Patristic views on the relationship between man and animals
Patristic views on the relationship between man and animals
(Patristic views on the relationship between man and animals)
- Author(s):Vanțos Miltiade
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:59-69
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:animals; animal ethics; Christian Ethics; Church Fathers; patristic teaching; creation; divine providence;
- Summary/Abstract:Man's attitude towards animals was considered by the Church Fathers to be an important part of his spiritual life and his mission in the world, and for this reason the relevant patristic references are extensive and certainly cannot be presented in detail in the context of this study. It will therefore be limited to two key patristic positions which we believe are essential for a Christian understanding of the relationship between human beings and animals. According to the first, animals and the world in general are created for man, who is made their master by God. According to the second, man's dominion over animals is not unconditional and unlimited, since man is neither their creator nor their owner, but subject to God's commands and judgement. In this context, the following views are presented: a) Celsus's criticism of the Christian doctrine of man's dominion over animals, b) Origen's response to it, c) St John Chrysostom's view that man's physical weakness in the face of the many animals is an expression of God's philanthropy, and d) St Gregory of Nyssa's view that what appears to be man's natural weakness becomes the occasion for a dominion based not on force and imposition but on cooperation.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Teologhisiri” la un mileniu distanţă. Sfântul Simeon şi „noii teologi”
„Teologhisiri” la un mileniu distanţă. Sfântul Simeon şi „noii teologi”
("Theologisms" a millennium away. Saint Simeon and the "new theologians")
- Author(s):Dan Sandu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:70-89
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Symeon the New Theologian; theologize; purification; mystical; competence; Church Fathers;
- Summary/Abstract:Books like Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou’ s Thinking Orthodox, are not published often, summing up an experience of 40 years of teaching and lecturing in different universities around the globe is meant to clarify the present state of the Orthodox theology and mostly of theologizing. Though religion in general and Christian faith in special seems to loose its importance in the modern and post-modern society, there is a growing appetite for theology from people of no religious formation, such as the Gabriel Liiceanu. Though he claims to do „a bit of theology”, all he managed was to revigorate old gnostic and heretical ideas, as well as formulating a form of liberal atheism, which was so much part of the communist education in Romania. Lecturing St. Symeon the New Theologian’s writings,examining his life and try to adapt it to the XXIst century will point out that doing theology is a good exercise for everybody while theologizing is a top responsibility for who climbed up on the highest level of purification and put up an indestructible bond with Christ-God.
- Price: 4.50 €
Inter-Christian Relations at the beginning of the 20th century: The Contribution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Development of Relations among Christian Churches
Inter-Christian Relations at the beginning of the 20th century: The Contribution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Development of Relations among Christian Churches
(Inter-Christian Relations at the beginning of the 20th century: The Contribution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Development of Relations among Christian Churches)
- Author(s):Ioannis Ladas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:90-108
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Inter-Christian relations; Ecumenical movement; Christian Churces;
- Summary/Abstract:The rapprochement of the Orthodox Church with all non-Orthodox Christian Churches and Confessions and the strengthening and development of relations with them has always been a matter of the immediate ecclesiastical perspective of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which has become a key regulator of inter-Christian relations. The movement for closer inter-Christian cooperation and the realization of the unity of the Christian Churches intensified at the beginning of the 20th cent. and was largely connected with the Orthodox Church’s march towards the Holy and Great Council (2016). Despite the adverse conditions that the Ecumenical Patriarchate faced during much of the 20th cent., it undertook intensive actions (steps) to consolidate inter-Christian unity, which, on the one hand, brought the prestige of Orthodoxy around the world to its true levels, and on the other hand, led at a later stage to the beginning of official theological dialogues. Unfortunately, the brilliant actions of the early 20th cent. and the way of further rapprochement with the other Christian Churches were overshadowed by a period of interruption of the discussions, due to the beginning of the Second World War and the ensuing problems and rearrangements. The purpose of this article is to present both the relations between the Christian Churches at the beginning of the 20th cent. and the actions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which contributed decisively to the beginning of the course towards the much-hoped restoration of full unity in the faith and sacramental life of the Christian Churches.
- Price: 4.50 €
Porunca iubirii aproapelui și rolul ei fundamental în mântuirea creștinului, reflectată în opera Sf. Iustin cel Nou de la Celie și a părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae
Porunca iubirii aproapelui și rolul ei fundamental în mântuirea creștinului, reflectată în opera Sf. Iustin cel Nou de la Celie și a părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae
(The commandment of love of neighbor and its fundamental role in the salvation of the Christian, reflected in the work of St. Justin the New of Celie and Father Dumitru Stăniloae)
- Author(s):Ilche Micevski-Ignat
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:109-119
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:love of neighbor; salvation; virtues; Christ; Justin Popovich; Dumitru Stăniloae; Church;
- Summary/Abstract:After the first divine commandment to love God with all our being, follows the second most important one, namely, to love our neighbour. Love of neighbour has a fundamental meaning in the spiritual life of Christians and in their salvation. Also, the acquisition of virtues is not possible without the Christian's love for God and neighbour. Without love, man cannot approach either his neighbour or God, and if he does not have love, he endangers his own salvation. Saint Justin the New from Celie and father Dumitru Stăniloae teach us the role of love of neighbour in the salvation of Christians, like other fathers before them, bringing the teaching of the Holy Gospel closer to our being. In the world with events more and more directed towards enmity and hatred, we must realize that the love between us will make us better, happier and more understanding.
- Price: 4.50 €
Integrarea cântării religioase ca ipostaziere a misiunii educaționale a Bisericii
Integrarea cântării religioase ca ipostaziere a misiunii educaționale a Bisericii
(The integration of religious song as a juxtaposition of the educational mission of the Church)
- Author(s):Camelia-Maria Angheluș
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:120-129
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:religious music; mission of the Church; Christian pedagogy; tradition of the Church; contemporary challanges;
- Summary/Abstract:In the same manner as prayer, chanting brings one closer to God, and has a reviving influence on the soul, aiming towards the achievement of the most noble ideals. Music is one of the main forms by means of which the religious sentiment is propagated, be it praise, request for the help of the Most High, or thankfulness. Chanting in itself comprises not only the manifestation of the sentiment, but also the theological effect whose core is aimed to touch the believers’ hearts. Starting from biblical and scientific coordinates, the importance of religious chants during Religion classes can be reasoned, as they contribute to the improvement of the students’ state of mind, and to the transmission of the teachings of faith that are translsted into lyrics and musical notes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Viziunea pluralistă a sensului vieții sau viața fără nici un sens. Câteva considerații teologice pe marginea unor reflecții filosofice
Viziunea pluralistă a sensului vieții sau viața fără nici un sens. Câteva considerații teologice pe marginea unor reflecții filosofice
(Pluralist view of the meaning of life or life without meaning. Some theological considerations on some philosophical reflections)
- Author(s):Ciprian Apostol
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:130-142
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:meaning of life; new paradigm; plurality of meaning; Eastern Christianity; mystery of life;
- Summary/Abstract:In addition to giving meaning to life ourselves – as if life did not already have a meaning – and intimately related to this, no longer to conceive the meaning of life as a religious matter appealing to God in this regard, one might also add that with Friedrich Nietzsche, and the analogy he proposes – namely, that between life and text – it seems that life comes to be seen no longer as having a single meaning, but several meanings. This is one of those three specificities of the new paradigm regarding the meaning of life. In the pages of this study, I firstly want to highlight its connection with the other two specificities (it is man who gives meaning to life; the question of the meaning of life is no longer a matter for religion). In this way we will see that we are truly witnessing a new paradigm in terms of man's understanding of the meaning of life in recent times. In the second part, I will bring to your attention a few observations that highlight a certain concern about the plurality of the meaning of life. In the third part, I will analyse, from a theological perspective, the relationship between the meaning of life and the meanings of life. And finally, in the last part of this study, we will observe how, in a certain sense, the plurality of the meaning of life can even belong to Christian teaching.
- Price: 4.50 €
Unitarianism și Trinitate în penticostalismul global. O analiză teologică ortodoxă
Unitarianism și Trinitate în penticostalismul global. O analiză teologică ortodoxă
(Unitarianism and the Trinity in Global Pentecostalism. An Orthodox Theological Analysis)
- Author(s):Alexandru Baciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:143-154
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:unitarianism; pentecostal; mission;
- Summary/Abstract:We would be tempted to say that after two millennia of Christianity, after a long period in which the Church of Christ had moments of hard trial, of defense, affirmation, reaffirmation of the teaching of faith concerning the dogma of the Holy Trinity in the face of the most terrible heresies, to believe that antitrinitarianism has disappeared. That Arian subordinationism, Sabellian modalism, Macedonianism are a thing of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth. The great dogmatist, the Reverend Justin Popovich, has an actual statement, which expresses the reality that we live: “Arianism is not dead, it is still alive. It has not been buried”. To deny the reality of the supreme existence of the Holy Trinity or to alter in any way the teaching on the Holy Trinity, as expounded with golden words in apologetic works by the Holy Fathers of our Church, is to deny life itself, the purpose of human existence, to condemn the world, creation to eternal death. Father Dumitru Stăniloae said that “the Holy Trinity is the supreme mystery of existence, which explains everything, or without which nothing can be explained”. Only the Trinitarian teaching of the Church distinguishes authentic, Orthodox Christianity from other religions in the sense that “such a Godhead is the only saving one”. Global Pentecostalism today is fragmented by this “ancient dispute” between Unitarians and those who embrace the dogma of the Holy Trinity. The “Oneness Pentecostalism” movement, including here the Branhamite Pentecostals (after the Pentecostal modalist William Branham), is a non-institutionalized Pentecostal structure that embraces Sabellian modalism. They, like the 3rd century heretic, deny the Holy Trinity, claiming that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are merely “manifestations, roles, modes, titles, ascriptions, distinct relationships to man, or functions of the one God”. In this study I will analyze, from an Orthodox perspective, the Unitarian phenomenon present in global Pentecostalism and its missiological and ecumenical implications.
- Price: 4.50 €
The influence of the family environment on the development of the unborn child
The influence of the family environment on the development of the unborn child
(The influence of the family environment on the development of the unborn child)
- Author(s):Emanuel Buta
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:155-167
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Family; unborn child; pregnancy; environment;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of the foetus or unborn child is directly influenced by the mother's condition and the family environment, according to the words of contemporary Holy Fathers and scientific research in the field. If the mother has kind thoughts, words and gestures towards the child, but also towards those around her, the child will receive these signals in a positive way, even if unconsciously. Similarly, if the mother is subjected to intense psychological stress, violence or physical and sexual abuse, then the child may also be influenced by these feelings throughout life. We believe that viable solutions to these problems concerning the child, the mother, the family and society as a whole can only be discovered after a knowledge of what the unborn child means, when its life begins, how it is formed and what our relationship with it should be.
- Price: 4.50 €
Caracterul edificator al anxietății existențiale la Søren Kierkegaard. Interferențe cu teologia ortodoxă
Caracterul edificator al anxietății existențiale la Søren Kierkegaard. Interferențe cu teologia ortodoxă
(The edifying character of existential anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard. Interferences with Orthodox Theology)
- Author(s):Vlăduț Cârlan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:168-178
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:existential anxiety; moral-spiritual edification; orthodox theology; christian existentialism;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article I will analyze some theological and philosophical characteristics of the state of existential anxiety, from the perspective of the Danish philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855). The main idea is that although there is a multiplicity of possibilities to act, in the last instance, the existent man can only „build” himself in two directions: in the direction of immanence, the finite and the earthly, or in the direction of transcendence, infinity and spirit. Therefore, he identifies and knows himself in the choice he makes and through the relationship with what becomes his measure, benchmark or standard of his existence. In this sense, Kierkegaard distinguishes between the „human self”, which takes the world and finite things as its measure, and the „theological self”, which takes God as its absolute measure. In this dialectical process, the exercise of freedom comes with a price. When the man realizes the immensity of possibilities to act in relation to the world, to people and to God, and the fact that he is absolutely responsible for the consequences of his choices, he experiences existential anxiety, which Kierkegaard defines as „the dizziness of freedom”. This state is universal and exists inside every human, even if it is conscious or not.Like other existential pathologies, such as sin, boredom or despair, anxiety is an ambivalent state. On the one hand, existential anxiety can become destructive when man interprets his life in an immanent sense and sees death as the absolute end. In this case, this state turns into neurotic, psychopathological anxiety. On the other hand, existential anxiety can become edifying leading to faith, when man interprets his life through the category of transcendence and comes to the consciousness that not the world, but God is his true measure.
- Price: 4.50 €
Asistența religioasă specifică unor Capelanate militare din Orient (India, Sri Lanka, Coreea de Sud și Israel)
Asistența religioasă specifică unor Capelanate militare din Orient (India, Sri Lanka, Coreea de Sud și Israel)
(Religious assistance specific to military chaplaincies in the East (India, Sri Lanka, South Korea and Israel))
- Author(s):Constantin Cătălin Cârloanță
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:179-191
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:military priest; chaplains; religious teachers; chaplaincy; military rabby; moral strengthening;
- Summary/Abstract:Through this article we have set out to address this topic regarding how religious assistance is organized in several armies in the East and understanding the existing differences. Although there are significant differences regarding the integration of the military chaplaincy in the armies of the countries presented, one thing is common: the moral- religious counseling of the military is provided in the military training program due to its importance for supporting the morale of the military in order to fulfill all the ordered and assumed tasks. This contributed to fixing the status of the chaplain among the military and to the understanding of the important role he has to fulfill in the military structures in which he is placed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Părintele duhovnicesc – un adevărat medic de suflete
Părintele duhovnicesc – un adevărat medic de suflete
(The spiritual father - a true doctor of souls)
- Author(s):Marius Ionuț Haba
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:192-205
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:healing; confession; watchfulness; repentance; humble spirit;
- Summary/Abstract:The confessor is a spiritual physician, serving as a minister of the Holy Mysteries with the stated1 aim of healing the penitent. Having this great calling, the spiritual father must lead an angelic life so that he may be able to comfort and give really helpful advice to his spiritual children. Only the man who has struggled with sin and reached the heights of spiritual maturity, can truly be adviser for those who are at the beginning of their journey. Now, as regards the Sacrament of Confession, especially on its psychotherapeutical side, the spiritual father is supposed to be adorned in virtue, that is to be humble, to repent for his sins at all times and to have (positive2) vigilance by exercising the spiritual discipline of watchfulness. The unceasing vigilance is imperative because only by having control over his thoughts and senses, he can walk the path of an authentic spiritual ascent (and thus inspire his disciples). As for genuine repentance, from the perspective of a spiritual father, it beseemeth any priest to continually wail over his sins and to keep working out, day after day, his own salvation (Philippians 2:12). A humble spirit is a crucial trait in the Orthodox psychotherapy given that, before anyone else, Christ Himself was humble, and so this is the virtue helping more than anything a spiritual guide to be realistic and understand that God’s will works through him.
- Price: 4.50 €
Aspecte teologico-morale ale conceptului de „utopie”
Aspecte teologico-morale ale conceptului de „utopie”
(Theological and moral aspects of the concept of "utopia")
- Author(s):Daniel Ilie Rareș
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:206-218
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:utopia; dystopia; eschatology; world; city;
- Summary/Abstract:From a theological and moral point of view, the present research topic aims to undertake an objective analysis on a problem that has been intriguing the human consciousness since ancient times. The utopian systems that the individual tried to project from the imaginary to the physical, show us his ontological need to achieve happiness. However, not infrequently, the misunderstood quest for this happiness has led to dystopias. The utopian systems propose an eschatological hic et nunc, but far from its Christian meaning, ignoring the pneumaticization of bodies and the renewal of the current world, which according to the Priest Dumitru Stăniloae will take place outside of time. Also, the eternal happiness does not spring from material things or from comfort, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14, 17). Saint Simeon the New Theologian also supports this statement, saying that the world transfigured by the coming of Christ will be “immaterial, spiritual and supersensitive”, not “material and sensitive”, being above human feeling. Utopias cannot subsist because the current world has a transformative power, and only when it reaches God at the end of time, it will have a dynamic stability in Him, eternally gathered around Him, as the theologian Stăniloae was quoting Saint Maximus the Confessor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Implicații științifice și teologice ale muzicii și cântării sacre pentru viața creștină
Implicații științifice și teologice ale muzicii și cântării sacre pentru viața creștină
(Scientific and theological implications of sacred music and song for the Christian life)
- Author(s):Florentin Iustinian Jipa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:219-232
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:music; sacred song; hymnographers; composers; healing; psalmodia; Holy Fathers; Science and Religion;
- Summary/Abstract:The study aims to identify and highlight the absolutely important role that music plays in human life, focusing on its sacred side. Music represents a common point in the encounter between science and theology, because it has physical and psychological as well as spiritual effects. The theme of the importance of music to man is not new to contemporary scholars and theologians. Both scientists, profane scholars and the Holy Fathers have shown the importance of music in human life, for the uplifting of the soul, healing and joy of the mind. The importance and relevance of the theme is evident in the fact that this topic represents a meeting between scientific research and the theological research, which helps us to understand that these fields of research are not at all in conflict, but are heading along a path, sometimes similar, sometimes different, towards their ultimate goal: the discovery of truth, knowledge of the cause, source and purpose of all creation and union with God. The conclusion is that the origin of musical art lies in the creative wisdom of God and that its purpose is more than aesthetic, it is the uplifting of man's soul to heaven, the healing of body and mind and the preparation of the heavenly kingdom.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mișcarea religioasă Oastea Domnului – perspective la centenar (1923-2023)
Mișcarea religioasă Oastea Domnului – perspective la centenar (1923-2023)
(The Religious Movement of the Lord's Host - Centenary Perspectives (1923-2023))
- Author(s):Mihai Liviu Marici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:233-249
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:spiritual volunteering; lay apostolate; brotherhood;
- Summary/Abstract:A spiritual movement for the spiritual revival of the Romanian Orthodoxy, which began as a call to battle of evangelical nature, against swearing and drunkenness, the most common cancers of society in the era, but also a fight, following strict rules, against sins in general, it became an authentic missionary work of proclaiming the Word of God and entering the depths of the soul of the Christians, renewing the fallen life and establishing the high principles of Christian living, according to the model of the life of the first Christians, becoming a movement of soul – spiritual – revival in the Romanian Orthodox Church. It works to proclaim and spread the Word of God in order to be reborn again. This new life or rebirth could only be reached by learning, living and proclaiming the crucified Christ.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lumea textului și a limbajului religios în viziunea filosofului Paul Ricoeur
Lumea textului și a limbajului religios în viziunea filosofului Paul Ricoeur
(The world of text and religious language in the vision of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur)
- Author(s):Bogdan Maxim
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:250-259
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:world of text; language; discourse; hermeneutics; speech; writing; biblical faith;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study we want to observe the evolution of language by analyzing language as discourse, highlighting the relationship between language and writing, and understanding a text correctly. Paul Ricoeur tries to understand, to believe and to find a way in the world of the text that establishes a greater harmony between philosophy and religion, but never a simple solution. We will focus on texts because discourse in them acquires a triple semantic autonomy: vis-à-vis the speaker's intention, the audience's reception, and the cultural circumstances of its production. In other words, a “world of the text” is projected, a “world in which I could live”, as the philosopher says, and which is open to multiple readings. The study begins by answering the question: what is a text? Paul Ricoeur presents his answer in a study entitled From Text to Action, which helps us to see the meaning of this question. At first sight, the definition of a text as “any discourse set down in writing” is a platitude whose philosophical discourse acquires a triple semantic autonomy: the speaker's intention, the audience's reception and the ethical interest are difficult to discern. We will see that everything changes when we consider the complexity of the functions associated with the notion of discourse, which, understood linguistically, is immediately a dialectic of meaning and event. For Ricoeur, the concept of the text becomes intelligible only when it is identified around five themes, each of which plays a particular role in determining the philosophical status of interpretation, and step by step the hermeneutics of texts moves toward a higher path, namely that the text is not only a project, a statement about the world, but also “the mediation through which we understand ourselves”. Then the formula: “to understand is to understand oneself before the text” will unfold its full meaning. All these features taken together form the criteria of textuality and are presented in detail in this article.
- Price: 4.50 €
Simion Mehedinți – pedagog creștin
Simion Mehedinți – pedagog creștin
(Simion Mehedinți - Christian teacher)
- Author(s):Ioan Puiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:260-273
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Christian teaching; Simion Mehedinti; education principles; youth mission;
- Summary/Abstract:Raised in the spirit of the Holy Gospel by his parents, studying at highschool from Roman and Bucuresti, well known then as the creator of Romanian geography teaching, important educator and science man, Simion Mehedinti will preach through his writings and his entire life that, in his opinion, only the Church’s teaching can fully train a man so that he can succeed in life and to gain eternity. Well knowing that the duty of a Christian is to multiply talents, which he plenty had, Simion Mehedinti focused his writings on supporting the youth training so they would gain solid information about the history of their nation, continuously working to improve their professional and moral life and to become the luminary of their nation. Simion Mehedinti is convinced by the fact that the man who believes in God manages to help his brother to reach his best and through this the entire nation can be raised from indifference and the ordinary life. Taking in consideration Simion’s Mehedinti belief that “literature and art are not just useless play, but the supreme effort to remove the dissonances of ordinary life and to gradually lift the soul of the nation” we can understand why most of his work is dedicated to the values of Christianity. The purpose of this study is to answer to several questions like: How was Mehedinti's pedagogy understood by his contemporaries? What Christian pedagogical principles can be found in the works of scholar Mehedinți? What are the qualities of a good educator?
- Price: 4.50 €
Aspecte ale dezvoltării personale la Ken Wilber. O evaluare teologico-misionară
Aspecte ale dezvoltării personale la Ken Wilber. O evaluare teologico-misionară
(Aspects of personal development in Ken Wilber. A theological-missionary assessment)
- Author(s):Iulian-Constantin Vrabie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:274-283
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:personal development; integral spirituality; the spectrum of consciousness; the image and likeness;
- Summary/Abstract:For over a century, psychologists have been actively creating innovative theories of human development. Many of these theories are also relevant to understanding spiritual and religious growth. Some of these are important general theories of human growth, while others are more specific theories of moral development with concerns that overlap with those of spiritual or religious formation. One of the most recent such theories of human development is the integral theory model proposed by psychologist Ken Wilber. In an early work entitled The Atman Project, Wilber outlines a transpersonal theory of development that draws on sources from religion, psychology and philosophy.Ken Wilber's integral theory is a comprehensive and integrative approach to human cognition that attempts to integrate multiple dimensions of human experience into a coherent model. In this context of the development of the human person, Eastern theology starts primarily from the vertical relationship, that means in the centre of human existence is the relationship with a personal God, and following the model of the Holy Trinity the relationship with one's fellow human beings is also integrated. This relationship involves a movement, an exploration or a journey, because being a human person involves not only the quality of sharing with others, but also that of growing. For Metropolitan Kalistos Ware, therefore, the point of contact between patristic theology and contemporary psychology is shown in the fact that this personal character of the human person is not something fixed and static, but involves development, growth. Now, in Orthodox theology, this dynamic character of the human person is expressed in the distinction between the image of God and the likeness of God.
- Price: 4.50 €
A parallel reading of the Christian perception of love and the ethics of utility. Similarities and Differences
A parallel reading of the Christian perception of love and the ethics of utility. Similarities and Differences
(A parallel reading of the Christian perception of love and the ethics of utility. Similarities and Differences)
- Author(s):Marlena Zerva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:284-290
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:utilitarian moral theory; Christian love; self sacrifice; bioethics; orthodox ethics;
- Summary/Abstract:The meaning of happiness that the utilitarian theory highlights concerns the happiness of all not only one’s in particular. If someone had to decide between his own happiness and that of others, the utilitarian theory requires that person to be an unbiased and warm-hearted spectator. This reminds us of the Christian Love “Love others as much as you love yourself”, Each Christian is called to love his fellowman as he loves himself, since the supreme good in Christian morality is the love of God and fellowman that fulfills the purpose of man’s existence, which is the communion with God. Also, self-sacrifice plays an important role in the utilitarian theory since it is admirable to be able to completely give up one's own share of happiness or chances of it, if that self-sacrifice is made for a purpose and not only for one’s own benefit. . In self-sacrifice man defeats death with love. During the suicide, man is defeated by death, because man is unable to love. Self-sacrifice occupies a prominent place in the Church. Christ himself presents it as the highest form of love. Hence, in the utilitarian theory, self-sacrifice is praiseworthy only when it aims to maximize happiness, therefore self- sacrifice cannot be considered as a moral act when it aims exclusively at the happiness of a person. On the contrary, Christian love presupposes love for one's neighbor. The commandment says to love your neighbor as you love yourself, each of us acts in a way that will benefit himself, acts with the aim of progress, prosperity, and desires good for himself. In the same way he must act for his neighbor. The utilitarian moral theory requires a person to be strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator, an idea that reminds us a lot of the Christian perspective of love. However, Christian ethics focuses on the concept of love while urging each of us to do good in contrast to utilitarian ethical theory that focuses on the outcome of an action and the maximizing happiness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arhiereul Gurie Grosu și reforma calendaristică în Basarabia
Arhiereul Gurie Grosu și reforma calendaristică în Basarabia
(Archbishop Gurie Grosu and the calendar reform in Bessarabia)
- Author(s):Lucian Corduneanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:291-301
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Bessarabia; calendar; Gurie Grosu; Bishop; reform; metropolitan; Synod;
- Summary/Abstract:This study presents the adoption context of the corrected calendar within the Romanian Orthodox Church. The implementation of this measure in the Diocese of Bessarabia led by Bishop Gurie Grosu, the problems arising from the introduction of the corrected calendar, as well as the way in which the Bishop of Bessarabia and the administration from Chisinau implemented the decisions of the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, will be the main issues debated within this study. The adoption and introduction of the corrected calendar in 1924 by the Romanian Orthodox Church, although necessary, would lead to the appearance of strong opposition in many dioceses. Some of the strongest opposition to the adoption of the corrected calendar were manifested in Bessarabia and involved several factors, including political ones. During the interwar period (until 1937), the diocese of Bessarabia was led by Bishop Gurie Grosu, one of the most illustrious hierarchs within the Romanian Orthodox Church, with a particularly significant contribution to the promotion of the native language, culture and values during the tsarist period, and since 1917, an ardent supporter of the national movement and the Union with the Motherland. Gurie Grosu (archbishop between 1920-1928 and metropolitan between 1928-1936) sustained the adoption of the calendar in his diocese, despite the opposition of many believers, even some of his advisers. Moreover, several monasteries (Răciula, Tabora and Hirova) showed their opposition to the new calendar, demanding that divine services to be performed according to the "old calendar". In order to clarify the significance of the Calendar reform, Bishop Gurie Grosu made many canonical visits, published several pastorals, brochures, circulars, etc., collaborated with different socio-professional categories (teachers, bishops and clergy from the Kingdom, politicians, gendarmes, primary-school teachers etc) for the purpose of enlightening the believers. Given the apparent opposition and ignorance of some clerics related the Bessarabian archbishop’s decisions, the church administration in Chisinau was forced to take some firm measures, such as transfers or even excommunication. The issue of adopting the corrected calendar would be a “thorny issue” until the suspension of the Metropolitan Gurie (November 1936) and after.
- Price: 4.50 €
Considerații privind Fondul Bisericesc în perioada Mitropolitului Visarion Puiu
Considerații privind Fondul Bisericesc în perioada Mitropolitului Visarion Puiu
(Considerations on the Church Fund in the period of Metropolitan Visarion Puiu)
- Author(s):Viorel Ioan Cozmei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:302-310
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Church; Bucovina; Metropolitan Visarion Puiu;
- Summary/Abstract:The period in which the Church Fund is administered by the State (1919-1931) is described as being particularly inefficient. In 1935, Metropolitan Visarion Puiu was elected in Bucovina. A hierarch with a special organizational vocation, who comes from the Episcopal Throne of Bălți, a diocese he re-established, with great effort, but with notable results. One of the greatest achievements of Metropolitan Visarion Puiu of Bucovina is the efficiency of the administration of the Church Fund. And thereby ensuring the resources for the entire missionary, cultural and philanthropic activity. In 1935, when Metropolitan Visarion Puiu took over the Church Fund, it had a total budget of 108,000,000 lei, and in 1940, when he was forced to leave his position, he left behind an efficient institution, with a budget larger by 333 %. Through this article, we propose a constructive and edifying foray into the activity of Metropolitan Visarion Puiu of Bucovina, analyzing concrete and lesser-known aspects of his work, in the service of God and people, accomplished through hard work and good stewardship of the talent received.
- Price: 4.50 €
Problema școlilor de cântareți bisericești din Mitropolia Moldovei și Sucevei la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea și debutul secolului al XX-lea
Problema școlilor de cântareți bisericești din Mitropolia Moldovei și Sucevei la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea și debutul secolului al XX-lea
(The Abbot Antipa from Calapodești (1816-1882), 3 years of life in the Monastery of "All Saints of Romania and Athon" Bucium, Iasi)
- Author(s):Vasile-Lucian V. Goldan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:311-318
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Metropolitanate of Moldavia; Orthodox Church; church singer; schooling;
- Summary/Abstract:The liturgical chant is the one that completes the prayer in the Orthodox Church, it being inherited from Byzantium, and in the territory of the Romanian countries it has known both periods of stagnation and evolution. The church singer or the teacher takes over not only the duties of a liturgical cantor, but he becomes in Moldova a scholar of the community and a landmark in the formation of new generations. Thus, observing this increase in the influence of the church singer, the Metropolitanate of Moldova decides that his activity should be carried out in an organized manner within the administrative-canonical limits. For this reason, two directions of research appear that deserve the reader's attention: the problem of schooling and the problem of teachers' salaries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești (1816-1882), 3 ani de viețuire în Mănăstirea „Tuturor Sfinților Români și ai Athonului” Bucium, Iași
Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești (1816-1882), 3 ani de viețuire în Mănăstirea „Tuturor Sfinților Români și ai Athonului” Bucium, Iași
(The Abbot Antipa from Calapodești (1816-1882), 3 years of life in the Monastery of "All Saints of Romania and Athon" Bucium, Iasi)
- Author(s):Lucian Mihail Moisei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:319-327
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Bucium; Prodromu; Antipa; abbot; hermitage;
- Summary/Abstract:The 19 th century was dominated by the struggle of Romanians from all over the world to gain independence, to forge unity and to develop the cultural and economic life of the country. As far as the Church in Moldova and Wallachia is concerned, this period is characterized by the revival of church life, the removal of the foreign element from the Romanian Orthodox Church, the flourishing of theological literature, the unification of church organization, the accomplishment of the great reforms after 1859 and the official recognition of autocephaly in 1885.The history of the Monastery "All the Romanian and Athos Saints" Bucium, Iasi, is closely related to the history of the Romanian Hermitage Prodromu on Mount Athos, whose metoch was until the archpriesthood of the Metropolitan of Moldavia Pimen Georgescu (1909-1934), who will call the metoch of Iasi, "Bucium Hermitage", being marked by the period in which Saint Antipa from Calapodești was itsadministrator (1856-1859), but also by the hosting of the miracle-working icon of Our Lady "Prodromița" for a short period of time, after it was wonderfully painted on June 28, 1863. During his time as a priest at Bucium, the Abbot Antipas of Calapodesti showed a genuinely Christian way of life, which was confirmed by the piety and honour he received, both from ordinary people and those in positions of leadership, metropolitans, bishops, abbots and dignitaries, his words further evidenced his spiritual discernment, love of God and neighbour, humility, obedience, asceticism and care for the holy things.
- Price: 4.50 €
Unificarea învățământului teologic-seminarial din Principatele Române, prin Legea Instrucțiunii Publice
Unificarea învățământului teologic-seminarial din Principatele Române, prin Legea Instrucțiunii Publice
(Unification of the theological-seminary education in the Romanian Principalities, through the Law of Public Instruction)
- Author(s):Dănuț Novac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:328-342
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:seminary; educational process; legislation; ministry; priests;
- Summary/Abstract:The institutional changes that came with the Union of the two Principalities, on January 24, 1859, under Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859-1866), influenced, as expected, the evolution of theological education. In this context, theological seminaries in the country would inevitably go through a series of changes. Thus, between 1859-1864, several steps took place through which the state tried and managed to delimit in a very clear manner the attributions of the church part from those of the political authorities in regulating, monitoring, supporting and carrying out the activities of the Seminaries. The purpose of this text is to present the historical context in which the involvement of the Ministry of Cults and Public Instruction in supervising the activity of seminaries has become predominantly dominant, making the Church play a much diminished role in the life of theological schools. During the present historical analysis we will follow the steps of this educational program that aimed to unify the theological-seminary education of the two principalities
- Price: 4.50 €
Personajul colectiv, model de pocăinţă pentru comunitatea pastorală contemporană – reflectare imnografică triodală
Personajul colectiv, model de pocăinţă pentru comunitatea pastorală contemporană – reflectare imnografică triodală
(The collective character, model of repentance for the contemporary pastoral community - a triodal hymnographic reflection)
- Author(s):Viorel Sava
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:343-353
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Triodion; himnography; models of penitence; sins and repentance; collective character;
- Summary/Abstract:In our article entitled The Collective Character - A Model of Penitence for Today's Pastoral Community In a Triodion Hymnography reflection, we focused on some groups of people as models of repentance/penitence as described in the Triodion liturgical services, especially in the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Among the other three categories - the historical figure, known by name, the fictional character, but who has a name, and the anonymous character - the collective character offers itself to the participants in the Orthodox services as models/icons of penitence. The People of Israel, The Hypocrites, The Tax collectors, The Promiscuous, The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and The inhabitants of Nineveh are the groups we pointed out in our article. In conclusion, we emphasized the idea that one important content of the orthodox hymnography is the penitential one.
- Price: 4.50 €
Părintele Profesor Dr. Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere
Părintele Profesor Dr. Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere
(Father Professor Dr. Viorel Sava, on the 60th anniversary of his birth)
- Author(s):Gabriel-Alin Piștea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:354-369
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Father Professor Viorel Sava; Liturgical Theology; priest; Faculty of Theology;
- Summary/Abstract:Father Professor Viorel Sava is a landmark and a reference point of contemporary Romanian theology, especially in the field in which he has become an international specialist: Liturgical Theology. Professor by vocation and devoted priest, we try through this study to highlight the Professor at the Chair and at the Altar work of Father Professor Viorel Sava, on his 60th birthday on 25 August 2023.
- Price: 4.50 €
Părintele Profesor Doctor Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere – activitatea ştiințifică
Părintele Profesor Doctor Viorel Sava, la aniversarea a 60 de ani de la naștere – activitatea ştiințifică
(Father Professor Doctor Viorel Sava, on the 60th anniversary of his birth - scientific activity)
- Author(s):Gheorghiță-Mădălin Ceobanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:370-409
- No. of Pages:40
- Keywords:Rev. Professor PhD Viorel Sava; Liturgical Theology; liturgical studies; works; heritage; treasury;
- Summary/Abstract:This study is the extension of the paper written by Rev. Assist. Prof. PhD Gabriel-Alin Piștea and is dedicated to Rev. Professor PhD Viorel Sava, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. In our study we intend to present the scientific activity of Father Professor Viorel Sava. The content of the article mentions: author's volumes, translations of volumes, studies about the Divine Liturgy, studies about the worship and Divine Liturgy of the various liturgical rites, studies about worship, studies about the Liturgy of the Hours, studies about the Holy Mysteries and the Herurgy, studies about the Christian fasting, studies about Christian Art, studies of various subjects (pastoral, catechetical, patristic, penitential, pedagogical, interdenominational, hymnographic, ethnographic), studies published abroad, studies on great personalities of Romanian theology, who contributed to the enrichment of the treasury of Practical Theology and to the consolidation of the Romanian language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies
Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies
(Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies)
- Author(s):Meletios Kouraklis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:410-419
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:St. John Chrysostom; exegetical homilies; meaning of peace; liturgy; biblical concept;
- Summary/Abstract:Before I start, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for receiving your invitation to this ceremony. As the title of my presentation indicates, I will be analysing the liturgical usage of the term “peace” in the context of St. John Chrysostom’s exegetical homilies. Before referring to St. Chrysostom’s concept of “peace” as a liturgical petition per se, it seems necessary to briefly refer to the biblical concept of “peace”, i.e., the meaning of peace in the Old and New Testament respectively.
- Price: 4.50 €
Perspective ale isihasmului creștin răsăritean în spațiul spiritual contemporan
Perspective ale isihasmului creștin răsăritean în spațiul spiritual contemporan
(Perspectives of Eastern Christian Isaism in the Contemporary Spiritual Space)
- Author(s):Cristian-Vasile Petcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:420-432
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:orthodox; hesychasm; spirituality; contemporaneity;
- Summary/Abstract:The theological discourse of contemporary Orthodoxy has acquired new spaces for preaching and carrying out the work of the Church by reorienting itself towards spirituality, while the postmodern society would receive unexpected answers from the treasury of Orthodoxy. That is why the Church is the one that must use an addressability open to contemporary spirituality, proposing examples of living, real life among its believers, who today follow the example of great theologians and saints, thus addressing the actuality of faith, which has always characterized Christianity, and highlighting his message among the other messages that the spirituality of today's world addresses to the postmodern man.
- Price: 4.50 €
De „Mistique Ordonnances” du Prêtre (II): Les „Prières du Lucernaire” des Vêpres et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituelles
De „Mistique Ordonnances” du Prêtre (II): Les „Prières du Lucernaire” des Vêpres et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituelles
(The "Mistic Ordinances" of the Priest (II): The "Lucern Prayers" of Vespers and their theological, liturgical and spiritual significance)
- Author(s):Lucian Vasile Petroaia
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:433-446
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:culte liturgique; Laudes ecclésiastiques; vêpres; prière; lumière; grâce;
- Summary/Abstract:Dans le christianisme, le temps est une réalité qui, à travers le culte liturgique, est offert comme un sacrifice à Dieu, de même que d'autres matériaux: le pain, l'eau, l'huile, les myrons, la cire. Les années, les mois et les jours de la vie de l'homme, jusqu'à chaque instant, sont des dons que nous rendons au Donneur, comme dans la Liturgie, au nom de la communauté, le prêtre offre le pain et le vin au Seigneur, en disant: „Ce qui est à Toi, le tenant de Toi, nous Te l`offrons en tout et pour tout”. En tant qu'unité liturgique temporelle de base, le jour liturgique, marqué par les sept Laudes, est dédié à Dieu commençant par les Vêpres et finissant par la None, la Sainte Liturgie étant le point culminant de la prière. Dans la Liturgie, comme dans les sept Laudes, le prêtre a une contribution essentielle à apporter, en tant que célébrant qui accomplit un rituel visible, mais qui réalise aussi certains mouvements liturgiques ou lit certaines prières „en mystère”. Souvent, lorsque les fidèles et les protopsaltes chantent et psalmodient en chœur des hymnes et des prières, certains pourraient se demander: „Que fait le prêtre, à ce moment-là, au-delà de la iconostase, dans l'Autel?”. La présente étude vient apporter une réponse de plus à cette curiosité, dans une certaine mesure légitime: pendant que le peuple prie, le prêtre - lui aussi - prie! C'est pourquoi, si dans une étude précédente j'ai réalisé une analyse théologico- liturgique et spirituelle détaillée des 12 prières de les Matines, dans les pages qui suivent, cette démarche sera poursuivie par l'analyse des sept „Prières du Lucernaire”, des Vêpres. Sur ces prières, dans la théologie roumaine, on n'a fait que quelques remarques d'un point de vue typiconal et historico-liturgique. Une analyse minutieuse et détaillée du contenu théologique, liturgique et spirituel de ces prières manquait, contribution apportée par la présente étude.
- Price: 4.50 €
A doua anafora antiohiană a celor Doisprezece Apostoli – o traducere în română
A doua anafora antiohiană a celor Doisprezece Apostoli – o traducere în română
(The Second Antiochene Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles - a translation into English)
- Author(s):Ammar Awad
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:447-454
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Second Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles; Antioch; Syriac liturgy; Alphonsus Raes;
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of studying the history of the liturgy, to comprehend and experience it, the Antiochene Anaphoras represents a significant area that has yet to receive adequate scholarly attention. This article aims to provide the Romanian theological community with a translation of one of these Anaphoras, known as “The Second Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles”, distinct from the first anaphora bearing the same name. Although the text of the critical anaphora was published in 1940, so far it has not garnered much attention from scholars.
- Price: 4.50 €
Liturghiile siro-iacobite – prezentare și surse
Liturghiile siro-iacobite – prezentare și surse
(Syro-Jacobean Liturgies - overview and sources)
- Author(s):Ammar Awad
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:455-465
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Syriac liturgy; Syro-Jacobite rite; Antiochian anaphoras; Baby Varghese; liturgical sources;
- Summary/Abstract:Romanian liturgical sources often mention that there are over seventy Syriac Anaphoras, though they seldom delve into precise details about this subject. Some Romanian references, however, have undertaken the study of a subset of these Anaphoras and have furnished texts for a few of them. This article intends to provide a concise introduction to these Anaphoras, outlining the general structure of the liturgy within the Syriac tradition. Additionally, it will list the names of the Syriac Anaphoras, accompanied by references that facilitate access to their English-translated texts, thus enabling further scholarly examination.
- Price: 4.50 €
Efervescenţa imnografic-literară generată de Sărbătoarea Naşterii Maicii Domnului în perioada dintre secolele al VI-lea şi al VII-lea reflectată în cărţile de slujbă ortodoxe
Efervescenţa imnografic-literară generată de Sărbătoarea Naşterii Maicii Domnului în perioada dintre secolele al VI-lea şi al VII-lea reflectată în cărţile de slujbă ortodoxe
(The hymnographic-literary effervescence generated by the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God in the period between the 6th and 7th centuries reflected in Orthodox mass books)
- Author(s):Dănuț Băcăuanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:466-481
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Virgin Mary; veneration; celebration; hymnography;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution of the ecclesiastical hymnographers to the liturgical transposition of the Church's previous knowledge about the Mother of God, confessed through writings, dogmas, odes and utterances, becomes the supplier of the object of work of the psalts. The pathos and expressiveness of the puppet discourse of the Fathers is induced by the authors of later hymns (the same feeling). The fact that the Apostle James the Little writes the Protoevanghelia that bears his name is a proof of the importance deserved by the Virgin Mary among her contemporaries and in the post-apostolic period. Before him, St. Ignatius the Theophorus and St. Justin the Martyr and the Philosopher record the state of virginity of Mary in the birth of the Son of God. A very short exposition of the mariological ideas encountered in the main Fathers and church writers (III-IV century) confirms that the role of the Virgin Mary could not be minimized to that of a simple woman. The Third Synod (Vth century) opens the horizon of the pre-consecration of the Mother of God and thus becomes the thematic source of her liturgical honor. In the V-VI centuries, the celebration of the event of the birth of the Mother of God is consolidated, mentioned in historical sources since the end of the IV century. It is the period dominated by the hymnographic contribution of St. Roman the Melody. From the vii-th century before the composition of the church services dedicated to the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God knows a progressive enrichment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Elemente mariologice de spiritualitate liturgică în scrierile autorilor creștini timpurii
Elemente mariologice de spiritualitate liturgică în scrierile autorilor creștini timpurii
(Mariological elements of liturgical spirituality in the writings of early Christian authors)
- Author(s):Gheorghiță-Mădălin Ceobanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:482-495
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Virgin Mary; second Eve; Annunciation;
- Summary/Abstract:In our study, we aim to present several mariological elements of liturgical spirituality taken from the writings of early Christian authors: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Polycarp of Smyrna, Saint Justin Martyr and Philosopher and Tertullian. From the works of the mentioned authors, we will select the scriptural verses referring to the Virgin Mary: Acts 3, 15-16; Acts 49, 11; Isaiah 7, 14; Daniel 2, 34-35; Micah 5, 1-2; Matthew 1, 20; Luke 1, 26-38; and Galatians 4, 4. From the interpretation made by early Christian authors to these verses, we will identify and present the main elements of liturgical spirituality that constitute the theme of the Annunciation feast: the parallel between the old Adam and the new Adam, the parallel between Eve and the Virgin Mary, Eve's disobedience-Virgin Mary's obedience, Eve's disbelief-Virgin Mary's faith, the voice of the serpent-the voice of the angel; the old man-the new man.
- Price: 4.50 €
Învățătura creștină despre Sfânta Cruce în creația imnografică a Sfântului Teodor Studitul (759-826)
Învățătura creștină despre Sfânta Cruce în creația imnografică a Sfântului Teodor Studitul (759-826)
(Christian teaching on the Holy Cross in the hymnography of Saint Theodore the Studite (759-826))
- Author(s):Stelian Gheorghiasa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:496-508
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Holy Cross; hymnography; foreshadowing; stichera;
- Summary/Abstract:The present study intends to present how Saint Theodore the Studite expresses the Orthodox Christian teaching on the Holy Cross in his hymnography. We began by briefly showing the major importance that the Holy Cross has in the Christian life, both as an object of worship and as a symbol. Continuing we have shown the theological-spiritual meanings about the foreshadowing of the Holy Cross in the Old Testament that Saint Theodore - this great theologian and skilful hymnographer – captures. We conclude with a detailed list of all the hymns dedicated to the Holy Cross that belong to our hymnographer.
- Price: 4.50 €
Preoții și Preoția din perspectiva Mitropolitului profesor Irineu Mihălcescu
Preoții și Preoția din perspectiva Mitropolitului profesor Irineu Mihălcescu
(Priests and Priesthood from the perspective of Metropolitan Professor Irineu Mihălcescu)
- Author(s):Petru-Ionuț Irimia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:509-522
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Priesthood; priest; clothing; behavior; Metropolitan;
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study, we do not want to make an exhaustive presentation from a liturgical or dogmatic point of view of the Mystery of the Priesthood as it is perceived in the life of the Church, but we want to highlight, by researching the pastorals, speeches and files existing at the Archive of the Metropolitanate of Moldovia and Bukovina, the vision of Metropolitan Irineu Mihălcescu towards this Sacrament, one of the seven of the Church, and his concerns regarding the dress of priests, their behavior during holy services, but also in society, as well as the care to make them aware of the important value of the mission to who were called and which they had to fulfill with responsibility, God offering them the gift of priesthood through the hand of the priest, but, at the appointed time, being also the One who claims from their hands the souls of the faithful whom they received into their care.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sfânta Liturghie – cânt teologic și școală a rugăciunii
Sfânta Liturghie – cânt teologic și școală a rugăciunii
(Divine Liturgy - theological song and school of prayer)
- Author(s):Andrei Irina
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:523-533
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Holy Liturgy; catechetical significance; orthodox worshippers’ life; moral values;
- Summary/Abstract:The most gracious and highest form of manifesting the religious dimension through which man can mirror his sacramental connection with God is the divine service. The divine service is „the expression of the most sincere prayer, the most profound religous experience; it is the exhibition of the Christian aspect in its purest and most Christian form... it is Heaven on Earth”. In its service, the Holy Liturgy will be for eternity, on Earth and in Heaven, the great source of communion, light and divinity. „It is living in heaven, sitting next to the Creator and His Saints, pure and loving communion [...], gratitude and doxology brought to God with unworthy lips and the beginning of eternal doxology with spiritual lips, together with the angels...”. Due to the fact that „the greatest blaze of the liturgic life is the Holy Liturgy”3 and „it is the fountain that mainly nourishes the worshippers’ communion and everyday life”4, it has been chosen in our approach to emphasize the extent to which the liturgic experience, the attendance to the Holy Liturgy transforms, leads and strenghtens the othodox worshippers’ lives on the path of good, truth and faith; the extent to which this bring them nearer, consciously and thoroughly „with faith and love”5 to the Holy Communion that has come and will have come. Shortly, it is our aim to emphasize in this article the catechetical significance of the Holy Liturgy. The History of our Church stands proof for the divine atmosphere of the Liturgy where were educated generations after generations of rightful worshippers; pious, confesing, and martyrs were strenghtened through it on the „stone of faith” (Mt. 16, 18).That is why today, when the suffocating effects of secularization are so highly felt, we are called to rediscover, through the service, the meaning and the balance of life, „the Way and the Truth” (Ioan 14, 6).
- Price: 4.50 €
The Doxological and Eucharistic Theology of Paschal Hymnography and Mystagogy
The Doxological and Eucharistic Theology of Paschal Hymnography and Mystagogy
(The Doxological and Eucharistic Theology of Paschal Hymnography and Mystagogy)
- Author(s):Gherasim Soca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:534-552
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:eucharist; baptism; pentecostarion; fast;
- Summary/Abstract:The goal of any theological endeavor is to partake God. By theology we mean not mere rational speculation, but a whole complex of logical and mental (noetic), liturgical and symbolic-mystical, verbal and meditative acts. Moreover, by partaking God we mean knowing Him through all these theological acts, knowledge which necessarily involves interpersonal relationships. The centrality of the Feast of the Resurrection in the Church and of the Easter period which prolongs it in the ecclesial experience for fifty days brings into our consciousness the essential elements of Orthodox theology, centered on the Eucharist – as the most authentic and concrete way of partaking God –, and on doxology – the praising of God by the man who has known and united himself with Him. The present study is intended as a mystagogical approach to these two goals, based in particular on the hymnography of the Pentecost and the typikonal-liturgical regulations of the Paschal period. It is well known that hymnography is a result of the Church's theological experience throughout history and an unfailing source of God's experience for every believer until the end of time, precisely because it is permeated, from composition to execution, by the grace of the Holy Spirit. In our approach, we will focus in particular on the relationship between fasting and the Eucharist and that between the baptismal font and the Holy Chalice. After all, these two relationships are the expression of the unique relationship that made the Eucharist possible: death and resurrection. The Eucharist is Christ our Passover, which fulfills every theological approach.
- Price: 4.50 €
Imnografii Întâmpinării – analiză istorică și hermeneutică teologico- liturgică. Studiu de caz: imnografia zilei de 2 februarie
Imnografii Întâmpinării – analiză istorică și hermeneutică teologico- liturgică. Studiu de caz: imnografia zilei de 2 februarie
(The liturgical and theological hermeneutical analysis of the liturgical hymnographs of the Presentation. Case study: hymnography of February 2)
- Author(s):Iuliana Timofti
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:553-568
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:hymnography; hymnographers; Hypapante; Presentation of the Lord in the Temple; historical evolution; incarnation; salvation mystery;
- Summary/Abstract:From Romanos the Melodist to John of Damascus and Cosmas of Maiuma, the hymnography of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord will know the peak of its development in the 8th century through the Savaite monastic school. Fruits of the Church's need for both new forms of doxology and confession of the truths of faith, the liturgical poetic pieces of this holiday inspiredly develop its theology, intertwining a hermeneutic and catechetical approach with a latreutic one. The purpose of this study is to emphasize these two dimensions of the hymnographic material related to February 2, starting from a historical analysis to a theological and spiritual one.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski, trăirea și lucrarea duhovnicească în obștea Schitului Sfântul Ilie din Muntele Athos
Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski, trăirea și lucrarea duhovnicească în obștea Schitului Sfântul Ilie din Muntele Athos
(St. Paisie Velicikovski, spiritual life and work in the monastery of St. Elijah's Hermitage in Mount Athos)
- Author(s):Hrisant Tsachakis
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:569-574
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Paisie Velicikovski; filokalie; textele patristice; Schitului Sfântul Ilie;
- Summary/Abstract:It is very well known in the orthodox balkan world that the holy Abbot Paisie Velicikovski from Neamts, is one of the greatest ascetic and spiritual father of our Orthodox Church and represents an example for all Christians. For those who are living in monasteries, he is a model of ascetic effort and spiritual living. He fully fulfills the quality of Christian, monk, abbot and man of culture, being the initiator of an important translation work of patristic, liturgical and canonical writings, a work that he liked very much. Starting his spiritual activities as an Abbot in Mount Athos and the schit of Saint Helias which belongs to Holy Monastery of Pantokrator we try to feel this great and exceptional spiritual work in his brotherhood. From his philological activity and the concern of Saint Paisius for the writings of the great mystical and ascetic fathers of the Church, shows him, without a doubt, as the first Russian, renewer of the monastic life in the balkans, following the Athonite way of life, thus renewing the ascetic tradition and restoring the practice of heart-mental prayer, which had been almost forgotten.
- Price: 4.50 €