The integration of religious song as a juxtaposition of the educational mission of the Church Cover Image
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Integrarea cântării religioase ca ipostaziere a misiunii educaționale a Bisericii
The integration of religious song as a juxtaposition of the educational mission of the Church

Author(s): Camelia-Maria Angheluș
Subject(s): Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Editura Doxologia
Keywords: religious music; mission of the Church; Christian pedagogy; tradition of the Church; contemporary challanges;
Summary/Abstract: In the same manner as prayer, chanting brings one closer to God, and has a reviving influence on the soul, aiming towards the achievement of the most noble ideals. Music is one of the main forms by means of which the religious sentiment is propagated, be it praise, request for the help of the Most High, or thankfulness. Chanting in itself comprises not only the manifestation of the sentiment, but also the theological effect whose core is aimed to touch the believers’ hearts. Starting from biblical and scientific coordinates, the importance of religious chants during Religion classes can be reasoned, as they contribute to the improvement of the students’ state of mind, and to the transmission of the teachings of faith that are translsted into lyrics and musical notes.