Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies Cover Image
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Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies
Peace as a liturgical petition in St. John Chrysostom's exegetical homilies

Author(s): Meletios Kouraklis
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Editura Doxologia
Keywords: St. John Chrysostom; exegetical homilies; meaning of peace; liturgy; biblical concept;
Summary/Abstract: Before I start, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for receiving your invitation to this ceremony. As the title of my presentation indicates, I will be analysing the liturgical usage of the term “peace” in the context of St. John Chrysostom’s exegetical homilies. Before referring to St. Chrysostom’s concept of “peace” as a liturgical petition per se, it seems necessary to briefly refer to the biblical concept of “peace”, i.e., the meaning of peace in the Old and New Testament respectively.